FORMAL COMPLAINT - Sweden Confidential

FORMAL COMPLAINT - Sweden Confidential

FORMAL COMPLAINT - Sweden Confidential


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Plaintiff:<br />

United Nations petition — incomplete report<br />

1<br />

<strong>FORMAL</strong> <strong>COMPLAINT</strong> VS THE KINGDOM OF NORWAY<br />

by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway<br />

Date: April ……. , 2009<br />

Surname: Winther First names: Wilhelm Werner Gender: Male<br />

Birthplace/-date: NO-Ålesund — May 17, 1963 Nationality: Norwegian<br />

Present address: Åsen 4, NO-6270 Brattvåg, Norway<br />

Contact information:<br />

Norwegian authorities should send their communications/representatives etc to<br />

my counsellor in NO-Ålesund, Mr Johs. A ASPEHAUG (P.O Box 837, 6001<br />

Ålesund [PRV: Kipervikg. 5 — ―Grimmergården‖ — Ålesund]).<br />

Due to persistent, dangerous and totally illegal harassment and interference from<br />

Norwegian authorities, representatives from foreign governments, human rights<br />

organizations and tribunals etc should apply couriers satisfyingly identifying<br />

themselves as authentic messengers — no letters should be forwarded through,<br />

e.g, the official postal services of Norway (i.e ―Posten Norge BA‖) or DHL, and<br />

no confidential information should be transferred by telecommunication or<br />

direct consultation with aforesaid counsellor (Mr Aspehaug is trustworthy<br />

enough, but his office etc ‘ve been unlawfully surveilled by Norwegian authorities<br />

for years).<br />

Norwegian authorities are much likely to v.g; obstruct phone calls, steal telefac-<br />

similes/letters, erase e-mails and to bug/surveil/eavesdrop clothes, luggage, PCs,<br />

calculators, cellular phones, hotel rooms, restaurants, shops, public health facilities,<br />

libraries, closed sessions, cars/taxicabs, parks and — pet animals etc.<br />


Accused:<br />

Name: The Kingdom of Norway.<br />

United Nations petition — incomplete report<br />

Leading members of the Norwegian Courts of Appeal, Odelsting, Lagting, Inter-<br />

locutory Appeals Committee of the Supreme Court, Supreme Court, Court of<br />

Impeachment, and Council of State item principal representatives of corresponding<br />

royal house, conciliation courts, city courts and rural district courts are<br />

all amongst those explicitly culpable in this case — in addition to the Director<br />

General of Public Prosecutions and various public prosecutors, military officers,<br />

chiefs of police, police station chief inspectors, district recorders, physicians,<br />

nurses, ambulance drivers, psychologists, social security/welfare officers and<br />

state employed engineers item members of the Norwegian Ministry of Justice,<br />

Department of Health and Social Security, Parliament and Government etc.<br />

Comments on disqualification:<br />

Nearby complaint is handed over to the sheriff office in NO-Brattvåg, Norway<br />

— cf the Norwegian Criminal Procedure Act sec 223, first period.<br />

Said office has a central position as legally charged in this case.<br />

As regards corresponding disqualification etc of various police authorities, the<br />

district recorders, public prosecutors, Director General of Public Prosecutions,<br />

conciliation courts, city courts, rural district courts, Courts of Appeal, Odelsting,<br />

Interlocutory Appeals Committee of the Supreme Court, Supreme Court, Court<br />

of Impeachment and royal house etc, cf; the Norwegian Public Administration<br />

Act sec‘s 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9 and 10; the Norwegian Courts of Justice Act sec‘s 1,<br />

2:b, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 18, 20, 21, 22, 23, 26:a, 33:a, 33:b, 52, 53, 60,<br />

65, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118, 119, 120<br />

and 121; the Norwegian Constitution sec‘s 1, 3, 5, 9, 12, 13, 21, 25, 26, 28, 30,<br />

31, 40, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 83, 86, 87, 88,<br />

93, 102, 110:b and 110:c; enclosed Documents ##103, 108, 115, 135, 147, 161,<br />

214, 240, 315, 339, 377, 599, 627, 633, 1536, 2037, 2418, 2907, 3217, 3611,<br />

4000, 4318, 4502, 4575, 4588, 5007, 5817, 6009, 6078, 6097, 7011, 7084, 7090,<br />

8017, 8123, 8168, 8197, 9045, and 9080, item Aphorisms &c ##1–166.<br />

2<br />

<strong>FORMAL</strong> <strong>COMPLAINT</strong> VS THE KINGDOM OF NORWAY<br />

by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway

United Nations petition — incomplete report<br />

In section 2 of the Norwegian ―Human Rights Act‖ of May 21, 1999, it is expli-<br />

citly laid down that the Council of Europe‘s ―Convention for the Protection of<br />

Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms‖ (the ―European Convention on<br />

Human Rights‖), the ―Universal Declaration of Human Rights‖ as well as the<br />

United Nations‘ ―International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights‖ are fully<br />

applicable as Norwegian law, and in sec 3 ib it‘s brought home that provisions<br />

confirmed through conventions and protocols mentioned in sec 2 in case of<br />

controversy are prior to other legislation.<br />

Hence — with respect to said disqualification(-s) etc — the following Articles<br />

of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms,<br />

the Universal Declaration of Human Rights item the International Covenant<br />

on Civil and Political Rights are brought into legal force in adjacent case:<br />



Article 13:<br />

Everyone whose rights and freedoms as set forth in this Convention are<br />

violated shall have an effective remedy before a national authority<br />

notwithstanding that the violation has been committed by persons acting<br />

in an official capacity.<br />

Article 14:<br />

The enjoyment of the rights and freedoms set forth in this Convention<br />

shall be secured without discrimination on any ground such as sex, race,<br />

colour, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social<br />

origin, association with a national minority, property, birth or<br />

other status.<br />

Article 17:<br />

Nothing in this Convention may be interpreted as implying for any State,<br />

group or person any right to engage in any activity or perform any act<br />

aimed at the destruction of any of the rights and freedoms set forth herein<br />

or at their limitation to a greater extent than is provided for in the<br />

Convention.<br />

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<strong>FORMAL</strong> <strong>COMPLAINT</strong> VS THE KINGDOM OF NORWAY<br />

by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway<br />


Article 18:<br />

United Nations petition — incomplete report<br />

The restrictions permitted under this Convention to the said rights and<br />

freedoms shall not be applied for any purpose other than those for which<br />

they have been prescribed.<br />

Article 2:<br />



Everyone is entitled to all the rights and freedoms set forth in this Decla-<br />

ration, without distinction of any kind, such as race, colour, sex, language,<br />

religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth<br />

or other status. Furthermore, no distinction shall be made on the basis of<br />

the political, jurisdictional or international status of the country or terri-<br />

tory to which a person belongs, whether it be independent, trust, non-self-<br />

governing or under any other limitation of sovereignty.<br />

Article 6:<br />

Everyone has the right to recognition everywhere as a person before<br />

the law.<br />

Article 7:<br />

All are equal before the law and are entitled without any discrimination to<br />

equal protection of the law. All are entitled to equal protection against any<br />

discrimination in violation of this Declaration and against any incitement to<br />

such discrimination.<br />

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<strong>FORMAL</strong> <strong>COMPLAINT</strong> VS THE KINGDOM OF NORWAY<br />

by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway<br />


Article 8:<br />

United Nations petition — incomplete report<br />

Everyone has the right to an effective remedy by the competent national<br />

tribunals for acts violating the fundamental rights granted him by the<br />

constitution or by law.<br />

Article 10:<br />

Everyone is entitled in full equality to a fair and public hearing by an<br />

independent and impartial tribunal, in the determination of his rights and<br />

obligations and of any criminal charge against him.<br />

Article 28:<br />

Everyone is entitled to a social and international order in which the rights<br />

and freedoms set forth in this Declaration can be fully realized.<br />

Article 29 (3):<br />

These rights and freedoms may in no case be exercised contrary to the<br />

purposes and principles of the United Nations.<br />

Article 30:<br />

Nothing in this Declaration may be interpreted as implying for any State,<br />

group or person any right to engage in any activity or to perform any act<br />

aimed at the destruction of any of the rights and freedoms set forth herein.<br />



TSVP!<br />

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<strong>FORMAL</strong> <strong>COMPLAINT</strong> VS THE KINGDOM OF NORWAY<br />

by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway<br />


Article 2 (1):<br />

United Nations petition — incomplete report<br />

Each State Party to the present Covenant undertakes to respect and to<br />

ensure to all individuals within its territory and subject to its jurisdiction<br />

the rights recognized in the present Covenant, without distinction of any<br />

kind, such as race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion,<br />

national or social origin, property, birth or other status.<br />

Article 2 (3):<br />

Each State Party to the present Covenant undertakes:<br />

(a) To ensure that any person whose rights or freedoms as herein<br />

recognized are violated shall have an effective remedy,<br />

notwithstanding that the violation has been committed by persons<br />

acting in an official capacity;<br />

(b) To ensure that any person claiming such a remedy shall have his<br />

right thereto determined by competent judicial, administrative or<br />

legislative authorities, or by any other competent authority provided<br />

for by the legal system of the State, and to develop the possibilities<br />

of judicial remedy;<br />

(c) To ensure that the competent authorities shall enforce such<br />

remedies when granted.<br />

Article 3:<br />

The State Parties to the present Covenant undertake to ensure the equal<br />

right of men and women to the enjoyment of all civil and political rights set<br />

forth in the present Covenant.<br />

Article 5 (1):<br />

Nothing in the present Covenant may be interpreted as implying for any<br />

State, group or person any right to engage in any activity or perform any<br />

act aimed at the destruction of any of the rights and freedoms recognized<br />

herein or at their limitation to a greater extent than is provided for in the<br />

present Covenant.<br />

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<strong>FORMAL</strong> <strong>COMPLAINT</strong> VS THE KINGDOM OF NORWAY<br />

by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway<br />


Article 5 (2):<br />

United Nations petition — incomplete report<br />

There shall be no restriction upon or derogation from any of the fundamental<br />

human rights recognized or existing in any State Party to the<br />

present Covenant pursuant to law, conventions, regulations or custom on<br />

the pretext that the present Covenant does not recognize such rights or<br />

that it recognizes them to a lesser extent.<br />

Article 14 (1):<br />

All persons shall be equal before the courts and tribunals. In the deter-<br />

mination of any criminal charge against him, or of his rights and<br />

obligations in a suit at law, everyone shall be entitled to a fair and public<br />

hearing by a competent, independent and impartial tribunal established<br />

by law. The Press and the public may be excluded from all or part of a<br />

trial for reasons of morals, public order (ordre public) or national security<br />

in a democratic society, or when the interest of the private lives of the<br />

parties so requires, or to the extent strictly necessary in the opinion of the<br />

court in special circumstances where publicity would prejudice the in-<br />

terests of justice; but any judgement rendered in a criminal case or in a suit<br />

at law shall be made public except where the interest of juvenile persons<br />

otherwise requires or the proceedings concern matrimonial disputes or the<br />

guardianship of children.<br />

Article 16:<br />

Everyone shall have the right to recognition everywhere as a person be-<br />

fore the law.<br />

Article 26:<br />

All persons are equal before the law and are entitled without any<br />

discrimination to the equal protection of the law. In this respect, the law<br />

shall prohibit any discrimination and guarantee to all persons equal and<br />

effective protection against discrimination on any ground such as race,<br />

colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or so-<br />

cial origin, property, birth or other status.<br />

7<br />

<strong>FORMAL</strong> <strong>COMPLAINT</strong> VS THE KINGDOM OF NORWAY<br />

by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway<br />


United Nations petition — incomplete report<br />

The Norwegian Courts of Justice Act provides that:<br />

1. All judges (except lay-judges and assessors) must sign a binding<br />

assurance obliging them to exert their office conscientiously (sec 60, cf<br />

sec 52 ib item the Norwegian Constitution Article 21);<br />

2. Only persons markedly competent as co-judges and members of the jury<br />

through their righteousness, skills and independence should be elected<br />

(sec 76, cf sec‘s 52, 53 and 65 ib);<br />

3. Nobody can operate as a judge or juror when particular circumstances<br />

potentially diminishing his impartiality eventuates (sec 108 — cf sec‘s 52<br />

and 109 ib).<br />

Moreover — in the Norwegian Constitution, Article 110:c, it‘s stressed that<br />

(sic):<br />

―It is the responsibility of the authorities of the State to respect and<br />

ensure human rights. Specific provisions for the implementation of<br />

treaties hereof shall be determined by law (cf, vg, the Norwegian<br />

Human Rights Act of May 21, 1999 — sec‘s 2 and 3).‖<br />

On account of preceding observations, it‘s evident all instances/persons menti-<br />

oned beneath the heading ―Accused‖ in nearby complaint are entirely disquali-<br />

fied from exercising any degree of judicial authority in this case.....; they‘re<br />

those legally reported/charged, and should be treated as suspects.<br />

However — Norwegian authorities may correctly apply Article 93 in their Con-<br />

stitution (sic):<br />

―In order to safeguard international peace and security or to promote<br />

the international rule of law and cooperation between nations, the Stor-<br />

ting may, by a three-fourths majority, consent that an international orga-<br />

nization to which Norway adheres or will adhere shall have the right,<br />

within objectively defined fields, to exercise powers which in accordance<br />

with this Constitution are normally vested in the Norwegian authorities,<br />

although not the power to alter this Constitution. For the Storting to grant<br />

such consent, at least two thirds of the Members of the Storting shall be<br />

present, as required for proceedings for amending the Constitution.<br />

The provisions of this Article do not apply in cases of membership in an<br />

international organization, whose decisions only have application for<br />

Norway purely under international law.‖<br />

Norwegian authorities are hereby encouraged to fulfill their juridical obligations<br />

as stated above and entrust impartial representatives from the United Nations<br />

with the formal responsibility for investigating, prosecuting and adjudicating etc<br />

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<strong>FORMAL</strong> <strong>COMPLAINT</strong> VS THE KINGDOM OF NORWAY<br />

by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway<br />


United Nations petition — incomplete report<br />

the various crimes wherewith the Kingdom of Norway are charged in this legal<br />

case unique in Norwegian history of law.<br />

In any event the provisions of Article 21 (c) — second period — in the<br />

Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment<br />

or Punishment are promoted as legally preponderant – sic:<br />

―The Committee shall deal with a matter referred to it under this<br />

article only after it has ascertained that all domestic remedies have<br />

been invoked and exhausted in the matter, in conformity with the<br />

generally recognized principles of international law. This shall not<br />

be the rule where the application of the remedies is unreasonably<br />

prolonged or is unlikely to bring effective relief to the person who<br />

is the victim of the violation of this Convention (cf Doc #4588, pp<br />

119–121 item Articles 1, 4, 9, 12, 13 and 20 etc of the Convention<br />

against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment<br />

or Punishment. Said Convention has particular regard to Article 7<br />

of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights item<br />

Article 5 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights — both of<br />

which provide that no one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel,<br />

inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment.).‖<br />

As widespread and grave abuse of the ―Cobweb-optics‖* (*cf Doc‘s ##123, 627<br />

and 3217) occupies a decisively central position in this particular case, persons<br />

directly or indirectly representing the USA must be avoided as (lay) judges, experts<br />

and investigators for reasons alluded to in Doc #2037, p 91.<br />

The members of the actual juries in this case will face a pack well-educated and<br />

politically experienced liars who will do their very best to manipulate and deceive<br />

them.....so, by reason of the intellectual challenges represented by this and<br />

other facts of the case, none possessing a general IQ as measured on the WAIS,<br />

Stanford-Binet or PM 47 (―PM 48‖, Raven — 40 min deadline) test subordinate<br />

to, respectively; 142, 145 or 143 should be accepted as (lay) judges or ex-<br />

perts in forthcoming trials.<br />

For their professional convenience, prospective jury members et al should be<br />

aware the following facts and figures:<br />

Several of the notorious culprits in this case possess‘ a general IQ equal<br />

or superior to 140 on the Stanford-Binet scale — speaking about the<br />

degree of sheer psychopathy, fraudulence and criminal inclination, Mr<br />

Paul HELLANDSVIK (IQ 148 — cf Doc‘s ##4575 [p 117] and 4588<br />

[p 120]), Mr Thorleif MARKEN (IQ 143 — cf Doc #1536, p 87),<br />

9<br />

<strong>FORMAL</strong> <strong>COMPLAINT</strong> VS THE KINGDOM OF NORWAY<br />

by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway<br />


United Nations petition — incomplete report<br />

Mr Arne RUSET (IQ 140 — cf Doc #377, pp 41–44), Mr Ivar<br />

OFTEDAHL (IQ 140 — cf Doc #377, pp 28 and 41) and Mr Carsten<br />

SMITH (IQ 153,5 — cf p 68 etc) are amongst the most dangerous.<br />

Average Stanford-Binet IQ for Norwegian physicians and nurses are<br />

125 and 118, respectively (i.e full-scale WAIS IQ 123,5 and 117,<br />

respectively — cf Doc #1536, pp 85–86). As regards Norwegian<br />

Parliament members, average Stanford-Binet IQ is 127,5 (possessing<br />

a general IQ of 152, the theologue Mr Inge LØNNING is the<br />

noometric dux of this lamentable assembly suggestively termed the<br />

―Snake Pit‖ or ―Pillbox‖), and for Norwegian police officers 113,5<br />

(i.e full-scale Wechsler IQ 112,5 — cf Doc #1536, p 86).<br />

The best qualified Norwegian Police ―Security‖ Service agents all<br />

has an IQ between 128 and 132 (cf Doc #377, p 41. While 90% of<br />

regular Norwegian police officers has clearly marked, psychopathic<br />

personality traits, the actual prevalence of explicit psychopathy/sa-<br />

dism are 100% amongst the Norwegian Police ―Security‖ Service<br />

officers), and — as stated in Doc #3217 (p 106, cf pp 103–104) — the<br />

Norwegian Minister of Gross Injustice, Mr Odd Einar DØRUM, has a<br />

Stanford-Binet IQ of 137.<br />

With his 155 Stanford-Binet score Mr Egil Tryggve STORÅS (cf<br />

Doc #377, p 41) possess‘ the highest general IQ of the Norwegian co-<br />

unty physicians and amongst those actual to interrogate/prosecute usw<br />

in this case. Mr Storås is mentally unsound, and — fearing personal dis-<br />

grace and professional setbacks etc, he‘s hardly expected to deliver<br />

truthful testimonies (— though, of course, he‘ll attempt to convince<br />

the jury et al his explanations and views are perfectly honest and<br />

unbiased).<br />

Background information<br />

The reader should constantly keep in mind Norwegian authorities unscrupu-<br />

lously will exploit every adequate opportunity to erase, steal and<br />

falsify/alter to their advantage any piece of evidence communicated through<br />

nearby complaint — empirically they‘re much prone to manipulate, espy, ha-<br />

rass/intimidate, incarcerate, obstruct, weaken and explicitly harm/attack potent-<br />

ial/actual witnesses in this and other cases where Norwegian officials are the<br />

factual culprits.....and the presentation of forthcoming matter are by and large<br />

accommodated these disquieting facts.<br />

10<br />

<strong>FORMAL</strong> <strong>COMPLAINT</strong> VS THE KINGDOM OF NORWAY<br />

by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway<br />


OSLO 1992<br />

United Nations petition — incomplete report<br />

We‘re back to August, 1992. At that time I was living in Oslo, Norway, where I<br />

regularly/daily engaged in human rights and eleemosynary/peacekeeping work.<br />

In connection to my altruistic endeavors, I frequently visited idealistic organizat-<br />

ions and periodicals etc — sometimes I made lapidary notes about this activity<br />

in my diaries: the 5 th I had an assignment with ―Gateavisa‖* (*a liberal street pa-<br />

per) and the subsequent day with ―FMK‖* (*a pacifist coalition).....then, the 7 th ,<br />

I had appointments with e.g the newspapers ―Dag og Tid‖ and ―VG‖* (*―Verdens<br />

Gang‖) in order to secure moral support and specialized know-how for said<br />

publication/association. There was seldom less than 20 distinct visits etc of this<br />

kind a month, and later — after permanently settling in NO-Brattvåg — I‘ve<br />

met two of the coryphaei from this likable and humanitarian milieu in Oslo<br />

through the organization ―We Shall Overcome‖* (*a private support structure<br />

for persons mainly in conflict with psychiatry).....; I‘m talking about Tormod<br />

and Ulf.<br />

Both university educated and well above average intelligent, Tormod and Ulf<br />

told the same, depressing story: they‘d been systematically terrorized by the<br />

Norwegian Police ―Security‖ Service for years exclusively because they actively<br />

battled human rights violations, warlike preparations and various criminality<br />

perpetrated by v.g Norwegian politicians and police officers. They‘d both seri-<br />

ously contemplated applying for political asylum, but their family commitments<br />

had spoiled these plans. Nevertheless; Tormod — then the leader of the We<br />

Shall Overcome organization — had received some official, pecuniary compen-<br />

sation for parts of the illegal terror imposed by Norwegian police. Ulf and<br />

Tormod agreed the police premeditatedly had attempted to ruin their health and<br />

economy etc by e.g launching utterly false accusations thus forcing them into<br />

destructive and highly stigmatizing contact with the state operated, psychiatric<br />

hell-machinery.<br />

It should be emphasized that the maltreatment of Ulf and Tormod no way is<br />

unique: within outlined milieu nearly all principal human rights activists in Oslo<br />

had equally disgusting experiences with Norwegian authorities and with the police<br />

in particular — óne had to run away from a train while on Inter-Rail in a<br />

foreign country eagerly persecuted by a bunch armed security officers (the Am-<br />

erican diplomat successfully arranging his final escape had the episode investi-<br />

gated through his excellent contacts in the intelligence services, and it was read-<br />

ily uncovered the authorities in the actual country had received at least one veri-<br />

fiable warning from the Norwegian ―Security‖ Service Police in Oslo who had<br />

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<strong>FORMAL</strong> <strong>COMPLAINT</strong> VS THE KINGDOM OF NORWAY<br />

by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway<br />


United Nations petition — incomplete report<br />

reassured them the peaceloving pacifist indeed was a most dangerous saboteur<br />

and spy who had travelled to their nation solely to effectuate massive terrorist<br />

attacks etc), another told how representatives from the police had spread po-<br />

tentially lethal pathogens in his apartment in Oslo (unfortunately for the police<br />

officers trustworthy neighbors observed the attempted assassination — before<br />

the curtains were drawn. The victim returning to his apartment somewhat later,<br />

became seriously sick, but survived) — the women narrated about frequent and<br />

totally groundless body strippings/searches.....; stark naked they‘d been dorsally<br />

handcuffed and forced to kneel — while one police woman squeezed their heads<br />

between her thighs and held their chained hands, another sitting on the floor or<br />

kneeling behind them penetrated and vigorously stimulated their vagina and<br />

rectum with gloved fingers (many of these sexually motivated assaults lasted<br />

more than 15 minutes, and usually included prolonged and sometimes painful<br />

rubbing of the victim‘s clitoris — two of the girls told they habitually feigned<br />

orgasm in order to dupe and satisfy the nauseatingly oversexed police women.<br />

It must be thoroughly underlined none of the actual victims were prostitutes or<br />

criminals/druggies; they were all hearty philanthropists condemning human<br />

rights violations and narcotics!).<br />

We‘re still in Oslo, 1992, but now in the month of September.<br />

Chiefly due to the excruciating injustice I‘ve undergone, I‘m totally opposed to<br />

disclosing details anywise of larger and especially strategic value to Norwegian<br />

authorities.....in consequence, succeeding summary may be ―partially obscure‖:<br />

I‘ve always appreciated a given amount physical activity, so — upon finishing<br />

more sedentary tasks in the evening, I normally stepped into my running shoes<br />

to get some outdoor exercise.<br />

During my vesperal — occasionally nocturnal — exertions, I‘d noticed Ms<br />

FINNE-GRØNN (daughter of Mr Jørgen Magnus FINNE-GRØNN).<br />

She worked as a nurse, and each evening she‘d leave her apartment in Rasmus<br />

Vinderens vei at approximately the same time. Walking down said street she‘d<br />

e intersect the suburban commuter railway at Blinderen and turn sharply right —<br />

heading for the private house of her old parents requiring her assistance before<br />

bedding.<br />

Perhaps it was the 2 nd at 10:30 PM — while Ms Finne-Grønn proceeded on<br />

foot towards the center of Vinderen* (*region in Oslo) — I saw a suspicious<br />

man lurking behind some bushes right outside her apartment.....and maybe I<br />

instantly recognized this person, doubtlessly a foreigner, as one I the previous<br />

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<strong>FORMAL</strong> <strong>COMPLAINT</strong> VS THE KINGDOM OF NORWAY<br />

by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway<br />


United Nations petition — incomplete report<br />

month had scared and chased while he — armed with a handgun — lay in wait<br />

for Ms Finne-Grønn in a private garden in Villaveien* (*a street) a few meters<br />

from her parents house. I‘m pretty sure the neighbors heard ―something‖ that<br />

evening.....and feel completely convinced no one were hurt. In any event, at<br />

10:45 PM, Ms Finne-Grønn reached her parents house a few minutes later —<br />

in good condition.<br />

On account of the possible observation of a potential murderer the previous eve-<br />

ning, I surely guarded the area outside Ms Finne-Grønn‘s apartment the 3 rd .<br />

Less than 15 minutes before she appeared outside this evening, I observed the<br />

man I feared had planned to kill her surreptitiously install himself around 25<br />

meters westabout the crossroads where Rasmus Vinderens vei meet Anne<br />

Maries vei* (*a street). Following the normal route to her parents, Ms Finne-<br />

Grønn couldn‘t possibly escape the alleged brute awaiting her (a few hours<br />

earlier he‘d — most likely — murdered his wife).....<br />

Anyhow; the actual evening she hesitated.....peering into the dark she sensed<br />

something not was quite right.....then she did an about-face and returned to her<br />

apartment. Five minutes later Ms Finne-Grønn was back outside the freehold<br />

flats where she lived — she‘d changed her previously light overcoat with a<br />

dark ditto. Now — she‘d never done that before — she tiptoed along the north-<br />

ern facade of the building turning sharply right at the corner.....then carefully<br />

proceeding following adjacent riverbank southwards.<br />

At reasonable distance I watched Ms Finne-Grønn as she rambled rather<br />

irresolutely about — hoping she decided to follow Hafslundveien* (*a street)<br />

all the way to Slemdalsveien* (*a street) where she safely could continue to<br />

Frøen and Lille Frøens vei* (*a street) comfortably reaching her parents house<br />

suchwise. But no: she turned off into Anne Maries vei — and less than 100<br />

meters northwards I had to wade across a river in order to intersect her if she<br />

came too close the uxoricide maniac ensconced at the end of said road.<br />

Ms Finne-Grønn evidently looked for a place where she dry-shoed etc could<br />

proceed to the suburban commuter railway east of her...but, unable to move<br />

ahead into the dark and rough terrain on her right hand safely, she fatally deter-<br />

mined to advance northward — indubitably targeting the previously indicated<br />

crossroads. I supposed the presumable slayer hiding at the end of Anne Maries<br />

vei had his pistol damned prepped for the occasion, and I knew a clever marks-<br />

man would hit Ms Finne-Grønn with the first round if she took another 25 steps<br />

onward.....so, in order to stop her, I had to disclose my presence. From my post<br />

10 meters ahead of her I suddenly leapt unto the street — expecting her to be<br />

frightened. But: instead of turning back fleeing out of the danger zone, Ms<br />

Finne-Grønn studied me attentively a few seconds before smiling delighted —<br />

stepping straight towards me! I‘ve never doubted she is a charming lady, but<br />

the time and place for a romantic rendezvous were somewhat — inconvenient<br />

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by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway<br />


United Nations petition — incomplete report<br />

(besides, I dare add, I had excellent personal contact with another nice nurse at<br />

that time)!<br />

So, much to her surprise, I gestured her to halt and march away in the opposite<br />

direction.....which she reluctantly did.....but she surely felt I‘d been very unkind<br />

even refusing to talk to her (I‘m quite sure Ms Finne-Grønn had understood my<br />

abrupt behavior much better if she knew the corpse of her stipulated would-be<br />

killer‘s wife newly had been discovered at a parking-place conjoining the head-<br />

quarters of Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation a few hundred meters south-<br />

east of us).<br />

The imaginable murderer? — I guess somebody might have seen him as he —<br />

less than 3 minutes after Ms Finne-Grønn had left me — ran madly off in the<br />

direction of a nearby nuthouse.....; ―something‖ had apparently terrified him!<br />

For juridical etc reasons, I‘m essentially unwilling to guarantee the absolute<br />

correctness/completeness of the information found inside the stippled frames<br />

above, but I strongly encourage able/impartial investigators to undertake inde-<br />

pendent research.<br />

May the 27 th , 2005, I consulted the administration of the Norwegian Broadcasting<br />

Corporation regarding the corpse left right outside their office doors<br />

Sep 3 rd , 1992.....but neither the radio nor the TV news department had recorded<br />

any information about it — strange, isn‘t it? The Norwegian Broadcasting<br />

Corporation is wholly controlled by Norwegian authorities, of course, and thus<br />

the main-disperser of state forged propaganda!<br />

As for the latter date, I paid the headquarters of the Christian Democratic Party<br />

in Oslo my first and only visit that day — Mr Kjell Magne BONDEVIK (cf<br />

Doc‘s ##1022, 1049 and 2037 etc) occupied a modest office on my right hand as<br />

I entered their vapid base.....<br />

Let‘s go on.....:<br />

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by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway<br />


United Nations petition — incomplete report<br />

Due to the threatening situation previously described, I dearly wanted Ms<br />

Finne-Grønn to change her hazardous routines a bit in regard to her nosto-<br />

parental visits — so, the 4 th , I sent her a concise (and inoffensive) note to<br />

attain this objective.<br />

The 5 th Ms Finne-Grønn decided to inform the police about the situation. The<br />

police station at Majorstua, Oslo, promptly assigned an officer to watch her flat<br />

in her absence, and ordained a provisional bodyguard and motorcycle escort as<br />

well.<br />

‗Excellent — if they‘re able to protect her I finally can concentrate on my<br />

athletic endeavors!‘, I was thinking.<br />

Late in the evening the 6 th she was back outside her apartment — wearing one<br />

of her dark overcoats, she stealthily moved to-and-fro mostly concealed by a<br />

dense hedge.....trying to figure out the goings-on, she intently studied every<br />

passerby.<br />

By now she had permanently altered some of her night-tide routines and exhibited<br />

a hopefully prophylactic degree of reasonable suspicion.....so — for the<br />

moment — I felt slightly alleviated.<br />

Ensuing days I leisurely inspected the police activities around Ms Finne-Grønn,<br />

and it soon became regrettably manifest they were incapable of rendering her<br />

required assistance. Anxious for her life, I scornfully gazed at the various plain-<br />

clothesmen as they lackadaisically strayed about in the vicinity of her dwelling<br />

— they‘d understood next to nothing!<br />

Ms Finne-Grønn was repeatedly seen wholly unprotected in the murky area<br />

around her parents house, and I decided the murderer had to be caught rather<br />

quickly. Some days later he was duly arrested — he‘d practically reported<br />

himself, and obviously longed for a prison cell where he could feel somewhat<br />

safe...!<br />

Greatly relieved the manslaughter were jailed, I hoped for a few days off.....but<br />

now the truly big problems commenced!<br />

Unable to contrive the missing links and markedly confused by the complex<br />

chain of causation generally, the police exhibited maladapted interest for me the<br />

last part of September. Well acquainted with the different aspects of the case, I<br />

continued my life much as normal and did no attempts whatsoever to mystify or<br />

conceal e.g my movements in the neighborhood.<br />

The officers from Majorstua Police Station had my identity at this point of time,<br />

and suddenly started to act explicitly menacing — to a given person they ad-<br />

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by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway<br />


United Nations petition — incomplete report<br />

mitted they‘d planned to arrange a psychiatric internment for me.<br />

The arrogant police officers had undeniably comported themselves woefully<br />

clumsy, and rightfully felt intellectually and otherwise inadequate; someone —<br />

―come hell or high water‖ — had to pay for their incontestable awkwardness!<br />

The seemingly irresistible urge to compensate for assorted shortcomings<br />

through stark falsehood and extensive nefariousness, soon turned out as one of<br />

the foremost hallmarks of these fundamentally vicious ruffians.....<br />

While I visited miscellaneous associations etc in Oslo October 6 th , spiteful<br />

officers from Majorstua Police Station did their best to denigrate my reputation<br />

vis-à-vis my landlord and a pensioned ambassador in the immediate neighbor-<br />

hood. A native Norwegian, the ambassador had been permanently stationed e.g<br />

in Thailand.....and it‘s hardly unfair to describe him as a slimy turncoat with a<br />

clear-cut predilection for nasty intrigues, espionage and perversions.<br />

The police arranged an appointment with aforementioned ambassador in order<br />

to utilize his private house a modest stone‘s throw west of my apartment as a<br />

kind of headquarters for oncoming terrorism.....<br />

Returning to my attic-lodging in the late afternoon, I immediately recognized<br />

intruders employing at least óne forged key had searched the unpretentious<br />

living room. Inspecting the small balcony adjoining the garret, I quickly discov-<br />

ered a couple insulated wires inchoatively hidden by corresponding girders and<br />

corner stud. Following the thin cords with the eyes, two of them ran along the<br />

outside wall to the ground where they continued southwards, while another pair<br />

apparently led into the apartment beneath.<br />

I frequently employed said veranda for laundry purposes, and firmly knew none<br />

of described wires had been there a week ago.....<br />

‗Well — let‘s see what these bullies are up to!‘, I said to myself.<br />

A few hours later I put on my tracksuit and went outside — it was dark.<br />

I barely ran a kilometer before heading for my dwelling house — wading across<br />

a nearby river, I surreptitiously advanced from east.....reaching the residence<br />

garden unseen by the hectoring enemy. I‘d decided to inspect depicted wires<br />

somewhat closer.....and as supposed: from the southwesternmost part of the<br />

foundation those reaching the ground (largely concealed) continued westward<br />

to adjacent street before sneaking along the trunk of an aged tree almost to the<br />

top — in the dim light from a vicinal street lamp I saw the threadlike conductors<br />

traversing several meters above the road.....straight into the previously<br />

indicated ambassador‘s private garden!<br />

From my covert beneath the ambassador‘s domicile, I now studied the police<br />

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by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway<br />


United Nations petition — incomplete report<br />

officer I beforehand knew had been stationed in the former diplomat‘s lawn.<br />

Partially hidden by surrounding shrubs he intentionally kept in the dark, but<br />

each time he sucked his revered cigarette a tiny gleam dimly illuminated his<br />

facial features — it was one of the notorious undercover agents.<br />

I cautiously withdrew the same way as I came, and ran around roughly 20 min-<br />

utes before returning to my apartment in Ivar Aasens vei* (*a street) the ordi-<br />

nary way.<br />

The next days the police continued their sentinelling outside the ambassador‘s<br />

house — they‘d installed cobweb-optics (cf p 9) inside my flat, and bombarded<br />

the attic with ultrasound by night (my landlord slept in a room underground,<br />

and were hardly seriously affected by the terror — though he was noticeably<br />

more confused and indisposed than usual these days). The ultrasound-cannon<br />

was mounted on a tripod in the ambassador‘s garden (they always removed it<br />

before dawn), and drew electricity from a power socket inside his house — he<br />

certainly knew about it!<br />

The ultrasound-terror wasn‘t a success for the police; notwithstanding a few<br />

tactical adjustments, I carried on most of the human rights work etc as custo-<br />

mary (— anyhow: perfectly aware the police illegally would surveil and<br />

terrorize her if she was found, I‘d forbidden my girlfriend to visit/contact me<br />

since the middle of September).<br />

During their numerous break-ins the police had installed several electronic<br />

hootanannies both inside and around my lodging — one of these accursed<br />

gadgets were discovered in a narrow dead end of the attic less than 50 centimeters<br />

from my bed...<br />

The police behaved both ridiculous and unacceptably unethical, so Oct 10 th (at<br />

02:20 AM) I signalized to their guard in the ambassador‘s garden to go indoor<br />

— he‘d been seen in any case, I morsed. After fifteen minutes I‘d received no<br />

reply, so — flashlight in hand — I entered the balcony again. I‘d morsed 3–4<br />

characters when the brand new flashlight battery permanently went out of busi-<br />

ness! I retreated inside, but 5 minutes later I was back on the modest veranda;<br />

a man in his thirties frenetically struggled to remove as much of aforementioned<br />

wires as possible! — ungraciously stumbling in the jungled cords, he took flight<br />

like a badly moonstruck cuckoo upon detecting my peering presence.....!<br />

October 11 th I attended a vesper service for university students at ―Misjons-<br />

kirken‖* (*a church), Oslo, while a bearded hobgoblin from the Norwegian<br />

Police ―Security‖ Service attempted to photograph all the churchvisitors (the<br />

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by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway<br />


United Nations petition — incomplete report<br />

police had also stationed two well-known plainclothesmen right outside corre-<br />

sponding porch/aisle).<br />

Returning to my apartment in Ivar Aasens vei, I wasn‘t much surprised to learn<br />

the police again had burglarized it. Nevertheless — a new and ominous trend<br />

had been initiated this evening; studying some vacuum-packed sausages I<br />

quickly discovered the miniscule pinprick underneath the price tag, and the<br />

newly baked rye bread had been contaminated with a scarcely visible granulate!<br />

This was, however, nothing but a sinister confirmation of what I‘ve been told<br />

by other human rights activists; Norwegian police verily utilized pathogens and<br />

poisonous substances to harm/assassinate persons ideologically or otherwise<br />

opposed to their ghastly extensive criminality suo motu and ex officio!<br />

Going collectively bananas, the bootless police officers now launched a dozen<br />

strikingly hatefull attacks to annoy and cripple me.<br />

The 15 th — at 04:30 AM — a toolwielding motorcyclist from Majorstua Police<br />

Station sabotaged the streetlight outside my dwelling, and forthcoming midnight<br />

the entire street lay bathed in darkness!<br />

Due to the nocturnal ultrasound-terror, I routinely took a nap in the morning be-<br />

fore going to the center of Oslo. Underneath I heard my landlord utilizing the<br />

phone before leaving in his car, and I prepared to sleep for an hour and a half —<br />

it was the 24 th day of October.<br />

Laying prone on the bed relaxing, an unexpected noise reached my ears; appa-<br />

rently the sound of water running in the domiciliary plumbing system! This was<br />

curious, because I knew the landlord not yet had returned — so, under otherwise<br />

normal conditions, I should be the only person in just now.....<br />

Still reclining on the bed, I‘d prepared mentally to go downstairs when the<br />

oxygen evidently was ―sucked‖ out of the small attic abode — rendering breath-<br />

ing impossible! I flung myself out of the room rather swiftly — rushing down<br />

the stairs heading for the exterior door.....<br />

Outside I forthwith entered nearby garage — grabbing a laid away matchbox, I<br />

inhaled deeply before advancing upstairs. I‘d left the apartment door ajar, and<br />

now I tried to light one of the safety matches in the quarter-opened doorway —<br />

it ignited, but extinguished after maximum 2 seconds. Stretching my arms 40–<br />

50 centimeters into the apartment, I attempted to enkindle a couple<br />

matches.....but they didn‘t strike at all! Flinging the door agape, I withdrew<br />

alfresco where I quickly found the matches to be in perfect condition.<br />

Staying outside nearly 20 minutes before reentering the flat, I had no difficulties<br />

burning up one of the matches, but I unclosed a window and opened the balcony<br />

door though — the stuffy air had a peculiar odor.....not unlike that of<br />

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by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway<br />


carbon dioxide gas (CO2).<br />

United Nations petition — incomplete report<br />

Staying indoor watching the apartment this afternoon, one of the uniformed and<br />

police cooperating rangers I‘d seen the preceding day either fell or — very<br />

uncoordinately — jumped down from the lower roof as I abruptly flung open<br />

one of my eastward windows....!<br />

Anyhow — the most pernicious assault by far this day, was planned and directed<br />

by the well-known but feckless Norwegian parascientess Ms Anna Elisabeth<br />

WESTERLUND. A fatally improper onslaught, Ms Westerlund appeared out-<br />

side my flat next day — carrying out a certain ritual before leaving.....; I won‘t<br />

characterize her as an upright or particularly wise individual!<br />

Completely reneging juridical regulations and social codes, the cops subsequent<br />

days exploited every manifest opportunity to make trouble.....so — in the be-<br />

ginning of November, I departed for <strong>Sweden</strong>.<br />

Arriving in Stockholm, it became clear Norwegian police had informed their<br />

Swedish colleagues about my presence. Anyhow — my mission was a perfectly<br />

legal one: forthcoming problems rather forecasted, I‘d decided to deposit some<br />

written and particularly valuable material outside Norwegian borders.<br />

Said stuff discreetly and successfully transmitted, I immediately returned to<br />

Norway —<br />

It should be duly underscored the police never found anything unlawful or other-<br />

wise objectionable during the various break-ins touched upon above — neither<br />

had they justifiable reasons for suspecting any degree of criminality.<br />

What they actually discovered in my apartment — besides human rights papers<br />

and pacifist-oriented magazines, was a few legal documents confirming I‘d<br />

reported the misconduct of a former police officer — Mr Frederik BARTH —<br />

to the national association of barristers.<br />

Operating his counselor agency from Akersgata* (*a street), Oslo, I‘d consulted<br />

Mr Barth in 1990. Mr Barth behaved more or less adequate until I mentioned Mr<br />

Magne ENG — brother of the intensely Nazi-sympathizing police physician Mr<br />

Hans ENG* (*Born in Oslo 1907, Dr Eng — like many other Norwegian police<br />

employees — zealously supported the Nazi-German ―Endlösung‖. Actively taking<br />

part in the deportation etc of Norwegian Jews, he was indirectly guilty e.g of<br />

genocide — but, darned significantly; he was never indicted for this notorious<br />

and exceedingly opprobrious criminality! Imprisoned from 1948–1949 he was<br />

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by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway<br />


United Nations petition — incomplete report<br />

wholly and scandalously pardoned March 3 rd , 1950, and immediately resumed<br />

his ―medical practising‖.).<br />

From spacious accommodations in Møllergata* (*a street), Oslo, Mr Magne Eng<br />

and his highly questionable staff engaged in seemingly charitable business activities.....but<br />

when he — by way of a third party — learned I was strongly opposed<br />

to the extermination of Jews enthusiastically partaken by his brother, he<br />

promptly decided to swindle me for US$5000!<br />

Anyhow; to support my de facto remuneration claim I had a prodigious bunch<br />

receipts/contracts which — horribile dictu — Mr Barth now aggressively and<br />

consultatory disjunctively flung up in the air with a sudden jerk.....spreading the<br />

copious documentation all over his office floor!<br />

Well — the national association of barristers naturally found the rather illmannered<br />

Mr Barth guilty of malconduct ex officio.....a troublesome fact he and<br />

his Nazi-friendly fuzz-chums never ‘ve been quite able to stomach —<br />

The police officers irregularly begriming my flat in Ivar Aasens vei also found<br />

legal papers indicating I‘d reported one of their depraved colleagues item the no-<br />

toriously fractious Director General of Public Prosecution — Mr Georg Fredrik<br />

RIEBER-MOHN — for premeditated dereliction of duty etc.<br />

Telltalely a member of the beforehand contaminated Supreme Court since 1997,<br />

the vindictive Mr Rieber-Mohn should be a main target for everybody whole-<br />

heartedly striving to lessen official corruption and covert racism in Norway.<br />

It ought to be emphasized parts of the blatant misconduct exhibited by the police<br />

in Oslo were nourished by slandering brought about by — particularly — Mr<br />

Olav HOFF, NO-Langevåg.<br />

Pt employed at the district recorder‘s office in NO-Ålesund, Mr Hoff 7–8 years<br />

earlier had displayed undesirable interest for me — he‘d vg registered that misfortune<br />

and illness always befell those taunting me, and he wondered why. I<br />

honestly replied I was an extraordinary upright person condemning wrongdoing<br />

absolutely, so — whoever had accused or annoyed me was indeed wicked and<br />

thus liable to punishment.<br />

Nevertheless — based on lamebrained misconceptions, spite and most undue<br />

curiosity, Mr Hoff willfully provoked and clearly applauded some of the rabid<br />

terror exercised by his colleagues in Oslo.<br />

In connection to the human rights document sent the permanent Representative<br />

of the Russian Federation to the United Nations — Ambassador Andrey I<br />

DENISOV — September 20, 2004 (cf Doc #3217), officers anxious to destroy<br />

pieces of evidence against themselves arranged a fire at Majorstua Police<br />

Station, Oslo, in the evening eight days later. Earlier that day I had informed<br />

outlandish representatives of the United Nations and the European Union etc<br />

about the unlawful document copying/theft, and feedback from these and other<br />

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by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway<br />


United Nations petition — incomplete report<br />

instances scared the downright iniquitous cops.....<br />

Officers from Majorstua Police Station ‘ve continued persecuting and illegally<br />

terrorizing me until today, i.e August 2006.<br />

As for my landlord in Oslo, Mr Fridtjof HØYER, he probably suffered lasting<br />

health impairment as a result of the police waged terrorism — and, in all like-<br />

lihood, he became the victim of at least óne serious offence committed to hide<br />

this criminality.....<br />

A grandchild of the famous Norwegian Fridtjof NANSEN, Mr Høyer had exhausted<br />

himself nursing his disabled wife before she died. Despite numerous<br />

applications, Norwegian authorities bluntly refused to provide required assi-<br />

stance and — as the wearying work gradually sapped his strength, they‘d told<br />

Mr Høyer his recurrent requests for help to his sick spouse were triggered by<br />

mental illness!<br />

Mr Høyer never fully recovered from the malicious injustice, and frequently<br />

lamented the lack of adequate empathy exhibited by his own children.<br />

Above mentioned rangers were commissionaires from a special contingent para-<br />

troopers known to cooperate closely with Norwegian police vg in anti- and<br />

counterterrorism matters.<br />

Military value and civilian applicability otherwise unquestioned, their present<br />

liaison with the severely vitiated police force is eclectically contravening, pro-<br />

fessionally deleterious and deeply disgraceful indeed.....; corresponding corps<br />

d‘elite should enjoy sheltered training facilities and operational freedom wholly<br />

exempt suborning influence from detrimentally crackbrained police principals!<br />

Waging gross injustice rather than war in this case, the paratroopers should<br />

purchase a physical, moral and purely intellectual standard unequalled by 97%<br />

of Norwegian police officers.<br />

Said Ms Westerlund was a notorious police collaborator, and she didn‘t fare<br />

very well neither before nor after her death.....<br />

Before expiring in 1995, she testamentary donated her brain to the university<br />

in NO-Bergen, and one of the pathologists dissecting it — Mr Inge MORILD —<br />

also conducted a post-mortem examination of my murdered fiancée in Nov-<br />

ember 1996 (cf Document #599, pp 47–49).....<br />

From the passenger station in Stockholm I phoned my sisters in Norway —<br />

afterwards, in a narrow passageway, I confronted one of the Swedish plainclothesmen<br />

with the fact he‘d eavesdropped/recorded corresponding conver-<br />

sation utilizing a wireless device: ‗You‘ll hand over a copy of that tape to Nor-<br />

wegian police!‘ I said to him. He nodded — but they didn‘t like it.....they felt<br />

something was wrong with this case, he said, and wondered if I could spell<br />

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by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway<br />


United Nations petition — incomplete report<br />

out the goings-on for him. I gave a short account. ‗Good luck!‘ he cheered.<br />

Waiting for the train to Oslo, another Swedish police officer frustrated asked me<br />

what kind of rancid hodgepodge their Norwegian colleagues tried to serve them.<br />

I explained. ‗Goddamn, what a mess! — they‘re completely crazy!‘ he snarled,<br />

and reassured me he noway supported the Norwegian cops in this case.<br />

Norwegian authorities constantly and underhandedly searching for opportunities<br />

to explain away etc their rotten misconduct, it is thoroughly stressed the truly<br />

subhuman diabolism exercised by the police in Oslo were through and through<br />

evil-intended and without extenuating circumstances.<br />

Moreover; Norwegian authorities didn‘t suspect I possessed any kind of valuable<br />

material before leaving for <strong>Sweden</strong> in 1992, and knew nothing whatsoever<br />

about the content of vg Document #599 before it was published in 2002!<br />


Arriving Oslo, I continued by train to NO-Åndalsnes where I met my two<br />

sisters and the boorish troublemaker Mr Jon Rune NYGÅRD* (*allegedly<br />

engaged with my youngest sister) — twas November the 4 th .<br />

I‘d planned to rent an apartment in Ålesund forthcoming day, and found it convenient<br />

to share roof with my sisters and Mr Nygård until then.<br />

I was about to enter bed when aforementioned Mr Olav Hoff and a female phy-<br />

sician, Kristin HENDEN, came into the house. Pretending my mental condition<br />

bothered them, Mr Hoff told they intended to bring me to a nearby hospital for<br />

further examination.<br />

Though Mr Hoff‘s contemptible double-dealing and the perverted state of<br />

affairs generally were perfectly evident from the onset, I said nothing about<br />

it.....usually I swear to the ―accuse-me-and-condemn-yourself-policy‖ in cases<br />

like this —<br />

At the infirmary at Åse (a few kilometers east of NO-Ålesund) I was compul-<br />

sory committed by the physician Ms Elin THOMASSEN DYRHAUG — Mr<br />

Hoff enacted his self-appointed role as countersigning ―tutor/guardian‖, of<br />

course!<br />

I was forced to swallow some debilitating drugs, and locked up in a cozy hos-<br />

pital pokey overnight. In the morning two police officers transported me by car<br />

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by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway<br />


United Nations petition — incomplete report<br />

to the funny farm at Hjelset right east of NO-Molde —<br />

My first encounter with the loony bin at Hjelset proceeded pretty much as be-<br />

forehand expected — never previously interned, I was certainly well prepared<br />

for the fiendish absurdities awaiting me though.....!<br />

From 1975–1979 I was an active member of the Norwegian Boy Scouts movement,<br />

and much of the time I functioned as a Scoutmaster. One of the lads I<br />

taught e.g first aid, pioneering/bivouacking, semaphoring/morsing, splicing/<br />

knotting/roping, religion, lifeline maneuvering, improvised cooking, tracking,<br />

map/compass reading, mountaineering and general outdoor survival etc, was<br />

aforesaid — Mr Jon Rune NYGÅRD.<br />

I can‘t say any of the scouts proved eminently teachable, and when Mr Nygård<br />

finally managed to learn the Morse code by heart, he was immensely proud! —<br />

as a matter of fact he earnestly recalled this ―mnemonic achievement‖ as one of<br />

his truly remarkable intellectual feats for many years onwards.....!<br />

Certainly not the brightest in my scout troop, Mr Nygård nevertheless surpassed<br />

everybody in one, distinct discipline: malingering!<br />

Instructing both Boy and Girl Scouts in first aid techniques as v.g cardiopulmo-<br />

nary resuscitation, complicated fracture treatment, pulmonary edema relief,<br />

arrest of arterial bleeding, management of traumatic diaphragm hernia, minor<br />

surgery and emergency handling of second and third degree burns etc, Mr<br />

Nygård unquestionably was the choicest casualty dummy!<br />

Cosmetically pallid, pseudo-wounds frightfully agape and with artificial blood<br />

trickling from ears and mouth etc, he most definitely seemed death-struck, and<br />

several times persons unfamiliar with his bizarre talent for simulation indeed felt<br />

convinced they faced an authentic emergency situation.....!<br />

As Mr Nygård commenced secondary education, parts of his personality<br />

changed for the worse — he became nauseatingly stuck-up, machinating and<br />

outright mendacious. He‘d left the Boy Scouts a few years earlier, and without<br />

the positively stabilizing influence from this uncorrupted youth movement he<br />

soon proved a willing victim for the depraving impact wielded by some of his<br />

classmates. One day I accidentally met Mr Nygård in NO-Mauseidvåg, he<br />

straightaway confessed he‘d planned to harm me in one way or another. This<br />

sudden hostility was totally unprovoked and unreasonable, so I immediately<br />

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by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway<br />


United Nations petition — incomplete report<br />

demanded an explanation. He admitted I always had treated him properly and<br />

never offended him in any way, but he felt like backstabbing and injuring me<br />

anyhow.....he didn‘t know exactly why, he said, and agreed it surely would be<br />

wrongful.<br />

Though Mr Nygård weighed 113 kg and was an enthusiastic soccer player, I had<br />

always been much stronger and battlewise than him — if attacking me, he‘d<br />

been defeated forthright.....and he knew that.<br />

Before parting I asked if he somehow felt envy towards me, and he replied he<br />

most likely did.<br />

Mr Nygård waited more than 10 years before realizing his vow to harm me.....;<br />

the actual opportunity arose the night to November the 5 th , 1992 — then he<br />

grabbed his mother‘s phone.....<br />

First he phoned Mr Olav Hoff (at that time employed at the local sheriff office),<br />

and then the nearby casualty department at NO-Åse.<br />

Mr Hoff was beforehand informed by his colleagues in Oslo about my presence,<br />

and had waited for this preplanned excuse to falsely accuse and illegally apprehend<br />

me. At this time I was wholly aware the married Mr Hoff for years had<br />

abused his position as a police officer to gain sexual favor from a number of<br />

women, and his flirtatiously manipulative behavior vis-à-vis the young and<br />

naive Ms Henden was rather ostentatious this night. Later he was convicted for<br />

some of his sexual turpitude, but the extension and negative consequences of his<br />

misconduct was never uncovered by the partially corrupted jury.<br />

Several representatives from the hospital at NO-Åse had been clandestinely<br />

involved in the putrid complot against me before I reached the Ålesund-region,<br />

and Ms Elin Thomassen Dyrhaug was absolutely one of them — she was e.g<br />

identical with the slightly disguised woman exhibiting peculiar interest for me<br />

on the train to Åndalsnes!<br />

Whereas Ms Thomassen Dyrhaug decidedly is one of the principal culprits in<br />

this disastrous case, the real architect behind the nosocomial conspiracy was<br />

Ms Aase SVENDSEN ROLAND (b April 29, 1938) — one of her befriended<br />

colleagues and the professionally incompetent and repugnantly immoral leader<br />

of the psychiatric department at indicated hospital.<br />

Married with the chief of health in Møre og Romsdal county — Mr Per<br />

ROLAND (fully aware and actively supporting his wife‘s nauseating criminal-<br />

ity, Mr Roland is another principal offender in this case) — and with solid<br />

political connections, Ms Svendsen Roland had a nearly optimal basis for exert-<br />

ing her vehemently corruptive influence.<br />

Ms Svendsen Roland was also more or less acquainted with my parents in<br />

advance, and with her criminal predisposition, suppressed sexuality, Christian<br />

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by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway<br />


United Nations petition — incomplete report<br />

delusions and sadomasochistic inclination etc, she didn‘t hesitate falsely<br />

accusing and groundlessly terrorizing me.<br />

Ms Aase Svendsen Roland and Ms Elin Thomassen Dyrhaug was both amongst<br />

the physicians who had planned, approved and recommended the totally illegal<br />

terror waged against me in Oslo!<br />

Before the iatrogenic atrocities in Oslo, the emotionally wayward and intellectually<br />

trifling Ms Svendsen Roland had been shrewdly manipulated by my parents<br />

who convinced her my strategically hustle-bustle eclosion and ensuing rejection<br />

of them in 1984 was spurred by impulsivity and unsoundness.<br />

Affected by my parents prevarication and willingly ignoring readily documentable<br />

facts of the case, Ms Svendsen Roland subsequently committed the truly<br />

fatal error in her life.....<br />

Following grave and perhaps psychopathologically motivated child abuse, my<br />

parents irrevocably lost my confidence in 1968 — a troublesome fact they always<br />

‘ve taken considerable pains to hide. The child battering continued until<br />

1975, and during the period we lived in NO-Langevåg my father‘s older sister,<br />

Ms Judith MOLVÆR, several times threated to report the ill-treatment to the<br />

national child welfare.<br />

When I left my home in NO-Mauseidvåg in 1984, it was an extremely wellplanned<br />

move — a necessary step I‘d been prepared for since my earliest boy-<br />

hood. In 1975 I decided to design the company logo unmistakably reflecting this<br />

fact — a piece of circumstantial evidence convenient for future application.....:<br />

A crowned and winged double-u/-you applied e.g as letterhead and spread<br />

throughout the world — the announced ―flight of the W‖ is clearly<br />

perceived.....cf illustration (the logo‘s three-pointed princess‘ crown —<br />

1<br />

W/E-3-∑<br />

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by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway<br />

W/E-3-∑<br />


United Nations petition — incomplete report<br />

representing the 3 sisters mentioned in Doc #599 [Centurie I:76] — is also a sty-<br />

lized ―W‖, ―E‖, ―3‖ and ―∑‖.....the digit ―1‖ is seen as the crown‘s<br />

substratum/vinculum/integer and single bond. The ―W‖ — turned upside down<br />

so as to resemble twin-peaks towering above an edged depression —<br />

symbolizing the DALSEGG-sisters [cf Doc #599, pp 47–54 usw.<br />

Toponymically/literally the surname ―Dalsegg‖ means ―dale‘s edge‖] whose<br />

foundation rely on me, also represents an artistic version of the letter ―E‖<br />

[―Elin‖], the number ―3‖, the mathematical symbol ―∑‖ [―summation of‖ —<br />

signaling conclusions] and the rear sight of a firearm etc. Dextrorotating the<br />

logo 90º it‘ll thus read W/E-31-∑ — levogyrating it 90º it‘ll also read W/E-31-∑<br />

[in 1996 my fiancée, Elin — one of said sisters — was shoot down in Ålesund*<br />

{*literally ―the narrow passageway separating v.g a pair principally — cf<br />

―principal girl/boy‖ — interrelated islands/peaks etc. The etymological/suffixal<br />

transfiguration and logogrammatic interpretation of portrayed townscape also<br />

reads as ―significance/portent/earshot/proclaim/reliable/healthy/unimpaired‖. It<br />

should be noted my fiancée was murdered in Skaregata — literally the ―Notchstreet‖<br />

— toponymically/derivatively denoting aforementioned depression and<br />

the bottomed way passing tween/twain the W‘s cleaved and sloped design<br />

profoundly reflecting the symbolically out-of-the-way elevation of dispirited and<br />

otherwise sinistrous circumstantial indicators.} the 31 st of October.....the actual<br />

month is represented by the alphanumeric position of the letter ―J‖ {corresponding<br />

traitor‘s forename initial}, while the initial of the murderer‘s first<br />

name — ―R‖ — is established by the alphanumeric distance between the<br />

characters ―E‖ and ―W‖.]<br />

Not composing a wholly conventional UN-report, I feel free quoting a poem by<br />

the Belgian Nobel laureate Comte Maurice MAETERLINCK:<br />

―Les trois sœurs ont voulu mourir<br />

Elles ont mis leurs couronnes d‘or<br />

Et sont allées chercher leur mort.<br />

S‘en sont allées vers la forêt:<br />

‗Forêt, donnez-nous notre mort,<br />

Voici nos trois couronnes d‘or.‘<br />

La forêt se mit à sourire<br />

Et leur donna douze baisers<br />

Qui leur montrèrent l‘avenir.<br />

Les trois sœurs ont voulu mourir<br />

S‘en sont allées chercher la mer<br />

Trois ans après la rencontrèrent;<br />

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by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway<br />


United Nations petition — incomplete report<br />

‗Ô mer, donnez-nous notre mort,<br />

Voici nos trois couronnes d‘or.‘<br />

Et la mer se mit à pleurer<br />

Et leur donna trois cents baisers,<br />

Qui leur montrèrent le passé.<br />

Les trois sœurs ont voulu mourir<br />

S‘en sont allées chercher la ville<br />

La trouvèrent au milieu d‘une île:<br />

‗Ô ville, donnez-nous notre mort,<br />

Voici nos trois couronnes d‘or.‘<br />

Et la ville s‘ouvrant à l‘instant<br />

Les couvrit de baisers ardents,<br />

Qui leur montrèrent le présent.‖<br />

The monetary unit in Norway is ‖krone‖ — literally ―crown/couronne‖.<br />

The abbreviation ―K-O‖ at the lower part of the logo stands for ―kick-off/kick<br />

off‖ and ―strikeout-operation‖. The ―K‖ also relate to the 10 th /11 th , and the ―O‖<br />

to the 14 th /15 th — the tactically interpolated ―hyphen‖ marks the fatidic/ontological<br />

division expressed as semiological confirmation of the semblable<br />

duplicity and figurative orogeny synecdochically evoked by the sororal<br />

transubstantiation and calendric synchoresis of chronologically interrelated<br />

opposites factitiously promoted through the connotative separation emblematically<br />

embodying the distinct features of forecasted capital offence).<br />

The ice-blue logo printed on white stationery heralds my foreordained surname<br />

— ―Winther‖ — as well as the ―wintry/glacial/chilly‖ conditions sublunary<br />

typecasting my ―In-ter-twin-ED ≡ ‗Me—ta-mor—phos-is‘‖ (about literally:<br />

―Ego sum lux [mundi] — though, thankfully, an intentionally dimming light‖<br />

most appropriately leaving the rightfully doomed Earth in increasingly obscurity<br />

[cf Centurie-III:94, Doc #599 usw]).<br />

My carefully constructed company name was: ―Department of News‖<br />

— i.e; depart -ment of nEWs (the suffix ―-ment‖ presaging the specified<br />

object/action/process) and thus — ―the depart -ment of new/nominative EWs‖.<br />

In their characteristically fraudulent and muddleheaded manner, Norwegian<br />

authorities ‘ve attempted to portray my superbly structured disentanglement<br />

from their noxious coercion as pathologically dictated — nefarious suppression<br />

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by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway<br />


United Nations petition — incomplete report<br />

of bothersome facts and exegetic information shedding light on their feculent<br />

criminality ‘ve constantly been of paramount importance to them.<br />

Also for my parents whom I left deliberately hurried in 1984 has it been<br />

important to think up a spurious but — to themselves — soothing expla-<br />

nation in respect of my deceptively dramatic take-off.<br />

In any case the condemnation of the satanic persecution, torture and falsifications<br />

etc brought about and supported by Norwegian authorities and my pa-<br />

rents are absolute, unalterable and sempiternal; all requests for absolution will<br />

be turned down, no pecuniary compensation will be regarded as adequate or<br />

even slightly attenuating, and religious pietism/penitence won‘t affect the<br />

deservedly brutal fate awaiting those guilty.<br />

Returning to the star-crossed conditions in Ålesund 1992, it should be emphasized<br />

I already before entering the private house of Mr Nygård‘s mother dis-<br />

covered distinct and fresh traces outside the main entrance confirming my ene-<br />

mies just had left the place — inside I immediately noticed a dozen signs betray-<br />

ing the dwelling pretty short time ago had been infected by audiovisual spy-<br />

accoutrements. Due to the continuous terrorism exercised by sadistic police<br />

officers et al in Oslo, I hadn‘t slept since Oct 23 rd .....but still my deductive and<br />

observational capacity by far surpassed that of the treacherous pigwidgins and<br />

moral lepers about to betray me (i.e; my sisters and Mr Nygård were wholly<br />

unaware the house had been bugged etc, and even the most manifest vestiga left<br />

by the intruders escaped the flawed attention of these haughty and mentally<br />

unstable half-wits)!<br />

Arriving the abhorred bughouse and political prison at Hjelset, I furtively carried<br />

out a couple technical tests objectively confirming what I beforehand knew; the<br />

federal slammer had very recently (many of the clear-cut clues were certainly<br />

less than 24 hours old) been contaminated with the infernal Cobweb-Optics*<br />

(*cf Doc‘s ##123, 627, 2037 and 3217) and pinhole-microphones — though, at<br />

that time, the infection were limited to rooms I supposedly had to utilize (WCs<br />

and bath-/bedrooms included).<br />

Forthcoming inspections and tests gave credence to the fact the Cobweb-Optics<br />

not had been installed other places than those normally frequented by me — not<br />

even in the compartment for ―particularly dangerous‖ detainees (as for today,<br />

however, the Cobweb-Optics and concealed microphones are probably abused<br />

practically all over the execrable institution)!<br />

Anyhow — by November 1992 my skillful stalwarts had been discreetly and<br />

successfully emplaced both inside and in strategical vicinity of the vitiated<br />

laughing academy; the amount final proofs intelligently collected by these<br />

dauntless champions and professional entourage are truly enormous, and their<br />

sharp-witted testimonies will be unconditionally devastating for my hope- and<br />

28<br />

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by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway<br />


honorless foes!<br />

United Nations petition — incomplete report<br />

As natural for hominoid faeces, my state paid enemies clung foully together<br />

also at Hjelset — now the altogether false and trenchantly sphacelated concoc-<br />

tion fabricated to incarcerate me had to be ―consolidated‖ through pretendedly<br />

scrupulous, catamnestic annotations etc.<br />

The misbegotten son of a manic-depressive drunkard, the psychologist Mr Hans<br />

Peter MØLLER was amongst the first creeps I encountered at the madhouse —<br />

sporting an unkempt hairstyle conspicuously resembling a machine-gunned<br />

magpie‘s nest, he decidedly had the look of a bombed and shell-shocked circus<br />

clown!<br />

A fundamentally pusillanimous, immature and perfidious good-for-nothing, Mr<br />

Møller compensated for some of his shortcomings through attributing his own,<br />

despicable frailness and vile nature to me. Criminally jumbled up with the<br />

pharisaic falsehood characterizing the abject weakling and hitlerite alienist*<br />

(*while 20% of primary care physicians [general practitioners] in Norway can<br />

be correctly described as clearly anti-Semitic and/or naziphile, corresponding fi-<br />

gure for psychiatrists pendulates between 50 and 55%. Viewed as a single<br />

group, medical practitioners in Norway ‘ve been extremely overrated —<br />

morally,<br />

intellectually, socially and medicomechanically) Mr Magnus AASHEIM, the<br />

commentaries entered in the ―medical record‖ by Mr Møller presumably belongs<br />

to the most low-minded fiction ever penned in Norwegian!<br />

In said record the out-and-out criminal and medico/politician authorized assaults<br />

launched by the police in Oslo had been described as purely imaginary, of<br />

course, and the fibbing swine had shunned no iniquitous extremes to portray me<br />

as paranoid and to cover-up their sickly vicious corruption.<br />

As beforehand announced it‘s not my intention to furnish my diabolic foes with<br />

especially useful information, so — at this point in the process — my direct co-<br />

untercomments are tactically limited to declaring more than 90% of the slimy<br />

stuff included in the scandalous record thoroughly false and deliberately mis-<br />

guiding!<br />

Acquainted with their forthcoming treachery long before they actually were<br />

born in 1966 and 1970 respectively, it should nevertheless be underlined I al-<br />

ways ‘ve held back any information my sisters prospectively could abuse — e.g<br />

by passing it on to hostile persons.<br />

When I met these fickle and neurotic wenches at Åndalsnes in 1992, they hadn‘t<br />

seen me since 1984 — as for today, they both enjoy perpetual enemy-status due<br />

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by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway<br />


United Nations petition — incomplete report<br />

to attempted and harmful cooperation with rabidly criminal representatives of<br />

Norwegian authorities.....; all contact with them are strategically dictated, the-<br />

atrically amicable and genuinely unwished.<br />

The hell-destined exponents of satanic machination and unprovoked fiendish-<br />

ness, I had also systematically and abundantly fed the bedlam-employees et al<br />

with disinformation from the very first minute — seemingly trivial gestures and<br />

―random‖ remarks all ingeniously contributed to the final doom and interminable<br />

anguish inconvertibly assigned these throughly rotten subhumans and<br />

their equally depraved, extramural accomplices.<br />

Fatally cocksure he correctly had understood and masterfully controlled the<br />

macabre situation, Mr Aasheim frequently busied himself falsifying my<br />

―medical record‖ and actively engaged in conspiratorial contact with culpable<br />

police officers and the rope-ripe vermin from the hospital at NO-Åse etc — in<br />

his private office he had dissembled several documents unambiguously testi-<br />

fying his essentially criminal and dangerously schizophrenic personality.....<br />

As for the police, they largely maintained their well-known tailgating whenever<br />

I was allowed to go outside the stinking nuthouse — and I certainly knew these<br />

mentally deranged and bloody criminals should engender vast difficulties and<br />

illegally blockade justice also in the future.....<br />

December 21 th I was released from the political state prison at Hjelset, and<br />

forthright settled in NO-Brattvåg where one of my cousins, Mr Egil HÅVIK,<br />

had offered me temporary lodgment.<br />

Before kicking off the from A to Z daffy and lawless terror-campaign against<br />

me in Oslo, Ms Aase Svendsen Roland and her deranged partners in crime collusively<br />

obtained operational permission from e.g the Norwegian Parliament,<br />

Government, Supreme Court and King‘s Council.....!<br />

Ms Svendsen Roland personally knew several of the local county representatives<br />

to the national assembly in Oslo, and Ms Laila KALAND — a superintendent<br />

nurse from NO-Sykkylven — clearly played a central role as commère introducing<br />

corresponding and sickly warped scheme to the beforehand corrupted pack<br />

constituting the Norwegian ―Storting‖ (the other Storting representatives from<br />

Møre og Romsdal County in 1992 was; Mr Rikard OLSVIK, Mr Anders<br />

TALLERAAS, Mr Ingvard SVERDRUP, Mr Kjell Magne BONDEVIK,<br />

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by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway<br />


United Nations petition — incomplete report<br />

Mr Per SÆVIK, Mr Gudmund RESTAD, Mr Lodve SOLHOLM, Ms Marie L<br />

WIDNES and Ms Karita BEKKEMELLEM).<br />

A tainted Labour Party representative like the Norwegian Prime Minister — Ms<br />

Gro HARLEM BRUNDTLAND — herself, Ms Kaland et al handily acquired<br />

governmental support for the assuredly morbid and stark illegal assaults against<br />

me.<br />

Ms Harlem Brundtland and her mafiosi in turn presented the disastrous complot<br />

for the Norwegian monarch, Mr Harald HEADLESS, who spitefully approved<br />

the insanities in the usually hebdomadal Council of State.<br />

The premier and his/her ministers normally constitute the greater part of the<br />

King‘s Council, and at the actual time in 1992 the Norwegian Government<br />

looked suchwise:<br />

Prime Minister: — Ms Gro HARLEM BRUNDTLAND (Labour Party)<br />

Secretaries: Mr Ole BERREFJORD, Mr Svein R HANSEN, Mr Øystein<br />

SINGSAAS, Mr Bjørn SKOGSTAD AAMO and Ms Gerd-Liv VALLA<br />

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs:<br />

— Mr Thorvald STOLTENBERG (Labour Party), foreign affairs<br />

— Mr Bjørn Tore GODAL (Labour Party), trade<br />

— Ms Kari NORDHEIM-LARSEN (Labour Party), international<br />

development etc<br />

Secretaries: Mr Jan Laurits EGELAND, Mr Jon Ivar NÅLSUND and Ms<br />

Helga Maria HERNES<br />

The Ministry of Justice and the Police:<br />

— Ms Grete FAREMO (Labour Party)<br />

The Ministry of Defence:<br />

— Mr Johan Jørgen HOLST (Labour Party)<br />

Secretary: Ms Elsa Lisbeth ERIKSEN<br />

The Ministry of Finance:<br />

— Mr Sigbjørn JOHNSEN (Labour Party)<br />

Secretaries: Mr Svein Harald ØYGARD and Mr Jan AABOEN<br />

The Ministry of Agriculture:<br />

— Ms Gunhild ØYANGEN (Labour Party)<br />

Secretary: Mr Ottar BEFRING<br />

The Ministry of Transport and Communications:<br />

— Mr Kjell OPSETH (Labour Party)<br />

31<br />

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by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway<br />


Secretary: Ms Anne-Karin SAUS<br />

United Nations petition — incomplete report<br />

The Ministry of Education, Research and Church Affairs:<br />

— Mr Gudmund HERNES (Labour Party)<br />

Secretary: Ms Randi ØVERLAND<br />

The Ministry of Fisheries:<br />

— Mr Jan Henry T OLSEN (Labour Party)<br />

The Ministry of Children and Family Affairs:<br />

— Ms Grete BERGET (Labour Party)<br />

Secretary: Mr Stig Erik FOSSUM<br />

The Ministry of Local Government and Labour:<br />

— Mr Gunnar BERGE (Labour Party)<br />

The Ministry of Cultural Affairs:<br />

— Ms Åse KLEVELAND (Labour Party)<br />

Secretary: Ms Lene LØKEN<br />

The Ministry of Social Affairs:<br />

— Ms Grete KNUDSEN (Labour Party), social affairs<br />

— Mr Werner CHRISTIE (Labour Party), health affairs<br />

The Ministry of Trade, Industry, Petroleum and Energy:<br />

— Mr Finn KRISTENSEN (Labour Party)<br />

Secretary: Mr Gunnar MYRVANG<br />

The Ministry of Government Administration:<br />

— Ms Oddny ALEKSANDERSEN (Labour Party)<br />

The Ministry of Environment:<br />

— Mr Thorbjørn BERNTSEN (Labour Party)<br />

Secretary: Mr Børre PETTERSEN<br />

The President and Vice President of the Norwegian Storting was Mr Jo<br />

BENKOW (Conservative Party) and Ms Kirsti KOLLE GRØNDAHL (Labour<br />

Party), respectively.<br />

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by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway<br />


United Nations petition — incomplete report<br />

The President and Vice President of the Norwegian Lagting was Mr Hans J<br />

RØSJORDE (Progress Party) and Mr Jostein Fjærvoll (Christian Democratic<br />

Party), respectively.<br />

The President and Vice President of the Norwegian Odelsting was Ms Inger<br />

Lise GJØRV (Labour Party) and Ms Tora AASLAND HOUG (Socialist Left<br />

Party), respectively.<br />

The corrupted Supreme Court was in 1992 constituted thus:<br />

— Mr/Ms XXXXXXX (Director)<br />

— Mr Carsten SMITH (Chief Justice)<br />

— Mr Arne CHRISTIANSEN (judge)<br />

— Mr Helge RØSTAD (judge)<br />

— Mr Tore SINDING-LARSEN (judge)<br />

— Mr Jan R SKÅRE (judge)<br />

— Mr Gunnar AASLAND (judge)<br />

— Mr Rolv HELLESYLT (judge)<br />

— Mr Jens BUGGE (judge)<br />

— Mr Jan FRØYSTEIN HALVORSEN (judge)<br />

— Mr Nils P LANGVAND (judge)<br />

— Mr Trond DOLVA (judge)<br />

— MR Finn BACKER (judge)<br />

— Mr Tore SCHEI (judge)<br />

— Mr Ketil LUND (judge)<br />

— Mr Steinar TJOMSLAND (judge)<br />

— Ms Karenanne GUSSGARD (judge)<br />

— Ms Liv GJØLSTAD (judge)<br />

— Ms Vera L HOLMØY (judge)<br />

King Harald Headless‘ personal and predominantly insane/psychopathic aidesde-camp<br />

by 1992:<br />

— Mr Ivar GJETNES<br />

— Mr Tore ERIKSEN<br />


— Mr Carl Magne HANSEN<br />

— Mr Tom H KNUTSEN<br />

— Mr Aage BARTNES<br />

King Harald Headless‘ Lord Chamberlain and Marshal of the Court (A<br />

1992) was Mr Kaare LANGLETE and Mr Lars Petter FORBERG, respectively.<br />

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by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway<br />


United Nations petition — incomplete report<br />

Supporting the psychotic complot against me from the onset, the office of the<br />

Director General of Public Prosecutions was headed by Mr Georg Fr.<br />

RIEBER-MOHN and Mr Tor-Aksel BUSCH.<br />

The County Governors of Møre og Romsdal and Oslo og Akershus (A 1992)<br />

— Mr Alv Jakob FOSTERVOLL and Mr Kåre WILLOCH — are particularly<br />

interesting persons in this connection.....penologically.<br />

Members of the Norwegian Storting 1989–1993<br />

Akershus County:<br />

— Mr Reiulf STEEN (Labour Party)<br />

— Ms Helen BØSTERUD (Labour Party)<br />

— Mr Thor-Eirik GULBRANDSEN (Labour Party)<br />

— Ms Anneliese DØRUM (Labour Party)<br />

— Mr Jo BENKOW (Conservative Party)<br />

— Ms Kaci KULLMANN FIVE (Conservative Party)<br />

— Mr Jan PETERSEN (Conservative Party)<br />

— Ms Eva R FINSTAD (Conservative Party)<br />

— Mr Tore HAUGEN (Conservative Party)<br />

— Ms Anne ENGER LAHNSTEIN (Centre Party)<br />

— Mr Fridtjof Frank GUNDERSEN (Progress Party)<br />

— Mr Finn THORESEN (Progress Party)<br />

— Mr Jan Erik FÅNE (Progress Party)<br />

— Ms Tora AASLAND (Socialist Left Party)<br />

— Mr Paul CHAFFEY (Socialist Left Party)<br />

Aust-Agder County:<br />

— Ms Brit JØRGENSEN (Labour Party)<br />

— Mr Tore A LILTVED (Conservative Party)<br />

— Ms Helga HAUGEN (Christian Democratic Party)<br />

— Mr Jens MARCUSSEN (Progress Party)<br />

Buskerud County:<br />

— Mr Erik DALHEIM (Labour Party)<br />

34<br />

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by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway<br />


United Nations petition — incomplete report<br />

— Ms Kirsti KOLLE GRØNDAHL (Labour Party)<br />

— Mr Trond JENSRUD (Labour Party)<br />

— Ms Åse KLUNDELIEN (Labour Party)<br />

— Mr Hallgrim BERG (Conservative Party)<br />

— Mr Arild HIIM (Conservative Party)<br />

— Mr Steinar MARIBO (Progress Party)<br />

Finnmark County:<br />

— Ms Oddrun PETTERSEN (Labour Party)<br />

— Mr Karl Eirik SCHJØTT-PEDERSEN (Labour Party)<br />

— Mr Reidar JOHANSEN (Socialist Left Party)<br />

— Mr Anders AUNE (Aune-List)<br />

Hedmark County:<br />

— Mr Kjell BORGEN (Labour Party)<br />

— Ms Eirin FALDET (Labour Party)<br />

— Mr Sigbjørn JOHNSEN (Labour Party)<br />

— Ms Sylvia BRUSTAD (Labour Party)<br />

— Mr Einar Olav SKOGHOLT (Labour Party)<br />

— Mr Johan C LØKEN (Conservative Party)<br />

— Ms Ragnhild Q HAARSTAD (Centre Party)<br />

— Mr Magnar SORTÅSLØKKEN (Socialist Left Party)<br />

Hordaland County:<br />

— Mr Hallvard BAKKE (Labour Party)<br />

— Ms Grete KNUDSEN (Labour Party)<br />

— Mr Leiv STENSLAND (Labour Party)<br />

— Ms Ranveig FRØILAND (Labour Party)<br />

— Mr Olav AKSELSEN (Labour Party)<br />

— Mr Arne SKAUGE (Conservative Party)<br />

— Mr Arne ALSÅKER SPILDE (Conservative Party)<br />

— Ms Erna SOLBERG (Conservative Party)<br />

— Mr Nils O GOLTEN (Conservative Party)<br />

— Mr Svein ALSAKER (Christian Democratic Party)<br />

— Ms Britt HARKESTAD (Christian Democratic Party)<br />

— Mr Magnus STANGELAND (Centre Party)<br />

— Mr Hans J RØSJORDE (Progress Party)<br />

35<br />

<strong>FORMAL</strong> <strong>COMPLAINT</strong> VS THE KINGDOM OF NORWAY<br />

by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway<br />


United Nations petition — incomplete report<br />

— Mr Knut HANSELMANN (Progress Party)<br />

— Ms Inger-Marie YTTERHORN (Progress Party)<br />

— Ms Kjellbjørg LUNDE (Socialist Left Party)<br />

Møre og Romsdal County:<br />

— Mr Rikard OLSVIK (Labour Party)<br />

— Ms Laila KALAND (Labour Party)<br />

— Ms Karita BEKKEMELLEM (Labour Party)<br />

— Mr Anders TALLERAAS (Conservative Party)<br />

— Mr Ingvard SVERDRUP (Conservative Party)<br />

— Mr Kjell Magne BONDEVIK (Christian Democratic Party)<br />

— Mr Per SÆVIK (Christian Democratic Party)<br />

— Mr Gudmund RESTAD (Centre Party)<br />

— Mr Lodve SOLHOLM (Progress Party)<br />

— Ms Marie L WIDNES (Socialist Left Party)<br />

Nordland County:<br />

— Mr Bjarne MØRK EIDEM (Labour Party)<br />

— Ms Ragna BERGET JØRGENSEN (Labour Party)<br />

— Mr Rolf BENDIKSEN (Labour Party)<br />

— Ms Åshild HAUAN (Labour Party)<br />

— Ms Inger PEDERSEN (Labour Party)<br />

— Mr Petter THOMASSEN (Conservative Party)<br />

— Ms Thea KNUTZEN (Conservative Party)<br />

— Mr Dag Jostein FJÆRVOLL (Christian Democratic Party)<br />

Mr Peter ANGELSEN (Centre Party)<br />

— Mr Harry JENSEN (Progress Party)<br />

— Mr Inge MYRVOLL (Socialist Left Party)<br />

— Ms Lisbeth HOLAND (Socialist Left Party)<br />

Nord-Trøndelag County:<br />

— Ms Inger Lise GJØRV (Labour Party)<br />

— Mr Roger GUDMUNDSETH (Labour Party)<br />

— Mr Inge STALDVIK (Labour Party)<br />

— Ms Wenche FROGN SELLÆG (Conservative Party)<br />

— Mr Johan J JAKOBSEN (Centre Party)<br />

— Mr Per AUNET (Socialist Left Party)<br />

36<br />

<strong>FORMAL</strong> <strong>COMPLAINT</strong> VS THE KINGDOM OF NORWAY<br />

by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway<br />


Oppland County:<br />

United Nations petition — incomplete report<br />

— Mr Haakon BLANKENBORG (Labour Party)<br />

— Ms Berit BRØRBY LARSEN (Labour Party)<br />

— Mr Johan M NYLAND (Labour Party)<br />

— Ms Marie BRENDEN (Labour Party)<br />

— Mr Dag C WEBERG (Conservative Party)<br />

— Mr Syver BERGE (Centre Party)<br />

— Mr Peder I RAMSRUD (Progress Party)<br />

Oslo County:<br />

— Ms Gro HARLEM BRUNDTLAND (Labour Party)<br />

— Mr Thorbjørn BERNTSEN (Labour Party)<br />

— Ms Sissel RØNBECK (Labour Party)<br />

— Mr Bjørn Tore GODAL (Labour Party)<br />

— Ms Marit NYBAKK (Labour Party)<br />

— Mr Jan Peder SYSE (Conservative Party)<br />

— Ms Annelise HØEGH (Conservative Party)<br />

— Mr Per-Kristian FOSS (Conservative Party)<br />

— Mr Anders C SJAASTAD (Conservative Party)<br />

— Ms Kristin CLEMET (Conservative Party)<br />

— Ms Eleonore BJARTVEIT (Christian Democratic Party)<br />

— Mr Carl I HAGEN (Progress Party)<br />

— Mr Pål Atle SKJERVENGEN (Progress Party)<br />

— Mr Tor Mikkel WARA (Progress Party)<br />

— Mr Theo KORITZINSKY (Socialist Left Party)<br />

— Ms Kristin HALVORSEN (Socialist Left Party)<br />

Rogaland County:<br />

— Mr Gunnar BERGE (Labour Party)<br />

— Ms Gunn Vigdis OLSEN-HAGEN (Labour Party)<br />

— Mr Magnar SÆTRE (Labour Party)<br />

— Mr Gunnar FATLAND (Conservative Party)<br />

— Ms Thorhild WIDVEY (Conservative Party)<br />

— Mr Sverre MAURITZEN (Conservative Party)<br />

— Mr John S TVEIT (Christian Democratic Party)<br />

— Ms Borghild RØYSELAND (Christian Democratic Party)<br />

— Mr Ole Gabriel UELAND (Centre Party)<br />

— Mr Jan SIMONSEN (Progress Party)<br />

37<br />

<strong>FORMAL</strong> <strong>COMPLAINT</strong> VS THE KINGDOM OF NORWAY<br />

by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway<br />


United Nations petition — incomplete report<br />

— Mr Petter BJØRHEIM (Progress Party)<br />

— Mr Eilef A MELAND (Socialist Left Party)<br />

Sogn og Fjordane County:<br />

— Mr Kjell OPSETH (Labour Party)<br />

— Ms Astrid M NISTAD (Labour Party)<br />

— Mr Dagfinn HJERTENES (Conservative Party)<br />

— Mr Lars Gunnar LIE (Christian Democratic Party)<br />

— Mr Leiv BLAKSET (Centre Party)<br />

Sør-Trøndelag County:<br />

— Ms Marit ROTNES (Labour Party)<br />

— Mr Ulf GUTTORMSEN (Labour Party)<br />

— Ms Mary KVIDAL (Labour Party)<br />

— Ms Gunhild ØYANGEN (Labour Party)<br />

— Mr Harald ELLEFSEN (Conservative Party)<br />

— Ms Siri FROST STERRI (Conservative Party)<br />

— Mr Kåre GJØNNES (Christian Democratic Party)<br />

— Ms Tove Kari VIKEN (Centre Party)<br />

— Mr Per RISVIK (Progress Party)<br />

— Mr Erik SOLHEIM (Socialist Left Party)<br />

Telemark County:<br />

— Ms Ingeborg BOTNEN (Labour Party)<br />

— Ms Ragnhild BARLAND (Labour Party)<br />

— Mr Ingvald GODAL (Conservative Party)<br />

— Ms Solveig SOLLIE (Christian Democratic Party)<br />

— Mr John Ingolf ALVHEIM (Progress Party)<br />

— Mr Børre RØNNINGEN (Socialist Left Party)<br />

Troms County:<br />

— Mr William ENGSETH (Labour Party)<br />

— Ms Ranja HAUGLID (Labour Party)<br />

— Mr Jan H ELVHEIM (Labour Party)<br />

— Mr Svein LUDVIGSEN (Conservative Party)<br />

38<br />

<strong>FORMAL</strong> <strong>COMPLAINT</strong> VS THE KINGDOM OF NORWAY<br />

by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway<br />


United Nations petition — incomplete report<br />

— Mr Terje NYBERGET (Progress Party)<br />

— Mr Rolf Ketil BJØRN (Socialist Left Party)<br />

Vest-Agder County:<br />

— Mr Sigurd VERDAL (Labour Party)<br />

— Ms Aud BLATTMANN (Labour Party)<br />

— Mr John G BERNANDER (Conservative Party)<br />

— Mr Jon LILLETUN (Christian Democratic Party)<br />

— Mr Vidar KLEPPE (Progress Party)<br />

Vestfold County:<br />

— Mr Ernst WROLDSEN (Labour Party)<br />

— Ms Karin LIAN (Labour Party)<br />

— Mr Jørgen Hårek KOSMO (Labour Party)<br />

— Mr Ole Johs. BRUNÆS (Conservative Party)<br />

— Ms Ingrid I WILLOCH (Conservative Party)<br />

— Mr Oscar D HILLGAAR (Progress Party)<br />

— Ms Inger D STEEN (Socialist Left Party)<br />

Østfold County:<br />

— Mr Gunnar SKAUG (Labour Party)<br />

— Mr Tom THORESEN (Labour Party)<br />

— Ms Åsa SOLBERG (Labour Party)<br />

— Mr Sigurd HOLEMARK (Conservative Party)<br />

— Ms Kjellaug NAKKIM (Conservative Party)<br />

— Mr Odd HOLTEN (Christian Democratic Party)<br />

— Mr Edvard GRIMSTAD (Centre Party)<br />

— Mr Øystein HEDSTRØM (Progress Party)<br />

— Ms Wenche LYNGHOLM (Socialist Left Party)<br />

39<br />

<strong>FORMAL</strong> <strong>COMPLAINT</strong> VS THE KINGDOM OF NORWAY<br />

by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway<br />


United Nations petition — incomplete report<br />

Members of the Norwegian Storting 1993–1997<br />

Akershus County:<br />

— Ms Solveig TORSVIK (Labour Party)<br />

— Mr Vidar BJØRNSTAD (Labour Party)<br />

— Mr Kjell ENGEBRETSEN (Labour Party)<br />

— Ms Grethe FOSSLI (Labour Party)<br />

— Ms Anneliese DØRUM (Labour Party)<br />

— Mr Jan Tore SANNER (Conservative Party)<br />

— Ms Kaci KULLMANN FIVE (Conservative Party)<br />

— Mr Jan PETERSEN (Conservative Party)<br />

— Ms Eva R FINSTAD (Conservative Party)<br />

— Ms Valgerd SVARSTAD HAUGLAND (Christian Democratic Party)<br />

— Ms Anne ENGER LAHNSTEIN (Centre Party)<br />

— Mr Fridtjof Frank GUNDERSEN (Progress Party)<br />

— Mr Stephen BRÅTHEN (Progress Party)<br />

— Mr Paul CHAFFEY (Socialist Left Party)<br />

Aust-Agder County:<br />

— Ms Brit JØRGENSEN (Labour Party)<br />

— Mr Gunnar HALVORSEN (Labour Party)<br />

— Mr Tore A LILTVED (Conservative Party)<br />

— Mr Terje SANDKJÆR (Centre Party)<br />

Buskerud County:<br />

— Mr Erik DALHEIM (Labour Party)<br />

— Ms Kirsti KOLLE GRØNDAHL (Labour Party)<br />

— Mr Thorbjørn JAGLAND (Labour Party)<br />

— Ms Sigrun ENG (Labour Party)<br />

— Mr Hallgrim BERG (Conservative Party)<br />

— Mr Arild HIIM (Conservative Party)<br />

— Mr Per Olaf LUNDTEIGEN (Centre Party)<br />

— Mr Roy WETTERSTAD (Progress Party)<br />

40<br />

<strong>FORMAL</strong> <strong>COMPLAINT</strong> VS THE KINGDOM OF NORWAY<br />

by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway<br />


Finnmark County:<br />

United Nations petition — incomplete report<br />

— Ms Mimmi BÆIVI (Labour Party)<br />

— Mr Karl Eirik SCHJØTT-PEDERSEN (Labour Party)<br />

— Mr Reidar JOHANSEN (Socialist Left Party)<br />

— Ms Johanne GAUP (Centre Party)<br />

Hedmark County:<br />

— Ms Eirin FALDET (Labour Party)<br />

— Mr Sigbjørn JOHNSEN (Labour Party)<br />

— Ms Sylvia BRUSTAD (Labour Party)<br />

— Mr Einar Olav SKOGHOLT (Labour Party)<br />

— Mr Bjørn HERNÆS (Conservative Party)<br />

— Ms Ragnhild QUESETH HAARSTAD (Centre Party)<br />

— Mr Ola D GLØTVOLD (Centre Party)<br />

— Mr Magnar SORTÅSLØKKEN (Socialist Left Party)<br />

Hordaland County:<br />

— Mr Hallvard BAKKE (Labour Party)<br />

— Ms Grete KNUDSEN (Labour Party)<br />

— Ms Rita TVEITEN (Labour Party)<br />

— Ms Ranveig FRØILAND (Labour Party)<br />

— Mr Olav AKSELSEN (Labour Party)<br />

— Mr Oddvar NILSEN (Conservative Party)<br />

— Ms Erna SOLBERG (Conservative Party)<br />

— Mr Are NÆSS (Christian Democratic Party)<br />

— Ms Anita APELTHUN SÆLE (Christian Democratic Party)<br />

— Mr Magnus STANGELAND (Centre Party)<br />

— Ms Bjørg HOPE GALTUNG (Centre Party)<br />

— Mr John DALE (Centre Party)<br />

— Mr Hans J RØSJORDE (Progress Party)<br />

— Ms Kjellbjørg LUNDE (Socialist Left Party)<br />

— Mr Lars SPONHEIM (Liberal Party)<br />

Møre og Romsdal County:<br />

— Mr Asmund KRISTOFFERSEN (Labour Party)<br />

— Ms Laila KALAND (Labour Party)<br />

41<br />

<strong>FORMAL</strong> <strong>COMPLAINT</strong> VS THE KINGDOM OF NORWAY<br />

by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway<br />


United Nations petition — incomplete report<br />

— Ms Karita BEKKEMELLEM (Labour Party)<br />

— Mr Ottar KALDHOL (Labour Party)<br />

— Mr Anders TALLERAAS (Conservative Party)<br />

— Mr Kjell Magne BONDEVIK (Christian Democratic Party)<br />

— Ms May Helen MOLVÆR GRIMSTAD (Christian Democratic Party)<br />

— Mr Gudmund RESTAD (Centre Party)<br />

— Mr Jørgen HOLTE (Centre Party)<br />

— Ms Eli SOLLIED ØVERAAS (Centre Party)<br />

Nordland County:<br />

— Mr Gunnar BREIMO (Labour Party)<br />

— Ms Ragna BERGET JØRGENSEN (Labour Party)<br />

— Ms Hill-Marta SOLBERG (Labour Party)<br />

— Mr Odd ERIKSEN (Labour Party)<br />

— Mr Tomas NORVOLL (Labour Party)<br />

— Mr Petter THOMASSEN (Conservative Party)<br />

— Mr Dag Jostein FJÆRVOLL (Christian Democratic Party)<br />

— Mr Peter ANGELSEN (Centre Party)<br />

— Ms Inga KVALBUKT (Centre Party)<br />

— Mr Odd Roger ENOKSEN (Centre Party)<br />

— Mr Inge MYRVOLL (Socialist Left Party)<br />

— Ms Lisbeth HOLAND (Socialist Left Party)<br />

Nord-Trøndelag County:<br />

— Ms Aud GAUNDAL (Labour Party)<br />

— Mr Roger GUDMUNDSETH (Labour Party)<br />

— Mr Jon Olav ALSTAD (Labour Party)<br />

— Ms Marit ARNSTAD (Centre Party)<br />

— Mr Johan J JAKOBSEN (Centre Party)<br />

— Ms Jorunn HAGELER (Socialist Left Party)<br />

Oppland County:<br />

— Mr Haakon BLANKENBORG (Labour Party)<br />

— Ms Berit BRØRBY LARSEN (Labour Party)<br />

— Mr Johan M NYLAND (Labour Party)<br />

— Ms Marie BRENDEN (Labour Party)<br />

— Mr Dag C WEBERG (Conservative Party)<br />

42<br />

<strong>FORMAL</strong> <strong>COMPLAINT</strong> VS THE KINGDOM OF NORWAY<br />

by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway<br />


United Nations petition — incomplete report<br />

— Mr Syver BERGE (Centre Party)<br />

— Ms Marit TINGELSTAD (Centre Party)<br />

Oslo County:<br />

— Ms Gro HARLEM BRUNDTLAND (Labour Party)<br />

— Mr Thorbjørn BERNTSEN (Labour Party)<br />

— Mr Jens STOLTENBERG (Labour Party)<br />

— Ms Grete FAREMO (Labour Party)<br />

— Mr Bjørn Tore GODAL (Labour Party)<br />

— Ms Marit NYBAKK (Labour Party)<br />

— Mr Jan Peder SYSE (Conservative Party)<br />

— Ms Annelise HØEGH (Conservative Party)<br />

— Mr Per-Kristian FOSS (Conservative Party)<br />

— Ms Kristin KROHN DEVOLD (Conservative Party)<br />

— Mr Anders C SJAASTAD (Conservative Party)<br />

— Mr Arne HAUKVIK (Centre Party)<br />

— Mr Carl I HAGEN (Progress Party)<br />

— Ms Ellen Christine CHRISTIANSEN (Progress Party)<br />

— Mr Erik SOLHEIM (Socialist Left Party)<br />

— Ms Kristin HALVORSEN (Socialist Left Party)<br />

— Mr Erling FOLKVORD (Red Electoral Alliance)<br />

Rogaland County:<br />

— Mr Tore NORDTUN (Labour Party)<br />

— Ms Oddbjørg AUSLAND STARRFELT (Labour Party)<br />

— Mr Magnar SÆTRE (Labour Party)<br />

— Mr Gunnar FATLAND (Conservative Party)<br />

— Ms Thorild WIDVEY (Conservative Party)<br />

— Mr Einar STEENSNÆS (Christian Democratic Party)<br />

— Ms Hilde FRAFJORD JOHNSEN (Christian Democratic Party)<br />

— Ms Magnhild MELTVEIT KLEPPA (Centre Party)<br />

— Ms Unn AARRESTAD (Centre Party)<br />

— Mr Jan SIMONSEN (Progress Party)<br />

— Mr Eilef A MELAND (Socialist Left Party)<br />

Sogn og Fjordane County:<br />

— Mr Kjell OPSETH (Labour Party)<br />

43<br />

<strong>FORMAL</strong> <strong>COMPLAINT</strong> VS THE KINGDOM OF NORWAY<br />

by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway<br />


United Nations petition — incomplete report<br />

— Ms Astrid M NISTAD (Labour Party)<br />

— Mr Lars Gunnar LIE (Christian Democratic Party)<br />

— Mr Håkon GIIL (Centre Party)<br />

— Ms Jorunn RINGSTAD (Centre Party)<br />

Sør-Trøndelag County:<br />

— Mr Ola A RØTVEI (Labour Party)<br />

— Mr Ulf GUTTORMSEN (Labour Party)<br />

— Ms Gunn Karin GJUL (Labour Party)<br />

— Ms Gunhild ØYANGEN (Labour Party)<br />

— Mr Harald ELLEFSEN (Conservative Party)<br />

— Ms Siri FROST STERRI (Conservative Party)<br />

— Mr Ola T LÅNKE (Christian Democratic Party)<br />

— Ms Tove Karin VIKEN (Centre Party)<br />

— Mr Morten LUND (Centre Party)<br />

— Mr Øystein DJUPEDAL (Socialist Left Party)<br />

Telemark County:<br />

— Mr Sigvald OPPEBØEN HANSEN (Labour Party)<br />

— Ms Ragnhild BARLAND (Labour Party)<br />

— Mr Bent HEGNA (Labour Party)<br />

— Mr Ingvald GODAL (Conservative Party)<br />

— Mr Terje RIIS JOHANSEN (Centre Party)<br />

— Ms Solveig SOLLIE (Christian Democratic Party)<br />

— Mr John Ingolf ALVHEIM (Progress Party)<br />

— Mr Børre RØNNINGEN (Socialist Left Party)<br />

Troms County:<br />

— Mr William ENGSETH (Labour Party)<br />

— Ms Ranja HAUGLID (Labour Party)<br />

— Mr Tor NYMO (Centre Party)<br />

— Ms Rita ROALDSEN (Centre Party)<br />

— Mr Svein LUDVIGSEN (Conservative Party)<br />

— Mr Rolf Ketil BJØRN (Socialist Left Party)<br />

44<br />

<strong>FORMAL</strong> <strong>COMPLAINT</strong> VS THE KINGDOM OF NORWAY<br />

by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway<br />


Vest-Agder County:<br />

United Nations petition — incomplete report<br />

— Mr Rolf Terje KLUNGELAND (Labour Party)<br />

— Ms Aud BLATTMANN (Labour Party)<br />

— Mr Ansgar GABRIELSEN (Conservative Party)<br />

— Mr Sigurd MANNERÅK (Centre Party)<br />

— Mr Jon LILLETUN (Christian Democratic Party)<br />

Vestfold County:<br />

— Ms Anne Helen RUI (Labour Party)<br />

— Ms Karin LIAN (Labour Party)<br />

— Mr Jørgen Hårek KOSMO (Labour Party)<br />

— Mr Ole Johs. BRUNÆS (Conservative Party)<br />

— Mr Arild LUND (Conservative Party)<br />

— Ms Eva LIAN (Centre Party)<br />

— Mr Oscar D HILLGAAR (Progress Party)<br />

Østfold County:<br />

— Mr Gunnar SKAUG (Labour Party)<br />

— Mr Tom THORESEN (Labour Party)<br />

— Ms Ane Sofie TØMMERÅS (Labour Party)<br />

— Ms Signe ØYE (Labour Party)<br />

— Ms Kjellaug NAKKIM (Conservative Party)<br />

— Mr Odd HOLTEN (Christian Democratic Party)<br />

— Mr Edvard GRIMSTAD (Centre Party)<br />

— Mr Øystein HEDSTRØM (Progress Party)<br />

45<br />

<strong>FORMAL</strong> <strong>COMPLAINT</strong> VS THE KINGDOM OF NORWAY<br />

by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway<br />


United Nations petition — incomplete report<br />

Members of the Norwegian Storting 1997–2001<br />

Labour Party (65 representatives):<br />

Chairman: Ms Hill-Marta SOLBERG<br />

Deputy Chairman: Mr Tom THORESEN<br />

Secretary: Ms Berit BRØRBY<br />

Members: Mr Dag Terje ANDERSEN, Mr Vidar BJØRNSTAD, Mr Haakon<br />

BLANKENBORG, Ms Grethe FOSSLI, Mr Tore NORDTUN, Mr Kjell<br />

OPSETH, Mr Ola RØTVEI, Mr Gunnar SKAUG, Ms Oddbjørg STARRFELT,<br />

Ms Gunhild ØYANGEN.<br />

— Mr Jon Olav ALSTAD, Nord-Trøndelag County<br />

— Mr Dag Terje ANDERSEN, Vestfold County<br />

— Mr Bendiks H ARNESEN, Troms County (member of the Lagting)<br />

— Mr Vidar BJØRNSTAD, Akershus County (justice)<br />

— Mr Haakon BLANKENBORG, Oppland County<br />

— Ms Aud BLATTMANN, Vest-Agder County<br />

— Mr Erling BRANDSNES, Hedmark County<br />

— Mr Gunnar BREIMO, Nordland County (member of the Lagting)<br />

— Ms Berit BRØRBY, Oppland County<br />

— Ms Mimmi BÆIVI, Finnmark County (member of the Lagting)<br />

— Mr Erik DALHEIM, Buskerud County (member of the Lagting)<br />

— Ms Sigrun ENG, Buskerud County<br />

— Mr Kjell ENGEBRETSEN, Akershus County<br />

— Mr Odd ERIKSEN, Nordland County<br />

— Ms Eirin FALDET, Hedmark County (sociologist)<br />

— Mr Gard FOLKVORD, Hordaland County<br />

— Ms Grethe FOSSLI, Akershus County (member of the Lagting)<br />

— Ms Grethe G FOSSUM, Hedmark County<br />

— Ms Ranveig FRØILAND, Hordaland County<br />

— Ms Aud GAUNDAL, Nord-Trøndelag County (Lagting member)<br />

— Ms Gunn Karin GJUL, Sør-Trøndelag County<br />

— Ms Reidun GRAVDAHL, Oppland County (member of the Lagting)<br />

— Mr Sigurd GRYTTEN, Hordaland County<br />

— Ms Kirsti KOLLE GRØNDAHL, Buskerud County (Lagting member)<br />

— Mr Gunnar HALVORSEN, Aust-Agder County<br />

— Mr Sigvald OPPEBØEN HANSEN, Telemark County<br />

— Mr Bent HEGNA, Telemark County<br />

— Ms Britt HILDENG, Oslo County<br />

— Mr Anders HORNSLIEN, Oslo County<br />

46<br />

<strong>FORMAL</strong> <strong>COMPLAINT</strong> VS THE KINGDOM OF NORWAY<br />

by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway<br />


United Nations petition — incomplete report<br />

— Ms Inger Lise HUSØY, Oslo County (member of the Lagting)<br />

— Mr Einar JOHANSEN, Finnmark County<br />

— Ms Laila KALAND, Møre og Romsdal County (Lagting member)<br />

— Mr Ottar KALDHOL, Møre og Romsdal County<br />

— Ms Karin KJØLMOEN, Nord-Trøndelag County<br />

— Ms Synnøve KONGLEVOLL, Troms County<br />

— Mr Rune E KRISTIANSEN, Oslo County<br />

— Mr Asmund KRISTOFFERSEN, Møre og Romsdal County<br />

— Mr Frank Willy LARSEN, Buskerud County<br />

— Ms Karin LIAN, Vestfold County<br />

— Ms Rikke LIND, Akershus County<br />

— Mr Leif LUND, Hordaland County (member of the Lagting)<br />

— Ms Liv Marit MOLAND, Aust-Agder County (member of the Lagting)<br />

— Mr Sverre MYRLI, Akershus County<br />

— Ms Astrid Marie NISTAD, Sogn og Fjordane County (justice)<br />

— Mr Tore NORDSETH, Sør-Trøndelag County<br />

— Mr Tore NORDTUN, Rogaland County<br />

— MR Tomas NORVOLL, Nordland County<br />

— Ms Marit NYBAKK, Oslo County<br />

— Ms Gunn OLSEN, Telemark County<br />

— Mr Kjell OPSETH, Sogn og Fjordane County<br />

— Ms Torny PEDERSEN, Nordland County<br />

— Mr Jan Petter RASMUSSEN, Rogaland County (justice)<br />

— Mr Torstein RUDIHAGEN, Oppland County (member of the Lagting)<br />

— Ms Anne Helen RUI, Vestfold County (member of the Lagting), nurse<br />

— Mr Ola RØTVEI, Sør-Trøndelag County (member of the Lagting)<br />

— Mr Einar Olav SKOGHOLT, Hedmark County (Lagting member)<br />

— Ms Hill-Marta SOLBERG, Nordland County<br />

— Ms Oddbjørg AUSDAL STARRFELT, Rogaland County (health care)<br />

— Mr Tariq SHAHBAZ, Oslo County<br />

— Mr Tom THORESEN, Østfold County<br />

— Ms Rita TVEITEN, Hordaland County<br />

— Ms Ane Sofie TØMMERÅS, Østfold County (justice)<br />

— Ms Gunhild ØYANGEN, Sør-Trøndelag County<br />

— Ms Signe ØYE, Østfold County<br />

Progress Party (25 representatives):<br />

Chairman: Mr Carl I HAGEN<br />

Vice-Chairman: Mr John I ALVHEIM<br />

Secretary: Mr Øystein HEDSTRØM<br />

47<br />

<strong>FORMAL</strong> <strong>COMPLAINT</strong> VS THE KINGDOM OF NORWAY<br />

by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway<br />


United Nations petition — incomplete report<br />

Members: Mr Hans J RØSJORDE, Mr Øyvind VAKSDAL, Mr Per Ove<br />

WIDTH<br />

— Mr John I ALVHEIM, Telemark County (nurse)<br />

— Mr Torbjørn ANDERSEN, Aust-Agder County<br />

— Mr Per Roar BREDVOLD, Hedmark County<br />

— Mr Dag DANIELSEN, Oslo County<br />

— Ms Ursula EVJE, Akershus County<br />

— Mr Fridtjof Frank GUNDERSEN, Akershus County<br />

— Mr Carl I HAGEN, Oslo County<br />

— Mr Øystein HEDSTRØM, Østfold County<br />

— Ms Siv JENSEN, Oslo County<br />

— Mr Vidar KLEPPE, Vest-Agder County (member of the Lagting)<br />

— Mr Terje KNUDSEN, Hordaland County<br />

— Mr Ulf Erik KNUDSEN, Buskerud County<br />

— Mr Øyvind KORSBERG, Troms County (member of the Lagting)<br />

— Mr Per Erik MONSEN, Vestfold County (member of the Lagting)<br />

— Mr Harald Tom NESVIK, Møre og Romsdal County<br />

— Mr Thore Aksel NISTAD, Oppland County<br />

— Mr Hans J RØSJORDE, Hordaland County (member of the Lagting)<br />

— Mr Per SANDBERG, Nord-Trøndelag County<br />

— Mr Jan SIMONSEN, Rogaland County (justice)<br />

— Mr Lodve SOLHOLM, Møre og Romsdal County<br />

— Mr Jørn L STANG, Østfold County (justice)<br />

— Mr Christopher STENSAKER, Sør-Trøndelag County (Lagting)<br />

— Mr Kenneth SVENDSEN, Nordland County<br />

— Mr Øyvind VAKSDAL, Rogaland County<br />

— Mr Per Ove WIDTH, Vestfold County (member of the Lagting)<br />

Christian Democratic Party (25 representatives):<br />

Chairman: Mr Kjell Magne BONDEVIK<br />

Vice-Chairman: Mr Einar STEENSNÆS<br />

Members: Ms Valgerd SVARSTAD HAUGLAND, Mr Odd HOLTEN, Ms<br />


Deputy members: Ms Åse Gunhild WOIE DUESUND, Ms May-Helen<br />


Mr Gunnar LIE, Mr Are NÆSS, Mr Ivar ØSTBERG<br />

— Mr Kjell Magne BONDEVIK, Møre og Romsdal County<br />

— Ms Åse Gunhild WOIE DUESUND, Aust-Agder County<br />

— Ms May-Helen MOLVÆR GRIMSTAD, Møre og Romsdal County<br />

48<br />

<strong>FORMAL</strong> <strong>COMPLAINT</strong> VS THE KINGDOM OF NORWAY<br />

by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway<br />


United Nations petition — incomplete report<br />

— Ms Valgerd SVARSTAD HAUGLAND, Akershus County<br />

— Mr Odd HOLTEN, Østfold County (member of the Lagting)<br />

— Ms Hilde FRAFJORD JOHNSON, Rogaland County (anthropologist)<br />

— Ms Randi KARLSTRØM, Finnmark County<br />

— Ms Rigmor KOFOED-LARSEN, Oppland County (nurse)<br />

— Mr Lars Gunnar LIE, Sogn og Fjordane County<br />

— Mr Jon LILLETUN, Vest-Agder County<br />

— Mr Arne LYNGSTAD, Nord-Trøndelag County<br />

— Mr Ola T LÅNKE, Sør-Trøndelag County<br />

— Mr Finn Kristian MARTHINSEN, Buskerud County (justice)<br />

— Mr Are NÆSS, Hordaland County (physician)<br />

— Mr Bror Yngve RAHM, Telemark County<br />

— Mr Lars RISE, Oslo County (member of the Lagting)<br />

— Mr Jan SAHL, Nordland County (member of the Lagting)<br />

— Ms Elsa SKARBØVIK, Vestfold County (member of the Lagting)<br />

— Mr Einar STEENSNÆS, Rogaland County<br />

— Ms Anne Brit STRÅTVEIT, Vest-agder County (Lagting member)<br />

— Ms Anita APELTHUN SÆLE, Hordaland County<br />

— Mr Ingebrigt S SØRFONN, Hordaland County<br />

— Ms Åse NILSSEN WISLØFF (Lagting member/justice), nurse<br />

— Ms Kari ØKLAND, Nordland County<br />

— Mr Ivar ØSTBERG, Troms County<br />

Conservative Party (23 representatives):<br />

Chairman: Mr Jan PETERSEN<br />

Vice-Chairman: Mr Per-Kristian FOSS<br />

Members: Ms Kristin KROHN DEVOLD, Mr Ansgar GABRIELSEN, Mr Svein<br />


— Mr Børge BRENDE, Sør-Trøndelag County<br />

— Mr Ole Johs. BRUNÆS, Vestfold County (member of the Lagting)<br />

— Ms Kristin KROHN DEVOLD, Oslo County (justice)<br />

— Mr Per Kristian FOSS, Oslo County<br />

— Mr Ansgar GABRIELSEN, Vest-Agder County<br />

— Mr Ingvald GODAL, Telemark County<br />

— Mr Trond HELLELAND, Buskerud County<br />

— Mr Bjørn HERNÆS, Hedmark County (justice)<br />

— Mr Sverre J HODDEVIK, Sogn og Fjordane County<br />

— Ms Annelise HØEGH, Oslo County<br />

— Mr Bent HØIE, Rogaland County<br />

— Mr Ivar KRISTIANSEN, Nordland County<br />

49<br />

<strong>FORMAL</strong> <strong>COMPLAINT</strong> VS THE KINGDOM OF NORWAY<br />

by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway<br />


United Nations petition — incomplete report<br />

— Mr Svein LUDVIGSEN, Troms County (member of the Lagting)<br />

— Mr Inge LØNNING, Oslo County<br />

— Mr Petter LØVIK, Møre og Romsdal County (member of the Lagting)<br />

— Ms Kjellaug NAKKIM, Østfold County<br />

— Mr Oddvard NILSEN, Hordaland County<br />

— Mr Jan PETERSEN, Akershus County<br />

— Mr Jan Tore SANNER, Akershus County<br />

— Ms Sonja Irene SJØLI, Akershus County (Lagting member), nurse<br />

— Ms Erna SOLBERG, Hordaland County<br />

— Ms Siri FROST STERRI, Sør-Trøndelag County (Lagting member)<br />

— Ms Inger STOLT-NIELSEN, Rogaland County (Lagting member)<br />

Centre Party (11 representatives):<br />

Chairman: Mr Odd Roger ENOKSEN<br />

Members: Mr Morten LUND, Ms Jorunn RINGSTAD, Ms Marit<br />


Deputy members: Mr John DALE, Mr Johan J JAKOBSEN<br />

— Mr John DALE, Hordaland County (member of the Lagting)<br />

— Mr Odd Roger ENOKSEN, Nordland County<br />

— Mr Ola D GLØTVOLD, Hedmark County (member of the Lagting)<br />

— Mr Johan J JAKOBSEN, Nord-Trøndelag County<br />

— Ms Magnhild MELTVEIT KLEPPA, Rogaland County<br />

— Ms Anne ENGER LAHNSTEIN, Akershus County<br />

— Mr Morten LUND, Sør-Trøndelag County<br />

— Mr Tor NYMO, Troms County (justice)<br />

— Mr Gudmund RESTAD, Møre og Romsdal County<br />

— Ms Jorunn RINGSTAD, Sogn og Fjordane County<br />

— Ms Marit TINGELSTAD, Oppland County (member of the Lagting)<br />

Socialist Left Party (9 representatives):<br />

Chairman: Ms Kristin HALVORSEN<br />

Vice-Chairman: Ms Karin ANDERSEN<br />

Members: Mr Hallgeir H LANGELAND, Mr Rolf REIKVAM<br />

Deputy member: Øystein DJUPEDAL<br />

— Ms Karin ANDERSEN, Hedmark County<br />

— Mr Olav Gunnar BALLO, Finnmark County (physician)<br />

— Mr Øystein DJUPEDAL, Sør-Trøndelag County<br />

50<br />

<strong>FORMAL</strong> <strong>COMPLAINT</strong> VS THE KINGDOM OF NORWAY<br />

by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway<br />


United Nations petition — incomplete report<br />

— Ms Kristin HALVORSEN, Oslo County<br />

— Mr Hallgeir H LANGELAND, Rogaland County<br />

— Mr Inge MYRVOLL, Nordland County (member of the Lagting)<br />

— Mr Rolf REIKVAM, Akershus County<br />

— Ms Lisbet RUGTVEDT, Oslo County<br />

— Ms Ågot VALLE, Hordaland County (health care)<br />

Liberal Party (6 representatives):<br />

Chairman: Mr Lars SPONHEIM<br />

Vice-Chairman: Mr Gunnar KVASSHEIM<br />

— Mr Odd Einar DØRUM, Oslo County<br />

— Mr Terje JOHANSEN, Akershus County (member of the Lagting)<br />

— Mr Leif Helge KONGSHAUG, Møre og Romsdal County<br />

— Mr Gunnar KVASSHEIM, Rogaland County<br />

— Mr Lars SPONHEIM, Hordaland County<br />

— Ms May Britt VIHOVDE, Hordaland County (member of the Lagting)<br />

Non-Partisan Representatives (1 representative):<br />

— Mr Steinar BASTESEN, Nordland County<br />

The Storting representatives from Møre og Romsdal County are, in this<br />

connection, particularly interesting:<br />

— Mr Kjell Magne BONDEVIK (Christian Democratic Party)<br />

— Ms May-Helen MOLVÆR GRIMSTAD (Christian Democratic Party)<br />

— Ms Laila KALAND (Labour Party)<br />

— Ms Karita BEKKEMELLEM ORHEIM (Labour Party)<br />

— Mr Asmund KRISTOFFERSEN (Labour Party)<br />

— Mr Lodve SOLHOLM (Progress Party)<br />

— Mr Harald Tom NESVIK (Progress Party)<br />

— Mr Gudmund RESTAD (Centre Party), former police officer<br />

— Mr Leif Helge KONGSHAUG (Liberal Party)<br />

— Mr Petter LØVIK (Conservative Party)<br />

51<br />

<strong>FORMAL</strong> <strong>COMPLAINT</strong> VS THE KINGDOM OF NORWAY<br />

by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway<br />


United Nations petition — incomplete report<br />

Deputy representatives for the Labour Party in Møre og Romsdal County:<br />

— Mr Ottar KALDHOL, Ulstein<br />

— Mr Kjell Terje FEVÅG, Kristiansund<br />

— Ms Grethe BJØRLO, Ålesund<br />

— Mr Jan SILSETH, Sunndal<br />

— Mr Bernhard RIKSFJORD, Aukra<br />

— Ms Gudny FAGERHOL, Ørsta<br />

Deputy representatives for the Christian Democratic Party in Møre og<br />

Romsdal County:<br />

— Mr Modulf AUKAN, Tustna<br />

— Ms Anne Lise LUNDE, Stranda<br />

— Mr Svein Atle ROSETH, Nesset<br />

— Ms Reidun VIGESTAD BERGE, Ørsta<br />

— Mr Magnar HEGGERNES (police officer), Vanylven<br />

Deputy representatives for the Progress Party in Møre og Romsdal County:<br />

— Ms Gerd FLADSET, Averøy<br />

— Mr Arve Hans OTTERLEI, Fræna<br />

— Mr Jan Steinar ENGELI JOHANSEN, Averøy<br />

— Mr Oscar Jarle GRIMSTAD, Hareid<br />

— Mr Gustav HAREIDE (physician), Ålesund<br />

Deputy representatives for the Conservative Party in Møre og Romsdal<br />

County:<br />

— Mr Dagfinn RIPNES, Kristiansund<br />

— Ms Elisabeth RØBEKK NØRVE, Ålesund<br />

— Mr Lars RAMSTAD, Rauma<br />

— Ms Marianne HOFSETH, Ålesund<br />

Deputy representatives for the Centre Party in Møre og Romsdal County:<br />

— Mr Jørgen HOLTE, Volda<br />

— Ms Eli SOLLIED ØVERAAS, Vestnes<br />

— Mr Per Ivar LIED (aspirant Ministry of Foreign Affairs), Stranda<br />

52<br />

<strong>FORMAL</strong> <strong>COMPLAINT</strong> VS THE KINGDOM OF NORWAY<br />

by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway<br />


United Nations petition — incomplete report<br />

— Ms Else BRANDVOLL ANDRESEN, Surnadal<br />

Deputy representatives for the Liberal Party in Møre og Romsdal County:<br />

— Ms Aud FOLKESTAD, Stranda<br />

— Ms Sylvia HAMMERSVIK, Molde<br />

— Mr Arne Birger TUNHEIM, Giske<br />

— Mr Iver G NORDSETH, Smøla<br />

Members of the Norwegian Storting 2001–2005<br />

Aust-Agder County:<br />

— ANDERSEN Torbjørn (Progress Party)<br />

— DUESUND WOIE Åse Gunhild (Christian Democratic Party)<br />

— HALVORSEN Gunnar (Labour Party)<br />

— OLSEN Jan Olav (Conservative Party)<br />

Vest-Agder County:<br />

— ANDERSEN Anne Berit (Conservative Party)<br />

— ERIKSEN Dagrun (Christian Democratic Party)<br />

— GITMARK Peter (Conservative Party), stand-in for Mr Ansgar<br />


— KLUNGLAND Rolf Terje (Labour Party)<br />

— LILLETUN Jon (Christian Democratic Party)<br />

Akershus County:<br />

— ARNØY HALL Siri (Socialist Left Party)<br />

— BJØRNSTAD Vidar (Labour Party)<br />

— CHRISTIANSEN Julie (Conservative Party)<br />

— DAHL André (Conservative Party), stand-in for Mr Jan PETERSEN<br />

— ENGEBRETSEN Kjell (Labour Party)<br />

— EVJE Ursula (Progress Party)<br />

— FOSSLI Grethe (Labour Party)<br />

— HAGA Åslaug (Centre Party)<br />

53<br />

<strong>FORMAL</strong> <strong>COMPLAINT</strong> VS THE KINGDOM OF NORWAY<br />

by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway<br />


United Nations petition — incomplete report<br />

— HOLSTAD Einar (Christian Democratic Party), stand-in for Ms<br />

Valgerd S HAUGLAND<br />

— HØGLUND Morten (Progress Party)<br />

— KVAKKESTAD André (Progress Party)<br />

— ONARHEIM Leif Frode (Conservative Party)<br />

— REIKVAM Rolf (Socialist Left Party)<br />

— SANNER Jan Tore (Conservative Party)<br />

— SJØLI Sonja Irene (Conservative Party)<br />

Buskerud County:<br />

— BERGO LUND Magnar (Socialist Left Party)<br />

— ENG Sigrun (Labour Party)<br />

— HELLELAND Trond (Conservative Party)<br />

— HUNDHAMMER HEIEREN Beate (Conservative Party)<br />

— JAGLAND Thorbjørn (Labour Party)<br />

— KNUDSEN Ulf Erik (Progress Party)<br />

— MARTHINSEN Finn Kristian (Christian Democratic Party)<br />

Finnmark County:<br />

— BALLO Olav Gunnar (Socialist Left Party)<br />

— NIELSEN Eva (Labour Party)<br />

— ROBERTSEN Raymond (Conservative Party)<br />

— SCHJØTT-PEDERSEN Karl Eirik (Labour Party)<br />

Hedmark County:<br />

— ANDERSEN Karin (Socialist Left Party)<br />

— BREDVOLD Per Roar (Progress Party)<br />

— BRUSTAD Sylvia (Labour Party)<br />

— FALDET Eirin (Labour Party)<br />

— GLØTVOLD Ola (Centre Party)<br />

— HERNÆS Bjørn (Conservative Party)<br />

— STORBERGET Knut (Labour Party)<br />

— WISLØFF-NILSSEN Åse (Christian Democratic Party)<br />

54<br />

<strong>FORMAL</strong> <strong>COMPLAINT</strong> VS THE KINGDOM OF NORWAY<br />

by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway<br />


Hordaland County:<br />

United Nations petition — incomplete report<br />

— AKSELSEN Olav (Labour Party)<br />

— EKELAND Silja (Conservative Party), stand-in for Ms Erna<br />


— FRØILAND Ranveig (Labour Party)<br />

— HAGESÆTER Gjermund (Progress Party)<br />

— HALLERAKER Øyvind (Conservative Party)<br />

— HANSEN Torbjørn (Conservative Party)<br />

— LJONES Ingmar (Christian Democratic Party)<br />

— LUND Leif (Labour Party)<br />

— LYSBAKKEN BJØRLO Audun (Socialist Left Party)<br />

— NILSEN Oddvard (Conservative Party)<br />

— SKJÆLAAEN Rune (Centre Party)<br />

— SORTEVIK Arne (Progress Party)<br />

— SÆLE APELTHUN Anita (Christian Democratic Party)<br />

— SØRFONN Ingebrigt (Christian Democratic Party)<br />

— VALLE Ågot (Socialist Left Party)<br />

— VIHOVDE May Britt (Liberal Party), stand-in for Mr Lars<br />


— WOLDSETH S Karin (Progress Party)<br />

Møre og Romsdal County:<br />

— AUKAN Modulf (Christian Democratic Party), stand-in for Mr Kjell<br />

Magne BONDEVIK<br />

— GRIMSTAD MOLVÆR May-Helen (Christian Democratic Party)<br />

— JACOBSEN Bjørn (Socialist Left Party)<br />

— KRISTOFFERSEN Asmund (Labour Party)<br />

— LØVIK Petter (Conservative Party)<br />

— NESVIK T Harald (Progress Party)<br />

— NØRVE RØBEKK Elisabeth (Conservative Party)<br />

— ORHEIM BEKKEMELLEM Karita (Labour Party)<br />

— SOLHOLM Lodve (Progress Party)<br />

— ØVERAAS SOLLIED Eli (Centre Party)<br />

Nordland County:<br />

— BASTESEN Steinar (Coastal Party)<br />

— ELLINGSEN Jan Arild (Progress Party)<br />

— ELVIK Åsa (Socialist Left Party)<br />

55<br />

<strong>FORMAL</strong> <strong>COMPLAINT</strong> VS THE KINGDOM OF NORWAY<br />

by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway<br />


United Nations petition — incomplete report<br />

— ENOKSEN Odd Roger (Centre Party)<br />

— HANSEN Geir-Ketil (Socialist Left Party)<br />

— KRISTIANSEN Ivar (Conservative Party)<br />

— PEDERSEN Torny (Labour Party)<br />

— SAHL Jan (Christian Democratic Party)<br />

— SOLBERG Hill-Marta (Labour Party)<br />

— STRØM Tor-Arne (Labour Party)<br />

— SVENDSEN Kenneth (Progress Party)<br />

— VOIE Søren Fredrik (Conservative Party)<br />

Oppland County:<br />

— BJØRKLUND Kjetil (Socialist Left Party)<br />

— BLANKENBORG Haakon (Labour Party)<br />

— BRØRBY Berit (Labour Party)<br />

— ENGER Inger S (Centre Party)<br />

— NISTAD Thore A (Progress Party)<br />

— RUDIHAGEN Torstein (Labour Party)<br />

— THOMMESSEN Olemic (Conservative Party)<br />

Oslo County:<br />

— ERIKSEN Ine-Marie (Conservative Party), stand-in for Mr Per-K<br />

FOSS<br />

— FROYN Bjørgulv (Labour Party)<br />

— GRANDE SKEI Trine (Liberal Party), stand-in for Mr Odd E<br />

DØRUM<br />

— HAGEN Carl I (Progress Party)<br />

— HALVORSEN Kristin (Socialist Left Party)<br />

— HILDENG Britt (Labour Party)<br />

— HOLMÅS Heikki (Socialist Left Party)<br />

— JENSEN Siv (Progress Party)<br />

— KJÆSTAD Hans R (Conservative Party), stand-in for Ms Kristin K<br />

DEVOLD<br />

— LARSSEN Heidi (Conservative Party)<br />

— LØNNING Inge (Conservative Party)<br />

— NYBAKK Marit (Labour Party)<br />

— RAFIQ Afshan (Conservative Party)<br />

— RISE Lars (Christian Democratic Party)<br />

— STOLTENBERG Jens (Labour Party)<br />

— SØRENSEN Heidi (Socialist Left Party)<br />

56<br />

<strong>FORMAL</strong> <strong>COMPLAINT</strong> VS THE KINGDOM OF NORWAY<br />

by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway<br />


Rogaland County:<br />

United Nations petition — incomplete report<br />

— GJEDREM Olaf (Christian Democratic Party), stand-in for Mr Einar<br />


— HØIE Bent (Conservative Party)<br />

— KLEPPA MELTVEIT Magnhild (Centre Party)<br />

— LANGELAND Hallgeir H (Socialist Left Party)<br />

— MELING Siri A (Conservative Party)<br />

— NORDTUN Tore (Labour Party)<br />

— SIMONSEN Jan (independent)<br />

— STARRFELT AUSDAL Oddbjørg (Labour Party)<br />

— TØRRESDAL Bjørg (Christian Democratic Party)<br />

— VAKSDAL Øyvind (Progress Party)<br />

— VALLERSNES Finn Martin (Conservative Party)<br />

Sogn og Fjordane County:<br />

— HODDEVIK Sverre (Conservative Party)<br />

— RINGSTAD Jorunn (Centre Party)<br />

— RØYS GRANDE Heidi (Socialist Left Party)<br />

— OSMUNDNES Per Steinar (Christian Democratic Party), stand-in for<br />

Mr Magne AARØEN<br />

— SANDAL Reidar (Labour Party)<br />

Telemark County:<br />

— ALVHEIM John I (Progress Party)<br />

— HANSEN OPPEBØEN Sigvald (Labour Party)<br />

— HOLMBERG Kari Lise (Conservative Party)<br />

— MOLVIK Sigbjørn (Socialist Left Party)<br />

— OLSEN Gunn (Labour Party)<br />

— RAHM Bror Yngve (Christian Democratic Party)<br />

Troms County:<br />

— ARNESEN Bendiks H (Labour Party)<br />

— JENSEN Lena (Socialist Left Party)<br />

— KONGLEVOLL Synnøve (Labour Party)<br />

— KONRADSEN Åge (Conservative Party)<br />

57<br />

<strong>FORMAL</strong> <strong>COMPLAINT</strong> VS THE KINGDOM OF NORWAY<br />

by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway<br />


United Nations petition — incomplete report<br />

— KORSBERG Øyvind (Progress Party)<br />

— ØSTBERG Ivar (Christian Democratic Party)<br />

Nord-Trøndelag County:<br />

— ARNSTAD Marit (Centre Party)<br />

— GAUNDAL Aud (Labour Party)<br />

— HANSSEN Bjarne Håkon (Labour Party)<br />

— LYNGSTAD Arne (Christian Democratic Party)<br />

— RYAN Inge (Socialist Left Party)<br />

— SANDBERG Per (Progress Party)<br />

Sør-Trøndelag County:<br />

— DJUPEDAL Øystein (Socialist Left Party)<br />

— GISKE Trond (Labour Party)<br />

— GJUL Gunn Karin (Labour Party)<br />

— HOFSTAD Linda Cathrine (Conservative Party), stand-in for Mr<br />

Børge BRENDE<br />

— LUND Morten (Centre Party)<br />

— LÅNKE Ola T (Christian Democratic Party)<br />

— MALVIK VAGGEN Ingvild (Socialist Left Party)<br />

— MOMYR Michael (Conservative Party)<br />

— STENSAKER Christopher (Progress Party)<br />

— ØYANGEN Gunhild (Labour Party)<br />

Vestfold County:<br />

— FLÅTTEN Svein (Conservative Party)<br />

— HOGSNES Hans Kristian (Conservative Party)<br />

— KOSMO Jørgen Hårek (Labour Party)<br />

— MONSEN Per Erik (Progress Party)<br />

— RUI Anne Helen (Labour Party)<br />

— SKARBØVIK Elsa (Christian Democratic Party)<br />

— THORKILDSEN Inga Marte (Socialist Left Party)<br />

— WIDTH Per Ove (Progress Party)<br />

58<br />

<strong>FORMAL</strong> <strong>COMPLAINT</strong> VS THE KINGDOM OF NORWAY<br />

by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway<br />


Østfold County:<br />

United Nations petition — incomplete report<br />

— DYBEVIG Carsten (Conservative Party), stand-in for Ms Ingjerd<br />

SCHOU<br />

— ENGESET Martin (Conservative Party)<br />

— HANSEN May (Socialist Left Party)<br />

— HANSEN Svein R (Labour Party)<br />

— HEDSTRØM Øystein (Progress Party)<br />

— HOLTEN Odd (Christian Democratic Party)<br />

— RØD Henrik (Progress Party)<br />

— ØYE Signe (Labour Party)<br />

The Norwegian Government Oct 25 th , 1996–Oct 17 th , 1997<br />

Prime Minister: — Mr Thorbjørn JAGLAND (Labour Party)<br />

The Ministry of Finance:<br />

— Mr Jens STOLTENBERG (Labour Party)<br />

The Ministy of Defence:<br />

— Mr Jørgen Hårek KOSMO (Labour Party)<br />

The Ministry of Fisheries:<br />

— Mr Karl Eirik SCHJØTT-PEDERSEN (Labour Party)<br />

The Ministry of Justice and the Police:<br />

— Ms Anne HOLT (Labour Party)<br />

— Ms Gerd-Liv VALLA (Labour party), from Feb 2 nd , 1997<br />

The Ministry of Education, Research and Church Affairs:<br />

— Mr Reidar SANDAL (Labour Party)<br />

The Ministry of Environment:<br />

— Mr Thorbjørn BERNTSEN (Labour Party)<br />

The Ministry of Transport and Communications:<br />

— Ms Sissel RØNBECK (Labour Party)<br />

59<br />

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by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway<br />


United Nations petition — incomplete report<br />

The Ministry of Cultural Affairs:<br />

— Ms Turid BIRKELAND (Labour Party)<br />

The Ministry of Agriculture:<br />

— Mr Dag Terje ANDERSEN (Labour Party)<br />

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs:<br />

— Mr Bjørn Tore GODAL (Labour Party), foreign affairs<br />

— Ms Kari NORDHEIM-LARSEN (Labour Party), international<br />

development etc<br />

The Ministry of Petroleum and Energy:<br />

— Ms Grete FAREMO (Labour Party)<br />

— Ms Ranveig FRØILAND (Labour Party), from Dec 19 th , 1996<br />

The Ministry of Health and Social Affairs:<br />

— Ms Hill-Marta SOLBERG (Labour Party), social affairs<br />

— Mr Gudmund HERNES (Labour Party), health affairs<br />

The Ministry of Trade and Industry:<br />

— Ms Grete KNUDSEN (Labour Party)<br />

The Ministry of Planning and Coordination:<br />

— Mr Terje RØD-LARSEN (Labour Party)<br />

— Mr Bendik RUGAAS (Labour Party), from Nov 29 th , 1996<br />

The Ministry of Children and Family Affairs:<br />

— Ms Sylvia BRUSTAD (Labour Party)<br />

The Ministry of Local Government and Regional Development:<br />

— Mr Kjell OPSETH (Labour Party)<br />

60<br />

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by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway<br />


United Nations petition — incomplete report<br />

The Norwegian Government Oct 17 th , 1997–Mar 17 th , 2000<br />

Prime Minister: — Mr Kjell Magne BONDEVIK (Christian Democratic<br />

Party)<br />

The Ministry of Finance:<br />

— Mr Gudmund RESTAD (Centre Party)<br />

The Ministry of Defence:<br />

— Mr Dag Jostein FJÆRVOLL (Christian Democratic Party)<br />

— Ms Eldbjørg LØWER (Liberal Party), from Mar 15 th , 1999<br />

The Ministry of Fisheries:<br />

— Mr Peter ANGELSEN (Centre Party)<br />

The Ministry of Justice and the Police:<br />

— Ms Aud-Inger AURE (Christian Democratic Party)<br />

— Mr Odd Einar DØRUM (Liberal Party), from Mar 15 th , 1999<br />

The Ministry of Education, Research and Church Affairs:<br />

— Mr Jon LILLETUN (Christian Democratic Party)<br />

The Ministry of Environment:<br />

— Ms Guro FJELLANGER (Liberal Party)<br />

The Ministry of Transport and Communications:<br />

— Mr Odd Einar DØRUM (Liberal Party)<br />

— Mr Dag Jostein FJÆRVOLL (Christian Democratic Party), from Mar<br />

15 th , 1999<br />

The Ministry of Cultural Affairs:<br />

— Ms Anne ENGER LAHNSTEIN (Centre Party)<br />

The Ministry of Agriculture:<br />

— Mr Kåre GJØNNES (Christian Democratic Party)<br />

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs:<br />

— Mr Knut VOLLEBÆK (Christian Democratic Party), foreign affairs<br />

— Ms Hilde FRAFJORD JOHNSON (Christian Democratic Party),<br />

international development and human rights<br />

61<br />

<strong>FORMAL</strong> <strong>COMPLAINT</strong> VS THE KINGDOM OF NORWAY<br />

by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway<br />


United Nations petition — incomplete report<br />

The Ministry of Petroleum and Energy:<br />

— Ms Marit ARNSTAD (Centre Party)<br />

The Ministry of Health and Social Affairs:<br />

— Ms Magnhild MELTVEIT KLEPPA (Centre Party), social affairs<br />

— Mr Dagfinn HØYBRÅTEN (Christian Democratic Party), health<br />

affairs<br />

The Ministry of Trade and Industry:<br />

— Mr Lars SPONHEIM (Liberal Party)<br />

The Ministry of Labor and Government Administration:<br />

— Ms Eldbjørg LØWER (Liberal Party)<br />

— Ms Laila DÅVØY (Christian Democratic Party), from Mar 15 th , 1999<br />

The Ministry of Children and Family Affairs:<br />

— Ms Valgerd SVARSTAD HAUGLAND (Christian Democratic Party)<br />

The Ministry of Local Government and Regional Development:<br />

— Ms Ragnhild QUESETH HAARSTAD (Centre Party)<br />

— Mr Odd Roger ENOKSEN (Centre Party), from Mar 15 th , 1999<br />

The Norwegian Government Mar 17 th , 2000–Oct 19 th , 2001<br />

Information up-to-date Sep 25 th , 2001<br />

Prime Minister: — Mr Jens STOLTENBERG (Labour Party)<br />

Secretaries: Mr Jonas GAHR STØRE, Mr Norvald MO, Mr Tom<br />


Political advisers: Ms Hilde SINGSAAS, Ms Kathinka MEIRIK<br />

The Ministry of Labour and Government Administration:<br />

— Mr Jørgen Hårek KOSMO (Labour Party)<br />

Secretary: Ms Marianne SEIP HAUGSNES<br />

Political adviser: Ms Hilde Kristine NYSTEN THORKILDSEN<br />

The Ministry of Children and Family Affairs:<br />

— Ms Karita BEKKEMELLEM ORHEIM (Labour Party)<br />

Secretary: Ms Solveig SOLBAKKEN<br />

62<br />

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by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway<br />


United Nations petition — incomplete report<br />

Political advisers: Mr Kjell Erik ØIE, Ms Eli Anne HOLE<br />

The Ministry of Finance:<br />

— Mr Karl Eirik SCHJØTT-PEDERSEN (Labour Party)<br />

Secretaries: Mr Vidar OVESEN, Ms Ellen MO, Ms Hege Marie<br />


Political adviser: Mr Torbjørn GIÆVER ERIKSEN<br />

The Ministry of Fisheries:<br />

— Mr Otto GREGUSSEN (Labour Party)<br />

Secretary: Ms Ellen BERGLI<br />

Political adviser: Ms Venke NORDEIDE<br />

The Ministry of Defence:<br />

— Mr Bjørn Tore GODAL (Labour Party)<br />

Secretary: Mr Øystein SINGSAAS<br />

Political adviser: Ms Tonje WESTBY<br />

The Ministry of Justice and the Police:<br />

— Ms Hanne HARLEM (Labour Party)<br />

Secretaries: Mr Øystein MÆLAND, Ms Anne Lise RYEL<br />

Political adviser: Mr Kjetil MJØSUND<br />

The Ministry of Education, Research and Church Affairs:<br />

— Mr Trond GISKE (Labour Party)<br />

Secretaries: Ms Nina TANGNÆS GRØNVOLD, Ms Randi ØVERLAND<br />

Political adviser: Mr Wegard Håkon HARSVIK<br />

The Ministry of Local Government and Regional Development:<br />

— Ms Sylvia BRUSTAD (Labour Party)<br />

Secretaries: Mr Steinar PEDERSEN, Mr Audun TRON, Mr Sverre<br />

BUGGE, Mr Einar GELIUS<br />

Political adviser: Ms Marianne AASEN AGDESTEIN<br />

The Ministry of Cultural Affairs:<br />

— Ms Ellen HORN (Labour Party)<br />

Secretary: Mr Roger INGEBRIGTSEN<br />

Political adviser: Ms Aina HOLST<br />

The Ministry of Agriculture:<br />

— Mr Bjarne Håkon HANSSEN (Labour Party)<br />

Secretary: Mr Sveinung VALLE<br />

63<br />

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by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway<br />


United Nations petition — incomplete report<br />

Political adviser: Ms Sikke NÆSHEIM<br />

The Ministry of Environment:<br />

— Ms Siri BJERKE (Labour Party)<br />

Secretary: Mr Stein LIER-HANSEN<br />

Political adviser: Mr Jo Stein MOE<br />

The Ministry of Trade and Industry:<br />

— Ms Grete KNUDSEN (Labour Party)<br />

Secretaries: Ms Britt SCHULTZ, Mr Tore O SANDVIK<br />

Political advisers: Mr Trygve BOLSTAD, Ms Helga PEDERSEN<br />

The Ministry of Petroleum and Energy:<br />

— Mr Olav AKSELSEN (Labour Party)<br />

Secretary: Ms Bjørg Kirsten SANDAL<br />

Political adviser: Mr Erlend JAHNS BROLI<br />

The Ministry of Transport and Communications:<br />

— Mr Terje MOE GUSTAVSEN (Labour Party)<br />

Secretary: Ms Eirin Kristin SUND<br />

Political adviser: Mr Arnt Frode JENSEN<br />

The Ministry of Health and Social Affairs:<br />

— Ms Guri INGEBRIGTSEN (Labour Party), social affairs<br />

— Mr Tore TØNNE (Labour Party), healt affairs<br />

Secretaries: Mr Lars Erik FLATØ, Mr Tore HAGEBAKKEN<br />

Political advisers: Ms Inger Marit N EIRA, Ms Eva Torunn JUPSKÅS<br />

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs:<br />

— Mr Thorbjørn JAGLAND (Labour Party), foreign affairs<br />

— Ms Anne Kristin SYDNES (Labour Party), international development<br />

Secretaries: Mr Jan BØHLER, Mr Raymond JOHANSEN, Mr Espen<br />


Political adviser: Ms Anne Marit BJØRNFLATEN, Mr Håvard<br />


64<br />

<strong>FORMAL</strong> <strong>COMPLAINT</strong> VS THE KINGDOM OF NORWAY<br />

by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway<br />


United Nations petition — incomplete report<br />

The Norwegian Government Oct 19 th , 2001–<br />

Information up-to-date Mar, 2005<br />

Prime Minister: — Mr Kjell Magne BONDEVIK (Christian Democratic<br />

Party)<br />

Ministry of Agriculture and Food:<br />

— Mr Lars SPONHEIM (Liberal Party)<br />

Ministry of Children and Family Affairs:<br />

— Ms Laila DÅVØY (Christian Democratic Party)<br />

Ministry of Culture and Church Affairs:<br />

— Ms Valgerd SVARSTAD HAUGLAND (Christian Democratic Party)<br />

Ministry of Defence:<br />

— Ms Kristin KROHN DEVOLD (Conservative Party)<br />

Ministry of Education and Research:<br />

— Ms Kristin CLEMET (Conservative Party)<br />

Ministry of Finance:<br />

— Mr Per-Kristian FOSS (Conservative Party)<br />

Ministry of Fisheries and Coastal Affairs:<br />

— Mr Svein LUDVIGSEN (Conservative Party)<br />

Ministry of Foreign Affairs:<br />

— Mr Jan PETERSEN (Conservative Party), foreign affairs<br />

— Ms Hilde FRAFJORD JOHNSON (Christian Democratic Party),<br />

international development etc<br />

Ministry of Health and Care Services:<br />

— Mr Ansgar GABRIELSEN (Conservative Party)<br />

Ministry of Justice and the Police:<br />

— Mr Odd Einar DØRUM (Liberal Party)<br />

Ministry of Modernisation:<br />

— Mr Morten Andreas MEYER (Conservative Party)<br />

65<br />

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by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway<br />


United Nations petition — incomplete report<br />

Ministry of Local Government and Regional Development:<br />

— Ms Erna SOLBERG (Conservative Party)<br />

Ministry of Petroleum and Energy:<br />

— Ms Thorhild WIDVEY (Conservative Party)<br />

Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs:<br />

— Mr Dagfinn HØYBRÅTEN (Christian Democratic Party)<br />

Ministry of Trade and Industry:<br />

— Mr Børge BRENDE (Conservative Party)<br />

Ministry of Transport and Communications:<br />

— Ms Torild SKOGSHOLM (Liberal Party)<br />

Ministry of the Environment:<br />

— Mr Knut Arild HAREIDE (Christian Democratic Party)<br />

The Norwegian Supreme Court — Jan, 1998<br />

Mr Gunnar BERGBY (Director), b Aug 28, 1947<br />

Mr Carsten SMITH (Chief Justice), b Jul 13, 1932<br />

Ms Vera HOLMØY (judge), b Apr 27, 1931<br />

Mr Jan Rasmus SKÅRE (judge), b Jan 17, 1929<br />

Mr Gunnar AASLAND (judge), b Apr 15, 1936<br />

Mr Jens BUGGE (judge), b May 10, 1930<br />

Mr Trond DOLVA (judge), b Jul 13, 1934<br />

Mr Tore SCHEI (judge), b Feb 19, 1946<br />

Ms Liv GJØLSTAD (judge), b Jan 9, 1945<br />

Mr Ketil LUND (judge), b Oct 14, 1939<br />

Ms Karenanne GUSSGARD (judge), b Jan 2, 1940<br />

Mr Steinar TJOMSLAND (judge), b Jul 23, 1948<br />

Ms Kirsti COWARD (judge), b Dec 19, 1940<br />

Mr Magnus AARBAKKE (judge), b Oct 14, 1934<br />

Mr Eilert STANG LUND (judge), b Jul 15, 1939<br />

Mr Lars OFTEDAL BROCH (judge), b Jan 1, 1939<br />

Mr Hans FLOCK (judge), b Apr 18, 1940<br />

Mr Magnus MATNINGSDAL (judge), b Sep 29, 1951<br />

66<br />

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by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway<br />


United Nations petition — incomplete report<br />

Mr Georg Fredrik RIEBER-MOHN (judge), b Aug 13, 1945<br />

Ms Karin M BRUZELIUS (judge), b Feb 19, 1941<br />

The Norwegian Supreme Court — Dec, 2000<br />

Mr Gunnar BERGBY (Director), b Aug 28, 1947<br />

Mr Carsten SMITH (Chief Justice), b Jul 13, 1932<br />

Ms Vera HOLMØY (judge), b Apr 27, 1931<br />

Mr Karl Arne UTGÅRD (judge), b Mar 6, 1951<br />

Mr Gunnar AASLAND (judge), b Apr 15, 1936<br />

Mr Jens Edvin A SKOGHØY (judge), b Feb 16, 1955<br />

Mr Trond DOLVA (judge), b Jul 13, 1934<br />

Mr Tore SCHEI (judge), b Feb 19, 1946<br />

Ms Liv GJØLSTAD (judge), b Jan 9, 1945<br />

Mr Ketil LUND (judge), b Oct 14, 1939<br />

Ms Karenanne GUSSGARD (judge), b Jan 2, 1940<br />

Mr Steinar TJOMSLAND (judge), b Jul 23, 1948<br />

Ms Kirsti COWARD (judge), b Dec 19, 1940<br />

Mr Magnus AARBAKKE (judge), b Oct 14, 1934<br />

Mr Eilert STANG LUND (judge), b Jul 15, 1939<br />

Mr Lars OFTEDAL BROCH (judge), b Jan 1, 1939<br />

Mr Hans FLOCK (judge), b Apr 18, 1940<br />

Mr Magnus MATNINGSDAL (judge), b Sep 29, 1951<br />

Mr Georg Fredrik RIEBER-MOHN (judge), b Aug 13, 1945<br />

Ms Karin M BRUZELIUS (judge), b Feb 19, 1941<br />

Ms Nina FRISAK (judge), b Nov 28, 1950<br />

The Norwegian Supreme Court — May, 2005<br />

Mr Gunnar BERGBY (Director), b Aug 28, 1947<br />

Mr Tore SCHEI (Chief Justice), b Feb 19, 1946<br />

Mr Karl Arne UTGÅRD (judge), b Mar 6, 1951<br />

Mr Gunnar AASLAND (judge), b Apr 15, 1936<br />

67<br />

<strong>FORMAL</strong> <strong>COMPLAINT</strong> VS THE KINGDOM OF NORWAY<br />

by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway<br />


United Nations petition — incomplete report<br />

Mr Jens Edvin A SKOGHØY (judge), b Feb 16, 1955<br />

Ms Inger-Else STABEL (judge), b Dec 14, 1946<br />

Mr Ole Bjørn STØLE (judge), b Apr 9, 1950<br />

Ms Liv GJØLSTAD (judge), b Jan 9, 1945<br />

Mr Ketil LUND (judge), b Oct 14, 1939<br />

Ms Karenanne GUSSGARD (judge), b Jan 2, 1940<br />

Mr Steinar TJOMSLAND (judge), b Jul 23, 1948<br />

Ms Kirsti COWARD (judge), b Dec 19, 1940<br />

Mr Eilert STANG LUND (judge), b Jul 15, 1939<br />

Mr Lars OFTEDAL BROCH (judge), b Jan 1, 1939<br />

Mr Hans FLOCK (judge), b Apr 18, 1940<br />

Mr Magnus MATNINGSDAL (judge), b Sep 29, 1951<br />

Mr Georg Fredrik RIEBER-MOHN (judge), b Aug 13, 1945<br />

Ms Karin M BRUZELIUS (judge), b Feb 19, 1941<br />

Mr Sverre MITSEM (judge), b Jul 3, 1944<br />

Ms Toril Marie ØIE (judge), b Jul 17, 1960<br />

The Norwegian Supreme Court commanded by Chief Justice Mr Carsten<br />

SMITH and nonchalantly ―supervised‖ by Mr Gunnar BERGBY has constantly<br />

been a main source of diabolic rancor, injustice and corruption in this case,<br />

and — though he left his post in 2002 — recent intelligence have demonstrated<br />

Mr Smith still actively entertains his satanically dictated virulence towards me.<br />

It‘s not impossible Mr Smith and Mr Bergby may be directly linked to the acutely<br />

fiendish Black Mass slaughtering of a young demimonde lured into the base-<br />

ment of the Supreme Court erection under false pretenses (in 1992/-93 it was<br />

still easy to access/leave corresponding building entirely undetected by guards<br />

and other security measures). Frequently strolling the streets around the Supreme<br />

Court and governmental high-rise blocks in Oslo, the likable and good-<br />

looking ―woman of the profession‖ had several politicians/officials amongst her<br />

customers, and her convenient ―disappearance‖ was sequentially hushed up, of<br />

course —<br />

Covert affiliation to regular Satanism and occult sects may partially explain<br />

outlined immolation.....<br />

In 1992 Mr Harald HEADLESS (cf p 31) willingly sanctioned the stark illegal<br />

and doubtlessly cracked conspiracy against me, and since then he and his nearest<br />

family ‘ve exhibited particular and — to me — wholly undesirable interest for<br />

my personal undertakings.<br />

The criminal inclination, unfairness, grave disrespect for the human rights and<br />

general ignominy persistently displayed by the official royal family of Norway<br />

in this case, clearly excludes friendly and even diplomatic relations with them<br />

68<br />

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by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway<br />


United Nations petition — incomplete report<br />

(cf Aphorisms ##135, 136 and 137 etc). It should also be called attention to the<br />

disgraceful fact Harald Headless‘ father, King Olav V, had one of his faithful<br />

employees incarcerated and maltreated at a state controlled bedlam exclusively<br />

because he championed the human rights of other and unseemly hounded/exploited<br />

courtiers.....<br />

However; there has also been a number indecorous, markedly loony and unduly<br />

maleficent aggressions not directly attributable to said, royal family themselves<br />

— but to their various courtiers/intendants usw.<br />

By November 1993 King Harald Headless‘ Lord Chamberlain, Marshal of<br />

the Court and private secretary was Mr Lars Petter FORBERG, Mr Arne<br />

OMHOLT and Ms Berit TVERSLAND, respectively.<br />

His aides-de-camp was: Mr Ulf Erik HUSEBØ, Mr Jørgen BERGGRAV, Mr<br />


Per Hermann BODAL and Mr Terje ÅGREN, respectively.<br />

By November 1997 King Harald Headless‘ Lord Chamberlain, Marshal of<br />

the Court and private secretary was Mr Lars Petter FORBERG, Mr Arne<br />

OMHOLT and Ms Berit TVERSLAND, respectively.<br />

His aides-de-camp was: Mr Petter Andreas ASK, Mr Tor Arnt SANDLI, Mr<br />

Ole SANNES, Mr Nils Petter GRANHOLT, Mr Per HØIBY and Ms Merete<br />

Kristine GUNDERSEN, respectively.<br />

By November 2001 King Harald Headless‘ Lord Chamberlain, Marshal of<br />

the Court and private secretary was Mr Lars Petter FORBERG, Mr Arne<br />

OMHOLT and Ms Berit TVERSLAND, respectively.<br />

His aides-de-camp was: Mr Bjørn RUUD, Mr Ulf Erik HUSEBØ, Mr Øivind<br />

BERGENE, Mr Jørgen BERGGRAV, Mr Gunnar Torgny STOKLAND, Mr<br />

Anders RANGUL and Ms Anne RYDNING, respectively.<br />

By November 2003 King Harald Headless‘ Lord Chamberlain, Marshal of<br />

the Court and private secretary was Mr Lars Petter FORBERG, Mr Arne<br />

OMHOLT and Ms Berit TVERSLAND, respectively.<br />

His aides-de-camp was: Mr Ulf Erik HUSEBØ, Mr Jørgen BERGGRAV, Mr<br />

Jon RIKTER-SVENDSEN, Mr Kai Ole HOLTER, Mr Per-Hermann BODAL,<br />

Mr Terje ÅGREN and Ms Anne RYDNING, respectively.<br />

By May 2005 King Harald Headless‘ Lord Chamberlain, Marshal of the<br />

Court and private secretary was Mr Rolf T ANDERSEN, Mr Arne OMHOLT<br />

and Ms Berit TVERSLAND, respectively.<br />

69<br />

<strong>FORMAL</strong> <strong>COMPLAINT</strong> VS THE KINGDOM OF NORWAY<br />

by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway<br />


United Nations petition — incomplete report<br />

September 4 th , 1992, the Norwegian PM, Ms Gro HARLEM BRUNDTLAND,<br />

opportunistically changed several of her governmental ministers — those<br />

removed was:<br />

The new ministers was:<br />

Cf pp 31–32 of nearby report.<br />

Ms Tove VEIERØD<br />


Ms Oddrun PETTERSEN<br />

Ms Kari GJESTEBY<br />

Mr Ole KNAPP<br />

Mr Kjell BORGEN<br />

Mr Werner CHRISTIE<br />

Mr Jan Henry T OLSEN<br />

Mr Finn KRISTENSEN<br />

Ms Grete FAREMO<br />

Ms Grete KNUDSEN<br />



Mr Gunnar BERGE<br />

For penological etc reasons, the criminaloids Mr Werner CHRISTIE, Ms Grete<br />

FAREMO and Ms Grete KNUDSEN should be singled out.<br />

It‘s of particular interest that Ms Gro Harlem Brundtland‘s youngest son,<br />

Jørgen, committed suicide Sep 24 th , 1992 — a few days before the cops sabotaged<br />

my tenancy agreement and initiated their terrorism (cf pp 15–18).....<br />

Before finally succeeding, Jørgen had attempted to kill himself several times<br />

earlier in his short lifetime — a sinistrous fact by 1992 wholly unknown to his<br />

MD/MPH-mother (significantly enough Ms Harlem Brundtland has functioned<br />

as Director of Health Services for Oslo‘s schoolchildren.....she engaged in re-<br />

search on children‘s health issues at Nic Waal‘s Institute, and has described the<br />

notoriously criminal Norwegian alienists — Mr Leo EITINGER [1912–96] and<br />

Mr Ørnulv ØDEGÅRD [1892–1976] — as likable psychiatry teachers).<br />

May 13 th , 1998, the World Health Assembly elected Ms Harlem Brundtland<br />

Director-General of the World Health Organization* (*WHO) — cf Doc<br />

#377, entry of said date* (*it should be underlined my fiancée was murdered as<br />

a result of iniquities brought about by Ms Harlem Brundtland and her criminally<br />

depraved accomplices. As regards the president of the villainous kangaroo court,<br />

70<br />

<strong>FORMAL</strong> <strong>COMPLAINT</strong> VS THE KINGDOM OF NORWAY<br />

by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway<br />


United Nations petition — incomplete report<br />

Mr Ivar OFTEDAHL, there still circulates a fistful incensing anecdotes in NO-<br />

Molde illustrating his goatish show-off, lawlessness, heavy drinking and gene-<br />

rally bunglesome demeanor etc. If Ms Harlem Brundtland is an unsuccessful<br />

mother, Mr Oftedahl is most certainly a defective father — both largely respon-<br />

sible for the psychiatric usw misery of their respective children [in 1998 we<br />

carried out punctilious investigation proving the apartment of Mr Oftedahl‘s<br />

son — Ravn OFTEDAHL — had been infected by cobweb-optics* {*cf vg<br />

Doc‘s ##123, 2037 and 3217} underhandedly installed at request from his per-<br />

verted dad]).<br />

In the Constitution of the WHO it‘s laid down the following principles are fundamental<br />

to the happiness, harmonious relations and security of all people:<br />

Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and<br />

not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.<br />

The enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of health is one of the<br />

fundamental rights of every human being without distinction of race,<br />

religion, political belief, economic or social condition.<br />

The health of all peoples is fundamental to the attainment of peace and<br />

security and is dependent upon the fullest co-operation of individuals and<br />

States.<br />

The achievement of any State in the promotion and protection of health is<br />

of value to all.<br />

Healthy development of the child is of basic importance; the ability to<br />

live harmoniously in a changing total environment is essential to such<br />

development.<br />

Informed opinion and active co-operation on the part of the public are of<br />

the utmost importance in the improvement of the health of the people.<br />

Governments have a responsibility for the health of their peoples which<br />

can be fulfilled only by the provision of adequate health and social<br />

measures.<br />

According to Article 1 in the WHO Constitution the objective of the organization<br />

shall be the attainment by all peoples of the highest possible level of<br />

health, and in order to achieve this objective (Article 2) the functions of the<br />

organization shall be:<br />

71<br />

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by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway<br />


United Nations petition — incomplete report<br />

a) to act as the directing and co-ordinating authority on international health<br />

work;<br />

b) to establish and maintain effective collaboration with the United Nations,<br />

specialized agencies, governmental health administrations, professional<br />

groups and such other organizations as may be deemed appropriate;<br />

c) to assist governments, upon request, in strengthening health services;<br />

.....etc.....and;<br />

v) generally to take all necessary action to attain the objective of the<br />

organization.<br />

Ms Harlem Brundtland‘s and the Norwegian Government‘s etc radically dis-<br />

orderly conduct vis-à-vis me point by point seriously violates the WHO<br />

statutes.....:<br />

Since 1992 it has been a main objective for Norwegian authorities to maim<br />

my general health, ruin my social relationships, isolate me, deny my juridical<br />

rights, subdue/quench legal complaints to international fora, mar my re-<br />

putation, intimidate me, induce pecuniary destitution, provoke harmful tribu-<br />

lations, obstruct globally lifesaving work, minimize my standard of living<br />

and — if possible — incite criminality and unethical behavior (cf Doc #4588<br />

etc).<br />

The pernicious misconduct of Norwegian authorities in this case are precisely<br />

described in the Bible, Isaiah 59:5–8 (corresponding statements are<br />

wholly valid independent of your religious faith and theological opinions —<br />

cf Doc #2037, ―Norwegian Vice Spreading‖):<br />

―They hatch the eggs of vipers and spin a spider‘s web. Whoever<br />

eats their eggs will die, and when one is broken, an adder is hatched.<br />

Their cobwebs are useless for clothing; they cannot cover themselves<br />

with what they make. Their deeds are evil deeds, and acts of violence<br />

are in their hands. Their feet rush into sin; they are swift to shed<br />

innocent blood. Their thoughts are evil thoughts; ruin and<br />

destruction mark their ways. The way of peace they do not know;<br />

there is no justice in their paths. They have turned them into<br />

crooked roads; no-one who walks in them will know peace.‖<br />

72<br />

<strong>FORMAL</strong> <strong>COMPLAINT</strong> VS THE KINGDOM OF NORWAY<br />

by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway<br />


United Nations petition — incomplete report<br />

In many respects Mr Ivar Oftedahl and Ms Harlem Brundtland represents the<br />

archetype of my Norwegian foes; frailty, ignoble/plebeian, crabby, evil/base,<br />

corrupted/criminal, unstable/dishonest, lunatic/schizophrenic, hypocritical/<br />

pharisaic, malevolent/envious, arrogant/aggressive and sickly self-assertive<br />

miscreants attempting to compensate for their shortcomings, inferiority complex<br />

and psychopathology through ascribing their nasty defects, wickedness,<br />

mental derangement and systematic lawbreaking to others (cf Doc‘s ##633<br />

[―Norwegian Police and Statesman Malignant Syndrome‖] and 2037 [―Off-<br />

icial Norwegian Hypocrisy and Malevolence‖]).<br />

Though human status correctly may be granted my Norwegian enemies, they<br />

surely belongs to a particularly noxious subgroup bipeds strongly guided and<br />

impressed by stark diabolism, madness, injustice and general lowmindedness<br />

— the presence and influence of these infernally vile terrorists<br />

are of course absolutely detrimental to any civilized society respecting the<br />

human rights, guarding righteousness, and fostering ethicality, personal magnanimity,<br />

intellectual/scientific eminence and artistic dexterity usw.<br />

Amongst the many malefactors exerting themselves to harm me all these years,<br />

we also find Mr Lars FRØNSDAL (b Dec 01, 1945) — one of the alcoholized,<br />

drug abusing and markedly perverted public prosecutors in Oslo.<br />

The summer 1992 a few women observed Mr Frønsdal stark naked in one of<br />

Oslo‘s public parks — drunk as a fiddler‘s bitch and messing around with his<br />

beer bottles in a bag....!<br />

Well.....Mr Frønsdal may assuredly embrace his Mary Jane — or another<br />

lady, crack his flasks, be on the hog, speed downtown, lick his stamps, buy<br />

junk from Charlie, ride high on a good horse, practice space-basing, enjoy his<br />

swipes, hunt Mars hares in civic greens and have a few buttons missing<br />

without interference from me.....inasmuch as he doesn‘t blame me for his<br />

dependence, withdrawal symptoms and bad trips etc.....but: — that‘s exactly<br />

what he‘ve done!<br />

Subsequent to his unapparelled stunt, Mr Frønsdal was badly in need of a<br />

seemingly plausible alibi explaining his rather amusing comportment.....so,<br />

consequently, one of his helpful and mendacious buddies confidentially told<br />

him I probably had added some ―mystical substance‖ to his beer or shit pro-<br />

foundly upsetting his beforehand cracked brain! As might be expected of a<br />

desperate and debauched boozer in such an unpleasant situation, the warped<br />

public prosecutor devoured this alternative explanation hook, line and sinker!<br />

Let‘s make it perfectly clear: I‘m wholly unacquainted with Mr Frønsdal and<br />

I‘ve never had any kind of contact with him, and has — of course — not<br />

intoxicated etc his beer/narcotics/drugs!<br />

In this connection it may be appropriate to emphasize that the combination of<br />

alcohol and cocaine* (*C17H21O4N) is particularly dangerous — the<br />

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by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway<br />


United Nations petition — incomplete report<br />

cocaethylene thus produced by the liver is strongly addictive and may affect<br />

the heart lethally.....a significant number abuse-related deaths has been caused<br />

by this potentially backstabbing euphoriant.<br />

In 1992 the Norwegian Police ―Security‖ Service was officially/nominally<br />

headed by Mr Jan Steinar GRØNDAHL (chief) and Mr Kjell Gunnar ESKILT<br />

(second in command) — chief of police in Oslo was Mr Willy HAUGLI.<br />

Other noticeable police principals in the Oslo-area in 1992 includes (though<br />

depraved/criminal individuals, some of those named are without guilt in this<br />

specific case):<br />


Mr Roger ANDRESEN<br />

Ms Marit BAKKEVIK<br />

Mr Øystein BERGER<br />

Mr Bjørn BIGSET<br />

Mr Kjell BJERKE<br />

Mr Nicolai BJØNNES<br />

Mr Lars O BROCH<br />

Ms Ann T BUGGE<br />

Mr Lars Henrik BØHLER<br />

Ms Else DAHL<br />

Mr Sigmund ENGEN<br />

Mr Morten ERIKSEN<br />

Mr Jostein E ERSTAD<br />

Mr Iver T FRIGAARD<br />

Ms Siri FRIGAARD<br />

Mr Truls FYHN<br />

Mr Anstein GJENGEDAL<br />

Mr Bjørn GRAN<br />

Ms Anne-Marie GRAN<br />

Mr Erling GRIMSTAD<br />

Mr Kjell GROBE<br />

Mr Tore GRÆGER<br />

Mr Jan A GUNDERSEN<br />

Mr Oddvin HAGE<br />

Mr Stein E HAUGEN<br />

Ms Ellen M HAUGSRUD<br />

Mr Helmer HAUKAAS<br />

Mr Bjørn HEGGELUND<br />

Mr Stein HELGESTAD<br />

Mr Jørn HOLME<br />

74<br />

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by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway<br />


United Nations petition — incomplete report<br />

Mr Bjørn HOLMSEN<br />

Mr Arne HUUSE<br />

Mr Einar HØGETVEIT<br />

Mr Lars HAAVIK<br />

Mr Stein Egil IKDAL/IKDAHL (police physician)<br />

Mr Hans-Petter JAHRE<br />

Mr Frank JENSEN<br />

Mr Olav JOHANSEN<br />

Mr Svein O KRISTIANSEN<br />

Mr Leif A LIER<br />

Mr Sverre LILLENG<br />

Mr Knut R MIKKELSEN<br />

Mr Gaute NESVIK<br />

Mr Leif Erik NILSEN<br />

Mr Roy Henry NILSEN<br />

Mr Thomas NORTVEDT<br />

Mr Lasse QVIGSTAD<br />

Mr Thomas RANDBY<br />

Mr Per REHORST<br />

Mr Arne RUSTAD<br />

Mr Svein T RØER<br />

Mr Leif SELJESÆTER<br />

Mr Einar SKEI<br />

Mr Kolbjørn SKJERVENGEN<br />

Mr Bjørn SKUGGEVIK<br />

Mr Jostein SKÅRE<br />

Mr Sveinung SPONHEIM<br />

Ms Trine STANDAL<br />


Ms Marit SULANDER<br />

Mr Kim R SUNDET<br />

Ms Inger L SÆTREN<br />

Mr Per SØNSTELID<br />

Mr Vidar THOLIN<br />

Mr Kai E TØRDAL<br />

Mr Dag ULIMOEN (police physician)<br />

Mr Stein ULRICH<br />

Mr Georg VETTI<br />

Mr Per E VOLLEDAL<br />


Ms Inger WIIG<br />

Ms Halldis WINJE<br />

Ms Ingrid WIRUM<br />

75<br />

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by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway<br />


United Nations petition — incomplete report<br />

Mr Per WAAGE<br />

Mr Morten YGGESETH<br />

Mr Odd H ØSTEBØ<br />

At the office of the Norwegian PM (in Akersgata 42, Oslo), Ms Gro Harlem<br />

Brundtland, we should notice (some of those mentioned are without guilt in this<br />

specific case):<br />

— Ms Inger ANDERSEN<br />

— Mr Dag BERGGRAV<br />

— Mr Ole BERREFJORD<br />

— Mr Per Arne BJERKE<br />

— Ms Torill ENGSETH<br />

— Mr Trond FEVOLDEN<br />

— Mr Bjørn T GRYDELAND<br />

— Ms Målfrid AA. HELLAND<br />

— Ms Kari KJENNDALEN<br />

— Ms Sigrun H LØKEN<br />

— Mr Aage MONSEN<br />

— Ms Inger RØISE<br />

— Mr Trygve SCHIØLL<br />

— Mr Arne SPILDO<br />

— Ms Gerd-Liv VALLA<br />

— Mr Øivind ØSTANG<br />

— Mr Bjørn SKOGSTAD AAMO<br />

Amongst those employed by the Norwegian Ministry of ―Justice‖ and the Police<br />

in 1992, should be mentioned (though criminal/depraved persons, some of those<br />

named are without guilt in this specific case):<br />

Mr Bjørn ASKIM<br />

Mr Bernt O BAHR<br />

Mr Svein BERBU<br />

Ms Vigdis BERG<br />

Mr Bjørn BERGGREN<br />

Mr Øystein BLYMKE<br />

Mr Tom BRUNSELL<br />

Mr John BRUVIK<br />

Mr Kåre BØDAL<br />

Mr Tore-Jarl CHRISTENSEN<br />

Ms Kirsti COWARD<br />

76<br />

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by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway<br />


United Nations petition — incomplete report<br />

Mr Werner DALSVEEN<br />

Mr Leif T ELDRING<br />

Mr Eystein ERIKSEN<br />

Mr Ulf ERTZAAS<br />

Mr Steffen FELBERG<br />

Mr Jørgen FLOOD<br />

Mr Erling FOSSE<br />

Ms Inger M FRIDHOV<br />

Mr Johan FROM<br />

Ms Anne FRØSTRUP<br />


Ms Hilde GAARDER<br />

Mr Ole HAFNOR<br />

Mr Harald T HAMBORG<br />

Mr Yngve HAMMERLIN<br />

Mr Gunnar HARR<br />

Mr Geir HAUGSTVEIT<br />

Mr Torgeir HEIMLI<br />

Mr Jan T HELLIESEN<br />

Mr Christian F HORST<br />

Ms Kari JENSEN<br />

Mr John JOHANSSON<br />

Mr Jon KAPELRUD<br />

Ms Ingelin KILLENGREEN<br />

Mr Arnulf KJÆSETH<br />

Ms Sissel KOFOED<br />

Mr Per O KVAM<br />

Ms Wenche KVERNELAND<br />

Mr Asbjørn LANGÅS<br />

Mr Johannes LARSEN<br />

Mr Kåre LEIKSETT<br />

Mr Tor LØKKEN<br />

Mr Tor MEHL<br />

Mr Kristian MØRKØRE<br />

Mr Arild NESDAL<br />

Mr Stein L NILSEN<br />

Mr Knut OLSGAARD<br />

Mr Stein OWE<br />

Mr Vidar REFVIK<br />

Ms Marit ROSSEHAUG<br />

Mr Morten RUUD<br />

Mr Ivar SIMASTUEN<br />

Mr Kaare SINGSAAS<br />

77<br />

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by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway<br />


United Nations petition — incomplete report<br />

Ms Evelyn SKARNES<br />

Mr Per Arne SKOGSTAD<br />

Ms Ingrid SMEDSRUD<br />

Ms Berit SOLLIE<br />

Mr Kyrre STENBRO<br />

Ms Astri TVERSTØL<br />

Mr Rasmus VASSHUS<br />

Mr Einar VATNE<br />

Mr Arild VIST<br />

Mr Jens S WEGNER<br />

Mr Rolf B WEGNER<br />

Mr Thorleif WAALER<br />

Mr Hans Olav ØSTGAARD<br />

Mr Kjell Bjørn AARØ<br />

Mr Audun AASEBØ<br />

Ms Eli T AASHEIM<br />

In 1992 the Norwegian Ministry of Social Affairs and the adjoining Public<br />

Health Department was — inter alios — manned by (though predominantly<br />

depraved/criminal/insane earthlings, some of those listed are without guilt in<br />

this particular case):<br />

— Ms Anne ALVIK<br />

— Ms Ellen AMUNDSEN<br />

— Ms Elin ANGELVIK<br />

— Mr Jon Olav ASPÅS<br />

— Mr Reidar S BANG<br />

— Mr Ketil BENTZEN<br />

— Mr Knut Å BERGE<br />

— Mr Kjell BILDØY<br />

— Ms Inger E BIRKELAND<br />

— Mr Andreas BJELDE<br />

— Ms Anne S BORGE<br />

— Ms Malin BRATTSTRØM<br />

— Mr Knut BROFOSS<br />

— Ms Helma BØHLER<br />

— Mr Hans E BØRRESEN<br />

— Ms Elfriede BØRSUM<br />


— Mr Svein EIK<br />

— Ms Jorunn FRYJORDET<br />

— Ms Grete GJERTSEN<br />

78<br />

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by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway<br />


United Nations petition — incomplete report<br />

— Ms Grethe HAMMARQVIST<br />

— Mr Rolf HANSEN<br />

— Mr Bodolf HAREIDE (NB!)<br />

— Mr Harald E HAUGE<br />

— Ms Anne B HEM<br />

— Ms Bjørg Eva HENRIKSEN<br />

— Mr Peter F H HJORT (NB!)<br />

— Mr Fredrik H HOFFMANN<br />

— Mr Knut HOLM<br />

— Ms Kari HOLST<br />

— Mr Egil HORNELAND<br />

— Ms Karen M HVAM<br />

— Mr Finn HØVIK<br />

— Ms Inger J HAALAND<br />

— Mr Christian BOE KIELLAND<br />

— Mr Ingar Kr. KOMPELIEN<br />

— Mr Petter KRAMÅS<br />

— Mr Alfred KVALHEIM<br />

— Ms Heidi LANGAAS<br />

— Ms Unni LUND<br />

— Ms Lisbeth LØCHEN<br />

— Mr Thomas MAURITZEN<br />

— Mr Torbjørn MORK<br />

— Mr Knut MUNCH-SØEGAARD<br />

— Mr Arnt MYHRER<br />

— Ms Unn NICOLAYSEN<br />

— Ms Randi NILSEN<br />

— Mr Jon O NORBOM<br />

— Mr Leif NORLI<br />

— Ms Trine NORMANN<br />

— Ms Jorun O NYGÅRD<br />

— Ms Synnøve NYMO<br />

— Mr Øystein OPDAHL<br />

— Ms Anne ORTH<br />

— Mr Reidar RAND<br />

— Ms Aase ROKVAM<br />

— Mr Mons RUD<br />

— Mr Jan RØSEGG<br />

— Mr Harald SALVESEN<br />

— Ms Ellen SEIP<br />

— Mr Ketil SKOGEN<br />

— Mr Bjarne STRAND<br />

— Ms Laila B STUB<br />

79<br />

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by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway<br />


United Nations petition — incomplete report<br />

— Ms Eli SUNDBY<br />

— Ms Liv SUNNANÅ<br />

— Mr Øyvind SÆBØ<br />

— Ms Kari SØNDERLAND<br />

— Ms Liv TELLE<br />

— Ms Ellen M THORBJØRNSRUD<br />

— Mr Jan TVEDT<br />

— Mr Kåre TØNNESEN<br />

— Ms Gerd M VANDESKOG<br />

— Ms Elisabeth VAAGEN<br />

— Ms Tove VEIERØD<br />

— Ms Britt VENNER<br />

— Ms Mette WALAAS<br />

— Mr Reidar ØKLAND<br />

— Ms Rikka ØSTBYE<br />

— Mr Roger ØSTBØL<br />

— Mr Ketil ØSTVEDT<br />

— Ms Ingrunn AALVIK<br />

— Mr Hans J ÅNSTAD (NB!)<br />

— Mr Bjørn Martin AASEN (NB!)<br />

— Mr Olaf G AASLAND<br />


Continued from p 30 —<br />

Before arriving Mr Håvik‘s private house in NO-Brattvåg, I‘d been informed<br />

my state employed, Norwegian foes recently had burglarized the dwelling in-<br />

stalling their satanic cobweb-optics and pinhole-microphones etc.<br />

As I moved into the small house, ‘twas a simple job to dovetail corresponding<br />

intelligence reports — and, empirically, I was NOT surprised to learn that even<br />

the toilet and bedrooms had been infected by AV surveillance contraptions.<br />

As soon as I went outside e.g to buy victuals or visit relatives in Brattvåg, I was<br />

pursued by a gang thoroughly psychopathic cops — many of them known from<br />

the Oslo-area and the Norwegian Police ―Security‖ Service.<br />

80<br />

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by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway<br />


United Nations petition — incomplete report<br />

The nauseating abuse of AV spy-appurtenances in Brattvåg was no way limited<br />

to my own, modest residence — the private abodes of my aunts/uncles, additional<br />

cousins and some other kinsfolk had been extensively befouled by this<br />

hellish material as well!<br />

It soon became unmistakably clear the police et al systematically recorded in-<br />

formation about my quotidian affairs — there was comprehensive recitals of<br />

decent conversations with in every respects estimable octogenarians, and de-<br />

scriptions of trifling everyday incidents without the slightest affinity to crimi-<br />

nality or otherwise blameworthy behavior.....<br />

The worldly ambassadors of Satanic hate and excruciating iniquity, the putrid<br />

malevolence exhibited by my Norwegian adversaries was no surprise how-<br />

ever — they merely proceeded along the extirpating course exactly mapped<br />

very well in advance!<br />

The continuous provocations waged by the cops the last week of December<br />

1992 and the first half of January 1993, included a number of break-ins and<br />

illegal searches —<br />

As I informed various persons — e.g independent lawyers — about the ongoing<br />

and state instigated terror, the police quickly forged a half dozen thoroughly<br />

false accusations against me; it was crucial, of course, to halt legal actions and<br />

investigation disclosing their contemptible criminality.....<br />

Consequently — January 14 th — two country policemen employed by the<br />

sheriff office in Brattvåg and accompanied by a female council physician<br />

wedged their way into my living room in order to imprison me at the formerly<br />

described, political calaboose at NO-Hjelset!<br />

The police officers and the dishonest, general practitioner — Ms Iris RELLING<br />

NIELSEN — refused to explain where they‘d obtained a key to open the<br />

mortise lock in the exterior door with, and later pretended I‘d declined to let<br />

them into the house.....; in reality they stealthily unlocked the outer main door<br />

and entered wholly without announcing their presence at a moment they posi-<br />

tively knew I — relaxing in the sitting room — tried to hire a trustworthy coun-<br />

sellor utilizing Mr Håvik‘s wiretapped phone!<br />

Arriving the wretched devildom at Hjelset, I had an introductory parley with the<br />

enemy collaborating physician, Mr Knut DROTTNING.<br />

Exclusively another shameful and unbesought pro forma palaver designed to<br />

―varnish‖ my reputation additionally, I returned the distasteful compliment by<br />

devotedly steering the guileful Mr Drottning along a track ensuring his ultimate<br />

downfall.....<br />

As regards aforesaid Mr Magnus AASHEIM, he steadfastly stuck to his<br />

scelerate monkey business encompassing v.g; thoroughgoing falsification of my<br />

81<br />

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by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway<br />


United Nations petition — incomplete report<br />

―medical record‖, clandestine cooperation/sessions with explicitly corrupt/<br />

criminal/fiendish officials and active maintenance/masking of a practically<br />

unbroken chain sadistic/unwarranted transgressions and trumped-up charges<br />

aimed at sapping my psychosomatic health etc.<br />

Mr Johan FOSSE — a highly fraudulent, malicious and swelled-headed young<br />

quack belonging to the inner circle of arrantly rotten and servilely flattering<br />

accomplices surrounding Mr Aasheim, should also be listed amongst the potty-<br />

borne sociopaths doing their best to terrorize me at the politico-strategic Paddy-<br />

Dolfole at Hjelset —<br />

During January 1993 I formally engaged Mr Olav ØYEHAUG, NO-Molde, as<br />

my personal counsellor in connection to the ―compulsory commitment‖ — or<br />

more correctly stated; political enjailment — at Hjelset.<br />

Mr Øyehaug was a bonhomous and rather altruistic fellow with certain family<br />

ties to the Brattvåg-region — although his dipsomania significantly undermined<br />

his attorneyship etc once in a while, he was — purely ethically spoken —<br />

number one amongst contemporary lawyers in Molde.<br />

In any event the felonious skunks in the administration at Hjelset did their best<br />

to unlawfully subvert Mr Øyehaug‘s professional efforts, and it‘s halfway<br />

remarkable they didn‘t intern him in order to quench legal remonstrations at<br />

that time.....!<br />

As a result of my unreserved human rights advocation and juridical objections<br />

in respect of the extended maltreatment suffered, Mr Aasheim and his truckling<br />

scapegraces decided to supplement the torture by coercively exposing me to<br />

intramuscular injections with the neurotoxic cholinesterase inhibitor Trilafon*<br />

(*Basically a popular trade name for the heterocyclic sulfur compound perphen-<br />

azine — a piperazinyl phenothiazine, C21H26ClN3OS, with chemical name<br />

4-[3-(2-chlorophenothiazin-10-yl)propyl]-1-piperazineethanol and molecular<br />

weight 403.97). Cf pp 89–103.<br />

Like the majority of other anticholinesterases* (*Various substances contravening<br />

solvolysis of the neurotransmitter acetylcholin. By inhibiting the hydrolytic-<br />

catalytic action of the enzyme cholinesterase — i.e acetylcholinesterase, accumulation<br />

of acetylcholin in the body will reach potentially fatal levels rapidly)<br />

— e.g the chemical warfare agents Tabun (O-ethyldimethylamidophosphorylcyanide/etyl<br />

dimethylamidocyanophosphate, C5H11N2O2P) and Sarin (isopropyl<br />

methylphosphonofluoridate, C4H10FO2P) — Trilafon toxicologically influences<br />

certain nerve tissue v.g by pathologically altering the cholinergic synaptic trans-<br />

mission at neuroeffector/-muscular junctions item in the autonomic ganglia and<br />

central nervous system.<br />

Malignantly affecting e.g the tropic, receptive, conductive and transmissive<br />

82<br />

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by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway<br />


United Nations petition — incomplete report<br />

functions of the neurons, neuroleptic drugs — and cholinergic antagonists on<br />

the whole — are notorious for their explicit psychosomimetic properties.<br />

Blockading the dopamine receptors and woefully overturning v.g the cortico-<br />

diencephalic mechanism* (*Hypothalamus is the part of this apparatus acti-<br />

vating, controlling and integrating e.g the peripheral autonomic mechanism,<br />

endocrine activity and numerous somatic functions. The hypothalamic nuclei<br />

controlling the anterior lobe of the pituitary — the adenohypophysis — do so<br />

by synthesizing substances entering the portal system and thus activating the<br />

glandular cells of the pituitary. The adenohypophysis secrets v.g growth hormone,<br />

thyroid-stimulating hormone [i.e "thyrotropin"], adrenocorticotropin,<br />

follicle-stimulating hormone, prolactin, interstitial cell-stimulating hormone<br />

[i.e "luteinizing hormone"], melanocyte-stimulating hormone, β-lipotropin and<br />

many peptides of varying significance. The neurohypophysis produces and<br />

secrets e.g vasopressin and oxytocin.<br />

The hypothalamic hormones are v.g; thyrotropin-releasing hormone, growth<br />

hormone-releasing hormone, somatostatin [i.e "growth hormone-inhibiting<br />

hormone"], gonadotropin-releasing hormone [i.e "luteinizing hormone-releasing<br />

hormone"] and a prolactin-inhibiting factor commonly classified as<br />

―dopamine‖.<br />

All neurons elaborating hypophysiotropic hormones are influenced by the<br />

hypothalamic neurotransmitters — e.g dopamine, serotonin, acetylcholine,<br />

norepinephrine and endorphins — modifying the secretory activity of anterior<br />

pituitary hormones.), perphenazine intake is strongly productive of e.g general<br />

weakness, clumsiness, mental confusion, visual/auditory hallucinations, speech<br />

disturbances, alienation, disorganization and extensive reality distraught —<br />

those empoisoned are typically unable to distinguish between objective events<br />

and medicament induced, sensorineural/perceptual disarray etc.<br />

When the state paid molesters at the political dungeon at NO-Hjelset realized<br />

Mr Øyehaug and I planned to bring an action against the Norwegian Ministry of<br />

Social Affairs, they forthrightly — only slightly delayed by a few conspirational<br />

conversations — decided to intoxicate me with perphenazine.....because, as<br />

Mr Aasheim later confessed, they were wholly aware the psychosis causing and<br />

devitalizing properties of the drug.<br />

So — accompanied by further and most extensive corruption of my "medical<br />

record" etc, Mr Aasheim and his scummy accomplices made a feverish and<br />

arrantly blackhearted effort to chemically stir up genuine daftness and signifi-<br />

cantly impair my sturdy health and dianoetic capacity....!<br />

This utterly contemptible and flagrantly criminal campaign to wipe me out by<br />

underhandedly distributing detrimentally psychoactive substances was not<br />

unique however —; it's next to sure the main constituent of the granulate meti-<br />

culously smirched on my bread in Oslo (cf p 18) was ergot* (*i.e the mycelial<br />

83<br />

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by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway<br />


United Nations petition — incomplete report<br />

mass of the fungus Claviceps purpurea infecting rye and some other grasses<br />

— contains several poisonous alkaloids causing ergotism. The potent hallucino-<br />

gen "LSD" — "lysergic acid diethylamide" [C15H15N2COOH] — was first<br />

synthesized from ergot in 1943. LSD acts as a serotonin reuptake inhibitor, and<br />

a larger dose ergot excessively stimulating the serotoninergic system may<br />

trigger the serotonin syndrome** — **symptoms include v.g confusion/delusions,<br />

panic, bizarre behavior, restlessness, lethargy, epileptiform convulsions,<br />

tremor, muscle jerks/disorders, gangrene, extremital paresthesia, weakness,<br />

sweating, abdominovesical cramping, vomiting, abortion, vasoconstriction,<br />

angiorrhexis, hypoxemia, hemolysis, cerebral/cardiac infarction, platelet<br />

clotting, dyspnea, acrotism, kidney failure, anuria, hematuria, dipsosis, delusional<br />

stupor, hyperthermia and death), and the sickening mixture of enfeebling<br />

narcotics I was compelled to gulp down at NO-Åse (cf p 22) had been selec-<br />

tively designated to induce snafu/derangement, unconsciousness/amnesia and<br />

general asthenia/indisposition.....!<br />

Aforementioned action against the Ministry of Social Affairs had been laid to<br />

July 22 nd , 1993 — "Case #83-175 A." (corrected: "Case #93-175 A."), Sunnmøre<br />

District Court (NO-Ålesund).<br />

The situational putrescence considered, we had no hope whatsoever impartial<br />

and otherwise competent doomsmen should be appointed — and our gloomy<br />

expectations was duly confirmed:<br />

As president of the superbly damnable kangaroo court had been installed Mr<br />

Finn LYNGHJEM (cf Doc #377, entries of May 13, 1998 and Nov 07, 2000)<br />

— a professional double-dealer and duffer symptomatically serving as chairman<br />

of the state operated committee notoriously supposed to check over the "formal<br />

legality" of compulsory commitments and forced drugging etc undertaken by<br />

Norwegian officials,<br />

and as lay judges was telltalely picked out the Nazi-sympathizing lobotomy-<br />

advocate Mr Karl-Ewerth HORNEMAN (NO-Trondheim) — a formerly<br />

police employed fogy-bogie and skull-jinx obnoxiously given to public adulte-<br />

ration, and Mr Arild HUNSTAD (NO-Ålesund) — at that time a subordinate<br />

physician wholly directed by Ms Åse SVENDSEN ROLAND (cf pp 24–25),<br />

the sexually perverted and sadistic head of the psychiatric lockup where he was<br />

permanently employed.<br />

The Norwegian Courts of Justice Act* (*also termed the "Court Act") of Aug<br />

13, 1915, expressly provides that:<br />

§ 53;<br />

.....all judges should hold a Norwegian citizenship and be trustworthy men<br />

or women (cf §§ 60 and 76 etc ib),<br />

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by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway<br />


United Nations petition — incomplete report<br />

§ 60;<br />

.....all judges — except lay-judges and assessors — must sign a binding<br />

assurance obliging them to exert their office conscientiously (cf §§ 52, 53<br />

and 65 ibid, item the Norwegian Constitution Article 21),<br />

§ 76;<br />

.....only persons markedly competent as co-judges and members of the jury<br />

through their righteousness, skills and independence should be elected (cf §§<br />

52, 53, 60 and 65 ib), and that<br />

§ 108;<br />

.....nobody can operate as a judge or juror when particular circumstances<br />

potentially diminishing his impartiality eventuates (cf §§ 106 and 109 etc<br />

ibid).<br />

Furthermore; § 107 ib explicitly lays down that ".....neither judges nor jurors<br />

can serve as experts in one and the same case.....(in this case all jury members<br />

— viz Mr Horneman and Mr Hunstad — in their capacity as buddy-buddy<br />

psychiatrists and tainted mercenaries chummily backing up their accomplices/<br />

seniors, functioned as — experts)", and sec's 112, 113 and 115 ibid emphasizes<br />

that the president of the court and his jurors are obliged to inform one another<br />

and the respective parties about their actual disqualification. In this court case<br />

unambiguous inhability after §§ 106 (items 1, 4 and 6), 107 and 108 in the Nor-<br />

wegian Courts of Justice Act existed, and neither judge nor lay judges possessed<br />

the moral and intellectual qualifications required by §§ 53, 60 and 76 ib (Mr<br />

Lynghjem and Mr Horneman both had a Stanford-Binet IQ of 127 [cf Doc<br />

#377, entry of Nov 07, 2000], and this alarming fact is in itself disqualifying...;<br />

though — at least in this connection — a pitifully modest score, a general and<br />

minimum IQ of 140 should be required of judges at all law courts)....and — not<br />

only was there a very distinct lack of professional competency and noological<br />

capability.....; we're dealing with downright corruption!<br />

Handpicked to cover up official turpitude and give the various illegalities a<br />

most treacherous garnish of "respectability", corresponding jury's felony may be<br />

prosecuted/adjudicated usw in agreement with — e.g — subsequent sections of<br />

the Norwegian Penal Code of May 22, 1902:<br />

§ 110;<br />

A judge, juror or assessor who in such capacity acts against his better<br />

judgment shall be liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding<br />

five years.<br />

If he thereby caused or was accessory to causing any person to be<br />

wrongfully subjected to penalty or to a greater penalty than he deserved,<br />

he shall be liable to imprisonment for a term not less than two years.<br />

85<br />

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by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway<br />


United Nations petition — incomplete report<br />

If the felony has resulted in the execution of a death sentence or the<br />

serving of a custodial sentence for more than five years, imprisonment<br />

for a term not exceeding 21 years may be imposed. (Cf §§ 275 and 276)<br />

§ 120;<br />

If a public servant in any record pertaining to his office makes a false<br />

entry or conceals the truth, or if he in preparing any official copy,<br />

telegram or telephone message or in stamping, marking or any other<br />

official attestation which is issued to serve as evidence makes or attests<br />

any false statement or conceals the truth, he shall be liable to loss<br />

of office or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding three years, but<br />

not exceeding six years if he has acted for the purpose of obtaining<br />

for himself or another an unlawful gain or injuring any person.<br />

(Cf §§ 116, 117, 123, 124, 275 and 276 ib)<br />

§ 275;<br />

Any person who, for the purpose of obtaining for himself or another an<br />

unlawful gain or inflicting damage, neglects another person's affairs<br />

which he manages or supervises or act against the other person's interests<br />

shall be guilty of breach of trust.<br />

The penalty for breach of trust is imprisonment for a term not exceeding<br />

three years. Fines may be imposed in addition to a sentence of imprison-<br />

ment. An accomplice shall be liable to the same penalty. Under<br />

especially extenuating circumstances fines alone may be imposed.<br />

A penalty pursuant to this section shall not be applicable to an act<br />

that comes under section 255, cf section 256.<br />

§ 276;<br />

The penalty for gross breach of trust is imprisonment for a term not<br />

exceeding six years. Fines may be imposed in addition to a sentence<br />

of imprisonment. An accomplice shall be liable to the same penalty.<br />

In deciding whether a breach of trust is gross, special regard shall be<br />

paid to whether the act has caused considerable economic damage,<br />

whether it has been committed by a public official or any other person<br />

by a breach of the special confidence placed in him as a consequence<br />

of his position or activity, whether the offender has kept false accounts<br />

or books or has destroyed, damaged, or concealed accounts, books or<br />

other documents, or whether he has knowingly caused material loss<br />

or danger to another person's life or health.<br />

86<br />

<strong>FORMAL</strong> <strong>COMPLAINT</strong> VS THE KINGDOM OF NORWAY<br />

by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway<br />


United Nations petition — incomplete report<br />

A complex case drenched with conventionally aggravating circumstances,<br />

accumulation, concurrence and uncommon constellations otherwise entailing<br />

increased penalty, the following sections of the Norwegian Penal Code has<br />

particular interest for the assessment of sentence:<br />

§ 62;<br />

If any person has by one or more acts committed more than one felony<br />

or misdemeanour punishable by imprisonment or detention, a joint cus-<br />

todial sentence shall be imposed which must be more severe than the<br />

highest minimum penalty prescribed for any of the felonies or misdem-<br />

eanors and must in no case exceed the highest penalty prescribed for<br />

any of them by more than 50 percent. The joint custodial penalty shall<br />

normally take the form of imprisonment when any criminal acts would<br />

have been punishable thereby.<br />

The provisions of the first paragraph shall apply correspondingly if a<br />

joint sentence of community service is imposed. If community service<br />

is imposed as well as unconditional sentence of imprisonment, in ass-<br />

essing the sentence of community service the unconditional sentence of<br />

imprisonment shall be taken into account.<br />

If any of the felonies or misdemeanours should have been punished by<br />

imprisonment, the same supplementary penalties shall be imposed in the<br />

case of detention as would have applied in the case of imprisonment.<br />

§ 63;<br />

If any person has by one or more acts committed more than one felony<br />

or misdemeanour punishable by fines, a joint fine shall be imposed<br />

which must be more severe than that which any one of the felonies or<br />

misdemeanours should have incurred.<br />

The court may, when some of the felonies or misdemeanours should<br />

have been punished by a custodial sentence and others by fines, regard<br />

the felonies or misdemeanours for which fines are prescribed as aggra-<br />

vating circumstances instead of pronouncing sentence for them.<br />

As his legal representative, the Norwegian Attorney-General — Mr Bjørn<br />

HAUG — had appointed assistant lawyer Ms Bergljot WEBSTER.<br />

Ms Webster was thus employed at the same office as assistant advocate<br />

Ms Hanne HARLEM* (*cf p 63 item Doc #377 — entries of Oct 18 and<br />

26) who — pathognomonically — functioned as Mr Haug's personal assi-<br />

stant...!<br />

It's perfectly clear Ms Webster and Ms Hanne Harlem indulged in numerous<br />

and unmistakably conspirational conversations the weeks and days before att-<br />

ingent court case.....and, perhaps you've guessed it; Hanne is the younger sister<br />

87<br />

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by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway<br />


United Nations petition — incomplete report<br />

of Ms Gro HARLEM BRUNDTLAND* (*cf pp 31, 70, 71, 72 and 76)!<br />

As regards Mr Magnus Aasheim* (*cf pp 29–30 and 81–82), it pleased him<br />

to become somatically "sick" during the doomful court case, so — he never<br />

gave a testimony (the depraved jury had excellent opportunities to examine Mr<br />

Aasheim telephonically, but symptomatically declined to make use of this<br />

possibility).<br />

The political oubliette at NO-Hjelset was represented by Mr Hans Peter<br />

MØLLER* (*cf p 29), who cooperated closely with said Ms Webster.<br />

Mr Møller and Ms Aase SVENDSEN ROLAND* (*cf pp 24, 25 and 84) —<br />

together with Mr Tore FÆSTØ* (*county psychiatrist and notorious screwball<br />

from NO-Molde hired and paid by Norwegian authorities to gloss over their<br />

heinous felony) — was of course amongst the few "witnesses" "examined" by<br />

the severely hell-ridden mock court.<br />

During the theatrical questioning of Ms Svendsen Roland, my lawyer — Mr<br />

Øyehaug — and I was forebodingly chased out of the fetid court room.....; Mr<br />

Øyehaug characterized the exclusion as flagrantly illegal, and told he never had<br />

experienced a similar shut out in his long-standing, professional career!<br />

When it comes to myself, I hung around the first day of the fateful lawsuit only.<br />

Soundly aware the satanic machination partaken by the rotten jury, my pro<br />

forma presence fostered "certain supranational objectives".....; through their<br />

premeditatedly nefarious judgment, the profane jury was allowed to irrevocably<br />

doom itself.....and, on behalf of the "Executive Council", I feel extremely<br />

delighted to inform you Mr Karl-Ewerth Horneman now is unalterably<br />

deposited in the worst subdivision of Hell where his agonized ululation greatly<br />

delectates the specially educated and remorseless tormentors!<br />

Carrying the signatures of Mr Lynghjem, Mr Horneman and Mr Hunstad, the<br />

sublunar judgment conclusion is nothing but a most mephitic and verbatim re-<br />

production of the acutely stinking humbug opportunistically fabricated by<br />

aforesaid Mr Aasheim and Mr Møller. The allegation on page 1 of the flag-<br />

itious libel — stating that the parties and legal representatives of the mock<br />

proceeding beforehand had been informed about the identity of the appointed<br />

jurors and that no objections as regards the composition of the kangaroo court<br />

had been submitted — is tactical fiddle-faddling.....; in any case neither Mr<br />

Øyehaug nor I can recall or physically detect the letter of July 02, 1993, refer-<br />

red to by Mr Lynghjem and his damnable accomplices.<br />

It should be rather unnecessary to bring home the corrupted and wholly scanda-<br />

lous "judgment conclusion" is thoroughly and legally invalid —<br />

88<br />

<strong>FORMAL</strong> <strong>COMPLAINT</strong> VS THE KINGDOM OF NORWAY<br />

by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway<br />


United Nations petition — incomplete report<br />

In June 1951 the French surgeon Henri-Marie LABORIT, Esq, obtained the<br />

compound ―4560-RP‖ from Société des Usines Chimiques Rhône-Poulenc — a<br />

parisian manufacturer of synthetic textiles, organic chemicals and pharmaceuticals<br />

(since 1961 known as Rhône-Poulenc SA).<br />

Mr Laborit had served as an army surgeon during World War II, and was still<br />

searching for a substance efficiently curing surgical/traumatic shock and war<br />

neurosis. Administering 4560-RP to test animals and persons about to undergo<br />

operative chirurgery, Mr Laborit discovered that systemic stress and presurgical<br />

anxiety was significantly reduced, and thus concluded he was dealing with a<br />

chemical powerfully influencing the central nervous system and autonomic<br />

functions.<br />

Discovered and first synthesized Oct 3 rd and Dec 11 th 1950, respectively, 4560-<br />

RP (i.e 10-[3-dimethylaminopropyl]-2-chlorphenothiazine) was initially tested<br />

on hospitalized, French bedlamites in January/February 1952. The results of the<br />

inaugural experiments was reported to representatives of Société Medico-<br />

Psychologique in Paris, who concluded the psychoactive properties of 4560-RP<br />

— now termed ―chlorpromazine‖ — had medical value. From June 1952 chlor-<br />

promazine was commonly prescribed by French physicians.<br />

While chlorpromazine* (*trade names Largactil/Thorazine) is considered the<br />

prototype of neuroleptic drugs generally, perphenazine* (*trade names<br />

Trilafon/Fentazine — cf p 82) was formally introduced a couple of years later.<br />

Though slightly different pharmaco-/toxicokinetically, perphenazine basically<br />

has the same pharmacodynamic and toxicological index as chlorpromazine.<br />

Perphenazine negatively affects practically all organs/parts of the human body,<br />

and on account of the more than 7000 adverse effects documented by a truly<br />

lavish number clinical laboratory procedures and analytical techniques etc, we<br />

might unimpeachably wonder if this chemopsychiatric noxa is administered<br />

mainly for its explicitly pathopoietic properties!<br />

In any case it takes at least 5000 — five thousand — compactly composed pages<br />

to give a scientifically commendable description of the pathogenic attributes<br />

substantially assignable to perphenazine.....and it is, of course, far outside the<br />

scope of this unpretending report to present an exhaustive treatise on the<br />

medicopsychological/biochemical/pathophysiological etc damages brought<br />

about by this chthonian toxicant. I shall nevertheless venture to launch a<br />

resolutely abridged sketch indicating some of the baneful side effects verily<br />

89<br />

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by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway<br />


United Nations petition — incomplete report<br />

attributable to perphenazine/Trilafon/Fentazine, as I believe this may be of<br />

common interest and value —<br />

Firstly perphenazine will overturn and largely invalidate the endogenous pro-<br />

duction, chemical properties and natural distribution etc of several catechol-<br />

amines chiefly generated by hydroxylation of the L-isomeric amino acid<br />

tyrosine* (*cf tyrosinase → cathecol oxidase).<br />

The 3,4-dihydroxyphenylalanine* (*DOPA) formed by the tyrosine hydroxylase<br />

is the biosynthetic precursor of the essential cathecholamines dopamine* (*[3,4-<br />

dihydroxyphenyl]ethyl amine), noradrenaline* (*norepinephrine) and<br />

adrenaline* (*epinephrine).<br />

The cathecolamines serves and triggers an impressive number specialized<br />

physiological and neurochemical etc functions and actions impeded by the<br />

toxicological impact of perphenazine; vital mechanisms regulating e.g blood<br />

pressure, heart rate, breathing, metabolism and muscle tone are temporary or<br />

permanently corrupted/destroyed. Dangerously interfering with the hydroxy-<br />

lation of phenylalanine to tyrosine and subsequent dihydropteridine reductase,<br />

the transamination of tyrosine to p-hydroxyphenylpyruvate and concurrent<br />

reaction with O2 to form homogentisate is significantly incapacitated, thus<br />

provoking detrimental accumulation of the nerve poison phenylpyruvic acid in<br />

the body fluids as well as in varietal tissues where it evades most drug<br />

monitoring and toxicological screening procedures usw. Exerting a generally<br />

cytopathogenic effect, perphenazine obstructs the natural interaction between<br />

various nitrogenase and reductase agents, and consequently upset the entire<br />

nitrogen<br />

equilibrium/metabolism; hydrolysis of ATP* (*adenosine triphosphate) and<br />

hepatic amino acid degradation is incapacitated, and the constructive functions<br />

of v.g the enzymes alanine/aspartate aminotransferase and glutamate dehydro-<br />

genase perilously hampered.<br />

Whereas practically all fundamental properties of cells are products of molecular<br />

interactions between their respective nucleic acids and proteins, the metabolically<br />

decisive amounts of the adenine nucleotides ATP/ADP/AMP is relatively<br />

disproportionated by the principally cytoclastic influence waged by perphenazine<br />

— ATPs phosphoryl transfer potential is diminished, and efficient hydro-<br />

lysis of phosphocreatine obstructed.<br />

Adenosine triphosphate is the universal main carrier of all forms of chemical<br />

energy in living organisms — as it transfer energy to other molecules, ATP loses<br />

its terminal phosphate group as inorganic phosphate* (*orthophosphate, Pi), or<br />

two of its phosphate groups as inorganic pyrophosphate* (*PPi), becoming<br />

adenosine diphosphate* (*ADP) or adenosine monophosphate* (*AMP), respectively.<br />

Described hydroxylation of ATP to ADP/Pi and AMP/PPi relies on the catalytic<br />

purveyance of the enzymes hexokinase* (*catalyzing the phosporylation of glu-<br />

90<br />

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by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway<br />


United Nations petition — incomplete report<br />

cose by ATP and regenerates ADP for the creatine kinase), creatine kinase and<br />

adenylate kinase item the intermediate properties of phosphoenolpyruvate*<br />

(*central in the conversion of phosphoglycerate to pyruvate — CH3COCOOH.<br />

The pyruvic acid is thus converted to acetyl coenzyme A in which form it may<br />

be regarded as the origin of the tricarboxylic acid cycle — also termed ―Krebs‘<br />

cycle‖ or ―citric acid cycle‖; a cyclical series biochemical reactions where the<br />

two-carbon acetyl coenzyme A initially interacts with the four-carbon oxaloace-<br />

tate to yield the six-carbon citrate and to liberate coenzyme A. The actual<br />

reaction is catalyzed by citrate synthase, and via interconversions of various<br />

carboxylic acids the acetyl coenzyme A formed from pyruvate finally is<br />

completely oxidized to carbon dioxide.)<br />

While the oxidative decarboxylation of pyruvate to form acetyl coenzyme A<br />

(taking place within the mitochondria where electron transport by way of the<br />

respiratory chain generates a proton gradient across the cytosolic side of the<br />

inner, mitochondrial membrane) marks the commonly accepted nexus between<br />

glycolysis and the tricarboxylic acid cycle, the concomitant and stepwise<br />

circulatory oxidations where hydrogen atoms or electrons are removed from<br />

intermediate compounds etc quantitatively represents the major, degradative<br />

pathway for the generation of ATP from ADP and inorganic phosphate (as a<br />

matter of fact the oxidation of each nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide molecule<br />

is coupled to the formation of three ATP molecules, while accompanying<br />

oxidation of flavin adenine dinucleotide begets two molecules of ATP — this<br />

way each turn of the cycle may lead to the production of 11 ATP molecules<br />

[counting the molecule in, we may calculate the ―net yield‖ to 12 ATP molecules<br />

per molecule of acetyl coenzyme A and — additionally — oxidation of the<br />

two pyruvate molecules derived from fragmentation of glucose has given us two<br />

ATP molecules.....and the cycle also generates one molecule of guanosine<br />

triphosphate equivalent to one ATP molecule; we may thus conclude that the<br />

aerobic oxidation of two pyruvate molecules makes available to the cell at least<br />

15 times more ATP per molecule of glucose catabolized than is produced<br />

anaerobically. Nevertheless; acetyl coenzyme A doesn‘t exclusively arise from<br />

the oxidation of pyruvate, but also from that of fats and several amino acid comprising<br />

proteins]!)<br />

All in all we may correctly state that the oxidative phosphorylation where electrons<br />

from nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide or flavin adenine dinucleotide are<br />

transferred to carbon dioxide by electron carriers is responsible for the generation<br />

of roughly 90 percent of the ATP molecules formed when glucose is<br />

completely oxidized to CO2/H2O — and this process is thus, by far, the major<br />

source of ATP in aerobic organisms.<br />

Otherwise the rate of the tricarboxylic acid cycle is adjusted to meet frequently<br />

changing needs for cellular ATP, and the actual turnover of ATP is typically<br />

very high; an athlete weighing 100 kilos won‘t do a lot of physical exercising or<br />

heavy manual labor before he‘ve consumed his own body weight — or more —<br />

91<br />

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by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway<br />


United Nations petition — incomplete report<br />

of ATP (a sedentary, 80 kilos officeholder normally expends 60–70 kg ATP in<br />

24 hours)!<br />

The cellulotoxic properties of Trilafon/Fentazine (perphenazine) adversely<br />

affects most of the 4–7 trillion reactions ordinarily taking place within each cell<br />

every second, and the destructive metabolic impact of this alienist praised morbificum<br />

is no way limited to oxidative subversion of amino acids, carbohydrates<br />

and fatty acids in the tricarboxylic acid cycle....; the overall efficaciousness of<br />

the ―Embden-Meyerhof pathway‖ (the pyruvate produced during the anaerobic<br />

breakdown of glucose [i.e glucolysis] is either converted to acetyl coenzyme A<br />

— and thus enters the tricarboxylic acid cycle — or to lactic acid, ethanol, carbon<br />

dioxide or a few other, organic products) and the ―urea cycle‖* (*this cycle<br />

is linked to the tricarboxylic acid cycle through the synthesis of fumarate**<br />

[**i.e butenedioic acid, HCOOHC:CHCOOH] hydrated to malate and thus<br />

oxidized to oxaloacetate. The oxaloacetate may undergo transamination to<br />

aspartate, be converted into glucose or pyruvate or condensate with acetyl<br />

coenzyme A to form citrate) are also deleteriously impeded!<br />

The poisonous influence of perphenazine will seriously hamper almost every<br />

step of the glycogenesis, glycogenolysis and gluconeogenesis* (*i.e the format-<br />

ion of glucose from noncarbohydrate sources) — multitudinous enzymecatalyzed<br />

reactions are desperately impaired, and the antiporter function of the<br />

transport protein ATP-ADP translocase* (*i.e the adenine nucleotide carrier —<br />

constituting about 15% of the inner mitochondrial membrane protein) as well as<br />

the specialized missions of many other, mitochondrial symporters/antiporters/<br />

carriers etc, consequentially corrupted.<br />

The adenylate kinase dependent hydrolyzation of ATP are curtailed, as perphenazine<br />

has messed up the optimal concentration of Mg 2+ and thus weakened<br />

the capacity of the magnesium ion to form a complex with ATPs terminal phos-<br />

phate groups — reducing the negative charge on the ion thereby becomes ardu-<br />

ous, and the whole substitution reaction are endangered (in addition the general<br />

stability of the carbonyl group in pyruvic acid has been fundamentally perverted,<br />

and later in the glycolysis it‘ll be burdensome for the reactive phosphate ester to<br />

transfer a phosphate group back to the adenosine diphosphate and thus regenerate<br />

ATP).<br />

Animadverted subversion of the ATP purveyance etc will also harm the ATPdriven<br />

―calcium pump‖ — the ―Ca 2+ –ATPase‖ — and a sodium–calcium exchanger<br />

using the Na + gradient across the plasma membrane as the main energy<br />

source (cf the ―Na + –K + pump‖).<br />

The distribution of body fluids is largely determined by osmotic forces, and the<br />

concentration of certain solutes in these fluids is decisive for the osmotic concentration*<br />

(*i.e the ―osmolality‖).<br />

Extracellular fluids (including blood plasma) — containing sodium as their pre-<br />

92<br />

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by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway<br />


United Nations petition — incomplete report<br />

dominant cation, and intracellular fluids — having potassium as their dominant<br />

cation, respectively amount to 25 and 33 percent of the body weight.....and ATP<br />

hydrolysis drives the pumping of sodium/potassium ions across the plasma<br />

membrane.<br />

The abnormalities of the acid–base balance of the blood brought about by perphenazine,<br />

are normally accompanied by characteristic/pathological changes in<br />

electrolyte concentrations in the plasma.<br />

Acetyl coenzyme A cannot enter the tricarboxylic acid cycle unless it condenses<br />

with oxaloacetate, and the synthesis of oxaloacetate by carboxylation of pyruvate<br />

is dangerously havocked by perphenazine — further; biotin* (*vitamin B4,<br />

C10H16O3N2S), a covalently attached prosthetic group of pyruvate carboxylase<br />

and a well-known carrier of O2, is not carboxylated unless acetyl coenzyme A is<br />

bound to the actual enzyme. The allosteric/catalytic properties of pyruvate carboxylase<br />

are — of course — undermined by perphenazine, and the functions of<br />

oxaloacetate as a stoichiometric intermediate in gluconeogenesis torpedoed.....the<br />

conversion of oxaloacetate into amino acids for protein synthesis is<br />

largely obstructed, and the entire production of intermediates for biosyntheses<br />

caretaken by the tricarboxylic acid cycle handicapped.<br />

The driving force of oxidative phosphorylation is the electron transfer potential<br />

of NADH* (*the reduced form of nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide) and<br />

FADH2* (*the reduced form of flavin adenine dinucleotide) relative to that of<br />

O2, and in the respiratory chain electrons are transferred from NADH to O2<br />

through a sequence of three protein complexes called NADH-Q reductase and<br />

cytochrome oxidase. The operational power of these transmembrane complexes<br />

responsible for pumping protons across the inner mitochondrial membrane (i.e<br />

from the matrix to the cytosolic side) are severely quenched by perphenazine, as<br />

the initial binding of NADH and subsequent transfer of its two high-potential<br />

electrons to the flavin mononucleotide prosthetic group of corresponding<br />

complex has been significantly throttled by the neurocytotoxic qualities of the<br />

drug — ideal/adequate output of the reduced form of flavin mononucleotide is<br />

thereby thwarted.<br />

As coenzymes the oxidized forms of nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (except<br />

for the presence of an additional phosphate group, the oxidized form of nicotin-<br />

amide adenine dinucleotide phosphate is identical with the former) are actively<br />

involved in more than 500 different operations, and hundreds of enzymes<br />

require their nicotinamide moiety — however; most of the functions of the<br />

actual oxidoreductases/dehydrogenases etc are spoiled by perphenazine....the<br />

conversion of alcohols to aldehydes/ketones, amino acids to keto acids, hemi-<br />

acetals to lactones and aldehydes to acids are but a few examples of reactions<br />

where catalytic efficiency has beeen hazardously frustrated by this nocent quack<br />

dope!<br />

93<br />

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by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway<br />


United Nations petition — incomplete report<br />

As regards peptide hormones, catecholamines and receptors of the G-protein<br />

class utilizing guanine nucleotide-binding proteins to interface with target<br />

proteins (e.g phospholipase C), perphenazine makes it knotty for corresponding<br />

ligand hormone to bind to the actual receptor protein thus activating the adeny-<br />

late cyclase through the guanine nucleotide regulatory protein binding guanosine<br />

triphosphate* (*GTP).<br />

Generally impairing the GTPase activity in regulatory protein and thus damaging<br />

the 21-kd ras proteins cycling between GTP and GDP* (*guanosine di-<br />

phosphate) forms, perphenazine will corrupt the GTP form of these proteins<br />

(stimulating cell growth and differentiation) item the 120-kd integral membrane<br />

protein and adjacent transmembrane segments of adenylate cyclase and,<br />

resultantly, significantly increase the cancer risk.<br />

The formation and further hydrolyzation of cyclic adenosine monophosphate*<br />

(*cAMP) to 5‘-AMP by a specific phosphodiesterase is hindered by perphenazine,<br />

as the activation of adenylate cyclase converting ATP to cAMP and the<br />

normal 3‘-OH group of the ribose unit attacking the α-phosphoryl group of<br />

ATP to form a phosphate bound with the concomitant release of pyrophosphate<br />

has been greatly and negatively upset by the unilaterally injurious effects of this<br />

politically abused and virose downer.<br />

Cyclic adenosine monophosphate is supposed to bind to the regulatory subunit<br />

of protein kinase thus dissociating the catalytic subunit vitally responsible for<br />

the phosphorylation of a wide spectrum enzymes and other proteins, and it enhances<br />

the degradation of storage fuels, increases the secretion of acid by the<br />

gastric mucosa, leads to the dispersion of melanin pigment granules, diminishes<br />

the aggregation of blood platelets and induces the opening of chloride channels<br />

etc.<br />

All enzymes are believed to be synthesized intracellularly, and most of them<br />

certainly carry out their functions within the cells in which they are formed....<br />

anyhow; many of those enzymes later finding their way into the blood or otherwise<br />

exerting their functions within extracellular fluids, will have the better part<br />

of their constructive properties devastated by perphenazine — the catalytic ope-<br />

rativeness of the proteases and other hydrolases (secreted into the gastrointestinal<br />

tract) item the plasma-specific enzymes* (*enzymes concerned e.g with<br />

fibrinolysis and the functionality of the blood-clotting mechanism and comple-<br />

ment system) are dramatically suppressed.....this may — amongst dozens of<br />

other complications — catastrophically lower the general immune response, and<br />

lead to partial/complete and potentially fatal paralysis of certain viscerimotor/<br />

splanchnic nerves.<br />

The list of metabolic disturbances and overall pathogenicity linked to perphenazine<br />

intake is almost endless; all catabolic pathways of the branched-chain amino<br />

acids* (*leucine, isoleucine and valine) are devitalized, and the natural out-<br />

94<br />

<strong>FORMAL</strong> <strong>COMPLAINT</strong> VS THE KINGDOM OF NORWAY<br />

by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway<br />


United Nations petition — incomplete report<br />

put and properties of e.g oxidative decarboxylase, valine transaminase and iso-<br />

valeryl-CoA-dehydrogenase corrupted — there‘ll be sulfur amino acids disorders,<br />

and pathological alterations of the imino acid metabolism.....convenient<br />

conversion of methionine to homocysteine is sapped, and crucial functions of<br />

cystathionine synthease, serine, proline oxidase and pyrroline-5-carboxylic acid<br />

dehydrogenase vehemently perverted.<br />

Perphenazine will perilously inhibit the thermal transition of ribonuclease, and<br />

the conformational transition of α-lactalbumin is either slowed down or comple-<br />

tely barred — the formation of molten globules is constrained, and the hydrogen<br />

bond donor of serine, aspartate and asparagine is frequently harmed (natural dis-<br />

ruption of α-helicles is thereby obstructed).....basically; the stabilization of<br />

intermediates necessary for unimpaired protein folding is crippled.<br />

In the Krebs-Hensleit cycle* (*i.e the urea cycle) the intermediate properties of<br />

citrulline, arginine, ornitrine and arginiosuccinic acid are strongly reduced by<br />

perphenazine, and the ominous presence of this psychotogenic nosotoxicant will<br />

induce multiform, systemic irregularities of the amino acid metabolism —<br />

we‘ll find several substrate-specific defects, and there‘ll be grave histidine,<br />

lysine and glycine metabolism abnormalities.<br />

Perversion of the proline oxidase and lysine/glycine metabolism etc will deplete<br />

the vital/steric repulsion of the pyrrolidone rings found in the proline/hydroxy-<br />

proline residues of the collagen helix (collagen — the most abundant protein in<br />

man/mammals — has no hydrogen bonds within its triple helix strands, hence<br />

the stability of the three collagen helicles depends on indicated repulsion...anyhow;<br />

because there‘s no space near the helix axis for a larger amino acid, every<br />

third residue of its superhelical cable must be glycine, and the three intertwined<br />

strands of corresponding superhelix are bonded to each other by — hydrogen.),<br />

and described suppression of v.g the proteases/hydrolases etc will detrimentally<br />

affect the functions of three major digestive enzymes — viz; chymotrypsin<br />

(hydrolyzing proteins in the small intestine), trypsin and pepsin — the enzyme/<br />

zymogen synthesizing in the acinar cells of the pancreas is sabotaged.<br />

The extracellular protein collagen is commonly known as the main fibrous com-<br />

ponent of the skin, bone, teeth, cartilage and tendon, and attingent gutting of its<br />

primary/secondary/tertiary/quaternary structure etc by perphenazine is associated<br />

with a very extensive range disagreeable implications; the conversion of<br />

many lysine side chains to aldehydes and the further combination of said aldehydes<br />

with the ε-amino groups of intact lysine chains is recurrently diverted, and<br />

the degradation of cross-linked collagen/elastin and subsequent formation of<br />

(iso-)desmosins from cross-linked lysine fragments menacingly vacillated —<br />

there‘ll be disturbances of the water/electrolyte balance, acid–base imbalances,<br />

a most distressing variety of e.g cardiovascular/liver/biliary tract/renal/splenetic/<br />

95<br />

<strong>FORMAL</strong> <strong>COMPLAINT</strong> VS THE KINGDOM OF NORWAY<br />

by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway<br />


United Nations petition — incomplete report<br />

duodenal/pancreatic/gastroenterological/periodontal/hematic diseases, and<br />

frequently axonal degeneration, demyelination, mono-/polyneuropathies, radi-<br />

culoneuropahty/-neuritis, radiculomyelopathies, radiculalgia, paralyses, meta-<br />

bolic/endocrine neuropathies, myotonias/tremors/hemiataxia/dyskinesias, intra-<br />

cranial haemorrhage, cerebral infarction, akinetic/rigid syndromes, vasoneuro-<br />

pathy, angioparalysis/vasoparesis, angiomalacia, angiolymphitis, osteoarthro-<br />

pathies, osteitis, ostealgia, ostempyesis/osteomyelitis, periostitis, cemento-<br />

clasia/odontolysis/odontonecrosis, cementitis, caries, odontagra/odontia and<br />

odontobothritis.....usw!<br />

Colinear with their polypeptide products, perphenazine may also affect the<br />

exons of the collagen gene and their sequence in messenger ribonucleic acid*<br />

(*mRNA) — pernicious nucleic acid hybridization is but one of many, potential<br />

outcomes (Cells contain several kinds of RNA, and the mRNA is the template<br />

for protein synthesis — an mRNA molecule is produced for each gene, or group<br />

of genes, that is to be expressed, and — in a sequence determined by the mRNA<br />

template — ―transfer RNA‖* [*tRNA] carries amino acids in an activated form<br />

to the ribosome for peptide-bond formation. In effect; RNA are used to translate<br />

―DNA‖ — ―deoxyribonucleic acid‖ — into protein, and the amino acid sequence<br />

of proteins are specified by DNA. A sequence of these bases is called a<br />

codon, and specifies an amino acid. An exon is a block of DNA encoding part<br />

of a given polypeptide chain, and many exons encode structural/functional units<br />

of proteins.....indeed; an entire domain of a protein may be encoded by a single<br />

exon!).<br />

Petitionary befitting and professionally agreeable though, I regret to say may un-<br />

pretentious treatise on perphenazine and some of its accursed side effects has<br />

been significantly marred both qualitatively and quantitatively by principled ob-<br />

servance of the retaliatory precautions announced at page 12 of this report.<br />

Proceeding within the choking and flimsy limitations dictated by conventional,<br />

medical knowledge, I shall close my run-of-the-mill discourse with a handful<br />

remarks of more summary nature.<br />

Perphenazine is an explicitly backstabbing poison capable of maiming and<br />

killing you in a truly horrifying number of ways....;<br />

96<br />

<strong>FORMAL</strong> <strong>COMPLAINT</strong> VS THE KINGDOM OF NORWAY<br />

by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway<br />


United Nations petition — incomplete report<br />

intake is associated with enduring/irreversible impairment<br />

of v.g the (specification may be slightly overlapping):<br />

autonomic nervous system, thalamus/epithalamus, subthalamic nucleus,<br />

pituitary, hypothalamus, corpus interpedunculare/striatum, psychocortical<br />

center, locus ceruleus/niger (substantia ferruginea/nigra), pes infraorbital/<br />

anserinus, cerebellar (inferior/middle/superior) peduncle, vermis cerebelli/<br />

inferior/superior, peduncle of flocculus, tegmentum, pons cerebelli/varolii<br />

(corticopontive fibres), crura cerebri/cerebelli, endocrine glands, viscero-<br />

peritoneal/-visceral functions/reactions and protein/carbohydrate/fat/purine/<br />

constructive metabolism.<br />

More or less common<br />


of Perphenazine / Trilafon / Fentazine<br />

intake includes e.g (specification may be partially overlapping):<br />

paramutism/haphephobia, pessimism/melancholia/depression/<br />

suicidality/apathy/la belle indifference/intropunitiveness/hyphedonia/<br />

lethargy/asthenia/somnolence/hypoaffectivity, anhedonia/frigidity/<br />

impotence/apareunia/dyspareunia/anaphrodisia/mastodynia/mastade-<br />

nitis/anorgasmy/emmeniopathy/kysthitis/cervicovaginitis, lesions<br />

of cranial nerves (Olfactory/Optic/Oculomotor/Trochlear/Trigeminal/<br />

Abducens/Facial/Vestibulocochlear/Glossopharyngeal/Vagus/Spinal<br />

Accessory/Hypoglossal), logopathia/bradyphrasia/dysprosody/pykno-<br />

phrasia/lalorrhea/aprosody/raving/autoecholalia/verbomania/hypologia/<br />

odynacusis/autophony/onomatomania/logagnosia, embryopathy/abortion/<br />

dystocia/teratogenesis/fetal distress/abruptio placentae, pericystitis/endo-<br />

metritis/salpingitis/perisalpingoovaritis/orchiopathy/bradyspermatism/<br />

orchidalgia/aspermatism/dyspermia/asthenospermia/azoospermia/mal-<br />

emission, psychoparesis/hyponoia/paralogia/dyslogia/paranomia/mnem-<br />

asthenia/pseudomnesia/bradylexia/dyscalculia, visual/auditory/haptic/<br />

extracampine/olfactory/kinetic hallucination (hallucinosis), dispersonal-<br />

ization/delusion/ambivalence/ambitendency/impulsion/compulsion/hypo-<br />

97<br />

<strong>FORMAL</strong> <strong>COMPLAINT</strong> VS THE KINGDOM OF NORWAY<br />

by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway<br />


United Nations petition — incomplete report<br />

chondria/distractibility/nervousness/confusion/erethisophrenia/irritability/<br />

obfuscation, neurogenic/irritable bladder, urinary/fecal incontinence, diarrhea,<br />

prostatorrhea/prostatosis/prostatism/prostatovesiculitis/prostato-<br />

megaly/prostatodynia/paraproctitis, didymitis/epididymitis, interstitial/<br />

parenchymatous mastitis, psychosexual disorders, erotophobia, copro-<br />

lagnia/-philia, délire de toucher, paraphilia, halitosis, glossopyrosis/<br />

glossoplegia/glossospasm, coated tongue, stomatitis, psychosis/psycho-<br />

neurosis/monomania/dysergasia/paranoia/delirium/geophagia, toxicomania<br />

(drug addiction, dipsomania/alcoholism etc), autochthonous/fixed/compul-sive<br />

ideation (idée fixe), catalepsy, hemiparesis/hemiplegia, hemiopalgia,<br />

distress/malaise/hangover, icterus obstructive/sanguinis, pustulation,<br />

odontopathy/odontalgia, mastoiditis, glossoptosis, parosmia/dysgeusia/<br />

parosphresia/cacogeusia, gnathalgia, nictitating spasm, postocular<br />

neuritis, oculomotor nerve paralysis, oculogyric crisis, cycloplegia/<br />

cyclophoria, photophobia/photangiaphobia, mydriasis/miosis, pinhole/<br />

fixed/tonic pupil, pupilloplegia, central/cerebral/essential/laryngeal/<br />

ocular/objective/organic/peripheral/subjective/auditory/toxic/vestibular<br />

vertigo, conjunctivitis, cephalalgia, encephalopathy, gutturotetany, pseud-<br />

acusis, tinnitus auricum, bradyacusia, cillosis, glaucoma, astheno-<br />

pia, kearatoscleritis/keratopathies, nephelopia/diplopia, object<br />

blindness, cyclic vomiting, emesis, moniliasis, xerostomia/ptysis/<br />

ptyalism (salivation), odaxesmus, logaditis, xanthoderma/jaundice,<br />

asterixis/tremor, pallor, nasal congestion, rhinorrhea/rhinopharyngitis/<br />

rhinomycosis, tic convulsive/facial/spasmodic/habit/douloureux, oneir-<br />

ism/nightmares/noctambulism, allodynia/alliesthesia, salaam convulsion,<br />

torticollis/retrocollis/cervicodynia/nuchalgia, amnesic/motor apraxia,<br />

sore throat (angina simplex/acuta), amygdalopathy, angina abdominis/<br />

decubitus/laryngea/Ludovici/maligna/variant/phlegmonous, amyotonia,<br />

phallalgia, epiglottiditis, vaginismus, prosopdynia/prosopneuralgia,<br />

neurogliomatosis, otalgia/otitis/otantritis/otoantritis, Reye's syndrome,<br />

anatropia, hemeralopia, antisociality/resentment/hostility/grudging/dis-<br />

loyalty/fabulation/paramania/desperation/cacoethes/perversion/immoral-<br />

ity/criminality/depravity/irresponsibility/recklessness/torpidity, thanato-<br />

phobia/anxiety/egotheism/theomania/theophobia/sophomania/megalomania,<br />

déjà vu/entendu, torpor intestinorum (constipation), pannus, nystagmus,<br />

paragraphia, affective disorders, ureteralgia/ureteritis/cystitis/hematuria/<br />

hemobilinuria, tenesmus, defeatism/cunctation/underachievement/nolition/<br />

listlessness/tedium/stinginess/affectaplasia (affectlessness)/incuriosity,<br />

indifference/egoism/parvanimity/fussiness/infantilism/petulance/crudeness/<br />

impoliteness/passivity/negligence, social isolation/disintegration/expulsion/<br />

stigmatization/degradation/retirement, eremitism/oikomania/oikophobia/<br />

eccentricity/shyness/timidity/dysthesia/dread/vagabondism/sauntering/mis-<br />

anthropy, insomnia, incubus, gingivitis/periodontitis, uvulitis, wanness,<br />

98<br />

<strong>FORMAL</strong> <strong>COMPLAINT</strong> VS THE KINGDOM OF NORWAY<br />

by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway<br />


United Nations petition — incomplete report<br />

non-alignment/-attendance, epithymetic corruption, disinterest, touch-me-<br />

notishness, fallaciousness/illogicalness/absurdity, emotionalism/tenderness/<br />

superexaltation/hypersensitiveness/maladdress/rambunctiousness/lability,<br />

mysophilia/-phobia, ablutomania, forced invalidity/unemployment/pension-<br />

ing, matrimonial/interpersonal disunion/havoc/destitution, accidentproneness,<br />

professional/educational downfall/shortcoming/abandon/rejection,<br />

impecuniosity, pauperization/vagrancy/begging/prostitution/<br />

homelessness/hoboism, extraordinary complications/problems, extreme<br />

misery/misfortune, valetudinarianism/ruin, suspiciousness/misthought/<br />

mispersuasion, detention/immurement/hospitalization/institutionalization,<br />

adenalgia, (attracts) official abuse/malversation/lawlessness/upsidaisyness/<br />

persecution/arrogance/exploitation, victimization, impatience, self-denial/<br />

-effacement, poor-spiritedness, clinophilia/bed-riddenness, Jocasta complex,<br />

phantasmality/reverie, surfeiting/gluttony/phagomania, moon-raising/moon-<br />

raking/alienation/alamortism/nebbishness, spectatoritis, flaccid paralysis,<br />

muscle cramping/twitching/weakness, slight/moderate dyspnea, hypopnea,<br />

hyperpnea, pnigophobia, myalgia/algiomotoricity, myatrophy, ponophobia,<br />

hepatosplenopathy/hepatonephromegaly, mismarriage, dysadrenalism,<br />

autoallergy, xerosis, hepatodynia/-lysis/-necrosis, myopathy/myo-<br />

paresis, paranephritis, dysdiadochokinesia, cinclisis/bradykinesia/<br />

hypersynergia/hyporeflexia/dyscinesia, anisoaccommodation, dyscrin-<br />

ism, dysmetria/akinesia (algera/amnestica), apallesthesia, jejuno-<br />

ileitis, aperistalsis, polytendinitis, Guillain-Barré syndrome (poly-<br />

radiculoneuropathy), Parry's disease (hyperthyroidism), hypothymism,<br />

peripherapose, delayed/mixed neuropathy, toxic/clonic/tonic convulsion,<br />

wheezing/coughing/emptysis, bradycardia/tachycardia, ventricular<br />

fibrilation, abdominal cramps, hypersecretion by salivary/lacrimal/<br />

sweat/bronchial glands, dystrypsia, muscular fasciculations, tightness<br />

in throat/chest, sternalgia, cardiac/local/swallow/vasovagal syncope,<br />

dysglobulinemia, hypo-/hypertension, ectopic rhytm, pyorrhea alveolaris,<br />

autoimmunity, paramima, vagotonia, necrocytosis, cancer/oncogenesis,<br />

tumultus cordis, cardialgia, epigastralgia, dyspepsia, pseudocrisis, tubulor-<br />

rhexis, dysgerminoma, neuroarthropathy, pyloroduodenitis, pychnemia,<br />

necrobiosis, hypopselaphesia, hypothalamic/endogenous obesity, fibrillo-<br />

lysis, thermoanesthesia/crymodynia/hypercryalgesia, pyrosis, pyocephalus,<br />

empyema, gene mutations/modifications, jaw necrosis, lung abscess, brain<br />

tumor, eczema, thalamic syndrome, flight of ideas, dipsesis/-osis, neuro-<br />

myositis, diabetes insipidus/mellitus, fibrinoid changes, endocrine/latent/<br />

non-insulin-dependent diabetes, hypinosis, anemia, Farre's tubercles,<br />

diminished myodynamic/sthenometric/cardiovascular/psychometric/noo-<br />

metric potential, hiccups, fibropapilloma, anergastic reaction, fascitis, fibro-<br />

myalgia, hyperthermic reactions (thermacogenesis), permanent damage<br />

of thermoregulatory centers in the hypothalamus, irreversible tardive dys-<br />

99<br />

<strong>FORMAL</strong> <strong>COMPLAINT</strong> VS THE KINGDOM OF NORWAY<br />

by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway<br />


United Nations petition — incomplete report<br />

kinesia, "Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome" ("NMS"), cardiac dysrhytmias,<br />

diaphoresis, systemic infections, (acute) renal failure, renal insufficiency/<br />

necrosis, pyelonephritis/renopathy, retinal changes, potentially<br />

fatal anaphylactic/asthmatic/allergic reactions caused by sodium<br />

bisulphite/hydrosulphite (NaHSO3) found in Trilafon injection, nocent<br />

potentiation of e.g the CNS-depressing effects of alcohol/opiates/seda-<br />

tives/analgetics/barbiturates/anesthetics/palliatives/tranquillizers and anti-<br />

convulsant medication etc, subversion of levodopa administration (v.g in<br />

patients with Parkinson's disease), augmentation of anticholinergic<br />

effects of atropine/antidepressants/antihistamines/insecticides usw,<br />

inhibition of diphenylhydantoin (sodium) metabolism, guanethidine<br />

antagonism aggravating hypertension, shock/syncope induced by concurrent<br />

use with e.g methyldopa and cardiorespiratory drugs (beta-adrenoceptor<br />

blockers), chemical mutagenesis — lasting/perilous corruption of DNA<br />

replication and RNA transcription, intra-/extragenic reversion ("genetic<br />

reversion" — accumulation and zygotic transfer of mutant genes), liver<br />

metastases, hepatocellular carcinoma, accentuating of UV-induced<br />

mutations (repair and adequate substitution of radiation-damaged DNA<br />

segments are significantly hampered), glomerulonephritis (immune com-<br />

plexes tends to aggregate at the glomerular basement membrane), general<br />

decay, hemonephrosis, hematopericardium, presenility, abulia, presbyopi,<br />

interstitial/myocardial etc ischemia, arteriosclerosis, premature/unexpected<br />

death, Stokes–Adams syndrome/attack, aortic stenosis, carotid sinus hyper-<br />

sensitivity, vestibular schwannomas/neuronitis, herpetic eruption, Ménière's<br />

disease, venous jaw claudication, chorea, lateral medullary syndrome<br />

(occlusion of one vertebral artery — or the posterior inferior cerebellar<br />

artery), ipsilateral Horner's syndrome, paralysis of the soft pallate, weight-<br />

gain, galactorrhea, pituitary adenomas, hemochromatosis ("bronze dia-<br />

betes" — may be related to pituitary irradiation/adenoma/hyposecretion),<br />

Carney's syndrome (cardiac myxoma etc), fibrous/cystic/cartilaginous<br />

myxoma, Nelson's syndrome, Cushing's disease (pituitary adenoma),<br />

hypercalcemia (normally caused by hyperparathyroidism), Grave's disease,<br />

hypoglycemia, hypostasis, hemangiopericytoma, retroperitoneal fibro-<br />

sarcoma(-s), Addison's disease, Hodgkin's disease, autoimmune hepatitis,<br />

hematemesis, Crohn's disease, Zollinger–Ellison syndrome, syringobulbia,<br />

syringitis, retrosternal goitre, aortic aneurism, malignant/benign strictures,<br />

bulbar/pseudobulbar paralysis, pericardial effusion, sinus arrhytmia, Wolff–<br />

Parkinson–White syndrome, abnormal P/Q/R/S/T waves and S-T/P-R<br />

segment depression — QRS/Q-T interval irregularities (ECG variables),<br />

tuberculation, myoclonia, rhagades, thrombopenia/-pathy, eosinopenia,<br />

ESR abnormalities, phlebitis, cold extremities, pollakiuria, urina hysterica,<br />

bilirubinemia, dyschroa, dermatocelidosis/-pathy (generally degenerative<br />

changes in the skin — impaired visage/appearance), tenesmus, pruritus,<br />

100<br />

<strong>FORMAL</strong> <strong>COMPLAINT</strong> VS THE KINGDOM OF NORWAY<br />

by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway<br />


United Nations petition — incomplete report<br />

Bergeron's chorea (Dubini's disease), Déjérine's syndrome (syndrome de<br />

Déjérine–Roussy), tabes, Banti's syndrome, varicosis, hemorrhoids,<br />

Biermer's disease, rosacea, acne vulgaris/atrophica, spondylosis, bacterial<br />

vaginosis, lumbago/notalgia, leucinuria, Chiari–Frommel syndrome,<br />

leukemogenesis, Schamberg's disease, biliary cirrhosis (inflammatory<br />

destruction of interlobular bile ducts), portal hypertension, antitrismus, drug-<br />

induced (acute) hepatic failure, morning headache, recurrent laryngeal palsy,<br />

phrenic nerve palsy, myasthenic syndrome (Eaton–Lambert syndrome),<br />

Broca's dysphasia (lesions in the infero-lateral dominant front lobe — cf<br />

"Broca's area"), constructional dyspraxia (hemisphere lesions),<br />

cluster/tension headache, idiopathic neuralgia, Budd–Chiari syndrome,<br />

orthopnea, plethora, lytic bone metastases, formation of Charcot–Leyden<br />

and Charcot–Robin crystals (in diseased tissues and blood respectively),<br />

inhibition of plasma cholinesterase, various pharmacogenetic disorders<br />

(e.g corruped protein polymorphism and functional derangements caused<br />

by isoallelic variants), hemiballism, opisthotonos/emprosthotonos, vagino-<br />

mycosis, trismus, cerebrospinal fluid abnormalities, venous sinus thrombosis,<br />

sinusitis (inflammation of paranasal sinuses), progressive dementia,<br />

luteoma, Vogt–Koyanagi–Harada syndrome, astrocytomas/oligodendro-<br />

gliomas/meningiomas, compression of the medulla by herniation of the<br />

cerebellar tonsils caudally through the foramen magnum, scotomata,<br />

progressive muscular atrophy, progressive degeneration of motor neurons,<br />

progressive bulbar palsy, hemiglossitis, Alzheimer's disease (severe cortical<br />

neuronal loss — accumulation of extracellular amyloid fibrils in cerebral/<br />

meningeal microvessels etc), reticuloma, axonal degeneration, mononeuritis<br />

multiplex, symmetrical sensory polyneuropathy, reticuloendothelioma/-osis,<br />

amyloidosis (disturbed immunoglobulin synthesis usw), myasthenia gravis,<br />

hemidysergia, osteoarthropathy/osteomalacia, Eaton–Lambert syndrome<br />

("myasthenic–myopathic syndrome" due to defective acethylcholine release<br />

at the neuromuscular juntion), Graefe's sign, bizarre dreams, gynecomastia,<br />

mastoptosis, mastocytoma/-carcinoma/-chondroma, adiposis cerebralis,<br />

abdomen pendulous, cerebropsychosis, glycuresis, amenorrhea, acid–base<br />

disorders, metabolic acidosis, Kussmaul's breathing, renal tubular acidosis,<br />

diabetic/lactic acidosis, obstructive sleep apnea, cystic fibrosis (dysfunction<br />

of exocrine glands etc), pituitary apoplexy, disequilibration syndrome,<br />

vascular steal syndrome, ambulatory/cyclic peritoneal dialysis, retriperitoneal<br />

fibrosis (progressive obstruction of ureters), perianeurysmal fibrosis,<br />

steatorrhea (pancreatic diseases), (chronic) diverticulitis, gastrointestinal<br />

malabsorption, nephrotic syndrome (most drugs inflicting v.g proteinuria<br />

may give rise to this syndrome), acquired asyndesis, ascites, tubulo-<br />

interstitial disease (progressive renal damage), renovascular disease,<br />

renal/vesical calculi (nephrolithiasis), idiopathic hypercalciuria,<br />

Goodpasture's syndrome (progressive glomerulonephritis etc — possible<br />

101<br />

<strong>FORMAL</strong> <strong>COMPLAINT</strong> VS THE KINGDOM OF NORWAY<br />

by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway<br />


United Nations petition — incomplete report<br />

death from renal failure), maintenance/renal dialysis ("hemodialysis" —<br />

erectile impotence and [secondary] infertility are common complications),<br />

rhematoid arthritis, bursitis, carpal tunnel syndrome, mioplasmia, pleural<br />

effusion, induction of organ-spesific/IgG/nuclear protein antibodies and<br />

cryoglobulins (cryoglobulinemia) — interaction of antinuclear antibodies<br />

and cell nuclei may originate v.g hematoxylin-stained deposits and<br />

hematinemia, morphea, Raynaud's disease (particularly in females),<br />

sclerodactylia, trigger finger, compartmental syndrome, olecranarthropathy,<br />

Osgood–Schlatter disease, calculosis (e.g prostatic calculi), amyloidosis,<br />

angioedema, vasovesiculitis, contact dermatitis, hemolytic anemia, pan-<br />

cytopenia, biliary stasis, systemic lupus erythematosus, hyperprolactinemia,<br />

gastritis, blood dyscrasias, EEG abnormalities, idiovariations, exacerbation<br />

of psychotic symptoms, exfoliative dermatitis, idiometritis, inappropriate<br />

ADH secretion, lymphoplasmacytoid/centrocytic lymphoma, paraproteinemia<br />

(Bence Jones protein — albumin-/proteinuria), cartilage degeneration,<br />

myxochondrofibrosarcoma, blockage of the nasolacrimal duct (normally<br />

accompanied by inflammation of the lacrimal sac), meibomitis, myxemia,<br />

keratoconus, acute anterior uveitis, reversed epinephrine effect, choro-<br />

iditis, retinal detachment (following oncogenesis or inflammation of<br />

the underlying choroid), optic neuropathy/atrophy (destruction of neural<br />

tissue), chronic simple glaucoma, exophthalmic goitre (i.e "Grave's disease"<br />

or "thyrotoxicosis"), myxedema, myoglobinuria, Pick's disease, medullary<br />

cancers (arising from cells producing thyrocalcitonin — frequently associated<br />

with another tumor arising in the adrenal medulla), acid eructations,<br />

protein-losing enteropathy, gastric/duodenal ulcer, hearthburn, carcinoid<br />

syndrome (serotonin producing tumors), flatulence, vipomas, irritable bowel<br />

syndrome, pseudohypoparathyroidism, secondary hypothyroidism (lack of<br />

pituitary "TSH" — "thyroid stimulating hormone"), lymphoreticular<br />

disorders, pseudogynecomastia (excess of fat in the breast area),<br />

lymphomatosis/-pathy, acute/chronic myelogenous leukemia, multiple<br />

sclerosis (focal disruption of blood–brain barrier and severe myelin damage<br />

etc), hemolytic crisis in G6PD*-deficient subjects (*Glucose-6-Phosphate<br />

Dehydrogenase), nausea, Parkinson's disease, impaired immune response,<br />

melena.....usw!<br />

Some of the side effects described may have a latency period of<br />

25–30 years as DNA damage is likely to accrue over a lifetime, and<br />

because the efficiency of our DNA repair mechanisms is<br />

individual and decreases with aging.<br />

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<strong>FORMAL</strong> <strong>COMPLAINT</strong> VS THE KINGDOM OF NORWAY<br />

by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway<br />


United Nations petition — incomplete report<br />


intake may induce "false positive" or "false negative" results of<br />

urine pregnancy tests...<br />

will reduce secretion of adrenocortical hormones and may thus<br />

interfere with metyrapone testing/treatment...<br />

is excreted readily in breast milk and will cross the human placental<br />

barrier — neonatal/fetal distress including cardiopulmonary arrest<br />

and fatal seizures/convulsions may result...<br />

intake may cause abnormal and potentially lethal complications and<br />

pathogenesis in subjects with absent/decreased C21-hydroxylase<br />

activity (usually congenital adrenal hyperplasia — enzyme defects<br />

may include P450 genes)...<br />

is a vicissitudinous carcinogen and DNA-corrupting substance<br />

whose recessive mutations may remain hidden for generations —<br />

until disclosed by homozygosity...<br />

are only prescribed/recommended/portrayed as therapeutics by<br />

individuals of insufficient intellectual/ethical/eunoic standard!<br />

intake may result in sudden/rapid death e.g by inducing:<br />

respiratory/cardiac/laryngotracheal/esophagal/supranuclear/<br />

vasomotoric paralysis, aphagia, bronchoconstriction, cardiac<br />

spasm/arrest, vasodepression, acute/malignant cerebral/cardiac/<br />

laryngeal edema, ganglionic stimulation, hypoxemia, hormonal<br />

breakdown, thyroid/extrapyramidal crisis, neurocirculatory coll-<br />

apse, abdominoperineal crisis, apnea, CNS depression, septicemia,<br />

hyperergia, anaphylaxis, toxonosis, mucosanguineous/fibrinopuru-<br />

lent agglutination/obstruction, pulmonary insufficiency/congestion,<br />

apoplexy, vagal summation, violent seizures and stupor!<br />

103<br />

<strong>FORMAL</strong> <strong>COMPLAINT</strong> VS THE KINGDOM OF NORWAY<br />

by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway<br />


United Nations petition — incomplete report<br />

The Norwegian 'Police "Security" Service' — "PST"* (*Norwegian acronym),<br />

is an arrantly autonomous subdivision of the Norwegian police force popularly<br />

supposed to detect, record, counteract and prosecute etc illegal activities<br />

presumably endangering Norway's national security.<br />

Normally we'll find a number of PST representatives at each and all police<br />

stations and sheriff offices in Norway, and as a rule of thumb the respective<br />

chiefs of police and sheriffs are personally and regularly engaged in various<br />

tasks on behalf of the Police "Security" Service — other PST agents<br />

traditionally — but not exclusively — includes middle-aged police<br />

inspectors/intendants and chief administrative officers.<br />

PST does also routinely employ younger police officers and civilians in order to<br />

infiltrate, corrupt, espy, provoke and/or overthrow etc human rights and pacifist<br />

organizations, Red Cross groups and medical treatment facilities, peace corps,<br />

closed institutions, charismatic sects, students' associations, social workers' and<br />

servicemen's associations, commissions on racial equality and ethnical minority<br />

coalitions, trade/labor unions, employers' federations, political parties and local<br />

councils, executive committees/sessions, administrative appeal bodies, joint<br />

councils for the welfare of immigrants, training/advisory/examining boards,<br />

agencies for international development/cooperation, iron and steel trades<br />

confederations, travel agents' associations, broadcasting staffs/corporations,<br />

shipbuilding and engineering unions, commonwealth offices, public finance and<br />

accounting institutes, trade/industry federations, associations for the care and<br />

resettlement of offenders, prison officers' associations, foreign<br />

delegations/embassies/consulates, importers/wholesalers/retailers of Russian<br />

merchandise/cars, free trade unions, editorial offices and publishing<br />

corporations, civil/public services associations, municipal workers' unions, debtcollecting<br />

agencies, Masonic lodges (esoteric brotherhoods etc on the whole),<br />

Officer Candidate Schools and Officer's Reserve Corps, Home Guard Subdistricts<br />

and the Civil Defence Rescue/Wardens' Service, public/mental health<br />

services, fire departments/brigades, production platforms in the North sea,<br />

mining partnerships etc at Svalbard, the Coast Guard, signal and<br />

telecommunications engineering departments, manufacturers/importers of<br />

security locks and alarm systems, information bureaux,<br />

scientific/technical/managerial staffs, airtraining corps, Special Forces and<br />

ranger units, scuba/diving clubs, aero/parachuting clubs, motorcycle (MC) clubs,<br />

rifle/pistol clubs, athletic federations, youth clubs, research establishments,<br />

cargo ships (tankers), shipping/offshore companies, manpower services<br />

commissions, societies of operative printers/illustrators/typographers and other<br />

104<br />

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by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway<br />


United Nations petition — incomplete report<br />

media personnel, communications and postal headquarters, transport<br />

organizations, diplomatic corps, equestrian federations (participation in<br />

outlandish horse/harness racing and show jumping may — like attendance at<br />

other sports events — provide excellent cover-up for espionage, break-ins,<br />

sabotage ventures, thefts and political assassinations), the highways and port<br />

authorities, the federal aviation administration, railway express agencies, coastal<br />

steamers, bus stations, the Customs, hotel/restaurant chains, holiday camps and<br />

travel agencies.....usw!<br />

The Norwegian Police "Security" Service has established several companies and<br />

otherwise provided civilian jobs for many of their operative agents — their<br />

officers may e.g disguise as shop assistants, storekeepers, sales representatives,<br />

managers/directors, dispatch clerks, electricians, telecommunications engineers,<br />

installers/fitters, personal computer retailers/consultants, system analysts,<br />

accountants, technical inspectors/repairmen, carpenters, cicerones, bartenders or<br />

superintendents.<br />

Here in Brattvåg they operated a seemingly unpretentious shop offering properly<br />

bugged scanners enabling you to "eavesdrop" some of the radio communication<br />

between ordinary patrol wagons etc — as far as we know this is the first time<br />

PST has entered upon a regular business venture exclusively to map the modi<br />

operandi of a single person...!<br />

The actual prevalence of psychopathological dysfunctions amongst the general<br />

population of Norway is truly horrendous, and — as correctly stated at page 10<br />

of nearby complaint, 90% of regular Norwegian police officers has clearly<br />

marked, psychopathic personality traits — we've found none amongst present<br />

PST officers not explicitly afflicted with antisocial personality traits and varying<br />

degrees of paranoia and/or melancholia.<br />

Since 1998 the Police "Security" Service has expanded both their formal and<br />

irregular cooperation with the Norwegian public health service dramatically (cf<br />

Doc #627, pp 60–61), and a substantial percentage thoroughly depraved and<br />

mentally ill politicians are largely blameworthy for this baleful development (cf<br />

Doc #2037).<br />

Precisely like PST the Norwegian public health service villainously misuses the<br />

devilish "cobweb-optics"* (*cf Doc #3217, pp 105–106) and concealed<br />

microphones (clothes are frequently bugged) etc to espy, provoke/terrorize and<br />

harm particularly upright persons investigating, recording and legally<br />

complaining usw their diversiform criminality* (*nosocomial/iatrogenic delicts<br />

may comprise intentional/premeditated/involuntary homicide, sexual<br />

abuse/perversion, torture/harassment, wilful poisoning/sickening, illegal<br />

detention/hog-tying, false accusations/complaints, thefts of<br />

money/organs/documents, illicit monitoring/eavesdropping, unlawful/offensive<br />

105<br />

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by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway<br />


United Nations petition — incomplete report<br />

postmortem examinations, bill forgery, embezzlement, drug abuse/addiction,<br />

and radical falsification of medical records...etc).<br />

Intimate collaboration between the public health service and PST provides<br />

significant "benefits" for both camps; Norwegian physicians, psychologists,<br />

sociologists and nurses etc may e.g systematically abuse the misplaced<br />

confidence of uninformed dullards to collect medical data and different<br />

background information on subjects of special interest to the police, while PST<br />

may supply v.g technical know-how/equipment and bug, search, rob and surveil<br />

etc the victims private homes/computers and — also — render impossible<br />

adequate/impartial criminal investigation and legal prosecution of the various<br />

felonies committed.<br />

Empirically some Norwegian Police "Security" Service officers are likely to<br />

employ lethal substances and spread contagious diseases in order to assassinate<br />

or disable their victims, and PST representatives may visit or break into<br />

hospitals/morgues/laboratories and certain factories/arsenals etc to<br />

underhandedly purchase or steal the chemicals/toxins/pathogens necessary to<br />

accomplish these goals.<br />

Norwegian policemen/-women permitted to associate freely with the common<br />

and noncriminal population in pandemia struck areas generally represents a<br />

special risk, and neither police officers, health professionals nor other<br />

Norwegian officials should normally be allowed to stroll unrestrained around in<br />

buildings/offices/apartments usw where they undisturbed can install and later<br />

abuse their satanic cobweb-optics and pinhole-microphones etc (these rules also<br />

and wholly apply outside Norwegian borders/territory) — cf Doc #2037, pp 91–<br />

92 etc.<br />

The cobweb-optics per se and its damnable misapplication is properly scorned in<br />

Isaiah 59, verses 5–8 (the Lord‘s Servant speaking):<br />

―They hatch the eggs of vipers and spin a spider‘s web. Whoever<br />

eats their eggs will die, and when one is broken, an adder is hatched.<br />

Their cobwebs are useless for clothing; they cannot cover themselves<br />

with what they make. Their deeds are evil deeds, and acts of violence<br />

are in their hands. Their feet rush into sin; they are swift to shed<br />

innocent blood. Their thoughts are evil thoughts; ruin and<br />

destruction mark their ways. The way of peace they do not know;<br />

there is no justice in their paths. They have turned them into<br />

crooked roads; no-one who walks in them will know peace.‖<br />

106<br />

<strong>FORMAL</strong> <strong>COMPLAINT</strong> VS THE KINGDOM OF NORWAY<br />

by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway<br />


United Nations petition — incomplete report<br />

There are thousands of obnoxious examples illustrating the nationwide and<br />

massive abuse of the cobweb-optics and concealed microphones by PST<br />

representatives and the Norwegian health service, and one of the worst<br />

incidents in that respect doubtlessly took place here in my own county,<br />

Haram, in August 2001 when Mr Hector Hugo MIRANDA murdered his<br />

wife, children and himself in order to escape further persecution by<br />

Norwegian authorities.<br />

Mr Miranda — a political refugee who had suffered human rights violating<br />

incarceration and torture in his fatherland, had initially been silly enough to<br />

place his confidence in Norwegian authorities who forthrightly betrayed him<br />

and secretly surveilled his most private abodes. In agreement with their<br />

arrogant and thoughtless disposition, the Norwegian health professionals and<br />

police officers engaged to carry out the AV and absolutely condemnable<br />

monitoring fatally underestimated Mr Miranda's vigilance and resoluteness;<br />

it's clear Mr Miranda had been perfectly aware the abominable espionage<br />

several weeks before peremptorily deciding to slay his family and himself,<br />

and that he strongly suspected other immigrants in the insular vicinity was<br />

continuously offended in the same, iniquitous manner.<br />

Mr Miranda certainly became severely shocked as he prudently uncovered<br />

some of the accomplished treacherousness routinely partaken by the<br />

humanoid filth he naively had trusted for years, and as the dreadful<br />

extension of the demoniac and acutely human rights violating spying<br />

appeared steadily clearer, he correctly concluded his family never could<br />

acquire an adequate degree of freedom, security and dignity etc in a nation<br />

largely governed by bloody criminals/terrorists, sadists and lunatics....!<br />

Subsequent to Mr Miranda's death, local health authorities and collaborating<br />

sheriff — Mr Jens Vidar BJØRKEDAL (cf Doc #240) — naturally did their<br />

very best to cover up the illicit and lethally provocative maltreatment they'd<br />

exposed him to.....through their press releases and interviews those indirectly<br />

guilty of adjoining murders despicably portrayed themselves as the true<br />

victims deserving public sympathy usw!<br />

The Norwegian police force overflows with insidiously double-dealing and<br />

racist jingoists surreptitiously exerting themselves to minimize the number<br />

of immigrants in Norway, and it should be throughly emphasized that the<br />

PST et al systematically endeavor to depict e.g Muslims and refugees from<br />

developing countries as an especially criminal, dangerous, base-minded and<br />

generally worthless part of the Norwegian population.<br />

In order to publicly create and uphold a superficially believable picture of<br />

most foreigners as a grave intrastatal threat, Norwegian police officers — in<br />

increasingly degree through delinquent and hideously opprobrious<br />

cooperation with the official health service — will make industrious efforts<br />

107<br />

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by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway<br />


United Nations petition — incomplete report<br />

to provoke serious criminality and health problems etc amongst<br />

ethnic/religious minorities and nonnative individuals generally.<br />

The standardized procedure followed by PST representatives and other<br />

police officers involved in this kind of viperous monkey business, roughly<br />

runs like this:<br />

( 1 )<br />



He/she may e.g:<br />

Be a Rastafarian or profess the Islamic or Judaistic faith,<br />

be an organized biker or actively engage in human rights and<br />

peacekeeping work,<br />

belong to a colored race,<br />

stand out as sexually attractive/abusable,<br />

be endowed with certain talents arousing envy amongst the<br />

police officers,<br />

possess disclosing knowledge about criminality committed by<br />

Norwegian officials and local authorities,<br />

be sufficiently intelligent/righteous to constitute a noteworthy<br />

menace to corrupted/criminal officials,<br />

appear especially suitable for terrorization and illegal<br />

experimentation,<br />

have a conspicuously flawed character obviously susceptible to<br />

manipulation/indoctrination, malversation and threats,<br />

be selected more or less randomly to satisfy the explicitly<br />

criminotic and subhuman urge many Norwegian policemen/women<br />

harbors to humiliate, mistreat/harm, persecute and<br />

108<br />

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by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway<br />


United Nations petition — incomplete report<br />

dastardly assassinate etc those superior to or different from<br />

themselves.<br />

( 2 )<br />



The police — eventually in cooperation with the Norwegian public health service<br />

— are at this stage systematically/clandestinely gathering information about the<br />

victim's whereabouts, everyday routines, hobbies, circle of friends, family,<br />

religious faith, political opinions/activities, educational/intellectual level, sexual<br />

inclinations, income/debt situation, medical status, criminal record and personal<br />

peculiarities etc.<br />

Usually there'll be photographic reconnaissance and strategical missions to detect<br />

overall security deficiencies and to determine the exact types of<br />

doors/windows/hinges/locks and alarms etc installed in the victim's<br />

domicile/office. The police are rather likely to plug into central supply points,<br />

overhead connections and main junction boxes etc in order to manipulate/surveil<br />

the victim's electricity provisions — television sets, video cassette recorders, video<br />

monitors, PCs, printers, photocopiers, calculators, portable sound systems, ghetto<br />

blasters, CD/ROM/DVD players and phones are eavesdropped.<br />

If the PST agents deem it possible to approach the victim's habitat/workplace etc<br />

without detection or arousing suspicion, pinhole-microphones may be installed<br />

near the main entrance(-s) and perhaps immediately beneath/above windows<br />

expected to be left ajar — minuscule photocells are oftentimes embedded close to<br />

entry-/drive-/stairways, and the infernal cobweb-optics are most likely installed<br />

above — or next to — all front/back doors and on the outer side of windowpanes<br />

enabling visual monitoring of the kitchen, sitting/living/dining room(-s), offices,<br />

bedrooms, bathroom(-s), walk-in wardrobe(-s) and basement etc (if it's possible to<br />

break into e.g garden sheds, garages, cottages and boathouses without leaving<br />

easily visible clues, one should expect these places to be infected with spy<br />

accoutrements too — miniature radio/microwave transmitters and amplifiers etc<br />

may v.g be hidden between ceiling/floor joists and wall studs, beneath wall<br />

panels/sheathing, in board/foam/blanket insulation, or in warm-air and plumbing<br />

systems).<br />

GPS/GSM/digital vehicle tracking units may be tucked away in the victim's cars<br />

and motorcycles etc — these units normally have a built-in motion detector and<br />

emits digitally encrypted signals betraying geographical vehicle location and speed<br />

usw. Tracking units may display shortest distance to target in meters/feet/yards,<br />

109<br />

<strong>FORMAL</strong> <strong>COMPLAINT</strong> VS THE KINGDOM OF NORWAY<br />

by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway<br />


United Nations petition — incomplete report<br />

and are sometimes equipped with a sensitive microphone recording e.g<br />

conversations taking place inside or immediately outside bugged vehicle.<br />

Letters/e-mails are secretly opened/copied, and the house refuse scrutinized —<br />

those approaching the victim's main entrance(-s) etc will be photographed and/or<br />

filmed by employment of the cobweb-optics* (*the zooming properties and pic<br />

quality of this satanic undercover tech are rather hellacious).<br />

( 3 )<br />



Permanently eavesdropping/tracking the unsuspecting victim's phones and vehicles<br />

will enable the aggressors to plot his/hers quotidian schedule fairly precisely. They<br />

may e.g learn that the victim enjoys his tennis/squash training Mondays and<br />

Thursdays from 6 to 8 PM, that he's likely to be away from home Fridays between<br />

6 and 9 PM as he regularly engages in voluntary/unpaid human rights work, that<br />

he's a gifted hobby mechanician painstakingly keeping his swanky Harley-<br />

Davidson MC in tip-top condition, and — very much to the green-eyed cops<br />

discontentment — that their sympathetic victim handles far heavier loads than<br />

themselves in honored weightlifting exercises as v.g the bench press, dead lift,<br />

squat and clean/jerk! Besides; reconnaissance has brought home that a standard pin<br />

tumbler lock produced by the massively police infiltrated Norwegian company<br />

TrioVing is installed in the victim's front door, and that his homely burglar alarm<br />

will be mere piece of cake to put out of action.<br />

Now.....: let's assume that one Thursday evening at 6:30 PM — while one of their<br />

training suit wearing agents discreetly keeps an eye on the tennis playing victim<br />

and another plainclothesman are watching the driveway leading to the latter's<br />

dwelling from his hideout at a nearby hill — two experienced PST officers<br />

effortlessly sabotages the victim's unsophisticated alarm system breaking into his<br />

otherwise unguarded house utilizing one of their numerous master keys.....<br />

Due to outlined intelligence gathering the depraved burglars will possess pretty<br />

accurate information about the various rooms and movables — taking care not to<br />

leave e.g foot- or fingerprints in macroscopic dust and normally avoiding speaking<br />

during their customary break-ins, the most deservedly detested intruders hardly<br />

ever throws away their time; while one of them expeditiously are installing their<br />

pinhole-tattlers, the other badguy may set up the fiendish cobweb-optics in a matter<br />

of minutes. Mikes are carefully concealed in (sheathing) boards/studs/joists etc<br />

110<br />

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by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway<br />


United Nations petition — incomplete report<br />

close to v.g tables, armchairs, sofas and beds — or wherever conversations are<br />

likely to take place! The cobweb-optics are traditionally installed alongside the<br />

upper/outermost borders of rooms — and just above/behind/beside e.g;<br />

writing/executive/secretarial desks, dressing/computer/printer/dining tables,<br />

display/filing cabinets, control/instrument panels, message displays, combination<br />

locks, keyboards, safes and mirrors usw. The sickly preoccupation with<br />

palli/pudenda item anorectal and scatological topics clearly unfolds as the vicious<br />

PST officers installs their cobweb-optics in close propinquity to private beds,<br />

shower cubicles, bathtubes, bidets, toilets and certain washbasins usw.....; the<br />

devilish spy-optics will usually be strategically fixed 50–120 centimeters above the<br />

floor on all sides of and in immediate proximity to indicated household<br />

constructions in order to provide maximal exposure of — and prime facilities for<br />

photographing/videotaping etc — genitourinary structures/functions, defecation<br />

and sexuality (it should be rightfully emphasized this kind of<br />

execrable/morbid/criminal sex-espionage has been actively and extensively<br />

partaken and shockingly oftentimes initiated by rotten nurses and senior personnel<br />

employed by the hideously corrupted public health service in Norway — cf Doc<br />

#4575 etc)...!<br />

During their "installation-break-ins", the PST thugs will bring with them some<br />

implements; a jimmy, hammer, file, multipurpose tool, needle-nose pliers,<br />

hacksaw, multimeter, an adjustable spanner, screws/nails, manual/electric<br />

drills/screwdrivers and various locksmithing/picking tools...etc.<br />

The jimmy and hammer will be utilized to carefully un-/refasten (sheathing) boards<br />

giving access to suitable hidings inside floor/walls/ceiling usw for v.g transmitters,<br />

transceivers, transponders, amplifiers, downconverters, repeaters, scanners,<br />

beaconing contraptions and a few other small-scale apparatuses. Amongst the<br />

preferred places to hide away electronic gadgetry, the extreme borders of<br />

attics/garrets should be mentioned especially — the fact access to the interior part<br />

of walls frequently are gained by temporary removing the outer framework of<br />

doorways and windows, are also particularly noticeable...<br />

Since 1999 a steadily increasing number of PST officers have worn balaclavas,<br />

gloves and a protective/concealable KEVLAR vest during their break-ins, and —<br />

contrary to former practices, a pistol firing the 9-mm Parabellum cartridge<br />

nowadays belongs to the standard outfit brought into your home by these<br />

disgustingly state supported assassins.<br />

111<br />

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by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway<br />


United Nations petition — incomplete report<br />

( 4 )<br />




At this point of time the state authorized aggressors will lean back in their chairs<br />

studying the victim's intimate indoor privacy on a number of video monitors<br />

installed in front of them.<br />

The thoroughly perverted and largely brainsick PST bullies will lewdly and<br />

permanently record scenes of the nude victim taking a shower or engaging in<br />

normal, sexual activities with his girlfriend/wife etc. Surprisingly oftentimes<br />

harboring homosexual tendencies and nearly always morbidly obsessed with<br />

penile bulkiness and shapes, the official paraphiliacs selectively will go for<br />

close-up shots of assholes and penoscrotal features (It should be emphasized<br />

though that these swinish voyeurs seldom enact their homoerotic propensities<br />

through sexual intercourse — as a matter of fact they're curiously dependent on<br />

their wives and concubines venerally as well as for "moral support"! Their<br />

mistresses are frequently spying and collecting information on behalf of their<br />

ball-fixated and most crooked under-the-cover dicks...)!<br />

Frowardly unwilling to distinguish clearly between well-paid and wholly<br />

consenting pornstars and the uninformed victims whose basic privacy they've<br />

villainously ruined through criminal intrusions and espionage, many of the PST<br />

officers 've watched hundreds of hard-core erotic films exclusively for pleasure<br />

while their hounded observanda are asleep or otherwise don't require constant<br />

attention. Besides their sexually motivated malefaction, the PST terrorists will<br />

record the personalia of every person visiting or otherwise enjoying social<br />

contact with the victim — all surveillance procedures referred to above may be<br />

extended so as to encompass the victim's family, friends and more peripheral<br />

acquaintances.<br />

The morally flyblown PST gangsters will also and especially register any<br />

personal peculiarities and routines of potential value for forthcoming attacks on<br />

the victim's health, life and belongings etc.<br />

As the state hired and notorious badasses feel they've acquired satisfying insight<br />

into the victim's household activities, systematical and covert provocations to<br />

spoil the latter's mental equilibrium are launched.<br />

In order to induce regular paranoia, the PST bugbears will design the variform<br />

harassment suchwise an alarming feeling of beeing persecuted results...:<br />

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by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway<br />


United Nations petition — incomplete report<br />

Though he/she changed corresponding battery less than a month ago, the victim<br />

may wake up at the dead of night because the smoke detector in the hall right<br />

outside the bedroom emits high-pitched beeps — precisely as it's supposed to<br />

when the battery is about to run down! The victim will either remove<br />

permanently or for security reasons replace the battery immediately — however;<br />

if the latter solution is chosen, he or she may experience that the actual beeping<br />

reoccurs after a short period of time....!<br />

Inside the wall — less than two meters from the victim's bed — a hellish device<br />

constantly gives off ultrasonic noises inaudible to the human ear.....though<br />

"great" for keeping portrayed victim awake until daybreak (cf p 17)!<br />

Tired and confused after the nocturnal terrorism, the victim may discover that —<br />

although it had functioned perfectly well previous evening — the automatic<br />

filter coffee maker is stone-dead.....so, 40–50 minutes later, he/she will leave for<br />

work without the customary cups of coffee necessary to expel matutinal<br />

drowsiness ——<br />

Arriving at his workplace, the victim may search in vain for essential stationery<br />

and documents etc and perhaps discover that half a pint of coffee has been<br />

ostensibly spilled on the floor underneath his or hers computer table.....<br />

Unaware the illegal monitoring and ongoing PSYWAR* (*psychological<br />

warfare), the victim is likely to suspect some of his workmates are teasing him<br />

or her.....which in turn — and in perfect agreement with the evil-intended PSTplot<br />

— may give rise to peculiar questions, conflicts and groundless mistrust.<br />

Finishing work, the victim may find his private car unlocked — though he or<br />

she knows with absolute certainty the vehicle indeed was locked when they left<br />

it.....and returning home, the heckled thing may stumble upon a lump of wet<br />

concrete or some queer object placed just in front of their private main entrance!<br />

Well inside their apartment or house, the victim may observe a quizzical woman<br />

(actually a debauched stool pigeon hired and instructed by the PST officers)<br />

wearing a yellow sou'wester and spectacular poncho seemingly watching their<br />

residence from a nearby parking lot, and 20–30 minutes later they may receive a<br />

bizarre phone call.<br />

At this point of time the average victim have an impression of beeing recurrently<br />

haunted by disturbingly weird incidents, and a subversive insecurity feeling<br />

normally pervades their mind. In order to reinforce the rising paranoia and<br />

trigger a maximally overwhelming psychosis, the PST impalers will prolong the<br />

ultrasound directed sleep deprivation and oftentimes poison the victim's food or<br />

beverage with scarcely traceable doses psychoactive/hallucinogenic substances.<br />

Opportunistically "striking while the iron is hot" and loathsomely exploiting the<br />

chemogenic derangement, the PST officers may now phone the local emergency<br />

ward or mental health care personnel presenting themselves as v.g anxious<br />

neighbors, relatives or colleagues of the victim who prefers to be anonymous<br />

either because they fear violent reprisals or because their personal relationship<br />

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by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway<br />


United Nations petition — incomplete report<br />

with the victim allegedly and otherwise will be spoiled if their identity usw<br />

perchance should be betrayed.<br />

Thereupon — slyly faking genuine and warmhearted concernment — the<br />

Norwegian police skunks speciously and rather detailed reports the victim's<br />

recent behavior as disquieting and socially offbeat with markedly<br />

psychopathological and potentially dangerous manifestations.....typically the<br />

threat portrayed and improper conduct represents to the surroundings and the<br />

victim's own life/health are massively accentuated/exaggerated.<br />

In some cases, however, the PST rats de facto will introduce themselves as<br />

police officers falsely claiming they've received several alarming complaints<br />

from trustworthy persons worrying about the victim's psychiatric status etc, and<br />

in other cases the entire and venomous hotchpot is an offensively rotten<br />

mishmash of clear-cut criminality and substantial corruption jumbled up through<br />

preplanned and deliberately lawless cooperation between the police and the<br />

ignominiously double-dealing public health service.<br />

Apprehended by the police and/or mental health care personnel the nescient<br />

victim — at least initially — may fancy he or she is surrounded by sincerely<br />

caring, respectable and reliable etc individuals anxious to relieve them from<br />

snarled and frightening circumstances. As the simplehearted victim most<br />

unwisely rattles off a truthful account of his weird experiences the preceding<br />

days, the frequently corrupted health professionals may nod encouragingly while<br />

launching a handful enmeshing though seemingly innocuous questions. When<br />

the victim a few days or weeks later — possibly accompanied by their lawyer —<br />

are permitted to look over and perhaps copy the different entries in their<br />

"medical record", they may — at first — feel fairly convinced they're studying<br />

the ghastly anamnesis usw of an absolute stranger...!<br />

The actual descriptions of their background and factual behavior etc may deviate<br />

perversely and distinctly systematically from the truth in order to falsely justify<br />

v.g compulsory and politically dictated commitments, trumped-up<br />

diagnoses/charges and sadistic/destructive abuse of neurotoxic chemicals etc.<br />

The police schemed provocations — which far and away may be more<br />

comprehensive, enduring and truculent than actually described above — may<br />

nevertheless be constructed, timed and intensified suchwise as to bring about<br />

other and more pernicious outcomes than unjustified psychiatric internment and<br />

stigmatizing alone.....and — in this connection — the most attractive of the<br />

alternative end results is to carry on and worsen the methodical terrorism until<br />

the victim attacks and hopefully kills an innocent person in pure desperation.<br />

Other frequently sought "payoffs" includes suiciding (the police may v.g<br />

surreptitiously and specifically manipulate the regular broadcasting reception<br />

playing songs/melodies on the victim's radio and/or television units exacerbating<br />

sadness and praising self-destruction), physical handicapping (may be induced<br />

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by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway<br />


United Nations petition — incomplete report<br />

e.g through intoxication, covert radiation and various accident setups), or simply<br />

— assassination.<br />

( 5 )<br />


The police and their corrupted upholders will invariably and with hell-bent<br />

determination utilize all episodes/information — real as well as fabricated and<br />

illegally provoked/obtained — commonly deemed unacceptable to harm the<br />

victim and eventually the socioreligious/-cultural and ethnic etc subgroups<br />

pertinent to the latter.<br />

Most likely there'll be a number of vitiated press conferences/releases<br />

opportunistically stressing the economic needs and counterfeited, political<br />

downgrading of the police force — the difficult and assumedly unwholesome<br />

working conditions of Norwegian police officers will be grotesquely<br />

exaggerated, and wage claims typically accentuated.....demands for extended<br />

access to weaponry and immoral investigation procedures are apt to follow, and<br />

troublesome regulations restricting human rights violating policemanship and<br />

fiendish totalitarianism supporting the absolute police state, normally shoot<br />

down ——<br />

By and large brimming over with decayed sickees and back-alley jimcrowists,<br />

the Norwegian state apparatus just about plenary may go to truly astonishing<br />

lengths to actively support and safeguard against public exposure serious<br />

criminality committed by their police officers and assorted socii criminis, and<br />

various mass media — private as well as state owned — are very likely to<br />

reflect this inglorious fact!<br />

Cf Doc #2907 — "ANNOTATIONS".<br />

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by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway<br />


United Nations petition — incomplete report<br />


Subsequent annotations may be read as an unmediated continuation of pp 80–81<br />

of nearby gravamen —<br />

Suspecting no criminality or irregularities aside from the satanic terrorism<br />

systematically brought about by themselves and their festered accomplices (cf<br />

pp 11–30 usw), the facinorous PST kooks nevertheless had their own and<br />

screwed motives for dragging on the trenchantly cranky harrying of me.<br />

During their nefarious and formerly described aggressions in Oslo, the various<br />

PST agents invariably reported they forthrightly had been detected whenever<br />

attempting to surveil or stealthily pursue me.....and this obviously represented an<br />

experiential novelty to the gunky flatfoots accustomed to undiscovered track and<br />

espy etc their usually woefully inattentive victims.....so — after plundering my<br />

attic-lodging in Oslo (stealing ready cash, my passport, dozens of books,<br />

documents and miscellaneous thingamajigs — everything perfectly legal stuff),<br />

these demon guided swine amongst swine decided to find out how it was<br />

practically possible to unmask their foul sleuths such and such!<br />

In NO-Brattvåg the PST goons forthwith acquired point-blank support for their<br />

wicked and lawless insanities from the evilest mortal ever settling in NO-Haram<br />

County; Mr Thorleif MARKEN (b Dec 16, 1940) — the local sheriff!<br />

Mr Marken was formally and permanently appointed sheriff in 1989, and held<br />

this office until 2001 when he relinquished due to somatic illness.<br />

It's extremely seldom — even amongst the worst criminals — we're<br />

encountering individuals entirely destitute of at least a few creditable personality<br />

traits, but indeed; Mr Marken is one of these rare creatures!<br />

Of humble birth and without close relatives approaching his inordinate<br />

malevolence and reasonable Stanford-Binet IQ of 143 (cf Doc #1536, p 87), Mr<br />

Marken consuetudinary conceals his real intentions and feelings from exposure<br />

— even the social interaction with his wife and children is a purely hammy<br />

business scurvily enacted to beguile these credulous everyday characters.<br />

During his incumbency Mr Marken's behavior and ratiocination steadily grew<br />

more offbeat and befuddled. Initially suspecting I was a mere fruitcake, his<br />

clodhopping mind transmuted my markedly altruistic and human rights<br />

advocating being into a cold-blooded and superbly adroit crimelord in a matter<br />

of months....the uncontested coordinator and spearhead of all organized<br />

criminality — particularly drug trafficking — in Norway (later — as he became<br />

even more cocksure as for my fancied leadership role, he generously expanded<br />

my criminal empire to encompass the entire Earth....)!<br />

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by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway<br />


United Nations petition — incomplete report<br />

Mr Marken's unsound and eminently iniquitous brain almost unceasingly<br />

hatched new plots to terrorize, harm and murder me.....: for more than a year —<br />

the loaded pistol expectantly tucked away in the drawer unit of his executive<br />

desk — he impatiently waited for an opportunity to unprovokedly gun me down<br />

if I happened to enter his office in a legal errand (afterwards he'd planned to<br />

explain I physically had attacked him and suchwise rendered "self-defence"<br />

unavoidable), and for many months he meticulously framed his damned<br />

blueprint for slaying me while enjoying my vespertine promenade (Mr Marken<br />

were well acquainted with several experienced big game hunters residing near<br />

his native homestead in NO-Vestnes County, and he'd planned to employ one of<br />

these as sniper — convincing the ignorant and nationalistic marksman I was an<br />

extremely dangerous mass murderer and mafioso seriously endangering and<br />

sapping the very foundation of the whole, "democratic" nation....; — "You've<br />

shot bucks before, (name)!", Mr Marken cheerfully reassured himself. There's<br />

no evidence Mr Marken ever informed other PST representatives about his<br />

deranged designs.)!<br />

Otherwise Mr Marken was — and supposedly still is — an ardent adherent of<br />

poisoning and diversified application of maiming and lethal<br />

toxins/venoms/chemicals....: during the more than 20 break-ins at my private<br />

house in Åsen 4, Brattvåg, the PST butchers presumably infected and destroyed<br />

with cardiotoxic substances alone bedclothes, towels, clothing, books and<br />

paraphernalia etc worth at least US$5000 (cf Doc #377 — entry of Sep 29, 2000<br />

etc)....!<br />

While Mr Marken's personal PST engagement most definitely were morbidly<br />

out-of-bounds and totally indefensible, his established police lieutenant and<br />

second in command at the local sheriff office, Mr Kjell Børje MOE (cf Doc<br />

#377 — entries of Oct 19 and 28, 1998), wisely maintained a significantly<br />

squarer course vis-à-vis other PST agents.<br />

In striking contrast to the uniformly atrocious and radically false Mr Marken, Mr<br />

Moe is an experienced and generally well-thought-of military senior officer of<br />

sensible empathic and beneficent proclivity. Mr Moe never partook the<br />

attempted assassinations regularly launched by Mr Marken and other PST<br />

officers, but — alas — he certainly hold back piles of information about serious<br />

crimes committed by his colleagues...!<br />

Many of the lawbreaking PST activities in Brattvåg has been upheld, actively<br />

partaken and sometimes initiated by the slimy whited sepulchers of the<br />

categorically scandalous and largely condemnable public health service.<br />

Offering suitable sheltering, personnel, matériel and vast assistance in many<br />

other respects, sickly self-righteous and perversely wrongheaded "health"<br />

professionals in increasingly degree has adopted and underhandedly adapted to<br />

meet their specific and illicit needs the throughly unprincipled spy-tech<br />

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by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway<br />


United Nations petition — incomplete report<br />

beforehand pertinent to special and intelligence gathering units of the police and<br />

armed forces alone!<br />

By studying pp 15–30 and 80–88 of nearby report, some of the unilaterally<br />

fiendish motives Norwegian health officials had — and still have — in regard to<br />

illegally surveilling, terrorizing and injuring me etc should be readily<br />

discernible/deductible. One of the truly queerish incentives in this connection<br />

nonetheless remains unexposed: Erelong the constantly vexing PST hellhounds<br />

had reported they were unqualified as to determine my exact intellectual level,<br />

but that they anyhow felt positively convinced my general IQ exceeded 150<br />

(farther down the mucky road — as they acquired knowledge of some of my<br />

modest childhood feats, they consulted independent experts unreservedly<br />

declaring the actual accomplishments certainly equalled a Stanford-Binet IQ<br />

prodigiously transcending 200 and most probably surpassing 250 on said scale)<br />

— and....their assertion quickly triggered the far and away most rabid, lawless<br />

and disgraceful quest for genius ever taking place in this wretched nation!<br />

So....; while vitiated PST hit men searched our private house in NO-Mauseidvåg<br />

(cf Doc #4000, entry of Jan 2005) and several other dwellings from basement to<br />

attic collecting psychobiographical material, appallingly criminal namby-pamby<br />

toads from the public health service systematically monitored my private<br />

activities in Åsen 4, Brattvåg....! And — once the Doc's ##599 and 777 had been<br />

published on the Internet (on Oct 17, 2002 and Feb 22, 2003, respectively), 3<br />

new SIGs appeared practically overnight: the first group were morbidly<br />

obsessed with clairvoyance/occultism and the prophecies of the French seer<br />

Nostradamus* (*b. 1503 – d. 1566); the second with medicine and<br />

pharmacology (cf Doc #599, p 55); and the third with religion and apocalyptical<br />

exegesis etc. These illegally founded and macabre SIGs are still kept alive by<br />

brainsick, Norwegian officials (By the way — the manifestly haywired<br />

preoccupation with parapsychological topics was not a wholly span-new<br />

craze.....: in 1998 when I — as a result of all over fraudulent accusations —<br />

were incarcerated at the political black hole at NO-Hjelset [cf Doc #377 — entry<br />

of Oct 30, 1998], the Norwegian author and schoolmaster — Mr Oddbjørn<br />

MYKLEBUST — together with a member of the "fair sex" were allowed to<br />

enter corresponding spudhole. Mr Myklebust and his female attendant had been<br />

admitted by Mr Arne RUSET* [*cf Doc #377 — entry of Nov 07, 2000] et al,<br />

and didn't introduce themselves or consult me directly — they merely kept some<br />

distance trying to look convincingly uninterested. Mr Myklebust had formerly<br />

published a book about a moderately second sighted kinswoman — Ms Olga<br />

TANDSTAD SKAUE — and was currently compiling material for a biography<br />

about her clairvoyant father, Mr Karl Johan TANDSTAD, and other Norwegians<br />

presumably possessing paranormal faculties. Ignorant his identity, whereabouts<br />

and objectives were duly imparted, Mr Myklebust and the accompanying<br />

woman left the scene after a while — slightly puzzled and discontended, I'm<br />

afraid...).<br />

118<br />

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by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway<br />


United Nations petition — incomplete report<br />

Personal connections with the faintest smell of romance or sexuality 've always<br />

aroused fervent, pathological reactions amongst Norwegian PST officers and<br />

"health" personnel...:<br />

In the autumn 2001 — when I most presumably saved her oldest daughter<br />

from being stabbed to death — the PST fiends broke into the private<br />

apartment of Ms Katrin JØSOK (b Sep 20, 1965), NO-Brattvåg.<br />

The PST swine suspected Ms Jøsok and her underaged daughters were<br />

particularly interesting specimens since I offered them this kind of<br />

personal assistance.....so — they conscientiously installed their hellish<br />

cobweb-optics in her sitting room, bedchambers, kitchen and<br />

bathroom.....etc! During the next weeks the exclusively male voyeurs<br />

scrutinized the perfectly unremarkable, bodily makeup of the small family<br />

without detecting anything unusual such and such — they concluded the<br />

teenybopper and her much younger sister had a physique altogether<br />

matching their respective age-groups, while they described the sexual<br />

attributes and general build of Ms Jøsok as "less attractive"...!<br />

The emetic and secret monitoring of Ms Inga DALSEGG (b Dec 14,<br />

1974) has been sufficiently portrayed in Doc #4575 of April 30, 2005.<br />

The brainsick spies were much amused by Ms Dalsegg's whimsical<br />

behavior until they witnessed scenes described as explicitly<br />

pedophilic.....and after a while they were bewildered by some of her<br />

apparently morbid idiosyncrasies as well.<br />

In the end of August 2005 I commenced the construction of a literally<br />

"heartsome" poster for Ms Tuva Magritt MOLVÆR (b Aug 21, 1985),<br />

NO-Langevåg — a nice girl and relative.<br />

Illegally downloading hundreds of banal sequences from the absolutely<br />

unpretentious composition process, the utterly ludicrous and wild-eyed<br />

psychologists/physicians etc nodded enthusiastically as they pruriently<br />

watched the "artful integration" of quixotic hearts and stars: "Aha — so<br />

this is how a true genius works......interesting, very interesting, indeed!"<br />

It didn't take many hours before the nematoid apostles of Satan had<br />

bugged and severely infected Ms Molvær's modest apartment in NO-<br />

Bergen with their infernal cobweb-optics, of course...<br />

AV studying the homely routines of this religious and gentle lady for a<br />

while, the contaminators concluded Ms Molvær seemed slightly<br />

depressed and listless — though they didn't quite understand why.....and<br />

since she never sullyed herself through improper conduct or off-putting<br />

remarks, the slimy onlookers strongly suspected she somehow had been<br />

informed about the ongoing monitoring of her privacy.<br />

119<br />

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by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway<br />


United Nations petition — incomplete report<br />

Dec 10 th , 2005, the Norwegian "Mensa-chick" Ms Anne Lene<br />

JOHNSEN showed up in NO-Brattvåg.<br />

Somewhat delayed due to womanly makeup redoing, she smilingly<br />

appeared outside the shopping center I was about to leave. A psychologist<br />

involved in the reprehensible and totally unlawful monitoring of me had<br />

recently told Ms Johnsen I probably appreciated military garments and<br />

nice-assed gals, so she had purchased a pair of brand-new camo trousers<br />

and — expectantly kneeling on her car seats — she soon did her best to<br />

favorably expose her yummy and "warlike" bum...! It was a well-disposed<br />

and charming miss, indeed — and a reasonably gifted one, too.....but alas:<br />

the lovable "IQ-lass" had been contemptibly befooled by stupider<br />

persons...!<br />

Some time ago ill-fated contaminants had broken into Ms Johnsen's<br />

private apartment installing their notorious cobweb-optics — allegedly to<br />

examine her mental health and "mating qualifications"! Though the vile<br />

intruders left many and easily detectable vestiges, the overconfident Ms<br />

Johnsen failed to notice anything irregular.....so — she had her sexuality<br />

and absolute privacy heinously and illegally violated by the state<br />

sponsored crackpots she unwisely relied on...<br />

Typically irradiating with delight when she managed to solve a given<br />

problem or formulate a particularly smashing sentence, the truly<br />

subhuman aggressors concluded Ms Johnsen not actually was crazy —<br />

she was "funny and slightly eccentric", only.....so they naturally decided<br />

to prolong the "delectable" monitoring of her indefinitely!<br />

During most of A 2006 I've had much and predominantly chummy<br />

contact with Ms Kjærsti Elida GUSECK (b June 18, 1973).<br />

Ms Guseck is a photogenic and rather amatorious primadonna, and the<br />

constantly marring PST officers and "health" professionals 've of course<br />

criminally downloaded dozens of strictly private photos of her from my<br />

PC and corresponding video monitor — also shots of explicitly<br />

pornographic nature...!<br />

It goes practically unsaid Ms Guseck's private apartments 've been<br />

systematically and massively infected with AV spy-tech — all her phone<br />

conversations 've been recorded, and comprehensive annotations on her<br />

intimate privacy journalized.....as a matter of fact Norwegian authorities<br />

permanently, illegally and lecherously have monitored the definite<br />

bedroom privacy of this half Austrian and sexually attractive lady for<br />

years! Cf Doc's ## 7084 and 8017 etc.<br />

Official and sexually motivated violations of the palsy-walsy privacy of<br />

juridically blameless citizens are extremely commonplace in Norway today, and<br />

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by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway<br />


United Nations petition — incomplete report<br />

— to the extent parts of corresponding monitoring are formally/clandestinely<br />

logged, Norwegian authorities will go to absolute extremes to give their<br />

monstrous criminality the slightest shine of respectability...: — empirically<br />

exhaustively fraudulent accusations and the most absurd excuses may be<br />

recorded to cover up the principal motive of the scummy surveillance!<br />

During their long-standing presence in Brattvåg, the PST officers 've also carried<br />

out systematic and extensive monitoring etc wholly independent of the public<br />

health service and other official institutions....: they've e.g AV spied on health<br />

personnel engaging in sexual intercourse, WC visits and religious observances<br />

in their private homes (one of those suchwise espyed, Mr Sharan<br />

MOGHADDAM [cf Doc #377 — entries of Oct 30, 1998 item Aug 31 and Sep<br />

29, 2000 etc], has himself operated the cobweb-optics installed in my own and<br />

most private dwelling in Åsen 4, Brattvåg)...!<br />

— and oh...: the PST paranoiacs does of course suspect somebody somehow<br />

actively and secretly 've watched themselves during their stay here in Brattvåg<br />

— it's a truly majestic mess, is not it....?!<br />

שּׂ<br />

By studying and comparing the different documents enclosed and once in a<br />

while referred to in this complaint, one should acquire a fairly precise idea of the<br />

abject essentials constituting the "garden-variety terrorism" perfunctorily carried<br />

out by the nocuous PST vermin.<br />

121<br />

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by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway<br />


United Nations petition — incomplete report<br />

Studying nearby complaint and adjoining enclosures (cf p 2 — "Comments on<br />

disqualification"), reasonable sane and sagacious readers pretty soon will<br />

launch an almost inevitable question: "Can the various crimes and atrocities<br />

described in this report possibly 've been perpetrated by mentally sound<br />

creatures...?"<br />

Based on unique, comprehensive and well-structured collections of data on<br />

documentable criminality committed by Norwegian officials since 1992, it's<br />

quite easy to give a clear-cut answer to that query:<br />

"Certainly not.....the ghastly admixture of psychopathies, criminalism,<br />

hypocrisy, parvanimity, theomachy, lewdness and fiendishness verily<br />

characterizing the cracked personality of most Norwegian officials<br />

are, far and away, the worst European and first world example of<br />

gross intrapopular depravity and collective insaneness procurable!"<br />

Actively sustained by and largely including governmental authorities and<br />

flyblown principals of major state institutes, the innate corruption and wormy<br />

diabolism pervades all executive and official branches of the infected nation<br />

which — befittingly — 've been nicknamed "The Kingdom of Satan"!<br />

Although psychiatric ill-health and multifarious impairment of higher cerebral<br />

functions are alarmingly common amongst Norwegian officials, the greater part<br />

of them tends to be criminally responsible as personality disorders —<br />

particularly psychopathy — and various perversions are predominant conditions.<br />

The pathologically distorted thought and behavior patterns normally typifying<br />

Norwegian public officials and senior civil servants may however — viewed as<br />

an endemic phenomenon — partially rupture the commonly accepted boundaries<br />

imposed by international norms of disease classification. A genetically rooted<br />

and markedly offbeat syndrome symptomatically approaching classical<br />

psychopathy and frequently comprising atypical variants of the structural<br />

pathology conventionally associated with organic brain diseases, it's hardly<br />

unbecoming to introduce the acronym "NPSMS"* — *"Norwegian Police and<br />

Statesman Malignant Syndrome" (if more convenient, you may think of<br />

NPSMS simply as "Norwegian psychopathy" or "Norwegian folie", of<br />

course)...!<br />

In Doc's ##633 and 2037 — pp 67 and 95, respectively, I've described a number<br />

of NPSMS' more or less pathognomonic symptoms — viz:<br />

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by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway<br />


United Nations petition — incomplete report<br />

Inadequate judgmental ability, imprudence, atelonoesis,<br />

rejoice in evildoing, ponerophilia, cruelty, sadism, dysempathy,<br />

superiority/inferiority complexes and complemental maladjust-<br />

ment/overcompensation, falsehood, charlatanism, hypocrisy,<br />

professional double-dealing, sickly self-assertiveness, arrogance,<br />

cantankerousness, megalomania, general lability, willful neglect<br />

and violation of ethical norms, criminalism, recidivism, dikephobia,<br />

corruptibility, deceitfulness, psychiatric conditions, delusional ideation,<br />

religious insecurity/confusion, theomachy, icono-/supericlasm, hamartio-<br />

philia, unwarranted suspiciousness/hostility, turncoat mentality, distrust-<br />

ful jingoism, impudence, prevaricated sociability, ergasiomimesis, feigned<br />

eunoia, refractoriness, spiteful envy, peevishness, aggression, irritability,<br />

anosognosia, gloominess, lecherousness and voyeurism.....etc.<br />

The above collection of personality traits and symptoms manifestly typical but<br />

not necessarily conclusive of NPSMS, clearly invites to differentiated<br />

diagnosing; while the moodiness and fluctuating self-image are amongst the<br />

distinguishing features of the borderline personality, the thoroughgoing reality<br />

distortion and oftentimes systematic misinterpretation of events exhibited by<br />

some NPSMS afflicted individuals are truly archtypical of regular psychoses.<br />

The severe, recurrent and wholly intentional misconduct and criminality<br />

fundamentally peculiar to NPSMS-villains are closest related to the antisocial<br />

personality disorder, however, but are more complex and frequently includes<br />

dangerous paranoia, religious delusions and sheer diabolism.<br />

In most psychiatric disorders it's relatively uncomplicated to identify some<br />

precipitating factors — i.e psychosocial and physical influence in all<br />

likelihood triggering the mental derangement. When it comes to the NPSMS it's<br />

usually hard to detect decisive, psychotogenic factors — as a matter of fact one<br />

may feel slightly ill at ease attempting to discriminate readily observable,<br />

morbid features from entirely self-willed and obviously unreasonable evilmindedness...!<br />

Ethically indefensible, evilness purely for the sake of evilness<br />

may assuredly be a ponerologically acceptable and ipso facto rational aim in<br />

itself (most religious dogmas omitted, of course).....consequently — motive and<br />

means appearing practically identical — unprovoked evilness may be seen both<br />

as a cardinal symptom and causa sine qua non of the Norwegian Police and<br />

Statesman Malignant Syndrome.<br />

As regards predisposing factors, genetic endowment and hereditary metabolic,<br />

anatomical and physiological insufficiencies in prefrontal cortices, the<br />

thalamencephalon, hypothalamus and limbic system may be crucial for the<br />

actual onset and subsequent diagnosing of NPSMS. Various somatosensory<br />

structures and convergence zones in the ventromedial prefrontal sector of the<br />

brain may be visibly damaged, and dysfunctions of the medial/lateral<br />

123<br />

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by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway<br />


United Nations petition — incomplete report<br />

orbitofrontal circuit, nucleus accumbens, ventral striatum, corpus Luysii and<br />

thalamic nuclei are common NPSMS features. Serotonin's neuronal transmitter<br />

functions and capability to modulate v.g dopaminergic neurons may be<br />

significantly reduced in NPSMS sufferers, and the GABAergic output pathways<br />

of neostriatum and globus pallidus tends to be impaired — monoamine based<br />

weaknesses and defective interconnections between the dorsolateral prefrontal<br />

cortex, anterior subgenual cingulate cortex and the ventral striatum may be<br />

NPSMS indicative.<br />

Despite depicted brain abnormalities, many NPSMS-caitiffs are capable of<br />

performing just about normally on standard neuropsychological tests — working<br />

memory, concentration and the general intelligence seems to be intact...<br />

Those unfamiliar with e.g: the bloodcurdling history of medicine; the execrable<br />

crimes inspired by physicians/nurses in Nazi Germany; the political role of<br />

psychiatrists in diagnosing dissenters/intellectuals as mentally ill; the numerous<br />

medical practitioners serving as regular torturers; the many vivisections on<br />

various prisoners/internees; the widespread falsification of medical reports to<br />

cover up serious crimes; the active involvement of physicians in weapon-related<br />

production.....etc.....may find the heinously extensive an untautly described<br />

cooperation between corrupted "health" professionals and notoriously criminal<br />

police officers (et al) downright shocking and unbelievable.<br />

There exist a universally acclaimed and professional code of deontological<br />

principles serving as ethical cornerstone for medical teachers and practitioners,<br />

namely the "Hippocratic oath"...:<br />


"I swear by Apollo the physician, and Aesculapius, and Health, and<br />

All-heal, and all the gods and goddesses, that, according to my<br />

ability and judgment, I will keep this Oath and this stipulation —<br />

to reckon him who taught me this Art equally dear to me as my pa-<br />

rents, to share my substance with him, and relieve his necessities<br />

if required; to look upon his offspring in the same footing as my<br />

own brothers, and to teach them this Art, if they shall wish to learn<br />

it, without fee or stipulation; and that by precept, lecture, and every<br />

other mode of instruction, I will impart a knowledge of the Art<br />

to my own sons, and those of my teachers, and to disciples bound<br />

by a stipulation and oath according to the law of medicine, but to<br />

none others. I will follow that system of regimen which, according<br />

to my ability and judgment, I consider for the benefit of my patients,<br />

and abstain from whatever is deleterious and mischievous. I will<br />

give no deadly medicine to any one if asked, nor suggest any such<br />

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by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway<br />


United Nations petition — incomplete report<br />

counsel; and in like manner I will not give to a woman a<br />

pessary to produce abortion. With purity and with holiness<br />

I will pass my life and practice my Art. I will not cut persons<br />

laboring under the stone, but will leave this to be done by men<br />

who are practitioners of this work. Into whatever house I enter,<br />

I will go into them for the benefit of the sick, and will abstain<br />

from every voluntary act of mischief and corruption; and, further<br />

from the seduction of females or males, of freemen and slaves.<br />

Whatever, in connection with my professional practice or not,<br />

in connection with it, I see or hear, in the life of men, which ought<br />

not to be spoken of abroad, I will not divulge, as reckoning that<br />

all such should be kept secret. While I continue to keep this Oath<br />

unviolated, may it be granted to me to enjoy life and the practice<br />

of the Art, respected by all men, in all times! But should I trespass<br />

and violate this Oath, may the reverse be my lot!"<br />


"I promise that my medical knowledge will be used to benefit<br />

people's health. Patients are my first concern. I will listen to them,<br />

and provide the best care I can. I will be honest, respectful, and<br />

compassionate towards patients. I will do my best to help anyone<br />

in medical need, in emergencies. I will make every effort to ensure<br />

that the rights of all patients are respected, including vulnerable<br />

groups who lack means of making their needs known. I will exercise<br />

my professional judgment as independently as possible, uninfluenced<br />

by political pressure or the social standing of my patient. I will not<br />

put personal profit or advancement above my duty to my patient.<br />

I recognize the special value of human life, but I also know that pro-<br />

longation of human life is not the only aim of health care. If I<br />

agree to perform abortion, I agree that it should take place only<br />

within an ethical and legal framework. I will not provide treat-<br />

ments that are pointless or harmful, or which an informed and com-<br />

petent patient refuses. I will help patients find the information and<br />

support they want to make decisions on their care. I will answer as<br />

truthfully as I can, and respect patients' decisions, unless that puts<br />

others at risk of substantial harm. If I cannot agree with their requests,<br />

I will explain why. If my patients have limited mental awareness, I<br />

will still encourage them to participate in decisions as much as<br />

they feel able. I will do my best to maintain confidentiality about<br />

all patients. If there are overriding reasons preventing me keeping a<br />

patient's confidentiality, I will explain them. I recognize my know-<br />

125<br />

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by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway<br />


United Nations petition — incomplete report<br />

ledge has limits: I will get advice from colleagues when needed.<br />

I will acknowledge my mistakes. I will do my best to keep myself<br />

and my colleagues informed of new developments, and ensure that<br />

poor standards or bad practices are exposed to those who can im-<br />

prove them. I will show respect for all those with whom I work and<br />

be ready to share my knowledge by teaching others what I know. I<br />

will use my training and professional standing to improve the<br />

community in which I work. I will treat patients equitably and<br />

support a fair and humane distribution of health resources. I will<br />

try to influence and redirect authorities whose policies harm public<br />

health. I will oppose policies which breach internationally accepted<br />

standards of human rights. I will strive to change laws that are<br />

contrary to patients' interests or to my professional ethics. While<br />

I continue to keep this Oath unviolated, may it be granted to me<br />

to enjoy life and the practice of the Art, respected by all,<br />

in all times."<br />

The wholly deliberate and fulsomely imbuing lawlessness, terrorism and<br />

nefariousness arrogantly paraded by the Norwegian public "health" service (et<br />

al) in this case, represents an all-out and portentously hellish onslaught of the<br />

high-minded stipulations laid down in the Hippocratic oath — we are,<br />

categorically, facing the worst and most dishonorable example of state<br />

supported inequity, official folly and premeditated human rights violations seen<br />

in Norway after World War II (cf Doc #4588, p 120)...!<br />

A judicious and impartial being may turn over and search underneath each stone<br />

and windfall without finding factually extenuating circumstances in this<br />

case.....the intensely loathsome picture of an occupational group rapaciously<br />

vandalizing their professional code and, in symptomatic confederacy, illegally<br />

terrorizing a particularly valiant man opportunistically deemed morally and<br />

intellectually superior — and for that reason malevolently persecuted by<br />

depraved dunces, incessantly becomes more detailed and horridly scandalous as<br />

new pieces of evidence appears.<br />

Caveat lector...:<br />

"...according to my ability and judgment, I will keep<br />

this Oath and this stipulation...",<br />

"...I will follow that system of regimen which, according<br />

to my ability and judgment, I consider for the benefit of<br />

my patients, and abstain from whatever is deleterious and<br />

mischievous...",<br />

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by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway<br />


United Nations petition — incomplete report<br />

"...with purity and with holiness I will pass my life<br />

and practise my Art...",<br />

"...into whatever house I enter, I will go into them for<br />

the benefit of the sick, and will abstain from every vol-<br />

untary act of mischief and corruption...",<br />

"...I will be honest, respectful, and compassionate towards<br />

patients...",<br />

"...I will make every effort to ensure that the rights of all<br />

patients are respected...",<br />

"...I will exercise my professional judgment as independently<br />

as possible, uninfluenced by political pressure or the social<br />

standing of my patient...",<br />

"...I will not provide treatments that are pointless or harmful,<br />

or which an informed and competent patient refuses...",<br />

"...I will acknowledge my mistakes...",<br />

"...I will try to influence and redirect authorities whose<br />

policies harm public health...",<br />

"...I will strive to change laws that are contrary to patients<br />

interests or to my professional ethics...", and<br />

"...I will oppose policies which breach internationally ac-<br />

cepted standards of human rights..." — — ;<br />

it certainly looks glorious on paper and screen, doesn't it...? The revolting truth,<br />

however, is that preaching human rights and ethical code observance to<br />

Norwegian authorities — the public "health" service vastly included — in this<br />

case invariably have had the same, questionable effects as solemnly offering a<br />

literally bloody, honeyed and invigorating sacrament to a swarm screwy, hellordained<br />

and plague-spreading rat fleas...:<br />

“As regards official criminality in Norway, the number explicit<br />

lawbreakings recorded by adjacent branch of Hellvow Anticorruption<br />

clearly reflects the execrable and usually well-masked contempt for<br />

human rights, democratic standards and the basic principles of<br />

127<br />

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by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway<br />


United Nations petition — incomplete report<br />

corresponding legal system distinctly prevalent amongst<br />

Norwegian officiaries practically routinely abusing their<br />

professional privileges to e.g seriously offend fellowmen<br />

and consequently elude the criminal investigation and<br />

prosecution juridically pertinent.<br />

The blatant hypocrisy and treacherous opportunism by and<br />

large characterizing nowadays Norwegian officials, was be-<br />

fittingly coined "bigoterie" in medieval France — germanely<br />

delineating the grungy and widespread practice amongst Norwe-<br />

gian Normans to worship the Christian Trinity as well as their<br />

heathen deities out of strictly materialistic motives.....whereas —<br />

following Christian baptism, the French regularly bestowed<br />

generous gifts on "converted" pagans. So, the largely marauding<br />

Norwegians shamelessly exploited Gallic benevolence and<br />

Catholic naïveté maximally, and quite a few of them underwent<br />

sacramental affusion and immersion more than seven times!”<br />

(Doc #2037, p 90);<br />

“Acquainted with various Christian doctrines, the Norwegian<br />

prime minister — Mr Kjell Magne Bondevik (cf Doc's ##1022<br />

and 1049 above) — and his religious accomplices believed they<br />

ruthlessly, endlessly and unpunished could exploit/abuse evan-<br />

gelical reassurances about forgiveness to repetitively commit the<br />

most disgusting offences! While seeing the pope for absolution<br />

or praying for exculpation, their ignoble minds were busy<br />

planning new, abominable violations!”<br />

(Doc #2037, p 97);<br />

“Priestly educated, the Norwegian Prime Minister found<br />

it highly praiseworthy to consecrate heaven-born<br />

righteousness on his filthy scaffold of thoroughly<br />

condemned post hoc fallacies ex ministerii — offering<br />

the human rights ritualistic irreverence and, devil-may-<br />

care, sacrilegiously slaughtering the cardinal virtues<br />

on his hellhole altar of mephitic self-gratification while<br />

passionately blessing the sepulchral liturgy satanically<br />

dictating the ceremonious under-the-table molestation<br />

of supernal sinlessness.....all the time disgracefully<br />

attempting to convince God that his bloody peccancy<br />

ex officio eucharistically glorified the macabrely pre-<br />

tended transubstantiation of political headlessness<br />

to deified ingenuity celestially appraised and factio-<br />

128<br />

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by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway<br />


United Nations petition — incomplete report<br />

nally benedictive; proh pudor — what a messy mass!”<br />

(Aphorisms &c, #37);<br />

“The „Norwegian plague‟* (*ie the „cobweb-optics‟) is now<br />

rapidly spreading throughout the world, and we hereby<br />

encourage the nations to battle this hellborn technology<br />

fiercely!”<br />

(Doc #3217, p 106);<br />

“Long-standing, ample and bitter experience ‟ve duly<br />

confirmed Norwegian authorities object vg generosity,<br />

compassion and mildness as exploitable weaknesses —<br />

as a frank invitation to carry on and intumesce their<br />

manipulative hellishness.....and; — if ever accepting<br />

their seemingly charitable offers, you give ‟em the upper<br />

hand, and they‟ll despise you even more because of<br />

your manifest humble and gullible nature!”<br />

(Doc #3217, p 104);<br />

“Yes indeed — we‟re chronic crooks, murderers, perjurers, maniacs,<br />

forgers, dopenicks, drunkards, corrupted lamebrains and moral<br />

lepers.....but; since we effectively ‟ve blocked criminal investigation of our<br />

iniquity, dexterously embezzled proofs against ourselves and successfully<br />

hampered a diversity of legal actions opposed to our inveterate<br />

transgressions and misfeasance, there exist no legally enforceable<br />

judgments against us.....and for that reason we are — at least in a<br />

profanely juridical sense — not guilty (cf the Courts of Justice<br />

Act sec 53, third per)!<br />

Moreover we strongly feel that the Norwegian society generally should<br />

bestow significantly more of their attention purely revering our<br />

allelopathic lawbreaking.....‟cause it‟s an established truism that our<br />

surreptitious foulness keep back the constitutional Ragnarok and<br />

scandalous imprisonment etc of Norwegian top politicians and<br />

Government officials unavoidably following unwarped trials and<br />

objective, judicial factfinding procedures! So.....treat us courteously,<br />

please, and immortalize our satanic statutory offenses and monumental<br />

corruption by placing a luciferous statue outside the Parliament Building,<br />

and a leviathan monument at the royal palace square in Oslo where<br />

noble-minded adulators can bring their burnt offerings and confer dignity<br />

upon our accomplished forensic diabolism and — also —<br />

squareshootingly commemorate the many illustrious adamites slain by<br />

our minister extolled vice.....AMEN!”<br />

(The professional philosophy of Norwegian judges. Doc #627, p 58);<br />

129<br />

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by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway<br />


United Nations petition — incomplete report<br />

“Norwegian authorities will comply with international<br />

law and human rights conventions exclusively if forced<br />

to by v.g military pressure, serious political scandals or<br />

massive fiscal/material/human losses.”<br />

(Doc #4588, p 121);<br />

“For more than 15 — fifteen — years I‟ve been working<br />

actively and altruistically with disclosing severe human<br />

rights violations and variform criminality committed by<br />

Norwegian officials. My human rights agitation and justi-<br />

fiable stinging reports ‟ve significantly disturbed culpable<br />

and heinously corrupted politicians, judges and police offi-<br />

cers et al who, consequently,‟ve done their very best to con-<br />

ceal their offences and to harm me.<br />

Representatives from the Norwegian Police „Security‟ Service<br />

‟ve also, several times, attempted to assassinate me — appa-<br />

rently with utterly scandalous assent from v.g the Supreme<br />

Court and the Norwegian Minister of „Justice‟.”<br />

(Doc #4588, p 119);<br />

“It‟s perfectly evident the rotten terrorism steadily exer-<br />

cised by Norwegian authorities aims at ruining my general<br />

health, mutilating my social relationships, marring my<br />

reputation, adding to my pecuniary expenses and —<br />

if possible — provoking criminality.<br />

My sociomedical situation here in Norway ‟ve been in-<br />

tolerable the last 12 — twelve — years, and I‟ve never<br />

had any future whatsoever in a nation satanically perse-<br />

cuting me because I‟m noble, insist on justice and vigo-<br />

rously defends the human rights and fundamental free-<br />

doms of man. Shortly; the ghoulish corruption, abject pol-<br />

troonery and utterly unreasonable fiendishness abidingly<br />

brandished by Norwegian authorities in my case, will fill<br />

every honorable man and woman with the most intense and<br />

enduring contempt and hostility towards them!<br />

There‟s no hope my situation here in Norway will improve —<br />

on the contrary Norwegian authorities will continue and extend<br />

their swinish violations of the human rights, and the exceptio-<br />

nally prolonged, intense and hateful terrorist attacks are<br />

doubtlessly strongly detrimental to my health etc.”<br />

(Doc #4588, p 121);<br />

130<br />

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by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway<br />


United Nations petition — incomplete report<br />

“The downright corruption and hell-destined iniquity<br />

abidingly displayed by Norwegian magistracy in<br />

juxtaposed facts of nearby case, are unparalleled in<br />

modern monarchic history of law, and execrable<br />

diabolism and gangrenous ghoulishness intero-<br />

sculates their exceedingly opprobrious criminality.”<br />

(Doc #103, pp 1–2);<br />

“Norwegian authorities has hitherto manifested nothing<br />

but depraved disrespect for international declarations and<br />

covenants of human rights when independent, extraterritorial<br />

investigators etc, potentially could uncover the heinous<br />

corruption which, especially the last 5 years, have infected<br />

increasingly larger parts of the official functions in<br />

the country.”<br />

(Doc #123, p 9);<br />

“Studying enclosed documents — Doc‟s ## 103, 108, 115, 123,<br />

135, 147, 161, 214, 240, 315, 339, 377, 590, 599 and 627 (tot<br />

54, fifty-four, pp) — makes unequivocally plain that we‟re dealing<br />

with multifold, aggravated, protracted and premeditated violations<br />

of the human rights and fundamental freedoms scornfully preplotted<br />

and deliberately perpetrated by Norwegian authorities.<br />

The systematic, repugnant, recidivistic and long-drawn-out violations<br />

does not only attest to a deep-rooted disrespect for basal human rights<br />

and lawfulness, it also demonstrate a transparent contempt for the<br />

discerning qualities and safeguarding potency of other nations.<br />

The sociopathic manipulation of facts and emetic hypocrisy wontedly<br />

promulgated by Norwegian politicians and their official delegates<br />

to cosmopolitan fora, circumstantiate the fact that Norwegian author-<br />

ities furtively look upon — inter alios — the United Nations, the Council<br />

of Europe and the International Helsinki Federation as inferior assem-<br />

blages of retarded easy marks and puling cowards!<br />

It's nevertheless perfectly clear that the depraved conduct abidingly<br />

exhibited by Norwegian government officials, police officers and judges<br />

etc in adjacent case complex, not ‟ve emerged from sane, honorable,<br />

equilibrated or brilliant minds — though they are criminally responsible,<br />

as they volitionally — fully aware the detrimental and lethal consequences<br />

of their undertakings — ‟ve chosen to breach the law, disregard the<br />

human rights, ignore contractual provisions and exuberantly indulge<br />

in putrid and lavish evildoing.”<br />

(Doc #633, pp 66–67);<br />

131<br />

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by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway<br />


United Nations petition — incomplete report<br />

“Ad nauseam we‘ve witnessed how Norwegian police officers<br />

expediently perpetrates and provokes grave criminality exclu-<br />

sively to ride high on the confusion and fear thereby produced.<br />

Besides, aposematically liberticidal bureaucrats opportunistically<br />

championing gross injustice steadfastly goosesteps towards the totali-<br />

tarian, Norwegian police state.....and in major respects the demo-<br />

cratic government system has proven ruefully deficient.<br />

In a regular tyranny statutes and the application of law normally<br />

will be adapted so as to legitimate, simplify and consolidate<br />

authoritarian oppression of „commoners‟ item — of course —<br />

the right to criminalize, confine and suitably stigmatize „dangerous‟<br />

libertarians etc.”<br />

(Doc #2907, p 102);<br />

“Considered the occurrence of pathologic depression and stark<br />

madness are comparatively more frequent in Norway than else-<br />

where in Europe, it's especially noticeable Norwegian physicians<br />

clearly and statistically negatively distinguish themselves as proner<br />

to psychiatric suffering and bizarre fits etc than the population<br />

generally.”<br />

(Doc #1536, p 85);<br />

“Much in the same manner as the Sacred College<br />

of Cardinals and the pope symbolizes divine enlight-<br />

enment and moral splendor to pious Catholics and<br />

Christians globally, the Norwegian Parliament and<br />

present (anno 2003) prime minister serve as<br />

perfect epitomes of eclipsing diabolism and benighted<br />

depravity to philanthropists and human rights<br />

activists nationwide!”<br />

(Aphorisms &c, #54);<br />

“The Devil and accomplished evildoers may be<br />

hard to detect when lurking beneath Norwegian<br />

altars, judgements-seats or corresponding parlia-<br />

ment rostrum, and cumbersome to exorcise when<br />

visibly safeguarded by national interests!”<br />

(Aphorisms &c, #56);<br />

“After thoroughly studying the present Norwegian<br />

government, I feel absolutely convinced they‟re<br />

totally unable to behave ethical and wise inasmuch<br />

as it‟s a matter of choice — I‟ve never seen them<br />

132<br />

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by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway<br />


United Nations petition — incomplete report<br />

doing anything honorable or otherwise correct when<br />

opposing alternatives exist!”<br />

(Aphorisms &c, #63);<br />

“Suicide is generally the last successful attempt<br />

Norwegian physicians makes to avoid justice!”<br />

(Aphorisms &c, #71);<br />

“According to Mr Oscar Wilde „any preoccupation<br />

with ideas of what is right or wrong in conduct<br />

shows an arrested intellectual development‟ —<br />

hence the thoughtless injustice, unrestrained<br />

mindlessness and prodigiously liberal interpre-<br />

tation of facts so peculiar to Norwegian judges<br />

and Christian politicians, I suppose...!”<br />

(Aphorisms &c, #72);<br />

“Bountiful evidence attests to the disturbing<br />

fact many Norwegian health professionals<br />

opportunistically confuses occupational success,<br />

deontological integrity and juridical blamelessness<br />

with illegally omissive and even resolutely<br />

untruthful patient journals!”<br />

(Aphorisms &c, #76);<br />

“In steadfast concordance with his fragile psyche<br />

and social touchiness, the average Norwegian physician<br />

exclusively admits his gruesome mistakes inasmuch<br />

as you or somebody else are willing to take the whole<br />

and unabridged responsibility — the worst and<br />

best doctors will all valiantly stand by their errors<br />

to confirm their professional aptness!”<br />

(Aphorisms &c, #81);<br />

“I‟m cultured, valiant, savvying, likeable, ingenious,<br />

truthful and incorruptible — in all major respects the<br />

manifest horror and living nightmare of<br />

most Norwegian bureaucrats!”<br />

(Aphorisms &c, #84);<br />

“The present (A 2004) Norwegian government has<br />

unveeringly demonstrated conspicuous tolerance<br />

and significantly advanced the nation‟s commerce;<br />

133<br />

<strong>FORMAL</strong> <strong>COMPLAINT</strong> VS THE KINGDOM OF NORWAY<br />

by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway<br />


United Nations petition — incomplete report<br />

state aided lawbreaking generously appanaged<br />

by fateful misconceptions is by now an accepted<br />

way of living amongst officials, and parliament<br />

incited troublemaking has become<br />

a major industry!”<br />

(Aphorisms &c, #89);<br />

“Beware professional fools who‟ve exalted sheer<br />

stupidity and vice to religion and thus faithfully<br />

believes in their „sacred‟ misconceptions,<br />

liturgical wickedness and „God-given‟<br />

praiseworthiness!”<br />

(Aphorisms &c, #90);<br />

“Law-abiding Norwegians should forthright join<br />

forces — fully prepared to protect themselves<br />

and suffering fellowmen against the rampageous<br />

criminality of Norwegian police officers!”<br />

(Aphorisms &c, #98);<br />

“It‟s the moral and patriotic obligation of all worthy<br />

Norwegians to condemn and forcefully battle the<br />

ravaging assaults of nowadays (A 2004)<br />

Norwegian government!”<br />

(Aphorisms &c, #99);<br />

“Above 90 percent of the crimes committed in Norway<br />

anno 2002 was triggered by public injustice reflecting<br />

addlepated directives of governmental easy marks<br />

insidiously aimed at casuistic legitimation of state<br />

propelled offences hitting beguiled victims of ballistic<br />

law-abidingness notoriously scoreboarded by bully<br />

pulpited mass media unawarely publishing political<br />

propaganda secularly enhancing criminality through<br />

additional restrictions following dioristic misconceptions<br />

of ontologic fractions embodying the societal mosaic<br />

broken by penal provisions obscuring clear-sightedness<br />

eo ipso segregating vitreous humor gnomologically<br />

expounded — respice finem!”<br />

(Aphorisms &c, #38);<br />

134<br />

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by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway<br />


United Nations petition — incomplete report<br />

“The council physician accompanying the spiteful<br />

rascals exhibited a most charming, helminthoid appetency<br />

for dragging himself along the chitterling ambages of<br />

swinish, verminous, hog wild and bootlicking pig in a<br />

poke venality.....so, indeed; I was forthwith cloistered<br />

in one of the glorified state tophets of Norway — a loony<br />

bin and satanic point d‟appui for governmental<br />

beastliness (excerpt from Doc #377)!”<br />

(Aphorisms &c, #103);<br />

“You won‟t tell this uppish meshuggener the truth — you‟re<br />

going to fabricate a tenable nursery-tale closely matching<br />

his unsightly ignorance.....yeah; you‟ll cheerfully piggyback<br />

his self-deceptive paralogisms and nod slyly approvingly<br />

when his shamus-amenable moonshine casts grotesque<br />

shadows onto the lunatic quagmire of grey matter consti-<br />

tuting the firmament of his castle-in-the-sky<br />

haecceity (about the „Norwegian physician injudiciously<br />

gawking at you behind his rosepink spectacles‟)!”<br />

(Aphorisms &c, #104);<br />

“Keep the body armor on and your first aid kit at<br />

hand — Norwegian authorities are likely to stab<br />

you in the back anytime these days!”<br />

(Aphorisms &c, #112);<br />

“Norwegian authorities appreciates nice lads and<br />

good girls — usually they‟re the simplest and<br />

most agreeable victims!”<br />

(Aphorisms &c, #114);<br />

“The various facilities found in the Parliament Building<br />

(„the Pillbox‟) in Oslo, is a touching example of the<br />

altruistic compassion Norway shows her<br />

psychiatric outcasts!”<br />

(Aphorisms &c, #64);<br />

“Synchronously with steadily growing disrespect for the<br />

human rights amongst Norwegian officials, the need to<br />

report related violations increases accordingly.<br />

Norwegian authorities routinely steals, obstructs, dest-<br />

roys and illegally copies etc jural communications to and<br />

from human rights tribunals/organizations AO, and actual<br />

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by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway<br />


United Nations petition — incomplete report<br />

complainers ‟ve been incriminated, terrorized, confined,<br />

infected/poisoned and — murdered.<br />

Vanguarded by the national police force, Norwegian<br />

authorities systematically attempts to eradicate all possi-<br />

bilities for transmitting unbiased and wholly lawful reports<br />

on human rights conditions and official corruption etc in<br />

Norway —; thus special safeguarding of human rights<br />

communications to/from Norway is a must!”<br />

(Doc #3611, p 107).<br />

Preceding quotations clearly reflects much of the cap-à-pie Pharisaism and<br />

scurvy misconduct wontedly showed off by Norwegian officials attempting<br />

to belittle, conceal and obstruct adequate investigation etc of their extensive<br />

corruption. To these chronic and obtrusively arrogant malefactors, your<br />

adherence to soft-boiled human rights and ethical codes simply means they<br />

can protract and possibly intensify their obnoxious offences without risking<br />

dismaying sanctions and burdensome, international interference.....verily;<br />

your idealistic and perchance pusillanimous approach is nothing but an<br />

enheartening incitement to these naturally schizoid and overly low-minded<br />

felons!<br />

Instead of mollycoddling and inadvertently spurring Norwegian authorities<br />

mayheming the human rights, the world community at large and international<br />

fora in particular should go for explicitly pragmatic solutions to halt and<br />

legally punish corresponding and vaingloriously contemptuous criminality.<br />

More precisely, we can imagine a highly specialized, mobile and<br />

cosmopolitan intervention unit of superbly fit and comprehensively trained<br />

police officers duly commissioned to secure final proofs and forcibly<br />

apprehend state supported culprits — e.g in Norway...<br />

Principally dedicated to human rights' enforcement rather than conventional<br />

counterterrorist tasks, judicious application of cogent measures to prevent<br />

abuse of portrayed unit is crucial.<br />

In any event — and this point can hardly be overstressed: before international<br />

and politically powerful alliances are willing to resolutely and with required<br />

sternness arrest, imprison, convict and otherwise treat Norwegian officials in<br />

accordance with the categorical condemnation the latter's satanic<br />

fiendishness, double-dealing and odious corruption ex officio en effet calls<br />

for, the well-meant but woefully uncharged pro forma chiding normally<br />

launched by human rights organizations/tribunals scarcely becomes more<br />

than a waggish and downright encouraging brutum fulmen to Norwegian<br />

authorities...!<br />

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by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway<br />


United Nations petition — incomplete report<br />

More specifically returning to the Norwegian public "health" service, it<br />

should be properly emphasized some of the meanest villains hired to<br />

routinely and absolutely illegally terrorize me here in NO-Brattvåg neither<br />

are physicians nor nurses, but fulsomely rotten ambulance drivers.<br />

A fairly homogeneous pack sociopaths and grubby good-for-nothings with a<br />

general Stanford-Binet IQ clustered betwixt 118 and 121, three of these<br />

befittingly and irrevocably hell-doomed chauffeurs has distinguished<br />

themselves by particularly swinish behavior — viz:<br />

1. Mr Ron Borge "Schizo" FINNØY, NO-Brattvåg,<br />

2. Mr Torgeir "Rattus" AKSLEN, NO-Brattvåg, and<br />

3. Mr Kjell-Arne OTTERLEI, NO-Brattvåg.<br />

For years on end we've witnessed how this accursed troika and other depraved<br />

"health" professionals wholly on their own initiative — or to carry out orders<br />

unlawfully sanctioned e.g by Norwegian government/parliament officials —<br />

orgiastically and with diabolic delight 've trampled to pieces central articles of<br />

the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights...:<br />

Article 6<br />

Every human being has the inherent right to life. This right shall<br />

be protected by law. No one shall be arbitrarily deprived of his life.<br />

Article 7<br />

No one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading<br />

treatment or punishment. In particular, no one shall be subjected without<br />

his free consent to medical or scientific experimentation.<br />

Article 9<br />

Everyone has the right to liberty and security of person. No one shall be<br />

subjected to arbitrary arrest or detention. No one shall be deprived of his<br />

liberty except on such grounds and in accordance with such procedure as<br />

are established by law.<br />

Article 10<br />

All persons deprived of their liberty shall be treated with humanity and<br />

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United Nations petition — incomplete report<br />

with respect for the inherent dignity of the human person.<br />

Article 12<br />

Everyone lawfully within the territory of a State shall, within that<br />

territory, have the right to liberty of movement and freedom to<br />

choose his residence.<br />

Everyone shall be free to leave any country, including his own.<br />

The above-mentioned rights shall not be subject to any restrictions<br />

except those which are provided by law, are necessary to protect<br />

national security, public order (ordre public), public health or morals<br />

or the rights and freedoms of others, and are consistent with the other<br />

rights recognized in the present Covenant.<br />

No one shall be arbitrarily deprived of the right to enter his own<br />

country.<br />

Article 14<br />

All persons shall be equal before the courts and tribunals. In the<br />

determination of any criminal charge against him, or of his rights<br />

and obligations in a suit at law, everyone shall be entitled to a fair<br />

and public hearing by a competent, independent and impartial tribunal<br />

established by law. The Press and the public may be excluded from<br />

all or part of a trial for reasons of morals, public order (ordre public)<br />

or national security in a democratic society, or when the interest of the<br />

private lives of the parties so requires, or to the extent strictly necessary<br />

in the opinion of the court in special circumstances where publicity would<br />

prejudice the interests of justice; but any judgment rendered in a criminal<br />

case or in a suit at law shall be made public except where the interest of<br />

juvenile persons otherwise requires or the proceedings concern matrimonial<br />

disputes or the guardianship of children.<br />

Article 16<br />

Everyone shall have the right to recognition everywhere as a person<br />

before the law.<br />

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United Nations petition — incomplete report<br />

Article 19<br />

Everyone shall have the right to hold opinions without interference.<br />

Everyone shall have the right to freedom of expression; this right shall<br />

include freedom to seek, receive and impart information and ideas of all<br />

kinds, regardless of frontiers, either orally, in writing or in print, in the<br />

form of art, or through any other media of his choice.<br />

Article 21<br />

The right of peaceful assembly shall be recognized. No restrictions may<br />

be placed on the exercise of this right other than those imposed in confor-<br />

mity with the law and which are necessary in a democratic society in the<br />

interests of national security or public safety, public order (ordre public),<br />

the protection of public health or morals or the protection of the<br />

rights and freedoms of others.<br />

Article 22<br />

Everyone shall have the right to freedom of association with others,<br />

including the right to form and join trade unions for the protection<br />

of his interests.<br />

No restrictions may be placed on the exercise of this right other than<br />

those which are prescribed by law and which are necessary in a<br />

democratic society in the interests of national security or public safety,<br />

public order (ordre public), the protection of public health or<br />

morals or the protection of the rights and freedoms of others.<br />

This article shall not prevent the imposition of lawful restrictions on<br />

members of the armed forces and of the police in their<br />

exercise of this right.<br />

Article 26<br />

All persons are equal before the law and are entitled without any discri-<br />

mination to the equal protection of the law. In this respect, the law shall<br />

prohibit any discrimination and guarantee to all persons equal and<br />

effective protection against discrimination on any ground such as race,<br />

colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion,<br />

national or social origin, property, birth or other status.<br />

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United Nations petition — incomplete report<br />

We shall also take a further look at the UN Convention against Torture and<br />

Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (cf p 9 of<br />

this Complaint)...:<br />

The States Parties to this Convention,<br />

Considering that, in accordance with the principles proclaimed<br />

in the Charter of the United Nations, recognition of the equal and<br />

inalienable rights of all members of the human family is the foun-<br />

dation of freedom, justice and peace in the world,<br />

Recognizing that those rights derive from the inherent dignity<br />

of the human person,<br />

Considering the obligation of States under the Charter, in par-<br />

ticular Article 55, to promote universal respect for, and observance<br />

of, human rights and fundamental freedoms,<br />

Having regard to article 5 of the Universal Declaration of Human<br />

Rights and article 7 of the International Covenant on Civil and<br />

Political Rights, both of which provide that no one shall be subjected<br />

to torture, or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment,<br />

Having regard also to the Declaration on the Protection of All Persons<br />

from Being Subjected to Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading<br />

Treatment or Punishment, adopted by the General Assembly on<br />

9 December 1975,<br />

Desiring to make more effective the struggle against torture and other<br />

cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment throughout<br />

the world,<br />

Have agreed as follows (Part I):<br />

Article 1<br />

For the purposes of this Convention, the term "torture" means any<br />

act by which severe pain or suffering, whether physical or mental,<br />

is intentionally inflicted on a person for such purposes as obtaining<br />

from him or a third person information or a confession, punishing<br />

him for an act he or a third person has committed or is suspected of<br />

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United Nations petition — incomplete report<br />

having committed, or intimidating or coercing him or a third<br />

person, or for any reason based on discrimination of any kind,<br />

when such pain or suffering is inflicted by or at the instigation<br />

of or with the consent or acquiescence of a public official or other<br />

person acting in an official capacity. It does not include pain or<br />

suffering arising only from, inherent in or incidental to<br />

lawful sanctions.<br />

This article is without prejudice to any international instrument or<br />

national legislation which does or may contain provisions of<br />

wider application.<br />

Article 2<br />

Each State Party shall take effective legislative, administrative,<br />

judicial or other measures to prevent acts of torture in any territory<br />

under its jurisdiction.<br />

No exceptional circumstances whatsoever, whether a state of war<br />

or a threat of war, internal political instability or any other public<br />

emergency, may be invoked as a justification of torture.<br />

An order from a superior officer or a public authority may not be<br />

invoked as a justification of torture.<br />

Article 4<br />

Each State Party shall ensure that all acts of torture are offences<br />

under its criminal law. The same shall apply to an attempt to commit<br />

torture and to an act by any person which constitutes complicity or<br />

participation in torture.<br />

Each State Party shall make these offences punishable by appropriate<br />

penalties which take into account their grave nature.<br />

Article 6<br />

Upon being satisfied, after an examination of information available<br />

to it, that the circumstances so warrant, any State Party in whose<br />

territory a person alleged to have committed any offence referred to<br />

in Article 4 is present shall take him into custody or take other legal<br />

measures to ensure his presence. The custody and other legal<br />

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United Nations petition — incomplete report<br />

measures shall be as provided in the law of that State but may<br />

be continued only for such time as is necessary to enable any<br />

criminal or extradition proceedings to be instituted.<br />

Such State shall immediately make a preliminary inquiry into<br />

the facts.<br />

Article 7<br />

The State Party in the territory under whose jurisdiction a person<br />

alleged to have committed any offence referred to in Article 4 is<br />

found shall in the cases contemplated in Article 5, if it does not<br />

extradite him, submit the case to its competent authorities for the<br />

purpose of prosecution.<br />

These authorities shall take their decision in the same manner as<br />

in the case of any ordinary offence of a serious nature under the<br />

law of that State. In the cases referred to in Article 5, paragraph 2,<br />

the standards of evidence required for prosecution and conviction<br />

shall in no way be less stringent than those which apply in the cases<br />

referred to in Article 5, paragraph 1.<br />

Any person regarding whom proceedings are brought in connection<br />

with any of the offences referred to in Article 4 shall be guaranteed<br />

fair treatment at all stages of the proceedings.<br />

Article 9<br />

States Parties shall afford one another the greatest measure of assi-<br />

stance in connection with criminal proceedings brought in respect of<br />

any of the offences referred to in Article 4, including the supply of<br />

all evidence at their disposal necessary for the proceedings.<br />

States Parties shall carry out their obligations under paragraph 1 of this<br />

Article in conformity with any treaties on mutual judicial assistance<br />

that may exist between them.<br />

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United Nations petition — incomplete report<br />

Article 10<br />

Each State Party shall ensure that education and information<br />

regarding the prohibition against torture are fully included in<br />

the training of law enforcement personnel, civil or military,<br />

medical personnel, public officials and other persons who may<br />

be involved in the custody, interrogation or treatment of any indi-<br />

vidual subjected to any form of arrest, detention or imprisonment.<br />

Each State Party shall include this prohibition in the rules or<br />

instructions issued in regard to the duties and functions of<br />

any such person.<br />

Article 11<br />

Each State Party shall keep under systematic review interrogation<br />

rules, instructions, methods and practices as well as arrangements<br />

for the custody and treatment of persons subjected to any form<br />

of arrest, detention or imprisonment in any territory under its juris-<br />

diction, with a view to preventing any cases of torture.<br />

Article 12<br />

Each State Party shall ensure that its competent authorities proceed<br />

to a prompt and impartial investigation, wherever there is reasonable<br />

ground to believe that an act of torture has been committed in any<br />

territory under its jurisdiction.<br />

Article 13<br />

Each State Party shall ensure that any individual who alleges he has<br />

been subjected to torture in any territory under its jurisdiction has the<br />

right to complain to, and to have his case promptly and impartially<br />

examined by, its competent authorities. Steps shall be taken to ensure<br />

that the complainant and witnesses are protected against all ill-<br />

treatment or intimidation as a consequence of his complaint or<br />

any evidence given.<br />

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by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway<br />


United Nations petition — incomplete report<br />

Article 16<br />

Each State Party shall undertake to prevent in any territory<br />

under its jurisdiction other acts of cruel, inhuman or degrading treat-<br />

ment or punishment which do not amount to torture as defined in<br />

Article 1, when such acts are committed by or at the instigation of or<br />

with the consent or acquiescence of a public official or other person<br />

acting in an official capacity. In particular, the obligations contained<br />

in Articles 10, 11, 12 and 13 shall apply with the substitution for refe-<br />

rences to torture or references to other forms of cruel, inhuman<br />

or degrading treatment or punishment.<br />

The provisions of this Convention are without prejudice to the<br />

provisions of any other international instrument or national law<br />

which prohibits cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or pun-<br />

ishment or which relates to extradition or expulsion.<br />

Whereas the Hippocratic oath lay emphasis on honesty, respectfulness and<br />

benevolence towards patients and impels physicians to champion international<br />

human rights and exercise their professional judgment uninfluenced by political<br />

pressure, physicians and other "health" personnel involved in this ill-omened<br />

case maliciously 've displayed the most inexpiable disregard inasmuch as dutiful<br />

compliance with ethical stipulations, the statutory rights of others and their<br />

vocational integrity otherwise are concerned.....honestly; it's stark impossible to<br />

find even the slightest trace of formally mitigating circumstances, respectability<br />

or professional adequacy in the uninterrupted orgy of lawless terrorism<br />

satanically indulged in by Norwegian medics AO since 1992!<br />

Anyhow, let's make it perfectly clear right now; the actual and radically massive<br />

violations of quoted articles noways applies to the Norwegian public "health"<br />

service alone — corresponding malversation has continuously been schemed<br />

and illicitly ratified v.g by diverse governmental bodies (cf pp 24–25, 29–31,<br />

68–74 and 83–88 usw), and does also — largely — include the other officials<br />

and establishments referred to as "Accused" at page 2 of nearby Complaint.<br />

Cf Doc #4575, p 117 etc:<br />

"All interference from Norwegian authorities in this case 've been<br />

unilaterally destructive, invidious, unwelcomed and<br />

largely criminal — clearly reflecting the mental illness, habitual<br />

double-dealing and emetic disregard for the human rights and<br />

fundamental freedoms of man indeed characterizing<br />

most of the malefactors."<br />

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by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway<br />


United Nations petition — incomplete report<br />

The manifestly morbid preoccupation with supernormal intelligence and human<br />

genius constantly displayed by Norwegian physicians, psychologists, politicians,<br />

police officers et al has been touched upon earlier in this report (v p 118 — cf<br />

Doc #1536, p 85), and it should be timely to supply foregoing information with<br />

a few germane remarks.<br />

Studying the thousands of registered crimes and calamitous boo-boos wholly<br />

ascribable to Norwegian officials and local authorities the last decennium, we<br />

are struck not only by the unprovoked diabolism and radical unsoundness<br />

characterizing these misdeeds, but by the marked lack of foresight and stark<br />

fatuity as well.<br />

Inasmuch as essential parts of our noometric capability may be adequately<br />

evaluated through standardized and accurately scaled intelligence tests…..and<br />

given that we fairly correctly may equate corresponding IQ scores with our<br />

immanent/potential ability to acceptably handle diverse practical situations and<br />

precisely grasp more or less abstract/intricate problems/ideas professionally or<br />

otherwise encountered, we may assuredly ascribe much of said improvidence<br />

and bêtises ex officio to insufficient psychometric intelligence.<br />

At this point those of you familiar with the common classification of IQ scores<br />

may feel somewhat bewildered, as it previously 've been correctly stated several<br />

of the culprits actual to prosecute in this case possess' a general IQ equal or<br />

superior to 140 on the Stanford-Binet scale (cf pp 9–10). IQs corresponding to<br />

— or exceeding — indicated score are normally regarded as highly impressive,<br />

and many psychologists will set the intelligence quotient for "potential genius"<br />

at 140 or over. In the general Norwegian population 1 out of 190 people are<br />

expected to achieve a Stanford-Binet IQ of 140, and there are roughly 3 men for<br />

every woman reaching specified score.<br />

Howbeit —; comprehensive observations here in Norway bears witness to the<br />

fact individuals with a Stanford-Binet IQ in the 130–155 range are essentially<br />

unable to meet the dianoetic requirements necessary to acquire even passable<br />

understanding of more intricate scientific, moral and purely logical &c<br />

causata/implications/problems. Typically earning their university and first-class<br />

degrees relatively hands down, these noometrically — and oftentimes<br />

professionally — incompetent persons are likely to occupy central community<br />

positions. In cases where the shortcomer has maintained his/her moral and<br />

eunoic integrity, the psychometric inadequacy may be accidentally fatal indeed<br />

— though — regularly and pragmatically amendable, as the intellectually<br />

subpotent faultdoer will be genuinely eager to admit, correct and avoid e.g<br />

professional mistakes induced by noometrically overtaxing demands.<br />

Inasmuch as the dianoetic deficiency and related/professional fall downs are<br />

directly pertinent to NPSMS afflicted individuals/officials* (*cf pp 122–124) —<br />

which conspicuously often is the case in Norway, we empirically knows these<br />

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United Nations petition — incomplete report<br />

severely disordered and thoroughly dikephobic wrongdoers will do whatever<br />

practically feasible to cover up and belittle their errors/unsuitability/corruption<br />

— frequently at the expense of wholly guiltless persons facing false accusations<br />

and unwarranted castigation etc.<br />

As for the latter case, special attention should be called to the average Stanford-<br />

Binet IQ of Norwegian Parliament/Storting representatives at 127,5 (cf p 10) —<br />

which, not surprisingly, is 10–14 crucial points below corresponding scores for<br />

national/federal assembly members in any Euro-American country/state<br />

socioeconomically comparable with Norway.<br />

Without validating the factual foundation of his suppositions etc, it may be<br />

thematically justifiable though to refer to assistant professor of psychology at<br />

Princeton University* (*New Jersey, USA) — Mr Carl C BRIGHAM* (*creator<br />

of the well-known "Scholastic Aptitude Test") — who, in 1923, published "A<br />

Study of American Intelligence" where he concluded that the IQ of immigrants<br />

increased in proportion to the number of years of US residence — a<br />

phenomenon he ascribed to a lower proportion of Nordic blood over the years,<br />

rather than increased familiarization with cultural and educational factors…!<br />

Anyhow; the US Immigration Restriction Act of 1924 favored immigration<br />

from northern Europe, and restricted the entry of persons from other areas<br />

referred to as "biologically inferior" ——<br />

At the pages 9 and 85 I've fixed the lowest acceptable Stanford-Binet IQ of<br />

different judges/experts at 145 and 140, respectively — but indeed; this does not<br />

imply said scores are absolutely and professionally adequate! What indicated<br />

minimum levels does mark, however, are the highest IQ scores practically<br />

attainable a number of circumstantial factors and conventional requirements*<br />

realistically considered (*amongst the formal prerequisites, a sufficient and high<br />

degree of moral integrity, impartiality/independence and educational<br />

competency are indispensable).<br />

While a general Stanford-Binet IQ of 140 typically will enable otherwise<br />

competent members of the Norwegian courts of appeals to handle around 80%<br />

of the various lawsuits in a justifiable manner, a ditto IQ of 258 are required to<br />

keenly perceive and adequately evaluate usw the intricate nuances and<br />

multifarious facts relevant to the most complicated cases brought before these<br />

appellate tribunals. Although the present courts of appeals comprises a few<br />

judges with a Stanford-Binet IQ equalling or slightly exceeding 140, 45–50% of<br />

nowadays judgments/sentences should be overruled on account of regular<br />

corruption and the number/severity of procedural errors…..and, finally; whereas<br />

corruption are exlex altogether and portrayed degree of erroneousness legally<br />

unacceptable, it should be formally correct to render null and void all verdicts<br />

and conclusions passed on by these incompetent and obscenely pretentious<br />

kangaroo courts whatsoever — cf Doc #627 item nearby Complaint pp 2–8 and<br />

84–88 etc!<br />

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by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway<br />


United Nations petition — incomplete report<br />

As for the widespread depravity amongst Norwegian judges, much of it is<br />

reflected by "The Professional Code and Ethical Philosophy of Norwegian<br />

Judges"* (*cf Aphorisms &c 107–109):<br />

“Yes indeed — we’re chronic crooks, murderers, perjurers, maniacs,<br />

forgers, dopenicks, drunkards, corrupted lamebrains and moral<br />

lepers.....but; since we effectively ’ve blocked criminal investigation of<br />

our iniquity, dexterously embezzled proofs against ourselves and<br />

successfully hampered a diversity of legal actions opposed to our<br />

inveterate transgressions and misfeasance, there exist no legally<br />

enforceable judgments against us.....and for that reason we are — at<br />

least in a profanely juridical sense — not guilty (cf the Courts of Justice<br />

Act sec 53, third per)!<br />

Moreover we strongly feel that the Norwegian society generally should<br />

bestow significantly more of their attention purely revering our<br />

allelopathic lawbreaking.....’cause it’s an established truism that our<br />

surreptitious foulness keep back the constitutional Ragnarok and<br />

scandalous imprisonment etc of Norwegian top politicians and<br />

Government officials unavoidably following unwarped trials and<br />

objective, judicial factfinding procedures! So.....treat us courteously,<br />

please, and immortalize our satanic statutory offenses and monumental<br />

corruption by placing a luciferous statue outside the Parliament<br />

Building, and a leviathan monument at the royal palace square in Oslo<br />

where noble-minded adulators can bring their burnt offerings and<br />

confer dignity upon our accomplished forensic diabolism and — also —<br />

squareshootingly commemorate the many illustrious adamites slain by<br />

our minister extolled vice.....AMEN!”<br />

Verily; though stinking, a shitfilled sack will stand upright…!<br />

Much silly has been said and written about supernormal IQs and persons of<br />

genius, and my personal comments on these touchy topics naturally ought to be<br />

very restricted in a UN report supposedly and largely dealing with — human<br />

rights violations…!<br />

First — let's take a look at the theoretical/global distribution of different IQ<br />

scores derived from standardized intelligence tests:<br />

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IQ<br />

United Nations petition — incomplete report<br />


IQ<br />


IQ<br />

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by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway<br />

Expected<br />

RARITY, 1/x<br />

130 128 145 33<br />

135 133 153 70<br />

140 138 160 190<br />

145 142 168 400<br />

150 147 175 1020<br />

155 152 183 3400<br />

160 156 190 11 000<br />

165 161 198 40 000<br />

170 166 205 160 000<br />

175 170 213 700 000<br />

180 175 220 3 500 000<br />

185 180 228 20 000 000<br />

190 184 235 110 000 000<br />

195 189 243 700 000 000<br />

200 194 250 5 000 000 000<br />

205 198 258 33 333 330 575<br />

210 203 265 99 999 991 726<br />

215 208 273<br />

220 213 280<br />

258 248 337<br />

Based on statistical distribution etc, the various levels of superior IQs may be<br />

classified suchwise:<br />


135–149 "high IQ"<br />

150–164 "very high IQ"<br />

165–179 "superhigh IQ"<br />

180– "noometric genius IQ"<br />

Arguably there are several degrees and categories of human genius, and I shall<br />

briefly specify but two of the latter — viz; "noometric" and "creative" genius.<br />

To satisfy the categorical and exclusively psychometric requirement for<br />

noometric genius, a general score equalling or exceeding a full-scale Stanford-<br />


United Nations petition — incomplete report<br />

Binet IQ* of 180 must be obtained on a correctly standardized, time limited and<br />

supervised intelligence test of high quality (*presently the Stanford-Binet<br />

intelligence test for adults are divided into 15 categories — viz; Vocabulary,<br />

Codes, Differences between Abstract Words, Arithmetical Reasoning, Proverbs,<br />

Ingenuity, Memory for Sentences, Repeating Digits Reversed, Sentence<br />

Building, Essential Similarities, Finding Reasons, Reconciliation of Opposites,<br />

Repeating Thought of Passage, Orientation and Opposite Analogies).<br />

To gain status as a creative genius, one must single-handedly create or blueprint<br />

an unspecified but normally considerable number of commonly<br />

valuable/interesting or distinctly serviceable products reflecting a degree of<br />

originality and general perfection unattainable through mere talent.<br />

Though a noometric genius don't have to demonstrate extraordinary creative<br />

ability — or a creative genius exceptional noometric capacity, there is a<br />

statistically significant correlation between extremely high IQ and first-class<br />

creativity; in an otherwise randomly selected group composed of 600 grown<br />

men and women who all have a general Stanford-Binet of 150, we'll expect to<br />

find but 1 — one — creative genius…..in a similarly composed group<br />

exclusively comprising individuals with a full-scale Stanford-Binet IQ of 180,<br />

we should normally find 66 — sixty-six — creative geniuses.<br />

The English philosopher and economist John STUART MILL* (*1806–1873)<br />

had a general Stanford-Binet IQ of 200, and his remarks on genius and<br />

originality etc were well-founded…:<br />

"Persons of genius, it is true, are, and are always likely to be, a small<br />

minority; but in order to have them, it is necessary to preserve the soil<br />

in which they grow. Genius can only breathe freely in an atmosphere<br />

of freedom. Persons of genius are, ex vi termini, more individual than<br />

any other people — less capable, consequently, of fitting themselves,<br />

without hurtful compression, into any of the small number of moulds<br />

which society provides in order to save its members the trouble of forming<br />

their own character. If from timidity they consent to be forced into one of<br />

these moulds, and to let all that part of themselves which cannot expand<br />

under the pressure remain unexpanded, society will be little the better for<br />

their genius. If they are of a strong character, and break their fetters, they<br />

become a mark for the society which has not succeeded in reducing them<br />

to commonplace, to point out with solemn warning as 'wild,' 'erratic,' and the<br />

like; much as if one should complain of the Niagara river for not flowing<br />

smoothly between its banks like a Dutch canal.<br />

I insist thus emphatically on the importance of genius, and the necessity<br />

of allowing it to unfold itself freely both in thought and in practice, being<br />

well aware that no one will deny the position in theory, but knowing<br />

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also that almost every one, in reality, is totally indifferent to it.<br />

People think genius a fine thing if it enables a man to write an<br />

exciting poem, or paint a picture. But in its true sense, that of<br />

originality in thought and action, though no one says that it is<br />

not a thing to be admired, nearly all, at heart, think that they can<br />

do very well without it. Unhappily this is too natural to be wondered<br />

at. Originality is the one thing which unoriginal minds cannot feel<br />

the use of. They cannot see what it is to do for them: how should they?<br />

If they could see what it would do for them, it would not be originality.<br />

The first service which originality has to render them, is that of opening<br />

their eyes: which being once fully done, they would have a chance of<br />

being themselves original. Meanwhile, recollecting that nothing was ever<br />

yet done which some one was not the first to do, and that all good things<br />

which exist are the fruits of originality, let them be modest enough to<br />

believe that there is something still left for it to accomplish, and assure<br />

themselves that they are more in need of originality, the less they are<br />

conscious of want.<br />

In sober truth, whatever homage may be professed, or even paid, to real<br />

or supposed mental superiority, the general tendency of things throughout<br />

the world is to render mediocrity the ascendant power among mankind."<br />

"No government by a democracy or a numerous aristocracy, either in its<br />

political acts or in the opinions, qualities, and tone of mind which it fosters,<br />

ever did or could rise above mediocrity, except in so far as the sovereign<br />

Many have let themselves be guided (which in their best times they always<br />

have done) by the counsels and influence of a more highly gifted and in-<br />

structed One or Few. The initiation of all wise or noble things comes and<br />

must come from individuals; generally at first from some one individual.<br />

The honour and glory of the average man is that he is capable of following<br />

that initiative; that he can respond internally to wise and noble things, and<br />

be led to them with his eyes open. I am not countenancing the sort of 'hero-<br />

worship' which applauds the strong man of genius for forcibly seizing on<br />

the government of the world and making it do his bidding in spite of itself.<br />

All he can claim is freedom to point out the way. The power of compelling<br />

others into it is not only inconsistent with the freedom and development of<br />

all the rest, but corrupting to the strong man himself. It does seem, however,<br />

that when the opinions of masses of merely average men are everywhere<br />

become or becoming the dominant power, the counterpoise and corrective<br />

to that tendency would be the more and more pronounced individuality of<br />

those who stand on the higher eminences of thought. It is in these circum-<br />

stances most especially, that exceptional individuals, instead of being de-<br />

terred, should be encouraged in acting differently from the mass. In other<br />

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times there was no advantage in their doing so, unless they acted not<br />

only differently but better. In this age, the mere example of non-<br />

conformity, the mere refusal to bend the knee to custom, is itself a service.<br />

Precisely because the tyranny of opinion is such as to make eccentricity<br />

a reproach, it is desirable, in order to break through that tyranny, that<br />

people should be eccentric. Eccentricity has always abounded when and<br />

where strength of character has abounded; and the amount of eccentricity<br />

in a society has generally been proportional to the amount of genius, mental<br />

vigour, and moral courage it contained. That so few now dare to be eccentric<br />

marks the chief danger of the time."<br />

(From the essay "On Liberty", 1859)<br />

As for Mr Mill's ready treatise on genius and originality/eccentricity, it should<br />

be sternly emphasized any creative genius or person with a general Stanford-<br />

Binet IQ equalling/exceeding 165 runs a practically constant and very<br />

considerable risk of being misunderstood, persecuted and unlawfully exploited<br />

by less gifted and perhaps violently envious individuals. While creative geniuses<br />

may sublimate and turn (inter-)personal conflicts to astounding account, purely<br />

noometric geniuses may frequently get the best of it by minimizing intimate<br />

association with those sporting a full-scale Stanford-Binet IQ below 160…..<br />

Quite a few things are left to say about human genius and supernormal IQs, but<br />

I'm afraid we must stick to our guns and already now concentrate on how these<br />

topics concerns certain human rights matters.<br />

Behind the previously indicated and markedly pathological interest in<br />

paranormality and genius exhibited by Norwegian authorities, we find the deepseated<br />

inferiority complex and narrow-minded egotism broadly explaining their<br />

preoccupation. From the very first these natural-born villains and mountebanks<br />

searched for esoteric and absurd ways to elevate their base intellect…; perhaps<br />

geniuses depended on some secret ingesta or regimen skyrocketing their<br />

creativity and IQs….?!<br />

Fatefully mixed with archtypical NPSMS symptoms* (*cf pp 122–124) as v.g<br />

psychiatric idiosyncrasies, pronounced criminalism and unjustifiable hostility,<br />

said selfishness has — in any case — triggered the most pernicious chain of<br />

wholly deliberate, systematical and decidedly ill-starred human rights violations<br />

ever seen in Norway! It's perfectly evident many of the crimes dealt with in this<br />

petition and corresponding documents had been very difficult to commit and<br />

impossible to get away with in a relatively uncorrupted and otherwise healthy<br />

society…..and lo — as might be expected; behind the wormy stage settings we<br />

find the meanest herd of mentally deranged, felonious, self-aggrandizing and<br />

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utterly condemnable misfits and conspiring officials ever sighted in a claimed —<br />

not to say pretended — democracy! — and, behold; I'm truthfully characterizing<br />

the innately psychopathic descendants of a notoriously fiendish people duly<br />

mentioned by the hounded and grotesquely misknown genius William James<br />

SIDIS (1898–1944)…:<br />

"These Norse invaders in 'Vinland,' as they named the country, treated the<br />

native inhabitants (whom they named 'Skrellings,' or 'skinned people')<br />

about the same way as they did in Europe — as subjects for pillage and<br />

slave-raids. They raided as far as the 'Wonderstrand' (Cape Cod), and<br />

they usually made themselves enemies wherever they went, in America<br />

as in Europe."<br />

(From Chapter III of the unpublished manuscript "The Tribes and the States")<br />

Mr Sidis, by the way, most effectively revenged himself by withholding,<br />

forswearing and burlesquing his gorgeous genius…..and the witlessly harassing<br />

world shall certainly be unable to make up for the scientific losses thereby<br />

imposed!<br />

In regard to the recurrently described and vehemently prevailing rottenness<br />

among Norwegian officials, it should be highly seasonable to quote some up-tothe-situation<br />

passages from the oftentimes misinterpreted Bible:<br />

(God speaking:)<br />

"Here is my servant, whom I uphold, my chosen one in whom I delight;<br />

I will put my Spirit on him and he will bring justice to the nations.<br />

He will not shout or cry out, or raise his voice in the streets. A bruised<br />

reed he will not break, and a smouldering wick he will not snuff out.<br />

In faithfulness he will bring forth justice; he will not falter or be<br />

discouraged till he establishes justice on earth.<br />

In his law the islands will put their hope."<br />

(The LORD's Servant speaking:)<br />

"Listen to me, you islands; hear this, you distant nations: Before I<br />

was born the LORD called me; from my birth he has made mention of my<br />

name. He made my mouth like a sharpened sword, in the shadow of his<br />

hand he hid me; he made me into a polished arrow and concealed me<br />

in his quiver. He said to me, 'You are my servant, Israel, in whom I will<br />

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display my splendour.'<br />

But I said, 'I have laboured to no purpose; I have spent my strength in<br />

vain and for nothing. Yet what is due to me is in the LORD's hand,<br />

and my reward is with my God.'<br />

And now the LORD says — he who formed me in the womb to<br />

be his servant to bring Jacob back to him and gather Israel to<br />

himself, for I am honoured in the eyes of the LORD and my God has<br />

been my strength— he says:<br />

'It is too small a thing for you to be my servant to restore the tribes<br />

of Jacob and bring back those of Israel I have kept. I will also make<br />

you a light for the Gentiles, that you may bring my salvation to the<br />

ends of the earth.'<br />

This is what the LORD says — the Redeemer and Holy One of<br />

Israel — to him who was despised and abhorred by the nation, to<br />

the servant of rulers; 'Kings will see you and rise up, princes will<br />

see and bow down, because of the LORD, who is faithful, the Holy<br />

One of Israel, who has chosen you.'<br />

Surely the arm of the LORD is not too short to save, nor his ear<br />

too dull to hear. But your iniquities have separated you from<br />

your God; your sins have hidden his face from you, so that he will<br />

not hear. For your hands are stained with blood, your fingers with<br />

guilt. Your lips have spoken lies, and your tongue mutters wicked<br />

things. No-one calls for justice; no-one pleads his case with integrity.<br />

They rely on empty arguments and speak lies; they conceive trouble<br />

and give birth to evil. They hatch the eggs of vipers and spin a<br />

spider‟s web. Whoever eats their eggs will die, and when one<br />

is broken, an adder is hatched. Their cobwebs are useless for<br />

clothing; they cannot cover themselves with what they make.<br />

Their deeds are evil deeds, and acts of violence are in their<br />

hands. Their feet rush into sin; they are swift to shed innocent<br />

blood. Their thoughts are evil thoughts; ruin and destruction<br />

mark their ways. The way of peace they do not know; there<br />

is no justice in their paths. They have turned them into crooked<br />

roads; no-one who walks in them will know peace.<br />

The Sovereign LORD has given me an instructed tongue, to know<br />

the word that sustains the weary. He wakens me morning by<br />

morning, wakens my ear to listen like one being taught. The<br />

Sovereign LORD has opened my ears, and I have not been<br />

rebellious; I have not drawn back. I offered my back to those<br />

who beat me, my cheeks to those who pulled out my beard;<br />

I did not hide my face from mocking and spitting. Because the<br />

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Sovereign LORD helps me, I will not be disgraced. Therefore have<br />

I set my face like flint, and I know I will not be put to shame.<br />

He who vindicates me is near. Who then will bring charges<br />

against me? Let us face each other! Who is my accuser?<br />

Let him confront me! It is the Sovereign LORD who helps<br />

me. Who is he who will condemn me? They will all wear out<br />

like a garment; the moths will eat them up.<br />

Who among you fears the LORD and obeys the word of his<br />

servant? Let him who walks in the dark, who has no light,<br />

trust in the name of the LORD and rely on his God.<br />

But now, all you who light fires and provide yourselves with<br />

flaming torches, go, walk in the light of your fires and of<br />

the torches you have set ablaze.<br />

This is what you shall receive from my hand:<br />

You will lie down in torment.<br />

Truth is nowhere to be found, and whoever shuns evil becomes<br />

a prey. The LORD looked and was displeased that there was no<br />

justice. He saw that there was no-one, he was appalled that<br />

there was no-one to intervene; so his own arm worked salvation<br />

for him, and his own righteousness sustained him. He put on<br />

righteousness as his breastplate, and the helmet of salvation on<br />

his head; he put on the garments of vengeance and wrapped<br />

himself in zeal as in a cloak. According to what they have<br />

done, so will he repay wrath to his enemies and retribution<br />

to his foes; he will repay the islands their due. From the<br />

west, men will fear the name of the LORD, and from the<br />

rising of the sun, they will revere his glory. For he will come<br />

like a pent-up flood that the breath of the LORD drives<br />

along.<br />

'The Redeemer will come to Zion, to those in Jacob who<br />

repent of their sins,' declares the LORD.<br />

'As for me, this is my covenant with them,' says the LORD.<br />

'My Spirit, who is on you, and my words that I have put<br />

in your mouth will not depart from your mouth, or from<br />

the mouths of your children, or from the mouths of their<br />

descendants from this time and for ever,' says the LORD."<br />

(Excerpts from Isaiah chaps. 42, 49, 50 and 59)<br />

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To enhance specific and general understanding, the biblical passages should be<br />

contextually interlinked with e.g Doc's ##115, 377, 599, 627, 633, 777, 1022,<br />

1049, 1536, 2037, 2418, 2907, 3611, 4000, 4588, 6097 and 7011.<br />

One should — by no means — be astonished to find perfect congruity between<br />

the fiendish persecution and various crimes outlined in said Documents, and the<br />

pervading injustice and evilness biblically depicted…:<br />

The LORD's Servant<br />

is of course an absolute prime target for all kinds of hellish onslaughts,<br />

and the Norwegian police force — in particular — has constantly been a<br />

most willing instrument of unmitigated and veritably Satanic diabolism!<br />


Nearby Complaint and coupled Documents considered, it should be obvious<br />

enough there exist a highly acute need to counteract and permanently do away<br />

with the illegal and intensely hateful terrorism routinely exerted by Norwegian<br />

authorities.<br />

As beforehand stated (cf p 3), it is positively laid down in sec's 2 and 3 of the<br />

Norwegian Human Rights Act of May 21, 1999, that various and international<br />

Human Rights conventions/covenants are fully applicable as Norwegian law —<br />

and even prior to other legislation in case of controversy.<br />

According to the Norwegian Criminal Procedure Act sec's 223–225, criminal<br />

acts shall be reported to and investigated by — the police…..i.e; by the slimy<br />

larrikins committing a good many of the crimes mentioned in nearby Complaint<br />

and concatenated Documents!<br />

It is certainly in the cards the Norwegian police almost exclusively attracts<br />

notorious badasses and psychopaths wholly unfit to assume any sizable degree<br />

of responsibility (cf pp 104–121), and — as a matter of fact and course; 2000 of<br />

the worst policemen/-women in active service should be locked up straightaway<br />

(the overall treatment of these prisoners should be extraordinary harsh indeed),<br />

and another 3000 of these chronic malfeasants summarily fired (hard-core<br />

criminals who can be sentenced and enjailed somewhat later without seriously<br />

endangering the noncriminal population should, due to overcrowded nuthouses<br />

and penitentiaries etc, be assigned to this category) — remaining personnel,<br />

chiefly minor lawbreakers and incurable sociopaths, should be very closely<br />

superintended and permanently excluded from the national police force<br />

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whenever practically feasible to supplant them with morally and otherwise<br />

competent persons!<br />

The Norwegian prison service is entirely comparable with the police in respect<br />

of downright corruption, and the actual statuses of various courts of "justice" are<br />

animadverted upon e.g at pp 146–147 — cf Doc #627 etc.<br />

Without specifying the exact number of severely corrupted and particularly<br />

dangerous judges, district recorders, public prosecutors, politicians, "health"<br />

professionals AO necessary to shut in forthwith, a high-security prison camp<br />

providing adequate accommodations for 11 000* non-proliferation lifers will do<br />

in this connection (*not incl the 2000 police employees/executives beforehand<br />

indicated) — another 20 000** of the most depraved public officials and civil<br />

servants should be summarily fired and, as far as practically possible,<br />

imprisoned later on (**not incl the 3000 police employees/executives<br />

beforehand indicated).<br />

While the Norwegian island "Bjørnøya" at 74.31ºn 19.01ºe may be singled out<br />

as a suitable location for our gargantuan prison camp(-s), I'm afraid it's next to<br />

impossible to realize portrayed mass seizing and subsequent incarcerations<br />

without massive and hardbought international/military support…..so, in<br />

consequence, the actual and permanent eradication of Norwegian state<br />

corruption is ordained by the stipulations irrevocably laid down in Doc #599 —<br />

cf Doc #4000 item pp 152–155 above.<br />

At any rate — and for a while, we shall concentrate on certain guidelines the<br />

self-aware citizen may observe in order to battle and protect him-/herself against<br />

the subversive everyday corruption exerted by Norwegian authorities.<br />

Generally, state initiated/supported criminality are considerably facilitated and<br />

furthered by the fact most commoners lacks reliable and sufficient information<br />

about the actual and oftentimes extensive corruption partaken by their<br />

authorities…..and those unsuspecting of — and perhaps largely unacquainted<br />

with — flagrant evilness and injustice, very easily becomes victims of e.g<br />

official propaganda and disinformation designed to create/nourish unjustified<br />

confidence and cover up corresponding depravity. Moreover, perverted officials<br />

and senior civil servants are also, normally, in a particularly convenient position<br />

when it comes to manipulating the press, hiding their malefaction, and evading<br />

criminal investigation of — and legal actions against — themselves…..and, here<br />

in Norway, they're quite ready to exploit that bothersome fact!<br />

So, inferentially; those caring for their personal integrity and condemning<br />

said iniquity should — first and foremost — highten their overall<br />

suspiciousness vis-à-vis the Norwegian state apparatus (cf PRECAUTION<br />

#1 below).<br />

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The Norwegian state apparatus are composed of individuals, and its overall<br />

quality depends on the individual capability and moral standard of these<br />

persons…..thus, in view of this fact; one should collect/record as much<br />

relevant information about Norwegian officials and senior civil servants as<br />

practically affordable without ethically compromising oneself (cf<br />

PRECAUTION #2 below).<br />

On the whole, official corruption in Norway depends on suppressing as much<br />

information about the actual malversation as possible, and — if found out —<br />

adroitly misrepresenting and belittling corresponding crimes vis-à-vis the hoi<br />

polloi and untainted public servants…..hence; responsible persons should, as a<br />

rule, endeavor to detect and impart knowledge of state actuated/sustained<br />

lawbreaking generally (cf PRECAUTION #3 below).<br />

To determine whether a given crime has been committed or not, one need a<br />

certain familiarity with the statutory provisions and practical application of law<br />

etc…..therefore; everybody eagerly fighting state supported criminality in<br />

Norway and possessed of normal or higher IQ should strive to acquire<br />

comprehensive knowledge of international law and human rights<br />

conventions/covenants in general, and all aspects/implications of Norwegian<br />

jurisprudence/legislation and state constitution/administration in particular<br />

(cf PRECAUTION #4 below).<br />

Empirically, public servants in Norway are especially prone to give their mean<br />

disposition full rein when they has an ax to grind, feel above suspicion or able to<br />

elude complications unfavorable to themselves, and whenever one of the rabid<br />

vampire bats they have in their sinistrous belfry — for special and perhaps<br />

unexpected reasons — runs wholly riot regardless of implications…..in any<br />

case; upright individuals should normally denounce and attempt to<br />

prevent/avoid/eliminate situations maintaining/aggravating or particularly<br />

likely to trigger official corruption, and also take specific/concrete etc<br />

measures to guard themselves and select persons against the material<br />

manifestations and noxious implications of state waged criminality (cf<br />

PRECAUTION #5 below).<br />

In order to take effective measures against the various manifestations and<br />

harmful side effects of official corruption, tactical/strategical information about<br />

the aggressor(-s) is required…..consequently; those intending to protect<br />

themselves and others against the wide-ranging and pernicious criminality<br />

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exercised by Norwegian authorities, should systematically<br />

gather/analyze/evaluate accurate information e.g about the attacker's target<br />

identification/description, standing operating procedure, political mandate,<br />

regular armed forces support/involvement, conflict spectrum,<br />

strategical/tactical intentions/aim, documentable/previous modi operandi,<br />

projected/actual time/point/methods of attack, principal approach, outlined<br />

withdrawal plans, pugnacity/depravity, command strength, manning level,<br />

task organization, leadership structure, mobility, general interoperability,<br />

military training/capacity, armament, technical outfit/know-how,<br />

mental/physical ability, psychiatric profile/status, formal schooling,<br />

ideological foundation, professional doctrines, former acts of<br />

violence/hostility/sabotage etc, collaborationist networking, intelligence<br />

systems/procedures/direction/build-up, countermeasures, countercountermeasures,<br />

communication facilities/net and economic/material<br />

back-up apparatuses (cf PRECAUTION #6 below).<br />

As stressed in Doc's ##103, 135, 627 (p 61), 3217 and 3611 item at pp 1 and 10<br />

of nearby Petition, Norwegian authorities are very prone to steal, obstruct,<br />

embezzle, corrupt/falsify, destroy and unlawfully copy human rights documents<br />

and formal complaints etc dealing with state supported criminality partaken or<br />

exclusively masterminded and carried out by Norwegian officials…..so, for that<br />

sake; efficient steps to guard — particularly — human rights<br />

communications and other legal correspondence against illegal interference<br />

from Norwegian authorities, should be taken (cf PRECAUTION #7 below).<br />

Nowadays Norway is an irrevocably condemned and mortally wounded police<br />

state led by small-minded lower-class rascals naturally unable to handle even<br />

moderate responsibility, and Norwegian authorities are — in perfect agreement<br />

with this revolting fact — most eager to glorify and break new ground for their<br />

acutely festering corruption…..so, that being the case; high-principled<br />

nonconformists should resolutely boycott and sap the foundation of state<br />

operated and private establishments/enterprises/organizations etc actively<br />

or passively supporting said malversation (cf PRECAUTION #8 below).<br />

In faithful concordance with their vitiated disposition and trivial intellect,<br />

Norwegian officials are villainously ready to espy/ill-treat/harm and ruthlessly<br />

exploit to their own advantage any person overtly demonstrating eminent<br />

intelligence and creative faculty (cf p 151 above)…..so, seen that activities and<br />

products enriching/sustaining the Norwegian tyranny must be avoided; idealists<br />

possessed of outstanding IQ and creativity should do whatever feasible to<br />

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hide their mental excellence and render unexploitable actual creations and<br />

notes etc potentially valuable to Norwegian authorities and their<br />

collaborators (cf PRECAUTION #9 below).<br />

The horrid corruption consuetudinary exerted by Norwegian officials is certainly<br />

not an admirable or in any respects a copyworthy example…..so — always<br />

mindful worldly rules and regulations are nothing but spurious collections of<br />

factitious views and fallible arguments harbored and autocratically forwarded by<br />

frailty mortals; virtuous men and women should zealously reprobate<br />

corresponding depravity and take every acceptable measure to safeguard<br />

their personal integrity while exemplarily shunning all kinds and degrees of<br />

unethical behavior themselves (cf PRECAUTION #10 below).<br />

It's both arduous and largely inadvisable to fight the widespread and deep-rooted<br />

corruption systematically indulged in by Norwegian officials wholly<br />

unassisted…..so — l'union fait la force; upright individuals earnestly battling<br />

the shockingly profuse malversation routinely partaken or exclusively<br />

actuated and carried through by Norwegian authorities, should willingly<br />

cooperate and enter into more stable alliances with — particularly —<br />

foreign organizations/companies/fora/persons honestly advocating human<br />

rights matters and possessed of specialized know-how etc (cf<br />

PRECAUTION #11 below).<br />

Those efficiently persecuting the lowering criminality regularly perpetrated by<br />

Norwegian officials and senior civil servants, will frequently be exposed to hate-<br />

ful and illicit attacks planned, supervised and carried out by the culprits…..so —<br />

particularly if health and life is seriously endangered; human rights activists<br />

AO subject to unlawful and markedly malevolent hostilities wholly or partially<br />

ascribable to Norwegian authorities, should normally and without undue<br />

hesitation apply for political asylum outside Norway (cf PRECAUT-<br />

ION #12 below).<br />

The number of countermeasures and recommendations offhandedly<br />

emphasized on should certainly be both doubled and tripled in a more<br />

comprehensive and less suppressed memorandum…..so — just to level<br />

off somewhat; instead of expanding our improvised and tactically abrid-<br />

ged list point by point, we shall now enumerate it and supply the pre-<br />

cautions/admonitions already launched with some apposite remarks:<br />

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Cf p 156 above.<br />

Nationwide and efficient dissemination of cover-up fibs, insidious bread and<br />

circuses stuff and popularizing propaganda are vital to Norwegian authorities<br />

frenetically upkeeping, camouflaging and odiously glorifying their pestilent<br />

corruption. The main dispenser of official propaganda in Norway is the state<br />

governed "Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation"* (*i.e "Norsk rikskring-<br />

kasting" — "NRK", cf p 14), and it's naturally imperative to warn particularly<br />

against stuff spread by this increasingly authority menial agitprop — though;<br />

one should constantly be on one's guard against all kinds of irregular and schem-<br />

ingly victim directed/designed press elements in general (cf p 114 etc).<br />

As stressed above, the fatally contaminated Norwegian state apparatus are com-<br />

posed of individuals…..and the individual corruptibility and actual depravity of<br />

these persons determines — summa summarum — the degree of corruption gene-<br />

rally ascribable to Norwegian authorities. While the satanic iniquity of Norwegian<br />

authorities are befittingly underscored many places in this Complaint — cf e.g pp<br />

10, 68–69, 72–73 and 104–137 (cf Doc's ##103, 115, 339, 377, 627, 633, 1022,<br />

1536, 2037, 2418, 2907, 3217, 3611, 4000, 4575, 4588, 5007, 5817, 6097, 7011<br />

and 7084 &c), the actual point here, in any case, is that our alertness in no way<br />

should be limited to the various parts of the state apparatus per se — our suspic-<br />

iousness should indeed encompass the corresponding culprits' private activities<br />

and circle of acquaintances too.<br />

None possessed of an adequate degree of moral integrity, perspicacity and infor-<br />

mation would nowadays — and voluntarily — work as a senior civil or public<br />

servant here in Norway…..and, dealing with the actual officeholders, we should<br />

always keep in mind we're up against individuals not quitting their despective jobs<br />

either because they — for various reasons — feels forced to stay, are unaware<br />

serious corruption, are unable to comprehend the nature or implications of their<br />

own or others' malfeasance, or because they consciously — sufficiently aware<br />

the incriminating/ponerological/immoral aspects of their misconduct — supports<br />

or actively partakes indicated malversation.<br />

Although there are multifarious and hitherto undescribed aspects and degrees of<br />

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the foregoing assertion, the golden rule is never to rely on a Norwegian senior<br />

civil servant or official whatsoever…..whereas unimpelled employment with and<br />

amicable contributions to nowadays Norwegian authorities normally points<br />

to dangerous moral/intellectual/informational defects.<br />

Regardless of our empirically and otherwise well-founded distrust, we may to a<br />

given extent intercommunicate and associate feignedly jovially with the actual<br />

officeholders to meet tactical requirements like the gathering, evaluation and<br />

spreading of essential intelligence…..in most circumstances, however, it's<br />

generally unbecoming to distinctly respectable persons to communicate needlessly<br />

and unobliged/volitionally keep company with these authority hired individuals<br />

who for preventive reasons should be brusquely denied admittance to all assemb-<br />

lies of zealously upright and sharply discerning men and women.<br />

As an absolute debarment of Norwegian senior state and public officials from all<br />

groups of superbly wise and virtuous persons may seem unduly extreme to some of<br />

you, I shall spend a few minutes explaining why such radical measures nevertheless<br />

are recommendable.<br />

Initially we shall pay particular attention to some articles of "The Constitution<br />

of the Kingdom of Norway":<br />

ARTICLE 1<br />

The Kingdom of Norway is a free, independent, indivisible and<br />

inalienable Realm. Its form of government is a limited and<br />

hereditary monarchy.<br />

ARTICLE 3<br />

The Executive Power is vested in the King, or in the Queen if she<br />

has succeeded to the Crown pursuant to the provisions of Article 6<br />

or Article 7 or Article 48 of this Constitution. When the Executive<br />

Power is thus vested in the Queen, she has all the rights and obli-<br />

gations which pursuant to this Constitution and the Law of the Land<br />

are possessed by the King.<br />

ARTICLE 4<br />

The King shall at all times profess the Evangelical-Lutheran religion,<br />

and uphold and protect the same.<br />

ARTICLE 5<br />

The King's person is sacred; he cannot be censured or accused. The<br />

responsibility rests with his Council.<br />

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ARTICLE 9<br />

As soon as the King, being of age, accedes to the government, he<br />

shall take the following oath before the Storting: "I promise and<br />

swear that I will govern the Kingdom of Norway in accordance<br />

with its Constitution and Laws; so help me God, the Almighty<br />

and Omniscient."<br />

If the Storting is not in session at the time, the oath shall be made in<br />

writing in the Council of State and be repeated solemnly by the<br />

King at the first subsequent Storting.<br />

ARTICLE 12<br />

The King himself chooses a Council from among Norwegian cit-<br />

izens who are entitled to vote. This Council shall consist of a<br />

Prime Minister and at least seven other Members.<br />

More than half the number of the Members of the Council of<br />

State shall profess the official religion of the State.<br />

The King apportions the business among the Members of the<br />

Council of State, as he deems appropriate. Under extraordinary<br />

circumstances, besides the ordinary Members of the Council of<br />

State, the King may summon other Norwegian citizens, although<br />

no Members of the Storting, to take a seat in the Council of State.<br />

Husband and wife, parent and child or two siblings may never<br />

sit at the same time in the Council of State.<br />

ARTICLE 13<br />

During his travels within the Realm, the King may delegate the<br />

administration of the Realm to the Council of State. The Council<br />

of State shall conduct the government in the King's name and on<br />

his behalf. It shall scrupulously observe the provisions of this<br />

Constitution, as well as such particular directives in conformity<br />

therewith as the King may instruct.<br />

The matters of business shall be decided by voting, where in the<br />

event of the votes being equal, the Prime Minister, or in his<br />

absence the highest-ranking Member of the Council of State<br />

who is present, shall have two votes.<br />

The Council of State shall make a report to the King on<br />

matters of business which it thus decides.<br />

ARTICLE 19<br />

The King shall ensure that the properties and prerogatives of the<br />

State are utilized and administered in the manner determined by<br />

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the Storting and in the best interests of the general public.<br />

ARTICLE 21<br />

The King shall choose and appoint, after consultation with his<br />

Council of State, all senior civil, ecclesiastical and military<br />

officials. Before the appointment is made, such officials shall<br />

swear or, if by law exempted from taking the oath, solemnly<br />

declare obedience and allegiance to the Constitution and the<br />

King, although senior officials who are not Norwegian natio-<br />

nals may by law be exempted from this duty.<br />

The Royal Princes must not hold senior civil offices.<br />

ARTICLE 22<br />

The Prime Minister and the other Members of the Council of<br />

State, together with the State Secretaries, may be dismissed<br />

by the King without any prior court judgment, after he has<br />

heard the opinion of the Council of State on the subject. The<br />

same applies to senior officials employed in government offices<br />

or in the diplomatic or consular service, to the highest-<br />

ranking civil and ecclesiastical officials, commanders of regi-<br />

ments and other military formations, commandants of forts<br />

and officers commanding warships. Whether pensions should<br />

be granted to senior officials thus dismissed shall be deter-<br />

mined by the next Storting. In the interval they shall receive<br />

two thirds of their previous pay.<br />

Other senior officials may only be suspended by the King,<br />

and must then without delay be charged before the Courts,<br />

but they may not, except by court judgment, be dismissed nor,<br />

against their will, transferred.<br />

All senior officials may, without a prior court judgment,<br />

be discharged from office upon attaining the<br />

statutory age limit.<br />

ARTICLE 30<br />

All the proceedings of the Council of State shall be entered in<br />

its records. Diplomatic matters which the Council of State<br />

decides to keep secret shall be entered in a special record. The<br />

same applies to military command matters which the Council<br />

of State decides to keep secret.<br />

Everyone who has a seat in the Council of State has the duty<br />

to frankly express his opinion, to which the King is bound<br />

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to listen. But it rests with the King to make a decision ac-<br />

cording to his own judgment.<br />

If any Member of the Council of State is of the opinion<br />

that the King's decision conflicts with the form of govern-<br />

ment or the laws of the Realm, or is clearly prejudicial to<br />

the Realm, it is his duty to make strong remonstrances<br />

against it, as well as to have his opinion entered in the<br />

records. A Member who has not thus protested is deemed<br />

to have been in agreement with the King, and shall be<br />

answerable in such manner as may be subsequently de-<br />

cided, and may be impeached by the Odelsting before<br />

the Court of Impeachment.<br />

ARTICLE 31<br />

All decisions drawn up by the King shall, in order to be-<br />

come valid, be countersigned. The decisions relating to<br />

military command are countersigned by the person who<br />

has presented the matter, while other decisions are counter-<br />

signed by the Prime Minister or, if he has not been present,<br />

by the highest-ranking Member of the Council of State present.<br />

ARTICLE 41<br />

If the King is absent from the Realm unless commanding in<br />

the field, or if he is so ill that he cannot attend to the govern-<br />

ment, the person next entitled to succeed to the Throne shall,<br />

provided that he has attained the age stipulated for the King's<br />

majority, conduct the government as the temporary executor<br />

of the Royal Powers. If this is not the case, the Council of<br />

State will conduct the administration of the Realm.<br />

ARTICLE 44<br />

The Princess or Prince who, in the cases mentioned in Article<br />

41, conducts the government shall make the following oath in<br />

writing before the Storting: "I promise and swear that I will<br />

conduct the government in accordance with the Constitution<br />

and the Laws, so help me God, the Almighty and Omniscient."<br />

If the Storting is not in session at the time, the oath shall be<br />

made in the Council of State and later be presented to the<br />

next Storting. The Princess or Prince who has once<br />

made the oath shall not repeat it later.<br />

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ARTICLE 81<br />

All Acts (with the exception of those mentioned in Article 79)<br />

are drawn up in the name of the King, under the seal of the<br />

Realm of Norway, and in the following terms; "We, X, make<br />

it publicly known: that the decision of the Storting of the date<br />

stated has been laid before Us: (here follows the decision). In<br />

consequence whereof We have assented to and confirmed, as<br />

We hereby do assent to and confirm the same as Law under<br />

Our Hand and the Seal of the Realm."<br />

ARTICLE 96<br />

No one may be convicted except according to law, or be<br />

punished except after a court judgment. Interrogation by<br />

torture must not take place.<br />

ARTICLE 99<br />

No one may be taken into custody except in the cases deter-<br />

mined by law and in the manner prescribed by law. For<br />

unwarranted arrest, or illegal detention, the officer concerned<br />

is accountable to the person imprisoned.<br />

The Government is not entitled to employ military force<br />

against citizens of the State, except in accordance with the<br />

forms prescribed by law, unless any assembly disturbs the<br />

public peace and does not immediately disperse after the<br />

Articles of the Statute Book relating to riots have been read<br />

out clearly three times by the civil authority.<br />

ARTICLE 102<br />

Search of private homes shall not be made except in criminal cases.<br />

ARTICLE 110<br />

It is the responsibility of the authorities of the State to<br />

create conditions enabling every person capable of work<br />

to earn a living by his work.<br />

Specific provisions concerning the right of employees<br />

to co-determination at their work place shall be laid<br />

down by law.<br />

ARTICLE 110 C<br />

It is the responsibility of the authorities of the State to re-<br />

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spect and ensure human rights. Specific provisions for<br />

the implementation of treaties hereof shall be<br />

determined by law.<br />

We shall also take a look at some sections of the Norwegian Civil Service Act of<br />

March 4, 1983 (no. 3):<br />

SECTION 1<br />

This Act applies to employees of the Norwegian Civil<br />

Service. The Act applies to senior civil servants where<br />

expressly stated. The Act does not apply to ministers<br />

or state secretaries.<br />

A senior civil servant (embetsmann) is either a govern-<br />

ment official appointed by the King and installed as a<br />

senior civil servant or an official who is temporarily<br />

appointed by the King in a senior administrative post.<br />

A civil servant (tjenestemann) is any employee of the<br />

Norwegian Civil Service who is not a senior civil servant.<br />

The King may stipulate that the Act shall apply to other<br />

employees whose salary and working conditions are laid<br />

down through collective agreements between the govern-<br />

ment and Civil Service unions. In cases of doubt, the King<br />

may stipulate to whom the Act shall apply, and may also<br />

decide that groups of employees wholly or partly shall be<br />

excepted from the Act when special grounds so indicate.<br />

The King may then lay down special regulations.<br />

SECTION 5<br />

Civil servants are appointed by the King, or if the King so<br />

directs, by a ministry, by a collegiate board for an agency<br />

or group of agencies, or by an appointment committee. The<br />

procedure to be followed in connection with appointments<br />

is laid down in regulations. The King may set out general<br />

guidelines for the practice of the right of appointment.<br />

The appointment committee shall have an equal number of<br />

representatives from the staff and from the management.<br />

The chairman shall be appointed by the management.<br />

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Regulations shall also be laid down giving further par-<br />

ticulars concerning the composition of the committee<br />

and the appointment of staff representatives.<br />

If the civil servants are not represented in the board of<br />

an agency or group of agencies, at least two representa-<br />

tives for the civil servants shall sit on the board when<br />

appointment cases are handled in such cases as referred<br />

to in sections 8–10 and 12–17.<br />

If a board or appointment committee does not reach agree-<br />

ment about an appointment, each member may demand<br />

that the case be referred to the ministry concerned or to<br />

the agency designated in the regulations. The demand shall<br />

be submitted in writing. The candidate appointed must then<br />

be chosen from the applicants supported by members of<br />

the appointment committee.<br />

If among the applicants there are any who have been dis-<br />

missed or summarily discharged pursuant to section 10<br />

or have received notice of dismissal or summary discharge<br />

from a post with equal or higher pay and the appointment<br />

committee wishes to appoint another applicant, the case<br />

shall be decided by the King or by an agency thereby<br />

authorized. This applies also in cases where the right of<br />

appointment is laid down in a separate Act.<br />

The person appointed shall be notified of the appointment<br />

in writing. The notification shall contain information about<br />

any special conditions decided. In the case of temporary<br />

appointments the notification shall also specify the duration of<br />

the appointment or the assignments that shall be carried out.<br />

SECTION 11<br />

A civil servant always has a right to resign his post.<br />

The period of notice shall be, unless otherwise laid<br />

down in regulations:<br />

during the probationary period: three weeks,<br />

if the length of service is one year or less: one month,<br />

if the length of service exceeds one year: three months.<br />

Shorter periods of notice may be laid down in regulations<br />

or collective agreements.<br />

SECTION 14<br />

Senior civil servants (other than judges) and civil servants<br />

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who are not by Statute subject to another disciplinary au-<br />

thority may be subjected to disciplinary measures for:<br />

infringement of official obligations or failure to fulfil<br />

official duties,<br />

improper behaviour in or outside of the service that dam-<br />

ages the respect or confidence essential to the post.<br />

As disciplinary measures, senior civil servants and civil<br />

servants may be subjected to a written reprimand, or to loss<br />

of seniority for a period of one month to two years.<br />

Civil servants may also as a disciplinary measure, either<br />

permanently or for a limited period be demoted<br />

to a lower grade.<br />

An ordinary service reprimand shall not be regarded as<br />

a disciplinary measure.<br />

Disciplinary measures are entered in the officer's re-<br />

cord or personnel card. Regulations stipulate when the<br />

entry shall be removed.<br />

Any officer may demand a printout of his/her record<br />

or personnel card.<br />

SECTION 15<br />

A senior civil servant or civil servant may be summarily<br />

discharged when he:<br />

has shown gross negligence in the service or is guilty of a<br />

gross breach of official duties or despite a written warning<br />

or reprimand has repeatedly breached his official duties,<br />

by improper behaviour in or outside the service proves<br />

himself unworthy of his post or damages the respect or<br />

confidence that is essential to the post.<br />

The provision in this section shall not restrict the right to<br />

punish a senior civil servant or civil servant by depriving<br />

him of his post pursuant to the rules of penal legislation.<br />

SECTION 21<br />

If a senior civil servant or civil servant is subjected to<br />

disciplinary measures or summary discharge for a criminal<br />

offence, this shall not preclude normal criminal prosecution,<br />

but assessment of the sentence shall take the disciplinary<br />

measures or summary discharge into consideration.<br />

Voilà!<br />

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In nearby Complaint the terms "senior civil servant" and "senior state official"<br />

applies to any government official and official permanently/temporarily appointed<br />

by the Norwegian King in Council of State pursuant to Article 21 of the here-<br />

inabove cited Constitution.<br />

A "civil servant", "public servant", "public official" or an "official" may, in this<br />

Complaint, be any person employed by the Norwegian Civil Service or by a local<br />

authority in Norway who is not a senior civil servant or a senior state official.<br />

Studying Article 1 of the Norwegian Constitution, we learn that Norway is a<br />

limited and hereditary monarchy. The present monarch — King Harald V the<br />

Headless (cf pp 31 and 68–69), was born the 21 th of February 1937, and formally<br />

swore the oath specified in Article 44 of the Norwegian Constitution Feb 21, 1958.<br />

Mr Headless, upon the death of his father, took office as Norwegian head of state<br />

January 17 th 1991, and officially swore the oath laid down in Article 9 of the Nor-<br />

wegian Constitution four days later.<br />

To those acquainted with the innate corruptibility, judgmental maladroitness<br />

and psychopathological temperament prevalent amongst Norwegian senior civil<br />

servants and officials (cf pp 122–124 above), it should be no surprise to find<br />

essential parts of the Norwegian Constitution going on the rocks right from the<br />

start…..<br />

The "hereditary monarchy" referred to in Article 1 of said Constitution, is founded<br />

on the regulations of Article 6 ib — sic:<br />

"The order of succession is lineal, so that only a child born in<br />

lawful wedlock of the Queen or King, or of one who is her-<br />

self or himself entitled to the succession may succeed, and so<br />

that the nearest line shall take precedence over the more remote<br />

and the elder in the line over the younger.<br />

An unborn child shall also be included among those entitled to<br />

the succession and shall immediately take her or his proper place<br />

in the line of succession as soon as she or he is born into the world.<br />

The right of succession shall not, however, belong to any person<br />

who is not born in direct line of descent from the last reigning Queen<br />

or King or a sister or brother thereof, or is herself or himself<br />

a sister or brother thereof.<br />

When a Princess or Prince entitled to succeed to the Crown of Norway<br />

is born, her or his name and time of birth shall be notified to the first<br />

Storting in session and be entered in the record of its proceedings.<br />

For those born before the year 1971, Article 6 of the Constitution<br />

as it was passed on 18 November 1905 shall, however, apply. For<br />

those born before the year 1990 it shall nevertheless be the case<br />

that a male shall take precedence over a female."<br />

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Now — to cut this gangrenous matter short:<br />

We're convinced Mr Headless' father, King Olav V, was<br />

an illegitimate child clearly and legally unentitled to inherit<br />

and in any respects occupy the Norwegian Throne (cf Article<br />

6 above)…..and — even if King Headless claims he here-<br />

tofore has been completely ignorant of his familial illegi-<br />

timacy, we feel quite sure he has been fully cognizant of<br />

this scandalous fact since his youth (cf Aphorisms<br />

&c ##135 and 137).<br />

In any event King Harald V the Headless most flagrantly has violated the oaths<br />

laid down in Article 9 and Article 44 of the Norwegian Constitution — he has<br />

repetitively and mala fide sanctioned and awarded the most serious and dishono-<br />

rable examples of state supported rottenness and premeditated human rights vio-<br />

lations ever seen in modern Norway (cf pp 31, 68–69 and 126 etc), and his regal<br />

malversation are intensely disgraceful and totally condemnable indeed.<br />

The Council of State (cf Article 12 of the Norwegian Constitution) — or "King's<br />

Council" (cf pp 30–31 above) — normally consist of the Norwegian King en per-<br />

sonne, the Prime Minister, the Minister of Finance, the Minister of Local Govern-<br />

ment and Regional Development, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, the Minister<br />

of Defence, the Minister of Environment, the Minister of Petroleum and Energy,<br />

the Minister of International Development, the Minister of Trade and Industry, the<br />

Minister of Transport and Communications, the Minister of Education and<br />

Research, the Minister of Labour and Social Inclusion, the Minister of Justice and<br />

the Police, the Minister of Children and Equality, the Minister of Culture and<br />

Church Affairs, the Minister of Health and Care Services, the Minister of<br />

Government Administration and Reform, the Minister of Agriculture and Food, the<br />

Minister of Fisheries and Coastal Affairs, and the administrative head of the Office<br />

of the Prime Minister functioning as the Council's secretary.<br />

The various members of the Council of State represents the political core of the<br />

Norwegian Government, and the nation's highest administrative authority are<br />

correspondingly vested in the King's Council (cf Article 3 of the Norwegian Constitution).<br />

Said minister councillors acts in their capacity as political supremos of<br />

their respective government ministries — e.g the Ministry of Justice and the Police<br />

or the Ministry of Health and Care Services, and more or less subordinate to these<br />

ministries we find a conglomerate of directorates and different administrative<br />

organs.<br />

Norway is divided into 19 distinct counties, and each county consists of a number<br />

of municipalities together forming the county municipality — partially selfgoverning,<br />

said counties and corresponding municipalities are balefully under the<br />

heel of central/national authorities though.<br />

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Basically the county municipalities and attingent county councils with their<br />

boards of aldermen/-women represents the main link between the Norwegian<br />

state administration and local authorities — the respective county governors,<br />

county executives and chairmen/-women of the county councils being principal<br />

collaborators (cf p 34 etc).<br />

In addition to more exoteric channels, the subversive influence of central<br />

Norwegian authorities may reach local government officers AO through a truly<br />

lavish number of alternative, obscure and irregular pathways — local members of<br />

political parties/organizations, police/customs/prison officers, military personnel<br />

(frequently occupying civilian posts), tax office staffers, fire marshals, Red Cross<br />

principals, journalists/editors, local industrialists, council engineers, Civil Defence<br />

regional commissioners, chairmen/-women of municipal councils, deputy chiefs,<br />

city managers, district recorders, public prosecutors, professional/lay judges,<br />

Probation and Aftercare Service confederates, State Agency for the Recovery of<br />

Fines/Damages/Costs associates, social security & health sector employees/<br />

executives, and friends/relatives etc of said/potential agents may oftentimes be of<br />

particular interest on that score.<br />

No matter how; the crucial point is that corruption initiated by the Norwegian<br />

government apparatus — empirically — spreads rapidly to the remotest and most<br />

subordinate officials at municipality level…..and, in many cases, vice versa!<br />

Obviously enough it's practically impossible, even for extraordinary gifted and<br />

otherwise well-informed persons, to be sufficiently acquainted with all the strictly<br />

individual personality traits and widely different circumstances determining the<br />

professional career and political sympathies usw of everyone employed by central/<br />

local authorities in Norway, and — complementarily — our preventive measures<br />

must be adapted to counteract the negative consequences of our ignorance.<br />

On the other hand, to be sure, we don't actually need a lot of specifically personal<br />

information about one and all serving as a senior civil or public servant here in<br />

Norway to wholly justifiable declare these officeholders personae non gratae as a<br />

group, in general, and under certain circumstances, in particular…<br />

What's truly indispensable in this connection — besides the fact we next to never<br />

are possessed of the information strictly required to assess precisely all relevant<br />

aspects of said officeholders professional attachment etc — are reliable/copious/<br />

varied/long-standing and preferably firsthand experience as for the crimes fact-<br />

ually brought about or actively sustained by a statistically significant number and<br />

blend of Norwegian senior state and public officials…..and the recurrent theme in<br />

this Petition is, assuredly ipso facto, various aspects of the accursed corruption<br />

amongst persons employed by the Norwegian state or a local authority in Norway!<br />

On the basis of reliable data on criminality committed or explicitly patronized by<br />

Norwegian authorities since 1992, it's certain beyond the shadow of a doubt afore-<br />

171<br />

<strong>FORMAL</strong> <strong>COMPLAINT</strong> VS THE KINGDOM OF NORWAY<br />

by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway<br />


United Nations petition — incomplete report<br />

mentioned officeholders generally represents an extreme threat not only to the<br />

individual joie de vivre, security and integrity usw of Norwegian citizens, but —<br />

on the whole — to the human race and Earthly existence as well (cf pp 122 and<br />

152–155, item Doc's ## 555 [pp 55–56], 633, 777, 2037 and 4000 etc)!<br />

While the grisly prevalence of NPSMS-related misconduct amongst Norwegian<br />

senior civil servants and officials has been touched upon earlier (cf pp 122–124<br />

and 151–152 &c), it should be underscored the prognosis in full-blown sociopathy<br />

is quite unfavourable — a troublesome fact rendering medical efforts to weaken<br />

and eradicate the psychopathological foundation of the fulsome corruption practi-<br />

cally useless…..so, tant mieux; let's return to our prison camps at Bjørnøya (cf pp<br />

155–156)! The most warped and dangerous Norwegian officeholders should be<br />

interned forthwith for the same reason as it normally makes sense to isolate<br />

patients suffering from highly communicable and potentially fatal diseases from<br />

the healthier part of the general population — it's a matter of preventing the<br />

spread and influence of illness-/havoc-causing agents!<br />

Possessed of no artistic talent or noometric potential of great import and lacking<br />

patrician refinement, dignity and leadership qualities altogether, these scandalously<br />

appointed officeholders and natural born losers has no beneficial functions in a<br />

wholesome, human rights respecting and meritoriously sophisticated society what-<br />

soever…; the morbid lawbreaking, low-brow insensateness and truculent terrorism<br />

of these state paid villains and archpharisees are absolutely detrimental to all kinds<br />

of intellectual, cultural and moral excellence, and — consequently — they represents<br />

a special danger to distinctly noble-minded and superbly gifted individuals<br />

whose creative zest, health and socioeconomic prosperity Norwegian authorities<br />

are exceedingly likely to mess up illegally and ruin completely as far as practically<br />

possible.<br />

So, to sum up a couple of main points:<br />













172<br />

<strong>FORMAL</strong> <strong>COMPLAINT</strong> VS THE KINGDOM OF NORWAY<br />

by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway<br />


United Nations petition — incomplete report<br />






Cf p 157 above.<br />

Information about intelligence targets/procedures/evaluation etc is of particular<br />

interest to Norwegian authorities, and this Precaution is therefore left provisio-<br />

nally uncommented.<br />





Cf p 157 above.<br />

The extent of this Precaution should be obvious enough — further comments<br />

deemed unnecessary in praesent!<br />

173<br />

<strong>FORMAL</strong> <strong>COMPLAINT</strong> VS THE KINGDOM OF NORWAY<br />

by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway<br />


United Nations petition — incomplete report<br />










Cf p 157 above.<br />

Explanatory comments are hardly required!<br />










Cf p 157 above.<br />

Amongst the many material manifestations and noxious implications of state<br />

waged criminality, it may be worthwhile to say a few words about the illicit break-<br />

174<br />

<strong>FORMAL</strong> <strong>COMPLAINT</strong> VS THE KINGDOM OF NORWAY<br />

by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway<br />


United Nations petition — incomplete report<br />

ins, thefts and monitoring frequently approved or personally carried out by<br />

Norwegian senior civil and civil servants.<br />

To some extent this disgusting and weighty topic has been focused on earlier — cf<br />

pp 105–115, but it may be appropriate to supply the foregoing information with a<br />

handful useful annotations.<br />

Safeguarding your dwelling house, apartment, commercial premises, office<br />

building — or whatever — against unwarranted intrusion and burglary, almost in-<br />

variably implies installing high security locks/doors and a sophisticated alarm and<br />

access control system…..the standard five pin household lock and US$250 burglar<br />

alarm you purchased through your local hardware dealer or a celebrated online<br />

shop won't stop a dedicated and professional cracksman!<br />

As for the security locks and alarm/access system the rule of thumb is:<br />

BUY SUCH ITEMS — as well as all computer supported surveillance<br />

devices/systems, safes, reinforced stationery/filing cabinets, safety glass,<br />

fiber optics, video monitors/units/cameras, CCTV connection panels,<br />

communications equipment generally, switchboards/terminals, micro-<br />

wave transmitters, GPS articles, tamper indicating sensors, ELINT/<br />

SIGINT/electromagnetic/acoustoelectronic/nuclear usw shielding…etc —<br />


There are quite a few and widely different kinds of high security locks being<br />

manufactured today, and some of them can't be purchased by "the man in the<br />

street". Anyhow; you're looking for an up-to-date security lock produced outside<br />

Norwegian borders by a company/lockmaker wholly without significant<br />

ties to Norway.<br />

High security locks are normally spacer-free, biaxial with solid sidebars, and the<br />

deadbolt are thoroughly ruggedized — the keyways, plugs/rotors, hulls/cylinder<br />

cases, rings and massive face- and strike plate are most likely made of first class<br />

hardened steel, and they're efficiently secured against the "vibration" and "onepin-at-a-time"<br />

lock picking techniques.<br />

High security doors are usually made of hardened steel, and should be dimensioned<br />

to stop NATO's 7.62 x 51mm armor-piercing rounds. Each door should<br />

be furnished with at least two high security locks, oversized/bulletproof escutch-<br />

eons covering the shutting stile all the way to the closest jamb, and ultrasolid<br />

hinges impossible to demolish with a gauge 12 shotgun and slugs at point-blank<br />

range (jambs, thresholds and top rails etc should all be extremely solid, of<br />

course, and preferably made of steel).<br />

Otherwise, your security measures may include e.g; guards, watchdogs, door/<br />

window bars, steel shutters, exit/entrance turnstiles, gates, containers, advanced<br />

cipher locks, massive padlocks/chains, barbed wire, reinforced concrete barri-<br />

175<br />

<strong>FORMAL</strong> <strong>COMPLAINT</strong> VS THE KINGDOM OF NORWAY<br />

by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway<br />


United Nations petition — incomplete report<br />

cades, fortified walls/fences/stockades, augmentation of natural impediments,<br />

tactical compartmentalization of out-/indoor spaces (vg secure/private/admini-<br />

strative/public areas), moats, various traps, footbridges, underground/secret<br />

rooms/passageways, protective lighting, elevators, and numerous security<br />

systems.<br />

All strategic doors, windows, skylights/trapdoors, ladders etc should be equipped<br />

with high-quality tamper indicating devices, and particularly strict moni-<br />

toring of stairwells and hallways are obligatory.<br />

Electronic/audiovisual etc surveillance of your strictly private/professional<br />

premises and sites should always be generously indicated by easily visible/<br />

understandable warning/safety/prohibition symbols/signs/notices, and welcomed<br />

guests should — if deemed necessary — be informed orally about the monitoring.<br />

Moreover, it should be clearly emphasized that all security measures<br />

dealt with in this subsection are specifically and exclusively aimed at pre-<br />

venting/detecting unwarranted INTRUSION and BURGLARY;<br />

corresponding surveillance should — ON NO ACCOUNT — include<br />

audiovisual etc monitoring of accepted visitors'/employees'/executives'<br />

strict privacy* (*a senior civil or civil servant forcing his way into your private<br />

house/apartment or office building on the pretext of carrying out his/her duty, is<br />

not an "accepted visitor" — he/she is an unwanted INTRUDER).<br />

Said surveillance should — IN NO CIRCUMSTANCES — trespass the<br />

following Regulation (cf Doc #2037, pp 92–93):<br />


―Whoever supposing they actually are, has been or in the future will<br />

become victims of uninvited and undesirable monitoring, overhearing<br />

or spying in their private houses, apartments, lodgings, vehicles or<br />

abodes or in any unspecified dwelling, construction or place of residing<br />

apart from this where compelled* to stay for a given time, can — independent<br />

of religious faith and theological opinions and whether the spytechnology<br />

are mobile or stationary — by addressing God Almighty in<br />

silent or voiced prayer, righteously demand eternally condemned and<br />

maximally severely punished in Hell anybody directly or indirectly<br />

guilty in exercising or authorizing aforesaid violations of their privacy,<br />

and their application shall immediately be registered and granted in<br />

agreement with the stipulations laid down by Me, God‘s Servant, in<br />

nearby Regulation and otherwise.‖<br />

*Welcomed guests should, of course, be entirely free to leave your premises/sites whenever you or themselves<br />

want — they are in no way, and as far as this Regulation applies, "compelled to stay"!<br />

176<br />

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by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway<br />


United Nations petition — incomplete report<br />



1) Those applying for condemnation and punishment of their<br />

aggressors in conformity with above Regulation, can‘t themselves<br />

employ vg electronic, technical, wave-based, optical, vitreous or<br />

visual contrivances, composites, arrangements or constructions<br />

offending others privacy pursuant to said Regulation.<br />

2) As for Jewish officials directly acting on behalf of Israeli<br />

authorities and for information gathered through clairvoyance,<br />

there are moderate modifications in respect of above Regulation,<br />

but abuse are punished in either case.<br />

3) The Regulation is wholly inapplicable vis-à-vis God‘s and Satan‘s<br />

angels, and does primarily — but not exclusively — apply to<br />

mankind.<br />

4) The human body is a most private and inalienable abode, and the<br />

Regulation perfectly apply to all kinds of detectors, sensors,<br />

transmitters, electronics and technology etc installed in or at it —<br />

item in or at clothing, movables, paraphernalia, outfit and<br />

personal luggage — without the owners explicit and voluntary<br />

consent.<br />

5) In regular psychiatric institutions, medical hospitals and<br />

authentic health care situations where observation is strictly<br />

required for life rescuing reasons, observers/sensors/cameras<br />

wholly visible or tactile for the patient may be employed in critical<br />

phases — whereas secret monitoring is punishable in agreement<br />

with above Regulation.<br />

6) The Regulation wholly apply to hidden and overt audiovisual<br />

surveillance in buildings and constructions formally and<br />

authentically consecrated worship of God Almighty — whereas<br />

use of plain smoke/fire/gas detectors/alarms in said structures are<br />

permissible.<br />

7) Divine enforcement of the Regulation is entirely independent of<br />

and unaffected by human, worldly and transmundane<br />

beliefs/opinions, sanctions/conventions/agreements,<br />

laws/rules/jurisprudence and approval etc.<br />

177<br />

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by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway<br />


United Nations petition — incomplete report<br />

8) The Regulation has Tellurian and cosmical extent and<br />

applicability.<br />



























178<br />

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by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway<br />


Cf pp 157–158 above.<br />

United Nations petition — incomplete report<br />

Much of the wide-ranging and pernicious criminality exercised by Norwegian<br />

authorities may correctly be described as downright/unprovoked/brainsick/<br />

systematic/premeditated/satanic and totally illegal/condemnable<br />

TERRORISM….and naturally; in order to protect yourself and others from<br />

destructive terrorist acts, you need reliable/ample/detailed background information<br />

etc on the attacker!<br />

Otherwise, this Precaution is left tactically uncommented (cf Precaution #2)….<br />

whereas one of the thumb rules in this and some other connections is:<br />










Cf p 158 above.<br />

Postal safeguarding of human rights communications in Norway are briefly dealt<br />

with in Doc #3611 — cf Doc #3217 etc.<br />

Total boycott of DHL and the official postal services of Norway* (*i.e; Posten<br />

Norge BA) are recommended.<br />

Human rights documents and legal correspondence etc may be sent successfully<br />

from one of Norway's neighboring countries — e.g <strong>Sweden</strong>.<br />

179<br />

<strong>FORMAL</strong> <strong>COMPLAINT</strong> VS THE KINGDOM OF NORWAY<br />

by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway<br />


United Nations petition — incomplete report<br />

Application of sophisticated encryption devices/systems and unconventional<br />

stratagems should be considered.<br />







Cf p 158 above.<br />

With reference to this matter, it should be appropriate to quote a few passages<br />

from Doc #599, pp 55–56 (figures were up-to-date by Nov 2002):<br />

"The loss of human lives through above referred atrocities and lawlessness<br />

wholly attributable to the Norwegian police, Government and Parliament<br />

etc, has already surpassed the total number of killed — civilians/militaries —<br />

due to World War II…!<br />

Basically Norwegian authorities — through longtime and premeditated cri-<br />

minality and terrorism — efficiently, and in spite of hundredfold warnings,<br />

have rendered impossible the introduction of medicaments practically<br />

100% effective in the treatment of all groups and varieties of malignant<br />

neoplasms (notice that cancer not is a single disease, but at least 120<br />

variform diseases with, however, the common characteristic of abnormal<br />

cell growth [cycles]).<br />

How many persons will die of cancer in, e.g, the USA alone this year —<br />

550 000…?<br />

Very aware their horrid crimes against mankind could create major<br />

problems if and when discovered, the Norwegian Parliament established<br />

a separate committee to evaluate the danger of war — the actual comm-<br />

ittee were formally dissolved last spring.<br />

180<br />

<strong>FORMAL</strong> <strong>COMPLAINT</strong> VS THE KINGDOM OF NORWAY<br />

by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway<br />


United Nations petition — incomplete report<br />

Nothwithstanding that — I'll explain why farther down — it would be<br />

highly appropriate, wise and advantageous to embargo, exclude and<br />

in other ways boycott Norway the next 500 years, ye shall not military<br />

attack the country during stated Quingentium.<br />

Howbeit; if I — no matter how — as a direct or an ambagious result<br />

of my mortal enemies gangrenous hostilities should become lethally in-<br />

jured, the global outlock is apocalyptically different from the guaran-<br />

teed security offered through the Quingentium-Agreement alluded to<br />

by Nostradamus, and I shall lay no restrictions on you.<br />

Nostradamus, through seraphic/empyrean guidance, truly knew I were<br />

the one and only ever able to empower and offer you a quingentium-<br />

agreement in order to secure planet Earth from destruction 500 years<br />

onward from AD 2002!<br />

No matter how dark and dangerous the situation might appear; planet<br />

Earth will endure as long as the Quingentium-Agreement are observed.<br />

During corresponding quingentium waging war would be difficult and<br />

unnecessary — it'll always be possible to contrive more intelligent so-<br />

lutions…and as far as the populace of the Earth observe the actual<br />

Agreement, so will I, and throughout the duration of the contract*<br />

(*500 years) ye will be given several and reassuringly auguries pro-<br />

ving that our treaty indeed is valid.<br />

For the next quingentium there'll be no great prophet — and ye won't<br />

be in need of one either…<br />

If you want me set going the<br />


I solely demand that you, the nations of the world, in confederacy<br />

and for the next 500 years to come effectively embargo (not medi-<br />

cal remedies and drugs), exclude and in most ways boycott the<br />

Kingdom of Norway and its official representatives by reason of<br />

the 50 000 000 (— fifty mil —) persons who, hitherto, have suff-<br />

ered and finally died due to the sheer and unprovoked evilness<br />

exercised by Norwegian authorities since AD 1992!<br />

I'm quoting some passages from the composition "Woe unto you, Norway"<br />

(Cf Doc #108):<br />

Woe unto you, dissembling Norway, who deceive the world and<br />

bamboozle pious politicians to honor Satan!<br />

181<br />

<strong>FORMAL</strong> <strong>COMPLAINT</strong> VS THE KINGDOM OF NORWAY<br />

by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway<br />


United Nations petition — incomplete report<br />

Woe unto you, dissembling Norway, who drink to one another<br />

with blood from blameless victims of your evilness!<br />

Woe unto you, dissembling Norway, who globally pretends to help<br />

while devastating righteousness and succoring flagitiousness!<br />

Verily, scurvy Norway; your heinous wickedness and nefarious lies<br />

shall vehemently torment you till Earth passes away!<br />

Verily, scurvy Norway; those supporting or trading with you shall<br />

inexorably gather God’s scathing wrath!<br />

Verily, scurvy Norway; you’ve cogently aroused the ire of heavenly<br />

hosts and shall ride your condigned fate!<br />

Norway will survive your boycott, and normal sociodynamic etc conditions<br />

and progress swiftly regained when the last traces of hooked wickedness and<br />

hamartiological vitiation substantiated by the very being and nitwitted<br />

villainy of the offenders in casu are sufficiently extirpated.....which render<br />

necessary an intestine purgatory lasting 500 years.<br />

Whether you wish to turn me down upon reading this document or — as<br />

Nostradamus predicts — let me illuminate you and brighten your<br />

future.....that‟s up to you now!"<br />

Whereas Norwegian authorities hitherto has exerted themselves to prevent the<br />

boycott required by the Quingentium-Agreement, they will — in the near<br />

future — be among those most eagerly encouraging it!<br />

Anyhow — let me remind you of what's written in the Bible (cf pp 152–155 of<br />

this Petition, item Doc #4000 etc):<br />

"Who among you fears the LORD and obeys the word<br />

of his servant?<br />

Let him who walks in the dark, who has no light, trust<br />

in the name of the LORD and rely on his God.<br />

But now, all you who light fires and provide yourselves<br />

with flaming torches,<br />

go, walk in the light of your fires and of the torches you<br />

have set ablaze.<br />

This is what you shall receive from my hand:<br />

You will lie down in torment."<br />

182<br />

<strong>FORMAL</strong> <strong>COMPLAINT</strong> VS THE KINGDOM OF NORWAY<br />

by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway<br />

(Isaiah 50:10–11)<br />


United Nations petition — incomplete report<br />

When it comes to "state operated and private establishments/enterprises/<br />

organizations etc actively or passively supporting official Norwegian<br />

malversation", the list of actual culprits are quite long….nevertheless —<br />

it'll serve a couple of supreme objectives to, eventually, present a more<br />

elaborate survey later on.<br />

In the meantime and independent of your nationality/whereabouts;<br />

boycott Norwegian authorities and their known/vile collaborators<br />

pitilessly at every turn and down the line!<br />







Cf pp 158–159 above.<br />



Though the term "outstanding IQ" exclusively applies to a full-scale Stanford-<br />

Binet IQ ≥ 165 (cf pp 148–151), it'll be wise to make precautionary allowances<br />

for the fact Norwegian authorities are damned liable to persecute illegally top-<br />

notchers and markedly creative individuals with a ditto IQ as low as 125.<br />

Nowadays high IQ societies exists all over the world, and they're all — in<br />

general — quite honest and above board as regards membership personalia and<br />

organizational details. Such openheartedness may certainly be convenient if you<br />

happens to live in a country where Civil Service employees/executives and top<br />

politicians won't conspire against you solely on account of your superior IQ….<br />

183<br />

<strong>FORMAL</strong> <strong>COMPLAINT</strong> VS THE KINGDOM OF NORWAY<br />

by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway<br />


United Nations petition — incomplete report<br />

'cause, quorum pars magna fui; Norway, in symptomatic conformity with its<br />

star-crossed NPSMS prevalence* (*cf pp 122–124 &c), is — as far as one<br />

knows — the only nation where official "health" personnel AO has rushed off a<br />

formal application for carte blanche experimentation with and illegal/lifelong<br />

incarceration of a completely unconsenting/guiltless person exclusively because<br />

he, supposedly, were possessed of outstanding intelligence!<br />

According to the partially disallowed plot, the chosen victim and experimentee<br />

was to be portrayed as a particularly dangerous maniac by means of false<br />

accusations/statements and massive psychotomimetic drugging — thus<br />

"justifying" the internment usw (cf pp 22–31 and 80–103 etc)!<br />

Careful investigation has confirmed the planned experiments included regular/<br />

diversified torture, sexual abuse, and a considerable number life-endangering<br />

hostilities which — perhaps — had shocked the infamous Nazi doctor Josef<br />

MENGELE…!<br />

Notwithstanding the fact Norwegian senior civil, ecclesiastical (cf Doc #7011<br />

&c) and military officials solemnly has declared obedience/allegiance to the<br />

Constitution* (*cf ARTICLE 21, p 163 of this Petition), Article 7 in the<br />

International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights unambiguously lays<br />

down that:<br />

―No one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel,<br />

inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment.<br />

In particular, no one shall be subjected without his<br />

free consent to medical or scientific experimentation.‖<br />

The Norwegian Human Rights Act of May 21, 1999, has turned international<br />

human rights conventions/covenants into a fundamental part of Norwegian<br />

legislation (cf pp 3 and 155), and Article 110 c. of the Norwegian Constitution<br />

correspondingly reads (cf pp 165–166) — sic:<br />

"It is the responsibility of the authorities of the State<br />

to respect and ensure human rights. Specific provis-<br />

ions for the implementation of treaties hereof shall be<br />

determined by law."<br />

Anyway — as things actually have turned out in this exceedingly macabre case,<br />

said experimentee has been diabolically and continuously terrorized/surveilled<br />

in his private house etc since 1992 (cf pp 15–25, 28–31, 68–74 and 80–84, item<br />

Doc #4588 &c), and the stark psychopathic culprits has all the time, and without<br />

exception, been perfectly aware the thoroughly criminal extent/implications of<br />

184<br />

<strong>FORMAL</strong> <strong>COMPLAINT</strong> VS THE KINGDOM OF NORWAY<br />

by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway<br />


United Nations petition — incomplete report<br />

their nefarious malversation — cf Section 15 of the Norwegian Civil Service<br />

Act of March 4, 1983 (no. 3):<br />

"A senior civil servant or civil servant may be summarily<br />

discharged when he:<br />

has shown gross negligence in the service or is guilty of a<br />

gross breach of official duties or despite a written warning<br />

or reprimand has repeatedly breached his official duties,<br />

by improper behaviour in or outside the service proves<br />

himself unworthy of his post or damages the respect or<br />

confidence that is essential to the post.<br />

The provision in this section shall not restrict the right to<br />

punish a senior civil servant or civil servant by depriving<br />

him of his post pursuant to the rules of penal legislation."<br />

Essential and engaging though, I won't discuss the purely juridical/psychopathological<br />

aspects of official Norwegian corruption further in this specific subsection<br />

(if this and related topics are of particular interest, you may e.g study my Apho-<br />

risms &c ##1–4, 7–14, 16, 19–34, 37–52, 54–67, 71–72, 74, 76–82, 84, 96, 98–<br />

120, 123–128, 130, 134, 136–140, and 143–166) — we shall, on the other hand,<br />

take a look at some practical precautions against the explicitly morbid/unlawful<br />

persecution of outstandingly intelligent/creative individuals wantonly indulged in<br />

by Norwegian authorities the latter years:<br />

Whereas the cobweb-optics* (*cf pp 105–111, item Doc #3217 [pp 105–107]) and<br />

eavesdropping devices are vehemently abused by state paid baddies practically<br />

everywhere in Norway — in/at airports, railroad stations/cars, subways, ferryboats,<br />

havens, busses, taxicabs, rent-a-cars, hotels/motels/hostels, tourist homes/accom-<br />

modations, restaurants/cafés, barrooms, cabarets/casinos/resorts, playhouses, cinemas,<br />

museums/collections/galleries, stadia/gyms, travel agencies, lobbies, commer-<br />

cial premises, shops, office buildings, conference centers, universities/schools, embassies/consulates,<br />

churches/meetinghouses, hospitals, ticket counters, campgrounds,<br />

parks, bathrooms/pissoirs/WCs, private houses/apartments/cottages/<br />

vehicles…etc, the two most important rules in this connection are:<br />

1. Unless strictly required;<br />


&<br />

185<br />

<strong>FORMAL</strong> <strong>COMPLAINT</strong> VS THE KINGDOM OF NORWAY<br />

by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway<br />


United Nations petition — incomplete report<br />

2. If already inside Norwegian borders;<br />



Possessing a Norwegian citizenship or displaying goodwill vis-à-vis Norwegian<br />

officials and senior civil servants, significantly increases the risk Norwegian auth-<br />

orities will persecute/surveil/exploit you illegally — therefore the next pair of rules<br />

are:<br />

3. If you're a Norwegian subject;<br />



4. Independent of your nationality/whereabouts;<br />





WAY!<br />

Observance of these four basic rules will, as far as Norwegian authorities<br />

are implicated, normally render steps to hide your intellec-<br />

tual superiority unnecessary.<br />

I'm completely aware the explicit exhortations laid down in PRECAUTION #9<br />

not yet has been touched upon directly, and it should be underscored a more exten-<br />

sive and scientifically well-founded treatise on the actual topics and some inter-<br />

related themes are appropriate. Nonetheless — I shall launch a few provisional<br />

guidelines applying insofar as you're staying within Norwegian territory or are<br />

closely monitored by Norwegian authorities:<br />

Norwegian authorities will almost invariably try to obtain authentic test results<br />

confirming your superior intelligence level — consequently;<br />





186<br />

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by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway<br />


Moreover…:<br />

United Nations petition — incomplete report<br />



WHERE IN THE 92–116 RANGE!<br />






C. In their frenzied quest for your real IQ, Norwegian author-<br />

ities are highly liable to employ trickish/damnable methods<br />

— so;<br />


















D. Always remember your very presence and outstanding in-<br />

telligence are regarded as an imminent danger by Norweg-<br />

ian authorities anxious to cover up their opprobrious cor-<br />

187<br />

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by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway<br />


Finally…:<br />

United Nations petition — incomplete report<br />

ruption — hence;<br />












TIONS…ETC!<br />

E. Norwegian authorities, suspecting your offspring has inherited<br />

your superior IQ, are extremely apt to persecute/<br />

abuse/harm/intern/retain/indoctrinate usw your descen-<br />

dants — thus;<br />









188<br />

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by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway<br />


United Nations petition — incomplete report<br />

PRECAUTION #10<br />







Cf p 159 above.<br />

On account of "chronological implications", I've decided to leave this otherwise<br />

interesting Precaution uncommented…!<br />

PRECAUTION #11<br />









Cf p 159 above.<br />

The scope of this Precaution is largely self-evident…!<br />

189<br />

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by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway<br />


United Nations petition — incomplete report<br />

PRECAUTION #12<br />






Cf p 159 above.<br />

The heinous array of crimes habitually indulged in by Norwegian officials and<br />

senior civil servants the latter years, are largely and manifestly ascribable to the<br />

tremendous prevalence of indigenous sociopathy* characteristic of Norway<br />

(*cf pp 122–124 &c). Based on continuous and exacting observations since<br />

1992, it's perfectly evident Norwegian "health" personnel and police officers<br />

directly executing and criminally liable for the atrocities partially described in<br />

nearby Petition and elsewhere has derived sexual excitement and significant<br />

satisfaction from their systematic nefariousness and lawbreaking.<br />

Combined with fixed and markedly paranoic personality traits, the deep-rooted<br />

psychopathy and sadism by and large hallmarking Norwegian senior state<br />

officials and public servants are practically incurable* (*cf pp 122–127, 155–<br />

156 and 172 &c).<br />

Under otherwise "normal" circumstances and the disastrous ascendancy and pro-<br />

fane catholicity of state supported criminality considered, it's hardly anything<br />

but a waste of time and energy to bring legal/intrastatal actions against the slimy<br />

politicians and (senior) civil servants constituting the rotten hard core of official<br />

Norwegian malversation….and, especially if you're a high-principled human<br />

rights activist, the only acceptable alternative left may be to apply for political<br />

asylum outside Norway in order to escape explicitly nocent and unlawful<br />

persecution.<br />

Article 14 in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and Article 12 in<br />

the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights respectively<br />

reads — sic:<br />

190<br />

<strong>FORMAL</strong> <strong>COMPLAINT</strong> VS THE KINGDOM OF NORWAY<br />

by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway<br />


United Nations petition — incomplete report<br />

ARTICLE 14<br />

"Everyone has the right to seek and to enjoy in<br />

other countries freedom from persecution."<br />

ARTICLE 12<br />

Everyone lawfully within the territory of a State shall,<br />

within that territory, have the right to liberty of move-<br />

ment and freedom to choose his residence.<br />

Everyone shall be free to leave any country, including<br />

his own.<br />

The above-mentioned rights shall not be subject to any<br />

restrictions except those which are provided by law, are<br />

necessary to protect national security, public order (or-<br />

dre public), public health or morals or the rights and<br />

freedoms of others, and are consistent with the other<br />

rights recognized in the present Covenant.<br />

No one shall be arbitrarily deprived of the right to enter<br />

his own country.<br />

Whereas the official obligation to recognize and ensure effective observance of<br />

international human rights treaties are firmly established in current Norwegian<br />

legislation &c (cf pp 3, 155, 165–166 and 184, item Doc #633), the obnoxious<br />

malfeasance and systematic disregard for lawfulness actually displayed by Nor-<br />

wegian authorities charged with easily documentable and serious human rights<br />

violations necessitates extraordinary steps to ensure the complainant's personal<br />

security!<br />

As regards applications for political asylum, those submitting such requests<br />

should pay close attention to these well-founded guidelines:<br />

191<br />

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by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway<br />


United Nations petition — incomplete report<br />

1. One of the main rules in this connection is;<br />




2. If Norwegian authorities realizes you're going<br />

to lodge an application for political asylum some-<br />

where, they'll normally do their very best to<br />

terrorize/surveil you and sabotage the actual<br />

and perfectly legal request — so;<br />






TIONS.*<br />

*Be especially aware that all information stored in digital/personal<br />

computers/databanks/diaries and cellular phones etc easily may be<br />

intercepted and accurately reconstructed by Norwegian authorities<br />

AO utilizing more or less distant ELINT/TEMPEST equipment!<br />

3. I guess it's rather unnecessary to warn particularly<br />

against the official postal services of Norway (i.e<br />

"Posten Norge BA") and formally registered cou-<br />

rier/transport agencies operating within Norwegian<br />

territory — in any case;<br />









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United Nations petition — incomplete report<br />

4. Be aware Norwegian authorities or their accom-<br />

plices possibly has contaminated your vehicles,<br />

luggage, clothes, passport, driver's license, and<br />

VISA/credit/ID card(-s) &c with minuscule<br />

tracking/eavesdropping devices — hence;<br />






5. If your application for political asylum is granted,<br />

Norwegian authorities will go to great lengths to<br />

pinpoint your new whereabouts — thus;<br />





6. When your application for political asylum has been<br />

granted, Norwegian authorities will scrutinize each<br />

letter/fax/e-mail and phone call &c from you reaching<br />

their territory in order to find compromising infor-<br />

mation — therefore;<br />








7. No matter how well-founded and formally correct your<br />

application(-s) for political asylum are — Norwegian<br />

authorities are highly apt to expose you to new and po-<br />

tentially life-endangering atrocities inasmuch as they're<br />

able to locate and approach you….consequently;<br />

193<br />

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Recipients of political asylum applications submitted by Norwegian citizens<br />

should among other things:<br />

A. Keep in mind it's quite unlikely a Norwegian sub-<br />

ject would take the trouble to launch an applicat-<br />

ion for political asylum unless he/she is an authentic<br />

victim of serious human rights violations actively<br />

supported or carried out by Norwegian authorities.<br />

B. Take adequate measures to protect the applicant<br />

against further hostilities/criminality brought about<br />

or carried out by Norwegian authorities.<br />

C. Be aware Norwegian authorities are highly liable to<br />

spread false/detrimental information about the<br />

applicant.<br />

D. Offer the applicant a new identity if this is likely to<br />

improve his/her personal security.<br />

E. Clandestinely transfer the applicant to a new country<br />

if this makes it more difficult for Norwegian authori-<br />

ties to detect/attack him/her.<br />

F. Encourage the applicant to make a formal human<br />

rights complaint against the Kingdom of Norway.<br />

194<br />

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by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway<br />


United Nations petition — incomplete report<br />

G. Take into consideration the conspicuous prevalence<br />

of psychopathology, sadism and double-dealing<br />

amongst Norwegian politicians and (senior) civil<br />

servants at all stages of the formal application<br />

management.<br />

195<br />

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by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway<br />


United Nations petition — incomplete report<br />

A few jury-rigged remarks on the 2007 edition of<br />

<strong>FORMAL</strong> <strong>COMPLAINT</strong><br />


The 2007 version of this official — though tactically incomplete and slightly<br />

unconventional — human rights petition, gives a partially unique and<br />

unvarnished picture of certain aspects and implications of the state supported<br />

corruption obnoxiously suffusing next to all parts of the Norwegian Civil<br />

Service.<br />

Precisely as anticipated, Norwegian authorities has maintained and segmentally<br />

reinforced their intensely criminal, human rights violating, and contemptuously<br />

subhuman terrorism throughout AD 2007 (cf pp 1, 10, 122–124, item Doc<br />

#4588 etc), and I've described and formally reported a tiny fraction of the<br />

various offences only. On the whole, this year may be seen as a practically<br />

unbroken chain of state actuated crimes, insanities, and malicious provocations<br />

massively corroborating and justifying whatever denouncement of Norwegian<br />

authorities set forth in nearby Complaint....indeed; the execrable picture of a<br />

nation governed by a pack evil-minded, lunatic, and vehemently depraved<br />

lowbrows enthusiastically subverting justice and promoting stark diabolism has<br />

become still clearer (cf p 126 &c), and my beforehand well-set antipathy toward<br />

these slimy and absolutely condemnable representatives of mankind are<br />

significantly strengthened!<br />

Whereas — as continuously and unambiguously demonstrated since 1992 —<br />

Norwegian authorities are both unable and totally unwilling to behave in<br />

compliance with international human rights conventions and globally accepted<br />

etiquette, it‘s certainly high time drastic steps are taken to remove, incarcerate,<br />

and replace the heinously foul recidivists responsible for the corresponding and<br />

state supported criminality dealt with in nearby Complaint and enclosed<br />

documents* (*cf p 2 ib). Without efficient neutralization of these arrantly<br />

criminal elements and — preferably — stabilizing international intervention,<br />

Norwegian politicians and (senior) civil servants will continue to annihilate<br />

essential human rights regulations just for hell of it, and arrogantly — typically<br />

with distinct delight — ignore Norwegian law whenever deemed necessary to<br />

upkeep/escalate/hide etc their sociopathic terrorism or protect themselves and<br />

their rotten accomplices against legal prosecution.<br />

As expectable — the endemic character and genetic base of the ―Norwegian<br />

Police and Statesman Malignant Syndrom‖* (*―NPSMS‖, cf pp 122–124 etc)<br />

considered, the extensive criminalism, general ineptness, theological insecurity,<br />

196<br />

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by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway<br />


United Nations petition — incomplete report<br />

and psychopathological disregard for ethical norms usw by and large typifying<br />

nowadays Norwegian politicians and (senior) civil servants, has an abundance of<br />

historical parallels.<br />

In 1388/-89 popular vacuity, religious confusion, aristocratic disintegration, and<br />

a fatal lack of higher leadership qualities among the native administrators forced<br />

Norway into a political union with Denmark lasting until 1814. During said<br />

epoch Norway — more or less — functioned as a Danish province, and most<br />

administrative posts were permanently occupied by Danes and Germans.<br />

In July 1814 <strong>Sweden</strong> launched a military attack on Norway, and within two<br />

weeks the Danish/Norwegian king — Christian Frederick — resigned....and,<br />

in consequence, the politically fatuous Norwegians had to accept a union with<br />

<strong>Sweden</strong> lasting until 1905 (cf the ―Treaty of Kiel‖).<br />

One of many things worth emphasizing in this connection is the upsetting fact<br />

the political impotence, goofiness, self-conceit, irresponsibility, unsoundness,<br />

and general degeneration etc necessitating the unions with Denmark and <strong>Sweden</strong><br />

are inheritable defects very much alive and kicking AD 2007.....and, as stated<br />

beforehand (cf p 122 &c), the state supported criminality described in this report<br />

and enclosed documents couldn‘t have been planned and carried out by<br />

mentally sound individuals. We‘re up against a most felonious bunch<br />

psychopathic good-for-nothings, and — demonstrably incapable of governing<br />

themselves and others in a juridically and otherwise acceptable manner, I firmly<br />

believe nowadays Norwegian Government and national assembly should be<br />

forcibly and completely replaced by way of well-accommodated international<br />

intervention.<br />

Notwithstanding the self-evident fact we can‘t accept a soiled pack criminal<br />

insanes as administrators, official representatives and civil servants, it may be<br />

convenient to take a further look at the<br />

United Nations Convention against Corruption*<br />

*Preamble:<br />

The States Parties to this Convention,<br />

Concerned about the seriousness of problems and threats posed by<br />

corruption to the stability and security of societies, undermining the<br />

institutions and values of democracy, ethical values and justice and<br />

jeopardizing sustainable development and the rule of law,<br />

197<br />

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by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway<br />


United Nations petition — incomplete report<br />

Concerned also about the links between corruption and other forms of<br />

crime, in particular organized crime and economic crime, including<br />

money-laundering,<br />

Concerned further about cases of corruption that involve vast quantities<br />

of assets, which may constitute a substantial proportion of the resources<br />

of States, and that threaten the political stability and sustainable<br />

development of those States,<br />

Convinced that corruption is no longer a local matter but a transnational<br />

phenomenon that affects all societies and economies, making<br />

international cooperation to prevent and control it essential,<br />

Convinced also that a comprehensive and multidisciplinary approach is<br />

required to prevent and combat corruption effectively,<br />

Convinced further that the availability of technical assistance can play an<br />

important role in enhancing the ability of States, including by<br />

strengthening capacity and by institution-building, to prevent and combat<br />

corruption effectively,<br />

Convinced that the illicit acquisition of personal wealth can be<br />

particularly damaging to democratic institutions, national economies and<br />

the rule of law,<br />

Determined to prevent, detect and deter in a more effective manner<br />

international transfers of illicitly acquired assets and to strengthen<br />

international cooperation in asset recovery,<br />

Acknowledging the fundamental principles of due process of law in<br />

criminal proceedings and in civil or administrative proceedings to<br />

adjudicate property rights,<br />

Bearing in mind that the prevention and eradication of corruption is a<br />

responsibility of all States and that they must cooperate with one another,<br />

with the support and involvement of individuals and groups outside the<br />

public sector, such as civil society, non-governmental organizations and<br />

community-based organizations, if their efforts in this area are to be<br />

effective,<br />

Bearing also in mind the principles of proper management of public<br />

affairs and public property, fairness, responsibility and equality before the<br />

198<br />

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by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway<br />


United Nations petition — incomplete report<br />

law and the need to safeguard integrity and to foster a culture of rejection<br />

of corruption,<br />

Commending the work of the Commission on Crime Prevention and<br />

Criminal Justice and the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime in<br />

preventing and combating corruption,<br />

Recalling the work carried out by other international and regional<br />

organizations in this field, including the activities of the African Union,<br />

the Council of Europe, the Customs Cooperation Council (also known as<br />

the World Customs Organization), the European Union, the League of<br />

Arab States, the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and<br />

Development and the Organization of American States,<br />

Taking note with appreciation of multilateral instruments to prevent and<br />

combat corruption, including, inter alia, the Inter-American Convention<br />

against Corruption, adopted by the Organization of American States on<br />

29 March 1996, the Convention on the Fight against Corruption involving<br />

Officials of the European Communities or Officials of Member States of<br />

the European Union, adopted by the Council of the European Union on<br />

26 May 1997, the Convention on Combating Bribery of Foreign Public<br />

Officials in International Business Transactions, adopted by the<br />

Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development on 21<br />

November 1997, the Criminal Law Convention on Corruption, adopted<br />

by the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe on 27 January<br />

1999, the Civil Law Convention on Corruption, adopted by the<br />

Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe on 4 November 1999,<br />

and the African Union Convention on Preventing and Combating<br />

Corruption, adopted by the Heads of State and Government of the African<br />

Union on 12 July 2003,<br />

Welcoming the entry into force on 29 September 2003 of the United<br />

Nations Convention against transnational Organized Crime,<br />

Have agreed as follows:<br />

199<br />

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by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway<br />



General provisions<br />

Article 1<br />

Statement of purpose<br />

United Nations petition — incomplete report<br />

The purposes of this Convention are:<br />

(a) To promote and strengthen measures to prevent and combat<br />

corruption more scientifically and effectively;<br />

(b) To promote, facilitate and support international cooperation and<br />

technical assistance in the prevention of and fight against corruption,<br />

including in asset recovery;<br />

(c) To promote integrity, accountability and proper management of<br />

public affairs and public property.<br />

Article 6<br />

Preventive anti-corruption body or bodies<br />

1. Each State Party shall, in accordance with the fundamental<br />

principles of its legal system, ensure the existence of a body or<br />

bodies, as appropriate, that prevent corruption by such means as:<br />

(a) Implementing the policies referred to in Article 5 of this<br />

Convention and, where appropriate, overseeing and coordinating<br />

the implementation of those policies;<br />

(b) Increasing and disseminating knowledge about the prevention of<br />

corruption.<br />

2. Each State Party shall grant the body or bodies referred to in<br />

paragraph 1 of this article necessary independence, in accordance<br />

with the fundamental principles of its legal system, to enable the<br />

body or bodies to carry out its or their functions effectively and<br />

free from any undue influence. The necessary material resources<br />

and specialized staff, as well as the training that such staff may<br />

require to carry out their functions, should be provided.<br />

3. Each State Party shall inform the Secretary-General of the United<br />

Nations of the name and address of the authority or authorities that<br />

200<br />

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by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway<br />


United Nations petition — incomplete report<br />

may assist other State Parties in developing and implementing<br />

specific measures for the prevention of corruption.<br />

Article 7<br />

Public sector<br />

1. Each State Party shall, where appropriate and in accordance with<br />

the fundamental principles of its legal system, endeavour to adopt,<br />

maintain and strengthen systems for the recruitment, hiring,<br />

retention, promotion and retirement of civil servants and, where<br />

appropriate, other non-elected public officials:<br />

(a) That are based on principles of efficiency, transparency and<br />

objective criteria such as merit, equity and aptitude;<br />

(b) That include adequate procedures for the selection and training of<br />

individuals for public positions considered especially vulnerable to<br />

corruption and the rotation, where appropriate, of such individuals<br />

to other positions;<br />

(c) That promote adequate remuneration and equitable pay scales,<br />

taking into account the level of economic development of the State<br />

Party;<br />

(d) That promote education and training programmes to enable them to<br />

meet the requirements for the correct, honourable and proper<br />

performance of public functions and that provide them with<br />

specialized and appropriate training to enhance their awareness of<br />

the risks of corruption inherent in the performance of their<br />

functions. Such programmes may make reference to codes or<br />

standards of conduct in applicable areas.<br />

2. Each State Party shall also consider adopting appropriate legislative<br />

and administrative measures, consistent with the objectives of this<br />

Convention and in accordance with the fundamental principles of<br />

its domestic law, to prescribe criteria concerning candidature for<br />

and election to public office.<br />

3. Each State Party shall also consider taking appropriate legislative<br />

and administrative measures, consistent with the objectives of this<br />

Convention and in accordance with the fundamental principles of<br />

its domestic law, to enhance transparency in the funding of<br />

candidatures for elected public office and, where applicable, the<br />

funding of political parties.<br />

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United Nations petition — incomplete report<br />

4. Each State Party shall, in accordance with the fundamental<br />

principles of its domestic law, endeavour to adopt, maintain and<br />

strengthen systems that promote transparency and prevent conflicts<br />

of interest.<br />

Article 8<br />

Codes of conduct for public officials<br />

1. In order to fight corruption, each State Party shall promote, inter<br />

alia, integrity, honesty and responsibility among its public officials,<br />

in accordance with the fundamental principles of its legal system.<br />

2. In particular, each State Party shall endeavour to apply, within its<br />

own institutional and legal systems, codes or standards of conduct<br />

for the correct, honourable and proper performance of public<br />

functions.<br />

3. For the purpose of implementing the provisions of this article, each<br />

State Party shall, where appropriate and in accordance with the<br />

fundamental principles of its legal system, take note of the relevant<br />

initiatives of regional, interregional and multilateral organizations,<br />

such as the International Code of Conduct for Public Officials<br />

contained in the annex to General Assembly resolution 51/59 of 12<br />

December 1996.<br />

4. Each State Party shall also consider, in accordance with the<br />

fundamental principles of its domestic law, establishing measures<br />

and systems to facilitate the reporting by public officials of acts of<br />

corruption to appropriate authorities, when such acts come to their<br />

notice in the performance of their functions.<br />

5. Each State Party shall endeavour, where appropriate and in<br />

accordance with the fundamental principles of its domestic law, to<br />

establish measures and systems requiring public officials to make<br />

declarations to appropriate authorities regarding, inter alia, their<br />

outside activities, employment, investments, assets and substantial<br />

gifts or benefits from which a conflict of interest may result with<br />

respect to their functions as public officials.<br />

6. Each State Party shall consider taking, in accordance with the<br />

fundamental principles of its domestic law, disciplinary or other<br />

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by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway<br />


United Nations petition — incomplete report<br />

measures against public officials who violate the codes or standards<br />

established in accordance with this article.<br />

Article 11<br />

Measures relating to the judiciary and prosecution services<br />

1. Bearing in mind the independence of the judiciary and its crucial<br />

role in combating corruption, each State Party shall, in accordance<br />

with the fundamental principles of its legal system and without<br />

prejudices to judicial independence, take measures to strengthen<br />

integrity and to prevent opportunities for corruption among<br />

members of the judiciary. Such measures may include rules with<br />

respect to the conduct of members of the judiciary.<br />

2. Measures to the same effect as those taken pursuant to paragraph 1<br />

of this article may be introduced and applied within the prosecution<br />

service in those State Parties where it does not form part of the<br />

judiciary but enjoys independence similar to that of the judicial<br />

service.<br />

Article 19<br />

Abuse of functions<br />

Article 24<br />

Concealment<br />

Each State Party shall consider adopting such legislative and other<br />

measures as may be necessary to establish as a criminal offence,<br />

when committed intentionally, the abuse of functions or position,<br />

that is, the performance of or failure to perform an act, in violation<br />

of laws, by a public official in the discharge of his or her functions,<br />

for the purpose of obtaining an undue advantage for himself or<br />

herself or for another person of entity.<br />

Without prejudice to the provisions of article 23 of this<br />

Convention, each State Party shall consider adopting such<br />

legislative and other measures as may be necessary to establish as<br />

a criminal offence, when committed intentionally after the<br />

commission of any of the offences established in accordance with<br />

this Convention without having participated in such offences, the<br />

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concealment or continued retention of property when the person<br />

involved knows that such property is the result of any of the<br />

offences established in accordance with this Convention.<br />

Article 25<br />

Obstruction of justice<br />

Each State Party shall adopt such legislative and other measures as<br />

may be necessary to establish as criminal offences, when<br />

committed intentionally:<br />

(a) The use of physical force, threats or intimidation or the promise,<br />

offering or giving of an undue advantage to induce false testimony<br />

or to interfere in the giving of testimony or the production of<br />

evidence in a proceeding in relation to the commission of offences<br />

established in accordance with this Convention;<br />

(b) The use of physical force, threats or intimidation to interfere with<br />

the exercise of official duties by a justice or law enforcement<br />

official in relation to the commission of offences established in<br />

accordance with this Convention. Nothing in this subparagraph<br />

shall prejudice the right of State Parties to have legislation that<br />

protects other categories of public officials.<br />

Article 32<br />

Protection of witnesses, experts and victims<br />

1. Each State Party shall take appropriate measures in accordance<br />

with its domestic legal system and within its means to provide<br />

effective protection from potential retaliation or intimidation for<br />

witnesses and experts who give testimony concerning offences<br />

established in accordance with this Convention and, as appropriate,<br />

for their relatives and other persons close to them.<br />

2. The measures envisaged in paragraph 1 of this article may include,<br />

inter alia, without prejudice to the rights of the defendant,<br />

including the right to due process:<br />

(a) Establishing procedures for the physical protection of such persons,<br />

such as, to the extent necessary and feasible, relocating them and<br />

permitting, where appropriate, non-disclosure or limitations on the<br />

204<br />

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disclosure of information concerning the identity and whereabouts<br />

of such persons;<br />

(b) Providing evidentiary rules to permit witnesses and experts to give<br />

testimony in a manner that ensures the safety of such persons, such<br />

as permitting testimony to be given through the use of<br />

communications technology such as video or other adequate means.<br />

3. States Parties shall consider entering into agreements or<br />

arrangements with other States for the relocation of persons<br />

referred to in paragraph 1 of this article.<br />

4. The provisions of this article shall also apply to victims insofar as<br />

they are witnesses.<br />

5. Each State Party shall, subject to its domestic law, enable the views<br />

and concerns of victims to be presented and considered at<br />

appropriate stages of criminal proceedings against offenders in a<br />

manner not prejudicial to the rights of the defence.<br />

Article 36<br />

Specialized authorities<br />

Each State party shall, in accordance with the fundamental<br />

principles of its legal system, ensure the existence of a body or<br />

bodies of persons specialized in combating corruption through law<br />

enforcement. Such body or bodies or persons shall be granted the<br />

necessary independence, in accordance with the fundamental<br />

principles of the legal system of the State Party, to be able to carry<br />

out their functions effectively and without any undue influence.<br />

Such persons or staff of such body or bodies should have the<br />

appropriate training and resources to carry out their tasks.<br />

Article 37<br />

Cooperation with law enforcement authorities<br />

1. Each State Party shall take appropriate measures to encourage<br />

persons who participate or who have participated in the commission<br />

of an offence established in accordance with this Convention to<br />

supply information useful to competent authorities for investigative<br />

and evidentiary purposes and to provide factual, specific help to<br />

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competent authorities that may contribute to depriving offenders of<br />

the proceeds of crime and to recovering such proceeds.<br />

2. Each State Party shall consider providing for the possibility, in<br />

appropriate cases, of mitigating punishment of an accused person<br />

who provides substantial cooperation in the investigation or<br />

prosecution of an offence established in accordance with this<br />

Convention.<br />

3. Each State Party shall consider providing for the possibility, in<br />

accordance with fundamental principles of its domestic law, of<br />

granting immunity from persecution to a person who provides<br />

substantial cooperation in the investigation or prosecution of an<br />

offence established in accordance with this Convention.<br />

4. Protection of such persons shall be, mutatis mutandis, as provided<br />

for in article 32 of this Convention.<br />

5. Where a person referred to in paragraph 1 of this article located in<br />

one State Party can provide substantial cooperation to the<br />

competent authorities of another State Party, the States Parties<br />

concerned may consider entering into agreements or arrangements,<br />

in accordance with their domestic law, concerning the potential<br />

provision by the other State Party of the treatment set forth in<br />

paragraphs 2 and 3 of this article.<br />

Article 43<br />

International cooperation<br />

1. States Parties shall cooperate in criminal matters in accordance with<br />

articles 44 to 50 of this Convention. Where appropriate and<br />

consistent with their domestic legal system, States Parties shall<br />

consider assisting each other in investigations of and proceedings in<br />

civil and administrative matters relating to corruption.<br />

2. In matters of international cooperation, whenever dual criminality<br />

is considered a requirement, it shall be deemed fulfilled irrespective<br />

of whether the laws of the requested State Party place the offence<br />

within the same category of offence or denominate the offence by<br />

the same terminology as the requesting State Party, if the conduct<br />

underlying the offence for which assistance is sought is a criminal<br />

offence under the laws of both States Parties.<br />

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Article 48<br />

Law enforcement cooperation<br />

United Nations petition — incomplete report<br />

1. States Parties shall cooperate closely with one another, consistent<br />

with their respective domestic legal and administrative systems, to<br />

enhance the effectiveness of law enforcement action to combat the<br />

offences covered by this Convention. States Parties shall, in<br />

particular, take effective measures:<br />

(a) To enhance and, where necessary, to establish channels of<br />

communication between their competent authorities, agencies and<br />

services in order to facilitate the secure and rapid exchange of<br />

information concerning all aspects of the offences covered by this<br />

Convention, including, if the States Parties concerned deem it<br />

appropriate, links with other criminal activities;<br />

(b) To cooperate with other States Parties in conducting inquiries with<br />

respect to offences covered by this Convention concerning:<br />

i. The identity, whereabouts and activities of persons suspected of<br />

involvement in such offences or the location of other persons<br />

concerned;<br />

ii. The movement of proceeds of crime or property derived from the<br />

commission of such offences;<br />

iii. The movement of property, equipment or other instrumentalities<br />

used or intended for use in the commission of such offences;<br />

(c) To provide, where appropriate, necessary items or quantities of<br />

substances for analytical or investigative purposes;<br />

(d) To exchange, where appropriate, information with other States<br />

Parties , concerning specific means and methods used to commit<br />

offences covered by this Convention, including the use of false<br />

identities, forged, altered or false documents and other means of<br />

concealing activities;<br />

(e) To facilitate effective coordination between their competent<br />

authorities, agencies and services and to promote the exchange of<br />

personnel and other experts, including, subject to bilateral<br />

agreements or arrangements between the States Parties concerned,<br />

the posting of liaison officers;<br />

(f) To exchange information and coordinate administrative and other<br />

measures taken as appropriate for the purpose of early<br />

identification of the offences covered by this Convention.<br />

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2. With a view to giving effect to this Convention, States Parties shall<br />

consider entering into bilateral or multilateral agreements or<br />

arrangements on direct cooperation between their law enforcement<br />

agencies and, where such agreements or arrangements already exist,<br />

amending them. In the absence of such agreements or arrangements<br />

between the States Parties concerned, the States Parties may<br />

consider this Convention to be the basis for mutual law<br />

enforcement cooperation in respect of the offences covered by this<br />

Convention. Whenever appropriate, States Parties shall make full<br />

use of agreements or arrangements, including international or<br />

regional organizations, to enhance the cooperation between their<br />

law enforcement agencies.<br />

3. States Parties shall endeavour to cooperate within their means to<br />

respond to offences covered by this Convention committed through<br />

the use of modern technology.<br />

Article 49<br />

Joint investigations<br />

States Parties shall consider concluding bilateral or multilateral<br />

agreements or arrangements whereby, in relation to matters that<br />

are the subject of investigations, prosecutions or judicial<br />

proceedings in one or more States, the competent authorities<br />

concerned may establish joint investigative bodies. In the absence<br />

of such agreements or arrangements, joint investigations may be<br />

undertaken by agreement on a case-by-case basis. The States<br />

Parties involved shall ensure that the sovereignty of the State Party<br />

in whose territory such investigation is to take place is fully<br />

respected.<br />

Article 50<br />

Special investigative techniques<br />

1. In order to combat corruption effectively, each State Party shall, to<br />

the extent permitted by the basic principles of its domestic legal<br />

system and in accordance with the conditions prescribed by its<br />

domestic law, take such measures as may be necessary, within its<br />

means, to allow for the appropriate use by its competent authorities<br />

of controlled delivery and, where it deems appropriate, other<br />

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special investigative techniques, such as electronic or other forms<br />

of surveillance and undercover operations, within its territory, and<br />

to allow for the admissibility in court of evidence derived<br />

therefrom.<br />

2. For the purpose of investigating the offences covered by this<br />

Convention, States Parties are encouraged to conclude, when<br />

necessary, appropriate bilateral or multilateral agreements or<br />

arrangements for using such special investigative techniques in the<br />

context of cooperation at the international level. Such agreements<br />

or arrangements shall be concluded and implemented in full<br />

compliance with the principle of sovereign equality of States and<br />

shall be carried out strictly in accordance with the terms of those<br />

agreements or arrangements.<br />

3. In absence of an agreement or arrangement as set forth in paragraph<br />

2 of this article, decisions to use such special investigative<br />

techniques at the international level shall be made on a case-by-case<br />

basis and may, when necessary, take into consideration financial<br />

arrangements and understandings with respect to the exercise of<br />

jurisdiction by the States Parties concerned.<br />

4. Decisions to use controlled delivery at the international level may,<br />

with the consent of the States Parties concerned, include methods<br />

such as intercepting and allowing the goods or funds to continue<br />

intact or be removed or replaced in whole or in part.<br />

Although it lies outside the scope of this improvised survey to give a more<br />

comprehensive treatise on the legal applicability of the UN Convention against<br />

Corruption in this specific case, there‘s no doubt wise utilization of this and a<br />

couple other international conventions will provide the means necessary to<br />

remove and replace the present members of the Norwegian Government/Storting<br />

et al in a judicially acceptable manner.<br />

On account of strong historical ties and significant linguistic/sociocultural<br />

similarities, it may be convenient to replace — inter alios —nowadays<br />

Norwegian Storting/Government/Supreme Court members with highly<br />

intelligent and reliable Swedes…..and I faithfully believe international fora like<br />

— e.g — the United Nations and the Council of Europe should work<br />

systematically and fast toward indicated goal.<br />

Oct 28 ha I officially demanded the Norwegian Prime Minister, Minister of<br />

Justice and several members of the Norwegian Supreme Court (inter alios)<br />

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summoned before a competent Court of Impeachment (cf Doc #9080)….and, as<br />

expected, Norwegian authorities immediately responded with new crimes and<br />

haughty provocations.<br />

When it comes to the various crimes and harassments etc described in nearby<br />

UN report and corresponding documents (cf p 2), Norwegian authorities —<br />

nervously aware it‘ll be extremely hard to find as much as a single sane and<br />

uncorrupted psychiatrist/psychologist/judge/politician usw outside Norway not<br />

stamping their inordinate misconduct as violently psychotic and totally<br />

unacceptable — have collectively decided to deny all factualities and cover up<br />

their execrable offences as best they can (cf pp 9–10 &c). This preplanned<br />

flimflam represents no substantial hindrance in any case, whereas the putrid<br />

falsehood, ignoble low-mindedness and deep-seated criminal makeup are clearly<br />

written all over these state employed felons who‘ll be utterly unable to deceive<br />

or impress truly sophisticated, genuinely truth-seeking and highly<br />

intelligent/intuitive persons.<br />

November 29, 2007<br />

Wilh. Werner WINTHER<br />

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United Nations petition — incomplete report<br />

Members of the Norwegian Storting AD 2005–<br />

Stortinget<br />

President: Mr JAGLAND, Thorbjørn Vice President: Mr HAGEN, Carl I<br />

Lagtinget<br />

President: Mr LØNNING, Inge Vice President: Mr LÅNKE, Ola T<br />

Odelstinget<br />

President: Ms BRØRBY, Berit Vice President: Mr BALLO, Olav G<br />

Members:<br />

AASLAAND, Terje (Arbeiderpartiet)<br />

AASLAND, Tora (Sosialistisk Venstreparti)<br />

AGDESTEIN, Marianne Aa (Arbeiderpartiet)<br />

AKSELSEN, Olav (Arbeiderpartiet)<br />

AMUNDSEN, Per-Willy (Fremskrittspartiet)<br />

ANDERSEN, Dag Terje (Arbeiderpartiet)<br />

ANDERSEN, Karin (Sosialistisk Venstreparti)<br />

ANDERSEN, Torbjørn (Fremskrittspartiet)<br />

ANUNDSEN, Anders (Fremskrittspartiet)<br />

ARNESEN, Bendik H (Arbeiderpartiet)<br />

ASMYHR, Hans Frode K (Fremskrittspartiet)<br />

ASPAKER, Elisabeth (Høyre)<br />

ASPHJELL, Jorodd (Arbeiderpartiet)<br />

BALLO, Olav Gunnar (Sosialistisk Venstreparti)<br />

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BEKKEMELLEM, Karita (Arbeiderpartiet)<br />

BERGO, Magnar L (Sosialistisk Venstreparti)<br />

BJØRNFLATEN, Anne Marit (Arbeiderpartiet)<br />

BJØRNSTAD, Vidar (Arbeiderpartiet)<br />

BREDVOLD, Per Roar (Fremskrittspartiet)<br />

BREEN, Thomas (Arbeiderpartiet)<br />

BREKK, Lars Peder (Senterpartiet)<br />

BRENDE, Børge (Høyre)<br />

BRUSTAD, Sylvia (Arbeiderpartiet)<br />

BRØRBY, Berit (Arbeiderpartiet)<br />

BØHLER, Jan (Arbeiderpartiet)<br />

CHAUDHRY, Akhtar (Sosialistisk Venstreparti)<br />

CHRISTOFFERSEN, Lise (Arbeiderpartiet)<br />

DAHL, André O (Høyre)<br />

De RUITER, Freddy (Arbeiderpartiet)<br />

DJUPEDAL, Øystein (Sosialistisk Venstreparti)<br />

DUESUND, Åse Gunhild W (Kristelig Folkeparti)<br />

DØRUM, Odd Einar (Venstre)<br />

DÅVØY, Laila (Kristelig Folkeparti)<br />

ELDEGARD, Gunvor (Arbeiderpartiet)<br />

ELLINGSEN, Jan Arild (Fremskrittspartiet)<br />

ELVIK, Åsa (Sosialistisk Venstreparti)<br />

ENG, Sigrun (Arbeiderpartiet)<br />

ENGER. Inger S (Senterpartiet)<br />

ENGESET, Martin (Høyre)<br />

ERIKSEN, Dagrun (Kristelig Folkeparti)<br />

ERIKSSON, Robert (Fremskrittspartiet)<br />

FALDET, Eirin (Arbeiderpartiet)<br />

FLÅTTEN, Svein (Høyre)<br />

FOSS, Per-Kristian (Høyre)<br />

FOSTERVOLD, Kåre (Fremskrittspartiet)<br />

FREDRIKSEN, Jan-Henrik (Fremskrittspartiet)<br />

GILTUN, Vigdis (Fremskrittspartiet)<br />

GISKE, Trond (Arbeiderpartiet)<br />

GITMARK, Peter S (Høyre)<br />

GJUL, Gunn Karin (Arbeiderpartiet)<br />

GRANDE, Trine S (Venstre)<br />

GRIMSTAD, May-Helen M (Kristelig Folkeparti)<br />

GULLVÅG, Steinar (Arbeiderpartiet)<br />

GUNDERSEN, Gunnar (Høyre)<br />

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GÅSVATN, Jon J (Fremskrittspartiet)<br />

HAGA, Åslaug (Senterpartiet)<br />

HAGEBAKKEN, Tore (Arbeiderpartiet)<br />

HAGEN, Carl I (Fremskrittspartiet)<br />

HAGESÆTER, Gjermund (Fremskrittspartiet)<br />

HALLERAKER, Øyvind (Høyre)<br />

HALVORSEN, Kristin (Sosialistisk Venstreparti)<br />

HANSEN, Eva Kristin (Arbeiderpartiet)<br />

HANSEN, May (Sosialistisk Venstreparti)<br />

HANSEN, Sigvald O (Arbeiderpartiet)<br />

HANSEN, Svein Roald (Arbeiderpartiet)<br />

HANSEN, Torbjørn (Høyre)<br />

HANSSEN, Bjarne Håkon (Arbeiderpartiet)<br />

HAUGEN, Arne L (Arbeiderpartiet)<br />

HEGGØ, Ingrid (Arbeiderpartiet)<br />

HELLELAND, Trond (Høyre)<br />

HENRIKSEN, Per Rune (Arbeiderpartiet)<br />

HILDENG, Britt (Arbeiderpartiet)<br />

HJEMDAL, Line Henriette H (Kristelig Folkeparti)<br />

HOKSRUD, Bård (Fremskrittspartiet)<br />

HOLMBERG, Kari Lise (Høyre)<br />

HOLMÅS, Heikki (Sosialistisk Venstreparti)<br />

HORNE, Solveig (Fremskrittspartiet)<br />

HUITFELDT, Anniken (Arbeiderpartiet)<br />

HØGLUND, Morten (Fremskrittspartiet)<br />

HØIE, Bent (Høyre)<br />

HØYBRÅTEN, Dagfinn (Kristelig Folkeparti)<br />

JACOBSEN, Bjørn (Sosialistisk Venstreparti)<br />

JAGLAND, Thorbjørn (Arbeiderpartiet)<br />

JAKOBSEN, Alf E (Arbeiderpartiet)<br />

JENSEN, Lena (Sosialistisk Venstreparti)<br />

JENSEN, Siv (Fremskrittspartiet)<br />

JOHANSEN, Irene (Arbeiderpartiet)<br />

JOHNSEN, Espen (Arbeiderpartiet)<br />

KHAN, Saera (Arbeiderpartiet)<br />

KJOS, Kari K (Fremskrittspartiet)<br />

KLEPPA, Magnhild M (Senterpartiet)<br />

KLUNGLAND, Rolf Terje (Arbeiderpartiet)<br />

KNUDSEN, Ulf Erik (Fremskrittspartiet)<br />

KNUTSEN, Tove Karoline (Arbeiderpartiet)<br />

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KONGSHAUG, Leif Helge (Venstre)<br />

KORSBERG, Øyvind (Fremskrittspartiet)<br />

KOSMO, Silvia K (Arbeiderpartiet)<br />

KRISTIANSEN, Ivar (Høyre)<br />

KRISTOFFERSEN, Asmund (Arbeiderpartiet)<br />

KRISTOFFERSEN, Gerd Janne (Arbeiderpartiet)<br />

KVASSHEIM, Gunnar (Venstre)<br />

LANGELAND, Hallgeir H (Sosialistisk Venstreparti)<br />

LARSEN, Anne Margrethe (Venstre)<br />

LEIRSTEIN, Ulf (Fremskrittspartiet)<br />

LIEN, Tord (Fremskrittspartiet)<br />

LJUNGGREN, Anna (Arbeiderpartiet)<br />

LODE, Trond (Senterpartiet)<br />

LUDVIGSEN, Gunvald (Venstre)<br />

LUNDTEIGEN, Per Olaf (Senterpartiet)<br />

LYDVO, Hilde M (Arbeiderpartiet)<br />

LYSKLÆTT, Vera (Venstre)<br />

LØITE, Inger (Arbeiderpartiet)<br />

LØNNING, Inge (Høyre)<br />

LØVIK, Petter (Høyre)<br />

LÅNKE, Ola T (Kristelig Folkeparti)<br />

MANDT-BARTHOLSEN, Sonja (Arbeiderpartiet)<br />

MARTHINSEN, Marianne (Arbeiderpartiet)<br />

MICAELSEN, Torgeir (Arbeiderpartiet)<br />

MOE, Ola B (Senterpartiet)<br />

MYRLI, Sverre (Arbeiderpartiet)<br />

NAVARSETE, Liv Signe (Senterpartiet)<br />

NESVIK, Harald T (Fremskrittspartiet)<br />

NIELSEN, Eva M (Arbeiderpartiet)<br />

NISTAD, Thore A (Fremskrittspartiet)<br />

NORDTUN, Tore (Arbeiderpartiet)<br />

NYBAKK, Marit (Arbeiderpartiet)<br />

OLSEN, Gunn (Arbeiderpartiet)<br />

OPHEIM, Torfinn (Arbeiderpartiet)<br />

PEDERSEN, Helga (Arbeiderpartiet)<br />

PEDERSEN, Torny (Arbeiderpartiet)<br />

PETERSEN, Jan (Høyre)<br />

RAMIN-OSMUNDSEN, Manuela (Arbeiderpartiet)<br />

REIKVAM, Rolf (Sosialistisk Venstreparti)<br />

RIIS-JOHANSEN, Terje (Senterpartiet)<br />

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United Nations petition — incomplete report<br />

RUDIHAGEN, Torstein (Arbeiderpartiet)<br />

RYAN, Inge (Sosialistisk Venstreparti)<br />

RYTMAN, Jørund (Fremskrittspartiet)<br />

RØYS, Heidi G (Sosialistisk Venstreparti)<br />

SAHL, Jan (Kristelig Folkeparti)<br />

SAMUELSEN, Alf Ivar (Senterpartiet)<br />

SANDAL, Reidar (Arbeiderpartiet)<br />

SANDBERG, Per (Fremskrittspartiet)<br />

SANDE, Erling (Senterpartiet)<br />

SANNER, Jan Tore (Høyre)<br />

SCHMIDT, Åse M (Fremskrittspartiet)<br />

SJØLI, Sonja Irene (Høyre)<br />

SKJELSTAD, André N (Venstre)<br />

SKJÆLAAEN, Rune J (Senterpartiet)<br />

SKULSTAD, Ivar (Arbeiderpartiet)<br />

SKUMSVOLL, Henning (Fremskrittspartiet)<br />

SOLBERG, Erna (Høyre)<br />

SOLBERG, Hill-Marta (Arbeiderpartiet)<br />

SOLHEIM, Erik (Sosialistisk Venstreparti)<br />

SOLHJELL, Bård Vegar (Sosialistisk Venstreparti)<br />

SOLHOLM, Lodve (Fremskrittspartiet)<br />

SOLVIK-OLSEN, Ketil (Fremskrittspartiet)<br />

SORTEVIK, Arne (Fremskrittspartiet)<br />

SPONHEIM, Lars (Venstre)<br />

STARHEIM, Åge (Fremskrittspartiet)<br />

STOKKAN-GRANDE, Arild (Arbeiderpartiet)<br />

STOLTENBERG, Jens (Arbeiderpartiet) (Arbeiderpartiet)<br />

STORBERGET, Knut (Arbeiderpartiet)<br />

STRØM, Tor-Arne (Arbeiderpartiet)<br />

STRØM-ERICHSEN, Anne-Grete (Arbeiderpartiet)<br />

STØRE, Jonas G (Arbeiderpartiet)<br />

SUND, Eirin Kristin (Arbeiderpartiet)<br />

SUNDSBØ, Dagfinn (Senterpartiet)<br />

SVENDSEN, Kenneth (Fremskrittspartiet)<br />

SYVERSEN, Hans Olav (Kristelig Folkeparti)<br />

SØREIDE, Ine Marie E (Høyre)<br />

SØRFONN, Ingebrigt S (Kristelig Folkeparti)<br />

TEIGEN, Dag Ole (Arbeiderpartiet)<br />

TENDEN, Borghild (Venstre)<br />

THOMMESSEN, Olemic (Høyre)<br />

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THOMSEN, Ib (Fremskrittspartiet)<br />

THORKILDSEN, Inga Marte (Sosialistisk Venstreparti)<br />

TRETTEBERGSTUEN, Anette (Arbeiderpartiet)<br />

TYBRING-GJEDDE, Christian (Fremskrittspartiet)<br />

TØRRESDAL, Bjørg (Kristelig Folkeparti)<br />

VAKSDAL, Øyvind (Fremskrittspartiet)<br />

VALLE, Ågot (Sosialistisk Venstreparti)<br />

VALLERSNES, Finn Martin (Høyre)<br />

VEDUM, Trygve S (Senterpartiet)<br />

WICKHOLM, Truls (Arbeiderpartiet)<br />

WIDTH, Per Ove (Fremskrittspartiet)<br />

WOLDSETH, Karin S (Fremskrittspartiet)<br />

ØVERAAS, Eli S (Senterpartiet)<br />

ØYE, Signe (Arbeiderpartiet)<br />

The Norwegian Government Nov AD 2007<br />

Prime Minister:<br />

Mr Jens STOLTENBERG (Arbeiderpartiet)<br />

Minister of Finance:<br />

Ms Kristin HALVORSEN (Sosialistisk Venstreparti)<br />

Minister of Local Government and Regional Development:<br />

Ms Magnhild M KLEPPA (Senterpartiet)<br />

Minister of Foreign Affairs:<br />

Mr Jonas G STØRE (Arbeiderpartiet)<br />

Minister of Defence:<br />

Ms Anne-Grete STRØM-ERICHSEN (Arbeiderpartiet)<br />

Minister of the Environment:<br />

Ms Tora AASLAND (Sosialistisk Venstreparti)<br />

Minister of Petroleum and Energy:<br />

Ms Åslaug HAGA (Senterpartiet)<br />

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Minister of Development Cooperation:<br />

Mr Erik SOLHEIM (Sosialistisk Venstreparti)<br />

Minister of Trade and Industry:<br />

Mr Dag Terje ANDERSEN (Arbeiderpartiet)<br />

Minister of Transport and Communications:<br />

Ms Liv Signe NAVERSETE (Senterpartiet)<br />

Minister of Knowledge:<br />

Mr Bård Vegar SOLHJELL (Sosialistisk Venstreparti)<br />

Minister of Labour and Social Inclusion:<br />

Mr Bjarne Håkon HANSSEN (Arbeiderpartiet)<br />

Minister of Justice:<br />

Mr Knut STORBERGET (Arbeiderpartiet)<br />

Minister of Equality and Consumer Affairs:<br />

Ms Manuela RAMIN-OSMUNDSEN (Arbeiderpartiet)<br />

Minister of Culture and Church Affairs:<br />

Mr Trond GISKE (Arbeiderpartiet)<br />

Minister of Health and Care Services:<br />

Ms Sylvia BRUSTAD (Arbeiderpartiet)<br />

Minister of Renewal:<br />

Ms Heidi G RØYS (Sosialistisk Venstreparti)<br />

Minister of Agriculture and Food:<br />

Mr Terje RIIS-JOHANSEN (Senterpartiet)<br />

Minister of Fisheries and Coastal Affairs:<br />

Ms Helga PEDERSEN (Arbeiderpartiet)<br />

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United Nations petition — incomplete report<br />

A summary appendix to the 2009 edition of<br />

<strong>FORMAL</strong> <strong>COMPLAINT</strong><br />


As for anno 2008, the scandalous and grossly criminal malconduct of Norwegian<br />

authorities throughout the year mirrors and substantially testifies to the<br />

sinistrous but most accurate portrayal found in Formal Complaint vs the<br />

Kingdom of Norway* (*FOCO) pp 196―197.<br />

Whereas a precise and thoroughly verified description of the rotten and assuredly<br />

morbid terrorism waged by Norwegian (senior) civil servants already exist, it<br />

should be synoptically defensible to put forth a somewhat cursory presentation<br />

of a few main events taking place during 2008 and the first trisection of this<br />

year.<br />

May 7―June 20, 2008:<br />

On May 7 Document #9125 and corresponding enclosures (cf Internet Documents<br />

by Wilh. Werner Winther* − *INDO − and the separated document<br />

Impeachment found at www.scribd.com/wwerner778689) are formally handed<br />

over to the notoriously trustless and violently corrupted sheriff office in NO-<br />

Brattvåg.<br />

As for this specific complaint/application and firmly based on broad/inimical<br />

experience with official corruption in general, I cherished no illusions whatsoever<br />

prosecuted authorities would comply with Norwegian law or otherwise<br />

fulfill their juridical obligations according to international covenants/regulations<br />

(cf Doc #9125, p 218)….and sure enough:<br />

When I telephonically contacted the Norwegian Parliament archivist Ms Lene<br />

ANDREASSEN (AO) June 18, she was most astonished to discover Document<br />

#9125 and complemental attachments could be found absolutely nowhere in<br />

their − in other respects − tidy archives! Still somewhat bewildered, Ms<br />

Andreassen asked me to send a copy of Doc #9125 to her fax machine<br />

straightaway….and I did.<br />

June 20 I had a new phone conversation with Ms Andreassen who declared she<br />

had received my fax sending and intended to place Doc #9125 before Mr<br />

Thorbjørn JAGLAND* and/or Mr Inge LØNNING* (*presidents of the<br />

Norwegian Parliament/Lagting, respectively ‒ cf FOCO p 211) that afternoon.<br />

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by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway<br />


United Nations petition — incomplete report<br />

It should surprise nobody harboring even a slightly realistic conception of the<br />

execrable corruption suffusing the Norwegian state apparatus to learn that<br />

heretofore − ie April 16, 2009 − nothing has been heard from Norwegian authorities<br />

in this matter since June 20, 2008…!<br />

An interesting parallel to this established ―shut-up-like-a-clam-policy‖ and<br />

―keep-up-your-appearance-tactic‖ has been described in INDO, p 35 (cf Doc<br />

#377, entry of Aug 26, 2000 ib).<br />

August 26, 2008:<br />

The low-tension distribution lines supplying electricity to my private house in<br />

Åsen 4, NO-Brattvåg, are physically disconnected by representatives of the<br />

highly questionable company Nordvest Nett AS.<br />

While Nordvest Nett AS underhandedly talked their planned sabotage operation<br />

over with my local authority and government employed enemies, no<br />

forewarning whatever was passed on to me….of course!<br />

Nordvest Nett AS later attempted to justify the vandalism by referring to an<br />

electricity bill I neither had paid nor by any manner of means had been informed<br />

about. When it comes to the bill, per se, it quickly − and not unexpectedly −<br />

turned out to be at least three times higher than my actual power consumption<br />

warranted…!<br />

With reference to this foul-smelling matter, it should be emphasized that<br />

Norwegian police officers − doubtlessly with the diabolic blessings of the<br />

Norwegian government/Storting et al − maliciously has manipulated my power<br />

supply accommodations for years as a means of, e.g, sabotaging electric articles<br />

and inducing exorbitant expenditures (cf INDO Doc‘s ##7084, 9257 and 9311<br />

&c).<br />

Moreover, one call attention the off-putting fact a boom truck belonging to<br />

Nordvest Nett AS has been employed in order to facilitate second/third/top floor<br />

Cobweb-installing* (*cf FOCO pp 105, 106, 109 and 111, item INDO pp<br />

105―106 [Doc #3217] etc) − this company is evidently involved in aggravated<br />

criminality and human rights violations advocated and aggressively carried out<br />

by Norwegian authorities, and should be intensely distrusted!<br />

August 28, 2008:<br />

In the middle of the night my neighbor in Åsen 7 (Brattvåg) – Mr Ingolf Peder<br />

ABELSETH* (*cf INDO Doc #5817, p 126) – rapidly develops potentially life-<br />

threatening glossopharyngeal edema as a result of intoxication brought about by<br />

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by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway<br />


United Nations petition — incomplete report<br />

Norwegian officials, and his emergency travel to a nearby hospital is dangerously<br />

impeded by a number of unusual occurrences.<br />

August 29, 2008:<br />

A comprehensive application for political asylum is formally handed in outside<br />

Norwegian borders.<br />

This entry may be subject to future amplifications.<br />

September 05, 2008:<br />

The low-tension distribution lines and corresponding supply point are reconnected<br />

by representatives of Nordvest Nett AS – cf entry of Aug 26, 2008.<br />

This entry may be subject to future amplifications.<br />

September 09, 2008:<br />

An unknown man associated with Norwegian authorities telephonically annoys<br />

Mr Ingolf Peder ABELSETH* (*cf INDO Doc #5817, item entries of Aug 28<br />

2008, Sep 15 2008, Oct 22 2008, Nov 06 2008, Nov 07 2008, Nov 08 2008, Dec<br />

05 2008 and Mar 03 2009) who refuses to talk with him.<br />

September 15, 2008:<br />

This night an explosive fire destroys the detached house privately owned and<br />

inhabited by a married couple related by blood to Mr Ingolf Peder ABELSETH*<br />

(*cf INDO Doc #5817, item entries of Aug 28 2008, Sep 09 2008, Oct 22 2008,<br />

Nov 06 2008, Nov 07 2008, Nov 08 2008, Dec 05 2008 and Mar 03 2009) – the<br />

husband dies in the flames, but his moderately injured and more energetic wife<br />

escapes.<br />

Said couple and one of their sons guested Mr Abelseth habitually, and one of<br />

their granddaughters befriends Ms Kjærsti Elida GUSECK* (*cf INDO, Doc‘s<br />

## 7084 and 8017) as well as the latter‘s mother. Mentioned granddaughter also,<br />

a few days before the fire, visited Mr Abelseth in order to rent an apartment in<br />

his house.<br />

220<br />

<strong>FORMAL</strong> <strong>COMPLAINT</strong> VS THE KINGDOM OF NORWAY<br />

by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway<br />


United Nations petition — incomplete report<br />

In the afternoon, when described fire had been extinguished, Mr Sigmund<br />

Martin EKREM* (*cf INDO, Doc‘s ##214 and 1536 &c) – next-door-neighbor<br />

of the burnt-out-ruins – decided to inspect the optical smoke alarm/detector<br />

affixed to the ceiling in the hall next to his kitchen and sitting room….and<br />

immediately discovers someone very recently – probably the day before – has<br />

removed/stolen his only security device!<br />

Now – to cut the matter short; we strongly believe Mr Ekrem‘s smoke alarm/<br />

detector was stolen by the same Norwegian Police ―Security‖ Service officers<br />

burglarizing the burned house less than 14 hours before the actual fire broke out,<br />

and we‘re absolutely convinced indicated police officers are perfectly identical<br />

with two of the slimy psychopaths terrorizing Mr Abelseth and myself…!<br />

Furthermore one believe we‘re dealing with most willful and aggravated arson,<br />

and emphasize that the Norwegian Police ―Security‖ Service has under-the-table<br />

access to a number of incendiary systems and – vg – acid/water/sugar based<br />

ignition/delay mechanisms leaving no documentable traces.<br />

October 21, 2008:<br />

A few applications for political asylum are formally/personally submitted to<br />

embassies in Oslo.<br />

This entry may be subject to future amplifications.<br />

October 22, 2008:<br />

Mr Ingolf Peder ABELSETH* (*cf entry of August 28, 2008) has repetitively/<br />

telephonically been harassed by an unknown man somehow associated with<br />

Norwegian authorities.<br />

November 06, 2008:<br />

Mr Ingolf Peder ABELSETH* (*cf INDO Doc #5817, item entries of Aug 28<br />

2008, Sep 09 2008, Sep 15 2008, Oct 22 2008, Nov 07 2008, Nov 08 2008, Nov<br />

24 2008, Dec 05 2008 and Mar 03 2009) has been invited to dinner by his<br />

officially appointed support person, Mr Kjell KALVØY (NO-Brattvåg).<br />

Mr Abelseth is away from his home several hours today, and psychopathic<br />

officials seizes the opportunity to – once again – break into his private dwelling<br />

house in Åsen 7, Brattvåg.<br />

221<br />

<strong>FORMAL</strong> <strong>COMPLAINT</strong> VS THE KINGDOM OF NORWAY<br />

by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway<br />


November 07, 2008:<br />

United Nations petition — incomplete report<br />

Mr Ingolf Peder ABELSETH* (*cf INDO Doc #5817, item entries of Aug 28<br />

2008, Sep 09 2008, Sep 15 2008, Oct 22 2008, Nov 06 2008, Nov 08 2008, Nov<br />

24, 2008, Dec 05 2008 and Mar 03 2009 ) shows the first symptoms of the<br />

recurrent poisoning continuing till his death about four months later.<br />

November 08, 2008:<br />

I was making for my own home in Åsen 4 when I – at 07:45 PM – recognized<br />

that the light had been switched on in the untenanted and normally empty<br />

basement in Åsen 7, Brattvåg (I had visited corresponding house half an hour<br />

ago, and positively knew the actual light in the laundry room had been turned<br />

off when I left).<br />

A speedy investigation testified to the fact somebody had entered and left the<br />

basement through a locked and practically unused door a few minutes earlier.<br />

On the first floor Mr Ingolf Peder ABELSETH* (*cf INDO Doc #5817, item<br />

entries of Aug 28 2008, Sep 09 2008, Sep 15 2008, Oct 22 2008, Nov 07 2008,<br />

Nov 24 2008, Dec 05 2008 and Mar 03 2009) – the only resident and owner of<br />

the house – peacefully watched television completely unaware someone just had<br />

broken into his dwelling (Mr Abelseth was born in 1918, and depended on a<br />

walking chair and hearing aids – in the course of the year he had, with great<br />

efforts, entered the basement only once).<br />

Well, booby-trapped/contaminated or not – for safety‘s sake I decided to steer<br />

clear of the basement for a couple of days…!<br />

November 24, 2008:<br />

Mr Ingolf Peder ABELSETH* (*cf INDO Doc #5817, item entries of Aug 28<br />

2008, Sep 09 2008, Sep 15 2008, Oct 22 2008, Nov 07 2008, Nov 08 2008, Dec<br />

05 2008 and Mar 03 2009) is somewhat disquieted this afternoon, because in the<br />

morning – around 08:00 AM – he‘d discovered a great number of huge<br />

footprints in his private garden.<br />

It had snowed quite a bit between 02 and 03 AM that night, and the tracks left<br />

by the paper boy about 05:15 AM had partially destroyed some of the intruder‘s<br />

larger/deeper footmarks….so, as the latter prints was covered by a thin snow<br />

layer, the uninvited guest had prowled around just before 03:00 AM studying<br />

the basement windows in Åsen 7, Brattvåg!<br />

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by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway<br />


United Nations petition — incomplete report<br />

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by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway<br />


United Nations petition — incomplete report<br />

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by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway<br />


United Nations petition — incomplete report<br />

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<strong>FORMAL</strong> <strong>COMPLAINT</strong> VS THE KINGDOM OF NORWAY<br />

by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway<br />


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