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Interview with Erica Burman about her book, Child as Method: Othering, Interiority and Materialism
Queen Mary University of London
Our member, Prof. Erica Burman (University of Manchester, UK), talks about her new book, Child as Method: Othering, Interiority and Materialism (Routledge,...
For 10 måneder siden
Items - Erica Burman's talk: Putting "Child as Method" to Work? - The Childhood, Law & Policy Network (CLPN)
Queen Mary University of London
In this lecture, our member, Prof Erica Burman, will outline the key conceptual resources informing 'Child as method', an analytical approach she has developed.
For 32 måneder siden
‘I encountered considerable hostility to the kind of critiques I was presenting’
British Psychological Society
Our editor Jon Sutton meets Professor Erica Burman (University of Manchester).
For 88 måneder siden
Deeper Roots: Newtown farm doubles size after starting CSA during pandemic
Delco Times
When all the restaurants shut down in 2020, operators of Urban Roots Farm in Newtown Square had to rethink their business model.
For 16 måneder siden
The Hardest Adjustment in Peace Corps is Coming Home
I still have flashbacks of water not coming out of the faucet, constantly needing to clean to stop ants or other things that became habit.
For 150 måneder siden
Obituaries in Mansfield, OH
Mansfield News Journal
Terry Alan Ramey gained his heavenly wings on Sunday, April 28, 2024, in his home on Hilton Head Island, surrounded by loved ones.
For 8 måneder siden
Media Borough becomes latest Philly-area community to ban plastic bags and straws
Starting January 2023, businesses in Media Borough will have to package goods in paper bags, but the borough encourages people to bring...
For 29 måneder siden
We Have to Retire the Phrase ‘Women and Children’ in Conflicts
The Swaddle
The phrase implies that women and children together comprise one vulnerable group -- and undermines the former's political agency.
For 15 måneder siden
‘Liberating’ not ‘oppressive’ over Gaza
British Psychological Society
Erica Burman, Ian Parker and others write on history, context, identity and standpoint.
For 8 måneder siden
Discourse, Drug Use, and Psychiatry: An Interview with Critical Psychologist Ilana Mountian
Mad In America
Richard Sears interviews Ilana Mountian on drug use, marginalization, the disease model of addiction, and problems with prohibition.
For 43 måneder siden