Jenglot — A Bloodthirsty Doll

2 min readJan 25, 2020

A Jenglot is a distorted humanoid animal in Indonesian culture and folklore. It is portrayed as looking much like a minor, living human doll and is sometimes said to have human form. There isn’t much data on the creature preceding 1997 and from that point forward have turned into somewhat of a wonder. Regardless of whether it is genuine or man-made it a matter of debate. Their bodies are withered and emphatically look like little mummies or little vampiric voodoo dolls and will evidently vanish instantly whenever tossed into the water.


The story behind the Jenglot is that they are the group of somebody who passed on, whose body was rejected by the earth after burial. Because of the rejection, their body shrinks into small sizes. They are reputed to have heavenly powers. It is said however that the Jenglot must be fed blood of animals or birds and even humans or terrible things will happen to the individual possessing the Jenglot. If the Jenglot is fed the blood of animals and if the individual can keep up the Blood-feeding tradition ritual for the Jenglot then the creature is said to provide immunity to its owner from bad fortune and illness.

The owner of the Jenglot feeds the creature with blood from animals or birds or even human blood. To get the human, they have to get it legally from the Indonesian Red Cross. It is said that the Jenglot does not consume the blood directly, instead, they need to be placed near the blood, but the Jenglot does not move or touch the blood. It is said that the Jenglot will get the nutrients from the blood in its own way. Some say that the creatures come alive when no one is watching it and consumes the blood. And one drop of blood is enough for each period.

To know the origin of the legends of Jenglot, read The Origin of Jenglot And the Myths about it.




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