Weed of the Week: Thunbergia alata (Black-Eyed Susan)

Some weeds are so pretty yet have the ability to wreak havoc on our environment.

Such is the dilemma of the not-so delightful Black-Eyed Susan with its ability to run rampant in all sorts of situations from bushlands to waterways.

It not only spreads and reproduces by seed but also vegetatively via fragments of its roots and stems making it a very difficult one to contain.

Be sure to check out all of Brooke’s other Weeds of the Week via the slideshow and links below:

Impatiens Spp.
(Busy Lizzie, Balsam)
Ardisia crenata
(Christmas Berry)
Cinnamomum camphora
(Camphor Laurel)
Dolichandra ungues-cacti
(Cats Claw Creeper)
Lantana camara
Bryophyllum delangoense
(Mother of Millions)
Asparagus aethiopicus ‘Spengeri’
(Ground Asparagus Fern)
Asparagus aethiopicus
(Climbing Asparagus Fern)
Sphagneticola trilobata
(Singapore Daisy)
Salvina molesta
Anredera cordifoli
(Madeira Vine)
Araujia sericifera
(Moth Vine)
Aristolochia elegans
(Dutchman’s Pipe)
Senna pendula var glabrata
(Easter Cassia)
Ipomoea circa
(Coastal Morning Glory)
Vigna luteola
(Dalrymple Vigna)
Bacharis halimifolia
(Groundsel Bush)
Solanum chrysotrichum
(Giant Devil’s Fig)
Macroptilium atropurpureum
Passiflora suberosa
(Corky Passionfruit Vine)