Bunker decor by Severinka Created for: The Sims 4
A set of decor for the design of the bunker in the style of post-apocalypse.
The set includes 12 objects:
- fire extinguisher
- metal bucket
- wooden box v01
- wooden box v02
- paper box
- metall box...

Bunker decor by Severinka

Created for: The Sims 4

A set of decor for the design of the bunker in the style of post-apocalypse.

The set includes 12 objects:


- fire extinguisher
- metal bucket
- wooden box v01
- wooden box v02
- paper box
- metall box big
- metall box small
- preserve
- old Teddy bear
- old wooden horse toy
- posters (2 wariants)

DL: http://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/1487616


Bunker furniture

Bunker equipment