Showing results for Philip Meyers precision journalism
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Philip Meyer's work in precision journalism established a new and ongoing trend-the use by reporters of social science research techniques to increase the ...
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Philip Meyer's work in precision journalism established a new and ongoing trend-the use by reporters of social science research techniques to increase the ...
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Meyer (journalism, U. of North Carolina at Chapel Hill) advocates for the use of social science research methods in the reporting of news stories.
Rating (10) · In stock
Philip Meyer's work in precision journalism established a new and ongoing trend-the use by reporters of social science research techniques to increase the ...
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Philip Meyer (October 27, 1930 – November 4, 2023) was an American journalist and scholar who was a professor and holder of the Knight Chair in Journalism
Precision Journalism: A Reporter's Introduction to Social Science Methods

Precision Journalism: A Reporter's Introduction to Social Science Methods

Book by Philip Meyer
Philip Meyer's work in precision journalism established a new and ongoing trend-the use by reporters of social science research techniques to increase the depth and accuracy of major stories. ... Google Books
Originally published: 1973
Author: Philip Meyer
Nov 8, 2023 · Philip Meyer, a former reporter who pioneered new ways to incorporate data, quantitative methods and computers into investigative journalism, died on Saturday.
Feb 23, 2024 · He wrote several books on journalism in addition to “Precision Journalism,” including “The Vanishing Newspaper: Saving Journalism in the ...
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Philip Meyer's work in precision journalism established a new and ongoing trend-the use by reporters of social science research techniques to increase the ...
Philip Meyer, a pioneer of computer-assisted reporting, was teaching journalism students about statistical analysis as an investigative method.
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Precision Journalism. Philip Meyer, the father of computer-assisted reporting, talks about how the 1967 Detroit riot led to the creation of precision journalism ...
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