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Giuseppe Acerbi (May 3, 1773 – August 25, 1846) was an Italian naturalist, explorer and composer. Giuseppe Acerbi. Castel Goffredo, Gonzaga-Acerbi Building ...
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Guiseppe Acerbi, born in Castel Goffredo (Mantua) on 3 May 1773 where he also died on 25 August 1846, was an Italian artist working as a writer, critic, ...
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an Italian naturalist, explorer and composer. Acerbi was born in Castel Goffredo. In 1798 Acerbi travelled to Lapland, publishing his experiences.
Details: individual; Italian; Male ; Life dates: 1773-1846 ; Biography: Explorer, published books on his travels, including 'Travels through Sweden, Finland and ...
Albums. Acerbi: Musiche strumentali e vocali ; Featuring Giuseppe Acerbi. Giuseppe Acerbi Radio ; Appears On. Great Opera Singers: The Early Recordings, Vol. 15.
23. jan. 2024 · The Award aims to broaden and stimulate the knowledge of readers, facilitating dialogue and mutual respect for different cultural and economic realities.
Italian naturalist, explorer, composer (1773-1846)
Travels through Sweden, Finland, and Lapland, to the North Cape, in the Years 1798 and 1799, Volume 1. Front Cover. Giuseppe Acerbi. J. Mawman, 1802 - Arctic ...
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