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We called the creepy 'Defend Donald Trump' phone line so you don't have to

A pro-Trump group ran adverts asking people to help 'Defend the President' from the "crooked media". Here's what happens when you call them

Donald Trump 'support number' advertised...so we called it...

Donald Trump's presidency is under attack from the crooked media - that was the bizarre message beamed into millions of homes last night, urging supporters to call a phone number to help.

The vaguely sinister advert warns Trump's agenda to tear up the Affordable Healthcare Act, slash taxes for corporations and spend billions of US taxpayers cash are under "vicious attack".

In a shouty, robotic voice, it insists: "They think they are going to destroy Trump's Presidency - but THEY ARE WRONG."

It goes on to claim Democrats are setting up a "war room" to undermine the President, but doesn't really explain what that means.

And in a tone reminiscent of a TV infomercial, it warns "time is running out" and urges people to call a toll free number to prove Trump has the "overwhelming support of the American people."

Video of the deeply weird clip quickly spread on social media with confused Americans questioning why a sitting President appeared to be in campaign mode.

So to clear up the confusion, we rang the number and found out who was running it.

And if anything the phone call is weirder than the TV ad - and asks the caller to donate cash to the group.