In the preface, author Bill Cooke notes that his work is intended "for freethinkers in the broadest sense of the word: people who like to think for themselves and not according to the preplanned routes set by others.
Now experienced freethought historian Bill Cooke has written the first history of the RPA, delving deeply into its archives to tell a fascinating and illuminating story.
"Scientists with the USDA Forest Service are currently assessing the usefulness of aerial video imagery for various purposes including midcycle inventory updates.
This is the first biography of Joseph McCabe (1867-1955), a former Catholic preist who became one of the best-known champions and a prolific popularizer of freethought and rationalism in the first half of the 20th century.
In his new book, Bill Cooke offers a dramatic reexamination of the town. Looking back on its fascinating history dating back to the Romans, The Story of Warrington demonstrates an extensive and diverse cultural history.