inauthor: Massachusetts. State Board of Agriculture fra
... agricultural science . " Gradually there came into being a desire for more exact and fresh information regarding agricultural conditions and needs , as is evi- denced by the action of the State of Massachusetts in 1837 in author- izing ...
inauthor: Massachusetts. State Board of Agriculture fra
United States. Department of Agriculture. subsequently strengthened by the rapid growth of manufacturing faci ... Massachusetts in 1837 in author- izing an agricultural survey of the State to " collect accurate informa- tion of ...
inauthor: Massachusetts. State Board of Agriculture fra
... of Massachusetts, with Accounts of Their Food Habits, and a Chapter on the Means of Attracting and Protecting Birds Edward Howe Forbush, Massachusetts. State Board of Agriculture. 1 PLATE XXXVII . – Blue Jay's Nest in Author's Grove.
inauthor: Massachusetts. State Board of Agriculture fra
... Agriculture See also Farmers ' bulletin The list of documents in the first ... in author cards . - Begin the title below the author , at the second red ... state this fact on the lower part of the catalogue card as well as on the ...
inauthor: Massachusetts. State Board of Agriculture fra
United States. Department of Agriculture. THE OFFICIAL RECORD , DECEMBER 18 , 1930 1 1 1 13 03 ACTION ON DROUGHT ... Massachusetts , has the family resources are very limited . introduced a bill ( S. 5100 ) to provide a ure ...
inauthor: Massachusetts. State Board of Agriculture fra
Report of the Secretary of Agriculture, Miscellaneous Reports United States. Department of Agriculture. in the catalogue , covering in author and subject entries more than two - thirds of the books in the Library . The publication of a ...
inauthor: Massachusetts. State Board of Agriculture fra
This is a reproduction of the original artefact. Generally these books are created from careful scans of the original. This allows us to preserve the book accurately and present it in the way the author intended.
inauthor: Massachusetts. State Board of Agriculture fra
Comprising Author and Title Catalogue, Subject Catalogue, and Subject Index Fitchburg (Mass ... In author's anon . 2 J21 Reeve , Clara . S. 2 R29 232 S1 Harrison , C. ( C ... ( state ) -Board of agriculture . Annual reports , 1876-77 . 2 v . O.
inauthor: Massachusetts. State Board of Agriculture fra
Massachusetts Board of Library Commissioners. If it is catalogued under its title , a card should be made as fol- lows : U. S. Department of Agriculture See also Farmers ' bulletin The list of documents in the first part of the ...