Allium stipitatum “Mount Everest”

Persian shallot

Allium stipitatum “Mount Everest” is a white flowering cultivar of Allium stipitatum. This leek blooms here in Europe in May and June and can grow up to 1.2 meters high, depending on the location. The leaves can wither as soon as the flowers open.

Allium stipitatum Mount Everest

Popular name(s): Persian shallot
Botanical name: Allium stipitatum “Mount Everest”
Family: Amaryllidaceae
Origin: The wild type is native to Asia (source).
Height: 70 to 120 centimeters
USDA zone: 7 (10.4 °F/-12 °C)
Poisonous: No

Allium stipitatum Mount Everest

Allium stipitatum Mount Everest

Allium stipitatum Mount Everest

Categories: Garden plants | White flowers |

More species from the Amaryllidaceae / amaryllis family