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It is a low maintenance plant with medium to rapid growth and prefers full sun to partial shade. If planted in the shade, it will have unattractive leggy stems.
Award-winning Phlomis fruticosa (Jerusalem Sage) is a small spreading semi-evergreen shrub with architectural whorls of deep golden-yellow, hooded flowers ...
Phlomis fruticosa (Jerusalem Sage) - A large, multi-stemmed, broad shrub growing to about 4 feet tall and wide with 2 to 3 inch long lance-shaped, ...
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It is a small evergreen shrub, up to 1 m (3 ft) tall by 1.5 m (5 ft) wide. The sage-like, aromatic leaves are oval, 5–10 cm (2-4ins) long, wrinkled, grey
Phlomis fruticosa, commonly called Jerusalem sage, is native to the Mediterranean. It is a pubescent, mounding, shrubby perennial that grows to 2-4' tall ...
Used as a specimen or blended with Nepeta 'Walker's Low' or Wood Oats, Phlomis fruticosa will provide bold color and form. Blooms June–August. Size: 4' 0" high ...
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Phlomis fruticosa, or Jerusalem Sage, makes wide clumps of evergreen finger-shaped, heavily-textured foliage topped with yellow, snapdragon-like flowers.
A Mediterranean native perennial shrub with upright stems clothed in soft and woolly, lance-shaped, gray-green foliage.
This woody perennial forms a large spreading plant to 4′ tall and 5′ wide in full sun and rich to average well drained soil. Regular light summer water- to ...
A small, spreading evergreen shrub, the erect shoots bearing sage-like, grey-green ovate leaves to 12cm in length.