5 reasons why United Nude needs a place in your wardrobe

5 reasons why United Nude needs a place in your wardrobe

The House of Shoes has been home to United Nude in Australia since February 2020. This award winning designer brand from Amsterdam has been on my radar since 2012 after discovering them on a trip to Amsterdam and visiting one of their concept stores. 

Most of our regular customers will know my back-story relating to The House of Shoes, but for those who don't, I fell in love with shoes after working for the store's previous owners Denis and Jo Penny between 2005 and 2007, and again for a brief period in 2010. It was with this instilled love of shoes that I walked into United Nude's concept store in Amsterdam and was completely in awe of the brand's unique footwear designs, use of colour, texture and materials. I walked out with two new pairs!

Since then I have purchased a couple of United Nude shoes from their online store, but shipping and exchange rate costs, not to mention a difficult to navigate exchange/returns process was a barrier. Therefore, when I purchased The House of Shoes in early 2018 I started to tease with the idea of importing the brand into Australia. Those wild ideas have finally come to fruition, and with it I want to share my love of the brand with you. 

Here are five reasons why you need a pair of United Nude shoes in your wardrobe:


1. They're an affordable designer brand

When most people think of 'designer brands', they imagine spending $1000s on designer footwear (e.g. Fendi). Not with United Nude. We've hand-picked their most popular styles, all retailing between $350-$600.

2. You won't see them walking down the street

In the fashion and footwear industries you see copies everywhere. You can be guaranteed that your new United Nude shoes will not be walking down the street towards you! Their designs are trademarked and protected.

3. They work with any occasion

Take the Delta Run sandal, for example, this would be a perfect everyday sandal, but could also be worn out at night. 

4. You'll be the envy of your friends

Trust me, United Nude shoes turn heads! Whilst being comfortable for all-day wear, you'll also have the added advantage of being the envy of your friends and work colleagues. 

5. They don't date

Lastly, United Nude shoes follow their own fashion, so in a way, they never go out of fashion! The Delta Run sandal and Fold styles have been in their collection for several seasons. They look modern and edgy now, just as much as they did ten years ago. Essentially, you're buying a pair of shoes for now and the future. You'll be wanting to wear them every season. 

You won't be disappointed!