Samuel Jackson Pratt var en produktiv engelsk poet, dramatiker og romanforfatter, som skrev under pseudonymet "Courtney Melmoth" så vel som under sitt eget navn. Wikipedia (engelsk)
Født: 25. desember 1749, Saint Ives, Storbritannia
Døde: 4. oktober 1814, Birmingham, Storbritannia
Ektefelle: Charlotte Melmoth
Emma Corbett
The Fair Circassian. A Tragedy: As Performed at the Theatre-Royal, Drury-Lane, by the Author of Sympathy, a Poem
Charles and Charlotte Pt. 2
Emma Corbett. In Two Volumes. The Fifth Edition. of 2; Volume 2
Emma Corbett. in Two Volumes. by Mr. Pratt. ... the Ninth Edition. with Elegant Frontispieces. of 2; Volume 2
Liberal Opinions, Or the History of Benignus, by Courtney Melmoth. in Six Volumes. Second Edition, Revised, Corrected, and Enlarged. .. of 6; Volume 5