I ' WOMAN'S DEPARTMENT THE LILY OR THE ROSE ? THE JAMES BUCHANAN . HERE ... JAMES BOYLE O'REILLY . HE kindly words that rise within the heart THE And ... in author- ity , nor yet acting as the tool of chief or employer . I mean ...
... BOYLE , ROGER . ] BROGRAVE , SIR JOHN ( d . 1613 ) , lawyer ; autumn reader at Gray's Inn , 1576 ; treasurer , 1580 and 1584 ; attorney for duchy of Lancaster , 1580 ; counsel to Cam- bridge University , 1581 ; knighted by James I ...
... James VI . had not yet ascended the English throne , he could not have been ... in author . ship . Scott was flattered by his praise , and Byron ... Boyle , so differently born , so differently married , have given our author ...
... Boyle Lectures , by Canon Barry . Canon Moz- ley will have a volume of Sermons Parochial and Occasional ; and in his collection of sermons preached before the University ... James Miller is to bring out a new edi- tion of Burns in two 12mo ...
James Silk Buckingham, John Sterling, Frederick Denison Maurice, Henry Stebbing, Charles Wentworth Dilke, Thomas ... Boyle , Locke , Priestley , Hume , Davenant , Montaigne , Montesquieu , & c . - Plinii Historia Naturalis , 1469 ...
... in " Author and Printer , " says : " For nouns in the singular number that end in s , the possessive must be formed by adding the ' s , as Burns's poems , St. James's Street . " He is too positive in saying " must be , " for usage is ...
... BOYLE AND HIS TRIALS - FIGHTING ON KEN- TUCKY SOIL - SURRENDER OF COLONEL ... in author- ity in the general government as to render his further continuance at the head of the gov- ernment of ... James F. Robinson , an excellent and.
... Boyle . Moondyne : a story from the underworld . 3 ed . D. B. 1879 . 1 01 ... ( In author's Harper's story books . 12 v . S. 1854- 57. v . 10. ) JA19 v ... James . Andes and the Amazon ; or , Across the continent of S. America . 3 ...