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10. juni 2015 · His inspiration came from illustrated books and the botanical gardens in Paris, as well as tableaux of taxidermy wild animals. He had also ...
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Aristotle. Complete Works of Aristotle: The Revised Oxford Translation. Edited by J. Barnes. 2 vols. Bollingen Series. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press ...
26. apr. 2011 · His books are also available at various websites, such as Amazon and Barnes and Noble, just to list two place I have recently shopped myself.
28. feb. 2017 · We have spent decades supporting clients in smart city-related industries, such as transportation, health, energy and utilities, public safety, ...
11. juli 2012 · After learning the inauthor: operator, I also spent a ton of time trying to figure out which book exactly Gaudi wrote, which I thought was a bit ...
13. juni 2023 · Steve Yagyagan, a Chula Vista based author of 10 years has released his latest novel Heather: Tu'u Maia Lou Lima (Give Me Your Hand). The novel ...
9. apr. 2023 · With Dial of Destiny only a couple of months away there has been no official announcement of new books. The only thing I'm aware of is Barnes ...
Clicking on the author name produces a new GB results page, possibly with a Wikipedia link at top, then books with the au- thor's name as a phrase search, e.g., ...
20. feb. 2019 · Title: DisclaimerAuthor: Renee KnightSeries: NonePublished: April 2015Publisher: DoubledayPages: 304From: Barnes and NobleRating: 9/10 ...
22. okt. 2021 · We argue that the development of a Theory of Mind also sparked storytelling practises in humans as a method of diffusing the past experiences of ...