Pendon Museum Models; EHHTM-DSCF0270


East Hendred Museum


Pendon Museum Models

About this object

John Stevenson EHHTM The Pendon Museum started life as a group modelling buildings in the Vale of White Horse. The Vale of course was influenced by the railway so a version was needed in the scenery.Most of these models were made to the highest detail using some very unusual materials. Human hair for thatch etc. The buildings used were surveyed and measured in great detail though on one or two instances artistic license was used to make them fir into the local scene East Hendred buildings appear in three places. Champs Chapel on the left. The unusual thing about Champs is that the Priests House and the Chapel itself are mirror images. i.e the face of the Priest House showing is actually the West view whereas the Chapel shows the East Window though on one or two instances artistic license was used to make them fir into the local scene East Hendred buildings appear in three places. Champs Chapel on the left. The unusual thing about Champs is that the Priests House and the Chapel itself are mirror images. i.e the face of the Priest House showing is actually the West view whereas the Chapel shows the East Window

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