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  1. Collections
  2. Inspired by Georges Seurat

Inspired by Georges Seurat

Georges Seurat
Painter - France
1888 - 1891

Who was Georges Seurat?

Seurat was a French post-Impressionist artist best known for devising the painting techniques known as chromoluminarism as well as being a champion of pointillism, the composition of a painting using small dots instead of brush strokes.

Having been inspired by the treatises on color, optical effects and perception written by scientists such as Eugène Chevreul, Seurat applied these theories to his approach to painting. He believed that by studying the relationship between colors, particularly those on opposite sides of the color wheel, a painter could create true harmony and emotion in art.

For example, to create a sense of happiness in his paintings Seurat would use predominantly warm and luminous hues, whereas a sense of calm could be achieved by balancing light and dark shades and cool and warm tones. 

Georges Seurat's most famous artworks

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The most famous artworks by Georges Seurat

Le Cirque, Georges Seurat 1891 - SINGULART

Le Cirque

Un dimanche après-midi à l'Île de la Grande Jatte, Georges Seurat 1984-6 - SINGULART

Un dimanche après-midi à l'Île de la Grande Jatte

Une baignade à Asnières, Georges Seurat 1983-4 - SINGULART

Une baignade à Asnières


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