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Politically versed: Former Missoula Mayor Kemmis celebrates 75 with book release
Missoula Current
From eastern Montana to Harvard to Missoula, Daniel Kemmis applied his experiences in the Legislature and later as mayor.
For 49 måneder siden
Speakers call for renewed commitment to debate, compromise at event celebrating state constitution
Daily Inter Lake
Former Republican Gov. Marc Racicot argued that democracy works best when Montanans come together with good sense and fidelity at a forum on...
For 18 måneder siden
Engen appoints attorney Natasha Jones to Missoula Redevelopment Agency board
Missoula Current
Natasha Jones, an attorney with Boone Karlberg, helped lead the city's protracted legal battle to acquire Mountain Water Co.
For 89 måneder siden
Marc Racicot: One of the would-be president’s men
High Country News
You never know who you're going to meet on an airplane. Last summer, on a flight to Helena, Mont., as the seats in coach class began to fill...
For 298 måneder siden
‘Dawn of a new era:’ Davis takes oath as Missoula’s new mayor
Missoula Current
Andrea Davis took the oath of office, as did council member Sierra Farmer. Both were elected to complete the term of a former office holder.
For 13 måneder siden
David Kemmis Obituary (1947 - 2023) - Jaffrey, NH - Monadnock Ledger-Transcript
David W. Kemmis, 76, of Jaffrey, NH passed away suddenly on September 30, 2023. He was born on May 10, 1947, in Fairview, Montana.
For 15 måneder siden
Natural gas boom
Ocala StarBanner
Outdoors guide Keith Goddard remembers when he could go for hours or even days and not see another person on top of western Colorado's Roan...
For 220 måneder siden
Rehbein, Missoula’s ‘remembrancer,’ to retire after 30 years as city clerk
Missoula Current
Marty Rehbein, a University of Montana graduate, is winding down a career that has spanned Missoula's evolution from a town to a city.
For 13 måneder siden
Expand Columbia convention center to support city’s post-COVID growth, recovery
The State
Columbia, SC can attract more visitors with an expansion of its convention center facilities. The center loses to competing venues because...
For 37 måneder siden
‘A pivotal time’: New Boise PDS director talks growth, zoning code rewrite, and housing
Boise Dev
Tim Keane arrived in Boise from Atlanta to take the helm of the city's Planning and Development Services Department at the beginning of March.
For 31 måneder siden