... Agrippa Cmnomnts Monument 5 mihoe ja H09 ndly bas Temple of Nike Apteros nugod zaw Pelasgic Wall .. Buildings completed 5th . & 4th . Century B.C ...... P S.W Wing ( completed ) N. E. Hall Roman 121 Cistern ( projected ) Front O S.W. ...
This volume catalogues and interprets the sculptural, glyptic, numismatic and epigraphic evidence for "damnatio memoriae" and ultimately reveals its praxis to be at the core of Roman cultural identity.
... Agrippa . 17. b . vir ingentis animi , tate- tur se multum debere fententiæ Salusti- anæ de concordia , 131.b M ... miho . 60.6 . miflionem dare .. fine miffione ad pugnam vocare . Mithridates Atmeniæ rex inter Caianas cuftodias ...