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inauthor: Geological Survey (U.S.) fra
Geological Survey (U.S.). Folios in preparation - Continued . Area No. Name of folio . State . in Author . sq.m. † 179 Pawpaw - Hancock .. W. Va.- Md.- Pa . 460 Stose , G. W .; Swartz , C. K. Bismarck . Claysville ... N. Dak . Pa .. 820 ...
inauthor: Geological Survey (U.S.) fra
New South Wales Free Public Library, Sydney. •. Geology Scotland Geological Survey ... in Author Catalogue . ] Solomon Islands- Recent Calcareous ... U.S .-- Dept . of Interior 557.3 57.3 557.3 United States Geological Survey ...
inauthor: Geological Survey (U.S.) fra
C. NORTH , CENTRAL , AND SOUTH AMERICA - Continued CO ; NH , Paricutin Mexico REFERENCES AND COMMENTS FOR SAMPLES 1 ... in author's total . 1-2 . Byers and Brannock , 1949 , p . 723 . Active 1945-46 , erupting basaltic lava flows ...
inauthor: Geological Survey (U.S.) fra
Geological Survey (U.S.). Haulp ( K. ) Die Fauna der Graptholi- Hibbert ( Dr. ) On the fresh - water lime- tengest ... In Author's advance sheets from the Bull . Denison Univ . , vol . 4 , 1889 , 1 pl . Proetus , Phothonides ...
inauthor: Geological Survey (U.S.) fra
... Geological Survey of Scotland , Memoirs ...... Gt . Brit . and Irel ... in Author Catalogue . ] Solomon Islands Recent Calcareous Formations of the ... U.S .-- Dept . of Interior United States Geological Survey , Report , 16 ...
inauthor: Geological Survey (U.S.) fra
Geological Survey (U.S.). Bulletins B 1475. Revisions to the Cenozoic stratigraphy of Harney Basin , southeastern ... in author- abstract bibliographies . Foreign contributions - Canadian , Scandinavian , and Rus- sian - are ...
inauthor: Geological Survey (U.S.) fra
... in Author A.G. Harris , USGS ( 1984 ) Gottschalk ( 1987 ) Dillon and others ( 1986 ) Jones and others ( in press ) Brosge and Reiser ( 1962 ) Brosge and Reiser ( 1962 ) ; Brosgė , and others ( 1973 ) Brosge and others ( 1973 ) solution ...
inauthor: Geological Survey (U.S.) fra
Geological Survey (U.S.). 11 123456TQQ2 280 ( 9 ) ( 11 ) .14 Mar. 25 , 1918 .07 ( 3.0 ) J - 17 Soft bursting lava ... in author's total . 1-2 . Byers and Brannock , 1949 , p . 723 . Active 1945-46 , erupting basaltic lava flows ...
inauthor: Geological Survey (U.S.) fra
... X 4,23 38 2,7 EXPLANATION Areas underlain by uranium - bearing coal X Minor occurrences of uranium in coal and carbonaceous shales Numbers correspond to entries in " Author index " 2 SELECTED BIBLIOGRAPHIES OF URANIUM GEOLOGY.
inauthor: Geological Survey (U.S.) fra
... In Author's advance sheets from the Bull . Denison Univ . , vol . 4 , 1889 , 1 pl . Proetus , Phaethonides , Phillipsia , Cythere . Notes upon the Waverly group in Ohio . In Am . Geologist , vol . 3 , 1889 , p . 94 , 4 pls . ( not ...